Ready, Set, SOLD! with Bryan Vogt

Bryan Vogt
Ready, Set, SOLD! with Bryan Vogt Podcast

Bryan Vogt is a lifelong resident of the Metro East Illinois communities of St. Louis. As a licensed real estate broker for almost two decades, Bryan has seen and heard it all and now his book “Ready, Set, Sold!: 12 Proven Steps to Sell Your House Fast and for Top Dollar in St. Louis Metro East” is an Amazon #1 Best Seller. Bryan will help you navigate through buying or selling your next home.

  1. 31/08/2020

    You won’t find the true value of your home on Zillow! And I will tell you why!

    View the Video version of this Episode at: Hi everyone! The market is going crazy! Because of the low low inventory, we’re experiencing, and the historic low-interest rates that buyers are taking advantage of. Sellers that are putting their house on the market are getting rewarded with great pricing and fast sales! What kind of pricing or they getting? I recently sold a home that would have sold for two hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars last year. This year, three hundred and twenty-five thousand it sold for! Another home that would have sold for two hundred and twenty-five thousand last year, sold for almost two hundred and fifty thousand this year in less than a week! However, many experts are saying that next year’s market is going to take a turn for the worse! Having been in the business as long as I have, I think that even if there is a turn, in won’t be as bad as what many are saying. But many sellers aren’t taking that chance and are deciding to sell now! And there or some sellers that are deciding to sell now to get top dollar and then rent for a year. That’s right. I know of more than a few sellers that are doing that. They are betting that the market is going to go down next year. So, they will have sold at the top of the market this year and bought at the lower end of the market next year. Who knows? The trouble is most homeowners don’t have an accurate way of knowing what the true value of their home is! Zillow is not the answer. Let me repeat that! Zillow is not the answer! There never right! I have seen them be off as much a one hundred thousand dollars on a home! So, what is the answer? For years now I have been offering a free CMA every year to all of my clients, friends, and family. So, they have accurate information on the true value, for what most people consider their biggest asset. Their home! The process is amazingly simple. Especially if I sold them the house, I need to know what improvements or updates they have made since they’ve lived there. And then I Schedule a thirty-minute meeting with them in person or on zoom to go over the numbers. Now if I haven’t seen their home before. To make sure I am giving them accurate information I strongly suggest we meet at their home for thirty minutes or so. And that’s it! The response from clients has been so overwhelmingly positive and appreciated for this free service. I have decided to offer this free service to the general public for a limited time! If you have a home in the metro-east. And you want a free CMA to find out what your house is worth in this amazing market were in. Just call or text me today at 618-210-2451. So, you can find out the actual value of your home! Not a estimate Until next time Make it a great day!

    4 min
  2. 24/08/2020

    3 musts buyers need to know to succeed in this market!

    View the Video version of this Episode at: Hi everyone!  If 2020 has taught us anything! Things can change fast! And so, can the real estate market! Especially when it comes to buying your dream home! Because home inventories are still very low and interest rates are still at historic lows. The demand for homes is still very strong. Here are three musts every buyer needs to know to have the success they deserve when buying their dream home in today’s market! 1. Proof of funding letter. Without one. Buyers won’t have to worry if they put a strong enough offer in. Because the sellers won’t even look at it! To avoid this frustration. All buyers need to do is contact a top local lender before putting and offer in. And in a very short period of time. Usually with in twenty-four to forty-eight hours buyers will have the proof of funding letter they need to buy the home of their dreams! 2. Take action now! After buyers have narrowed the list of homes down to three. Then go get your home! I cannot tell you how many stories I have heard about fantastic buyers who waited. Only to find out that there dream home was gone not only before they could put an offer in. But before they could even see it. Make sure that’s not you and take action now! 3. Make a strong offer! Just recently I heard of some amazing buyers who had their proof of funding letter, took action! However, even though they both totally loved the home and thought it was priced great. But They decided to offer something like 10 grand less than asking. Just to see what would happen. What happened is their offer was dead on arrival because two other stronger offers were already ahead of them! So, when buyers see a home they want! Put in a strong offer to get it! The good news with those buyers. After they were kind of kicking themselves on not putting in a strong enough offer. They did eventually get a great home that they now enjoy tremendously!! By using these three tips. You will have amazing success in today’s market! And if you happen know anyone looking to buy. Have them call or text me at 618-210-2451. I would love to help them! Until next time Make it a great day!

    4 min
  3. Why I joined exp?


    Why I joined exp?

    View the Video version of this Episode at:   Hi everyone! Having been at a traditional brick and mortar office for most of my 19-year real estate career. I recently moved my business to Exp three main reasons! #1 Exp's Generous Commission Splits Every agent at Exp is treated equally with an 80/20 split. Which caps each year at $16,000. After that agents earn 100% of their commission for the remainder of their anniversary year! Also, Exp doesn’t have any desk fees, franchise fees, or royalty fees for their agents to pay! Unfortunately, most agents that are in a traditional brick and mortar franchises are still having to pay those fee’s for offices that sadly, have been closed for months! #2 They're an Online brokerage with an Amazing Culture Because Exp agents are online they work from the comfort of their homes. Avoiding the traffic delays, the long drives, and the inclement weather that many agents still must suffer thru. 80 hrs. a week of live online training is what Exp offers its agents by some of the top instructors and mega teams and agents in the country. Where they share useful tips and systems to help all Exp agents have the success that they want! Exp agents enjoy incredible online tools that can help explode their business! One quick example is a powerful CRM that is becoming a lead generating machine for tons of agents within the company! The culture that the company promotes, starts with the amazing top professionals it has on its staff! With only one job in mind! How can they better serve the agents! One of the biggest roadblocks for many new agents to get into real estate and even some seasoned agents to stay. Is not having access to good healthcare! Exp has solved that problem! By offering its U S agents not only innovative but low-cost healthcare options. #3 The Residual Income and Stock Opportunities that Exp Agents enjoy! Imagine building a team of agents like I am, along with many other Exp agents. To create amazing amounts of residual income. Month after month! Year after year after year. By simply attracting and sponsoring producing agents into the company While still having time to run my real estate business the way that I want! There are five ways agents can earn even more residual income at Exp! Thru their amazing stock opportunities, they have for their agents! By simply sponsoring a new agent that closes their first deal! The first closed deal you have at the start of your new anniversary year! by capping each year, by agents taking 5 % of your gross commission and buying stock at a 10% discount, becoming an ICON agent and earning back your whole cap in stock! These are my top three reasons why I joined If you would like any information or have any questions regarding this unbelievable company. Call or text me at 618-210-2451 Since I currently now have three to five agents call or text me every day either wanting to know more information about this amazing company. Or how they can sign up! I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can! If one of my team members sent this video to you, I am happy to help answer your questions before signing you up with them. Until next time! Make it a great day!

    4 min
  4. Why August is such a great time to list your home?


    Why August is such a great time to list your home?

    View the Video version of this Episode at:…o-list-your-home/ Look before I give you the answer to the question of why August is a great time to sell. I understand that there are some homeowners that may want to sell but they have concerns about their future. Maybe it is with their job are other factors that now is not the right time to sell. I get it. However, if that is not you! Then this August is truly a great time to sell. Not for just one reason! But for three reasons! Here are three top reasons sellers are having such great success in August! Reason #1 Low low inventory of available homes for buyers! There has been a shortage of homes for months now! Thru out the entire metro east! But the good news is there has not been a shortage of buyers. Sellers or having great success in not only selling for top dollar but fast! And, in some cases, getting multiple offers which usually means getting over asking price! Putting even more money in sellers’ pockets! Reason #2 Interest rates are still at Historic lows! Buyers get that! They understand that over the course of the loan that they have the potential to save thousands and thousands of dollars! That is real money that buyers get to put in their pocket! Reason #3 You outside staging is done! The bushes and trees have all been trimmed! The grass is as green as it’s going to get. Everything is in bloom. The pool is open, the patio furniture is still, and all the mulch that is going down is already been done! Making it a snap for sellers to get their homes on the market! Say if you know anyone looking to sell this month. Please have them giving me a call! I would love to to help them! Until next time! Make it a great day!

    3 min
  5. What are the Three Top Reasons to live in Swansea?


    What are the Three Top Reasons to live in Swansea?

    View the Video version of this Episode at:   Hi everyone! Thanks for joining me! What are the Three Top Reasons to live in Swansea?   Reason # 1 Centennial Park just off Rt 161. I cannot tell you how many people I know that have no idea how beautiful a park this really is! Look it does not have tennis courts or ball fields or a playground for the kids. But what it does have something that I think is even more important! Peace and quiet. And we can all use some of that with the world were living in now. With a beautiful walking trail that is great for just a leisurely walk with your partner or your pet. To its great bicycle trail that runs for miles in and out of the park also. This by for is one of my favorite parks in the area! And it is also my first top reason for living in Swansea!   Reason #2 Swansea has one of the largest price ranges for home buyers to choose from in the metro east. If you are looking for the best of the best in luxury homes. Look no further than Swansea! But if you are looking for some fantastic starter homes for first time home buyers. It has that too! With such a great selection makes a great place for families to live!   Reason #3 The school districts! Wolfbranch School is, and has been always been considered, one of the best schools in the entire metro east for years! It is, in my personal and professional opinion, one of the main reasons so many military buyers live in Swansea. However, Highmount School in Swansea, has also won many awards in the past in it’s own right! That is my Three Top Reasons why Swansea is such a great place to live! But I would love to know why you think Swansea is a great place to live also! Please feel to comment down below! By the way, if you know of anyone who is looking to buy or sell in Swansea. Please have them contact me. I would love to help them!   Until next time! Make it a great day!

    4 min
  6. What are the three top reasons to live in O’Fallon?


    What are the three top reasons to live in O’Fallon?

    View the Video version of this Episode at:   Hi everyone! Thanks for joining me today for another episode of Ready Set Sold! Where we talk about everything real estate in the Metro East! We are located at O’Fallon Community Park in the heart of O’Fallon. And it is also my number one reason for living in O’Fallon! Having lived in the metro-east all my life this is definitely is one of my favorite parks. It hosts Swimming pool Ball parks Tennis courts And much much more. Pavilions that you can rent to host family reunions and the city also host many events here during the year! Reason #2 How close Scott Air Force Base is to O’Fallon! From your front door to your office door is five minutes away! I have the good fortune to work with 100’s and 100’s of military buyers and by far one of the main reasons they move is here is for that reason alone! Reason #3 The variety of homes that buyers have to choose from! Whether you are looking for a 4000 or even 5000 square home with a pool and finished basement and every other amenity you think of. It has it in spades! But it is also great for first time home buyers too! It has such a wide variety for them to choose also. And located in fantastic subdivisions also!   These are just three great reasons why O’Fallon is such a great place to live. Time doesn’t permit me to go into all the terrific schools the city has. And the fact it is 10 minutes from downtown St Louis or practically anywhere!   Those are my top reasons, but I am sure you have your own. I would love if you would drop below in the comment box why you think O’Fallon is such a great place to live!   Until next time! Make it a great day!

    4 min
  7. Why this July is a great time to sell your house than ever before?


    Why this July is a great time to sell your house than ever before?

    View the Video version of this Episode at:   Hi everyone thanks for joining me on another episode of Ready Set Sold! Where we talk everything real estate in the metro east! Today we are answering the question “Why July is great time to sell your house than ever before?” I have had the good fortune to sell 100’s and 100’s of houses in the summer months. And I can tell you from firsthand experience, July it is a great time to sell and buy! But this year maybe the best in my almost 20 years of selling real estate. For three main reasons Reason #1 We are in summer. Look I have lived in the metro east all my life and even though June is the official start of summer. July is when the heat kicks in! Which means all your outdoor staging work is practically done! The pool is open and let me tell you. Buyers tend to appreciate pools just a little more the hotter it is. Also, the patio furniture is already out, the bushes are already trimmed, and the grass is of course as green as it is going to get. Making putting your house on the market that much easier! Reason #2 The month of July since I have been in real estate has been in the month where people take vacations. But given are current circumstances our country has been going thru. Not too many people, unfortunately, are going to be going on one this July. Meaning even more buyers will be turning their interest in buying their dream home than ever before this month! Which in this market means not only getting full price for your biggest asset, your home. But maybe even getting a little more for sellers to put in their pockets! Reason #3 Interest rates are at an historic low! More and more Buyers are wanting to take advantage of this. So, they can save 1000’s and 1000’s of dollars over the length of their loan. And with home inventory at historic lows! You have a win win situation for buyers to take advantage of the rates and sellers selling faster and for top dollar than ever before! And that is just 3 of the many reasons why this July in particular. Is a great time to sell your house! Who do you know now looking to take advantage of the amazing market we are in. Have them call or text me at 618-210-2451 and let’s have a conversation on how I get top dollar and a fast sa

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Bryan Vogt is a lifelong resident of the Metro East Illinois communities of St. Louis. As a licensed real estate broker for almost two decades, Bryan has seen and heard it all and now his book “Ready, Set, Sold!: 12 Proven Steps to Sell Your House Fast and for Top Dollar in St. Louis Metro East” is an Amazon #1 Best Seller. Bryan will help you navigate through buying or selling your next home.

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