Recalculating- Using Critical Thinking for Life Decisions

Ilana Krause & Lee Krause
بودكاست ‫Recalculating- Using Critical Thinking for Life Decisions‬

How do you make the big decisions in your life — such as what job to take, whether to stay in a relationship, or whether to make that move? Are you the analytical type who makes lists of the pros and cons? Are you the intuitive type who goes with your gut? Are you the fatalist who lets circumstances decide for you? Does making important decisions sometimes feel like a random, hit-or-miss proposition? “Recalculating” is all about utilizing the decision-making process to make you the most effective decision-maker you can be. This includes leveraging your skills and experiences to pivot when opportunity knocks and finding shortcuts to achieving your goals.



How do you make the big decisions in your life — such as what job to take, whether to stay in a relationship, or whether to make that move? Are you the analytical type who makes lists of the pros and cons? Are you the intuitive type who goes with your gut? Are you the fatalist who lets circumstances decide for you? Does making important decisions sometimes feel like a random, hit-or-miss proposition? “Recalculating” is all about utilizing the decision-making process to make you the most effective decision-maker you can be. This includes leveraging your skills and experiences to pivot when opportunity knocks and finding shortcuts to achieving your goals.

للاستماع إلى حلقات ذات محتوى فاضح، قم بتسجيل الدخول.

اطلع على آخر مستجدات هذا البرنامج

قم بتسجيل الدخول أو التسجيل لمتابعة البرامج وحفظ الحلقات والحصول على آخر التحديثات.

تحديد بلد أو منطقة

أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط، والهند

آسيا والمحيط الهادئ


أمريكا اللاتينية والكاريبي

الولايات المتحدة وكندا