
Meg Brunson
FamilyPreneur® Podcast

FamilyPreneur® is the podcast for family-first entrepreneurs building profitable and progressive businesses. By simplifying & streamlining business strategies, FamilyPreneurs are spending previously unimagined amounts of time making memories with their families - and less time stressed over business.FamilyPreneur® is hosted by Meg Brunson, a former Facebook employee who left the corporate world to pursue entrepreneurship and be more present with her family. She now runs her business from the road, traveling full-time with her family, RV'ing throughout the United States, and making unbelievable memories together.You may have no desire to squeeze your family into a 35' trailer and tow it coast-to-coast... and that's okay - these lessons and strategies are will help you build the business and the lifestyle that you dream of - whatever that looks like.The big thing you have to remember is to take action after the episode ends - and the best way to follow through is by joining us inside of the FamilyPreneur® Business Accelerator - where we work, win, celebrate, and grow... together.Head to » « to join us today!Meg & guests of FamilyPreneur® are actively working towards becoming more intentionally inclusive. We support anti-racist initiatives & equality for all gender identities, expressions, & orientations.We believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in our own learning to fulfill this role.We hope you'll give us a listen, subscribe, and review this podcast - to help others decide to listen in... Because we're stronger together. 💕

  1. 31/08/2022

    Rethinking Education: Teacher/Parent Created Small Schools with Cindy Lumpkin

    If you are a teacher who has not lost your passion for teaching, but still wants to teach? Are you a parent who has lost your belief in the educational system, but still values your children being around at least a small group of kids? If so, this session may be for you. We are taking it back to the one-room schoolhouse where teachers had the autonomy to choose their curriculum, flexibility of their time, and freedom to make the best choices for their students’ individual needs. In this session, you will be provided with an overview of what's needed to start your own small school. In This Episode You'll Learn The difference between Homeschooling and starting a small school Exploring a niche Mindset: preparing to start a school Cindy Lumpkin, also known as The LD Coach, is a teacher-turned-school founder. She resigned her post in a large urban school district in 2011 after having been a successful special education teacher, including a co-teacher, and administrator, leading over 12 special education teachers and paraprofessionals to pursue being a stay-home mom and eventually running Triumph in Life, Inc., a non-profit organization she founded and operates Triumph School under. The mission is to inspire and educate those with Dyslexia and other learning disabilities. She also runs a Youtube channel, self-titled, where she inspires, advocates, and educates teachers and those with learning differences. Connect with Cindy Website -  Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Learn more about the FamilyPreneur Business Accelerator and join today at »« I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role. »Read My Full DEI Statement HERE«

    24 min
  2. 24/08/2022

    Managing Time & Priorities: Stepping up as CEO of your Business with Ashley Kang

    It's time to quit feeling like an overwhelmed and disgruntled employee of your business and step into your CEO shoes. You know that you need time to step away from being in the daily hustle of the business so you can work on the business-building tasks - and still have a personal life. So how do you identify where to focus your energy, and how do you find time to be the CEO?  In This Episode You'll Learn To: Review your business mission, vision, and values often to help set focus and direction - and filter all your decisions through them so you know you're actually making headway on your goals. Set an action plan for your next year based on your goals. Break things down into tangible action pieces. Put it someplace you'll see it every day and actively interact with it - don't just bury and forget about it! Start practicing a weekly CEO day so you have time to rest, plan/strategize, and get your CEO responsibilities taken care of. Ashley is the hype woman for the service provider looking to regain clarity, sanity, and time back so they can grow as the CEO of their business and make an impact. AHK Business Management was born out of her desire to bring strategy, systems, and action planning together in a holistic way. Ashley is passionate about creating and prioritizing tangible action steps to get business owners unstuck and out of their own heads, all so they can stop feeling like a disgruntled employee in their own business and step into their CEO shoes. Join Ashley's Weekly Email Series: Becoming The CEO  Becoming the CEO: the weekly email series for coaches and service providers who want to manage their time and create space to grow their businesses. Join Here: Connect with Ashley Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Learn more about the FamilyPreneur Business Accelerator and join today at »« I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role. »Read My Full DEI Statement HERE«

    33 min
  3. 17/08/2022

    Getting it Done in a Day with VIP Day Expert, Jordan Gill

    Jordan Gill, VIP Day expert at Systems Saved Me, joins me to talk about the unique opportunities that offering VIP Days bring to your business. Jordan shares her story of overwhelm in her first year of business, and how it led her to seek a different business model - one that allowed her to work efficiently and quickly to get tasks done, and not have deadlines constantly looming in the background. Once Jordan began offering VIP days, her whole business changed, and she found an alignment that she didn't know could exist. Now, she's spilling all her secrets with us in this episode and at the upcoming Done in a Day Virtual Summit. In This Episode You'll Learn » What exactly a VIP Day is, and how they can help you turn your monthly retainer fees into a "Done in a Day" fee... so you can work 2-4 days per MONTH. » What types of businesses are best suited for offering VIP Days - it may surprise you! » What to offer as your VIP Day » Options for Introverts - VIP Days don't have to be on Zoom or in-person! » How VIP Days benefit busy parent entrepreneurs » How marketing is different with VIP Days when compared to marketing for retainer clients. SAVE $10 On Your Ticket to the Done In A Day Virtual Summit You are cordially invited to the End of Summer VIP Day Party the Done In a Day™ Virtual Conference. If you want to: Learn how to create a VIP Day out of the services you’re already offering in your business… Learn how to sell said VIP Day like the royalty that you are… Network with hundreds of savvy business owners who get what you do & are eager to become your biz bestie, referral partner, or even VIP Day client… Then you are not going to want to miss out on this event! Get $10 off when you register today at and join us Sept 5-6th. Meet Jordan Gill Jordan Gill is a 7-Figure Business Strategist whose mission is for high-achieving business owners to prioritize rest without sacrificing revenue! She’s helped over 400 coaches and consultants work with clients only 4 days a month with VIP Days! When she’s not spreading the gospel of VIP Days, she’s working on one of her thousand-piece jigsaw puzzles or traveling the world with her husband and bonus son. Learn more about Jordan or VIP Days at or Instagram at Grab your FREE VIP Day Roadmap below! Learn the 9 steps to VIP Day domination and the 3 biggest conversion killers when offering VIP Days Get your FREE VIP Day Roadmap at: Connect with Jordan Website - Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - LinkedIn - Learn more about the FamilyPreneur Business Accelerator and join today at »« I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role. »Read My Full DEI Statement HERE«

    36 min
  4. 10/08/2022

    From Self-Doubt to Self-Trust with Shohreh Davoodi

    Tune in and discover how to live more intentionally and authentically by understanding our ghosts of self-doubt and learning to listen and respond to our internal voices. In This Episode You'll Learn: What are the ghosts of self-doubt, where do they come from, and how can you deal with them. How to strengthen your internal voice so you can make decisions with more clarity. The courage it takes to come home to yourself as a woman or marginalized person in the world we live in. Shohreh Davoodi (she/her) is a self-trust coach for queer folks (and our accomplices), a writer, and the host of the Conjuring Up Courage podcast. She's dedicated to helping people move through self-doubt and shame so they can live their lives with intention and step into their motherf*cking magic. Shohreh works and plays in Austin, Texas, on land that is the unceded territory of the Tonkawa and Comanche tribes. She's almost too gay to function, a fire sign (shocking, right?), and an overall rainbow glitter bomb of a human. When Shohreh's not in front of her computer, you can find her on her trapeze, shooting her compound bow, traipsing around in nature, playing music, doing crafty shit, and loving on her girlfriend and two pups. Connect with Shohreh Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Subscribe to The Queer Agenda A weekly email newsletter filled with self-trust tips & wisdom to help people come home to themselves. Subscribe at: Learn more about the FamilyPreneur Business Accelerator and join today at »« I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role. »Read My Full DEI Statement HERE«

    24 min
  5. 20/07/2022

    Autistic Brains - Squashing Stereotypes and Speaking our Language with Brianne Leeson

    This episode focuses on helping listeners learn what autism actually means, ableist words and terms they may be using, and ways to accommodate for autistic people they work with, while paying special attention to autistic communication, and how to understand and appreciate the way that autistic brains work. In This Episode You'll Learn What autism is and isn’t. Common assumptions and practices they may have that make life harder for autistic people. Autistic communication, and how to better communicate and accommodate for autistic people in their lives. Brianne is a writer, artist, and voice actor from Dallas, Texas. She’s the writer of the queer, supernatural comedy audio drama, Today’s Lucky Winner. After she was diagnosed as autistic and ADHD at 30, she became fascinated with evaluating the ableism she had experienced daily, before she knew it was ableism. Combining her passion for social justice, linguistics degree, and experience as a sensitivity editor for fiction writers, she’s become a passionate advocate for helping people better understand the beauty and nuances of autistic brains. Connect with Brianne Website - Instagram - Twitter - Learn more about the FamilyPreneur Business Accelerator and join today at »« I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role. »Read My Full DEI Statement HERE«

    33 min
  6. 13/07/2022

    Amazon Executive Assistant to VA Agency CEO with Emilie Given

    Tune in to discover how Emilie left Amazon HQ and scaled to a multiple 6 figure business in less than 2 years. In This Episode You'll Learn » You don't need a business degree to build a successful agency. Education comes in many different ways. » Tips on building your influence and positioning yourself as an expert in your field (and identifying what you are an expert at). » When it's time to scale to agency vs freelancer. Emilie Given is a successful online entrepreneur and virtual assistant agency owner who has been featured in Business Insider, Scary Mommy, and The New York Post. She founded She’s A Given, a Seattle-based virtual assistant company in 2018 to be able to spend more time with her family after a near-death experience. A year after leaving her 9-5 at Amazon Corporate HQ, she built a thriving six-figure business. Through coaching and course creation, Emilie’s primary focus is to inspire other women to create a career that allows them to focus on passion over paperwork and family over familiarity. Connect with Emilie: Website - Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn - Learn more about the FamilyPreneur Business Accelerator and join today at »« I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role. »Read My Full DEI Statement HERE«

    28 min
  7. 06/07/2022

    From Procrasti-Princess to Action Queen with Sara Whiteside

    Do you get to the end of your day and wonder where it went? You're doing #allthethings, yet you don't even remember what you did because the stress is constant. How to keep your nervous system resilient using EFT tapping so you can have satisfyingly productive days. In this episode you'll learn: How to use EFT tapping in the moment so you don't lose your shit. Using EFT for procrasti-habits. Sara is a Certified EFT Practitioner and Intuitive Business coach specializing in work with online entrepreneurs who are stuck in a loop of personal development, impostor syndrome and perfectionism. Sara’s ARISE coaching framework and EFT skillset help you eliminate procrastination and step into confident action in your business. She helps to identify procrasti-habits, repeating life patterns, and limiting beliefs, and works to rewire these systems with EFT tapping so that you can make maximum impact with your business. Sara lives in Virginia with her chef husband and two sons and spends her free time reading, working out and taking tap dance classes. Connect with Sara Website - Facebook -  Instagram - Learn more about the FamilyPreneur Business Accelerator and join today at »« I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role. »Read My Full DEI Statement HERE«

    37 min


FamilyPreneur® is the podcast for family-first entrepreneurs building profitable and progressive businesses. By simplifying & streamlining business strategies, FamilyPreneurs are spending previously unimagined amounts of time making memories with their families - and less time stressed over business.FamilyPreneur® is hosted by Meg Brunson, a former Facebook employee who left the corporate world to pursue entrepreneurship and be more present with her family. She now runs her business from the road, traveling full-time with her family, RV'ing throughout the United States, and making unbelievable memories together.You may have no desire to squeeze your family into a 35' trailer and tow it coast-to-coast... and that's okay - these lessons and strategies are will help you build the business and the lifestyle that you dream of - whatever that looks like.The big thing you have to remember is to take action after the episode ends - and the best way to follow through is by joining us inside of the FamilyPreneur® Business Accelerator - where we work, win, celebrate, and grow... together.Head to » « to join us today!Meg & guests of FamilyPreneur® are actively working towards becoming more intentionally inclusive. We support anti-racist initiatives & equality for all gender identities, expressions, & orientations.We believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in our own learning to fulfill this role.We hope you'll give us a listen, subscribe, and review this podcast - to help others decide to listen in... Because we're stronger together. 💕

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