YWAM News Podcast

YWAM News Podcast
YWAM News Podcast Podcast

The YWAM News Podcast will bring you the latest stories from Youth With A Mission about missions news, training and short term and long term opportunities from around the world.

  1. YWAM Centre Destroyed by Hurricane, YWAM Together Gathering, Haiti Trade School Graduation

    5 SEPT

    YWAM Centre Destroyed by Hurricane, YWAM Together Gathering, Haiti Trade School Graduation

    Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for August 2024. This month we hear about the YWAM Together Gathering, New Beginnings Home program for women, the destruction of the YWAM location in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by Hurricane Beryl, the latest 520 graduates from the trade school at Saint Marc, Haiti, some ship updates, a few upcoming training seminars, and more … Thank you for downloading this, the 148th episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison. You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/148 … Video https://youtu.be/GA2AVEuc6dg Stories: YWAM Together YWAM Together in Manila, Philippines welcomed over 4,500 people, from 110 nationalities, serving in 120 countries! Already we are hearing testimonies of how God moved, even to get people there ... https://youtube.com/shorts/YMSYtRH5hpc?feature=share Source You can follow along with updates on their Facebook page. New Beginnings Homes - YWAM New Beginnings Homes, a ministry of Youth With A Mission has been providing housing & mentorship to women during pregnancy for 40+ years in Puyallup, WA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZf4FZlBbko If you head over to newbeginningshome.org you can find out more about this fantastic ministry. YWAM St. Vincent and the Grenadines Destroyed by Hurricane We have this tragic update from the director of YWAM St. Vincent and the Grenadines after Hurricane Beryl passed through the islands last month ... Ben from Mayreau - Today was rough, challenging, heartbreaking and so much more. You can prepare to go back to your home, campus and village after a hurricane but the reality was worse than the photos show. It looks like a massive bomb went off. The landscape is different. The trees are gone. Beautiful pieces Mayreau is known for…just gone. Driving through the village is heartbreaking. Stepping foot on the YWAM campus was a punch in the gut. Walking into our home, seeing all the water still in it and seeing almost all of our belongings destroyed by wind and rain…nothing prepares you for this. Jes’ 1st home at YWAM, our first home together and now KC & Kelsie’s home is destroyed. The roof of Jes & I’s home is worse than we thought but we still have walls to work with whereas other buildings don’t even have those. The photos don’t do it justice…it’s devastating. The trauma these beautiful people have been through, there are no words. I was greeted with hugs and some smiles but could feel the hurt and loss. Our police chief Owen Issacs not only lost his home but has been working tirelessly and sacrificially to lead the charge. We cannot thank him enough. The team from WeAre Mayreau Inc, we see your hard work and also cannot thank you enough. Our Mayreau community is strong and we will rebuild. But we can’t do it alone. We are so thankful for different relief supplies that have come in from neighboring communities and nations, yachties, and more. But this isn’t a short term project.

    45 min
  2. The YWAM News Show Podcast - Episode 147 - July 2024

    26 JUL

    The YWAM News Show Podcast - Episode 147 - July 2024

    Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for July 2024. This month we hear about YWAM Dzalek, three different Bible translation initiatives from around the world, a worship and prayer initiative in Washington DC, three ship ministry updates, a ministry to bring food to the needy in Guatemala, and find out about some amazing resources that Create International have created for ministry, and more ... Thank you for downloading this, the 147th episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison. You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/147 … Video https://youtube.com/live/zyJVOG86bgs?feature=share Stories: YWAM Dzaleka In the episode 135 of the YWAM News Show from July last year, we talked about Football Academy at the Dzaleka refugee camp. We have an update from their ministry now ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7uRlbKBbSU End Bible Poverty - Kalaki Bible Distribution Last month End Bible Poverty Now in Uganda went on mission to Kalaki district in Eastern Uganda to provide the Word of God to the local church in the community, ensuring they have access to vital spiritual resources. This effort effort has brought hope and encouragement to many people in Kalaki... https://youtu.be/Znityjrv93o (source) Check out their Facebook Page to see more of what they are doing. Bible Translation in the Himalayas Anna is a missionary who has moved to the Himalayas to work with Bible translation ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m88YfIdLO0 Anna started her ministry, and did her first trip with YWAM Yosemite, which you can find out more about at ywamyosemite.org. Oral Bible Translation in Samoa Oral Bible Translation is working in Samoa ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEyuMccOcVk The best place to follow the work that is happening with YWAM in Samoa is in their Facebook Page. Night Watch in Washington DC David's Tent is a ministry in Washington DC with a focus on 24/7 worship and prayer. It's a ministry that YWAM Virginia Beach has been involved with, and we have this report from them ... https://youtu.be/xRMHwd1OduM (source) You can check out the rest of the ministry that YWAM Virginia Beach is involved with on their web-site, ywamvirginiabeach.org. Gleanings for the Hungry - Guatemala Gleaning for the Hungry in Guatemala provides food to families in the local communities. Hope of the Nations,

    30 min
  3. Paris Games Outreach, YWAM Gatherings, Haiti Updates

    27 JUN

    Paris Games Outreach, YWAM Gatherings, Haiti Updates

    Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for June 2024. This month we hear about the upcoming Paris Games Outreach, we get some updates from YWAM Perth, hear about four different YWAM gathering from around the world, get an update from YWAM in Haiti, hear about some different training courses currently being offered, and we get an update about the Island Reach medical ship. Thank you for downloading this, the 146th episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison. You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/146 … https://youtu.be/OoxjQoeUfr0 Stories: YWAM Games Outreach! The Games are coming to Paris from July 21 to August 11, and YWAM will be there to share the gospel and the love of Christ. YWAMers and the body of Christ both in France and around the world are invited to come to impact the nations in Paris this summer. Paris Je t’Aime will be three weeks of live open-air events, worship nights, and acts of service in collaboration with local and international partners to inspire believers, connect ministries and make known the love of God over Paris. YWAM has participated in Olympic outreaches almost since it began. Here is a report about some of the exciting things that happened during the 2012 London Games ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q67OHoja1IA There is still an opportunity to join in, and be a part of the Outreach to the 2024 Paris Games. You can head on over to ywamparisjetaime.com to find out how you can be a part of this opportunity. Create International We have this update from "Create International". Create International Mobile/Media4Movements training team in Malawi serving movement leaders from Mozambique and Malawi. The team in Malawi has finished the film training and is almost completed the major shooting for the four short Yao films! The team from Mozambique is also in Malawi taking part in the four short films that have been produced. The idea is to continue strengthening the discipleship movement in Mozambique through the media. (source) Find out more at createinternational.com. YWAM Perth Update Here is a quick update from YWAM Perth about their ministries ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODn7Q8OW8DM Find out more about their ministry on their web-site, ywamperth.org.au. Gatherings Around The World! Story from the Tanzania Uniquip and Circle 18 Gathering In May, YWAMers from around 16 countries gathered in Tanzania for the Circle 18 gathering. There are many stories that have come out of it,

    31 min
  4. Sustainability Projects, MBI, South Sudan

    6 JUN

    Sustainability Projects, MBI, South Sudan

    Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for May 2024. This month we hear about a Mission Builders International, the release of Loren Cunningham's last book No Boundaries Within God's Will, find out more about YWAM Philippines, hear what YWAM is continuing to do in South Sudan, find out about the campus project in Medellin, check out the sustainability model that YWAM is developing in Northern Uganda, see a new opportunities for teams to serve in the Domican Republic, hear about an opportunity for a hiking retreat in Scotland, and more … Thank you for downloading this, the 145th episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison. You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/145 … https://youtu.be/I1G8Qj18hj4 Stories: Mission Building A couple of month's ago it was recommended to me by a viewer of the YWAM News Show to have a look at Mission Builders, after he and his daughter had a great experience with them. https://vimeo.com/887010949 Mission Builders International has many opportunities for individuals and for teams. You can check out some of the work that they have done recently on their Facebook Page. You can head over to their web-site, missionbuilders.org, so explore some of the options that are available. No Boundaries Book Released Loren Cunningham's last book, No Boundaries Within God's Will, was recently released. It is described as: No Boundaries tells Loren Cunningham’s climactic experiences in global travel that reveal essential elements for your own all-or-nothing path. Each story is fused with key Biblical principles, inviting you to escape boxes of fear, doubt, or confusion. Clear examples and practical steps will help you find and follow God’s vision. (link) You can get a free copy of the first chapter of the book on Loren's web-site, lorencunningham.com. You can also listen to the first chapter for free on the YWAM Teaching Podcast at ywampodcast.net. We will embed the audio version of the first chapter in the shownotes to this podcast at ywampdocast.com/145. https://youtu.be/HvZQQx7OgPY You can purchase the full book on the YWAM Publishing web-site, ywampublishing.com, where you can order a physical copy of the book, or get it as a downloadable file. YWAM Norway Centre Tours Hanna from YWAM Norway is currently touring all of the YWAM locations in Norway, and there are some amazing centres that she has visited so far ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G63tmwsEX0U So far Hanna has visited 4 locations, and you can watch all of them on the YWAM Norway YouTube page, www.youtube.

  5. 26 APR

    Mali Compassion Ministry, Lyon Street Show, Outreach to Prostitutes

    Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for April 2024. This month we hear about a compassion ministry opportunity in Mali, a couple of school ministries that YWAM is running around the world, hear a testimony of God working in PNG, find out about an outreach to prostitutes in South Africa, hear about the YWAM Lyon Street Show, see what the meme of the month is for April, and more … Thank you for downloading this, the 144th episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison. You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/144 … https://youtube.com/live/ZzpqzKVSWYU?feature=share Stories: Compassion Ministry Opportunity Mali Last month I was contacted by someone working in Mali, in West Africa, about a ministry opportunity there. Mali is a large nation in West Africa, with a population of almost 20 million, and a Christian representation of less than 1%. There has been decades of unrest in the nation, with almost 200,000 Malians currently displaced. (source) YWAM has a team that is currently working in Mali, with a focus on the refugees and the prisons. Here is a message I received from Simione, one of YWAM's workers there: I'm working with Compassion Ministry here in Mali. Focus in the prison (we visit the Prison every Friday morning), To the Refugee Camp (that was after the prison go straight to the Refugee), I'm joining Team Xtreme as well (focus on schools and university). Their might be repaint program at the prison. This what we normally do every year and do some design work at the prison. At the refugee, we have some families are Christian living there. We might need to rebuild their houses. Simione is originally from Fiji, but living in Bamako, Mali with his wife Rachel. If you want to find out more about their ministry, including how you could involved, they can be contacted on their Facebook page. Volunteer with YWAM Ships Aotearoa YWAM Ships Aotearoa has some volunteer positions currently available https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PpcuZXJr_Q Head over to ywamshipsaotearoa.org.nz to find out how you could volunteer, and more about their ministry. YWAM Windhoek Partner with YWAM Lüderitz Last month we talked a bit about YWAM Windhoek. One of the ministries that they engage in is partnering with other YWAM locations near them... As part of reaching out to local YWAM bases and ministries, a group of staff went on outreach to serve alongside YWAM Lüderitz over the weekend. During this time, they had the privilege to share stories with children from the community, host prayer and worship nights, visit a school and also helped with the “Feed A Child” program.Here’s what the base leader’s wife had to share;“It has been such a great blessing and experience to have had the YWAM Windhoek outreach team with us. During their time here, we could really see the hand of God in their favour.Firstly, it takes a lot to pioneer a base just as a family but we have been adamant about what God clearly sp...

    37 min
  6. 28 MAR

    Haiti Impact, Send UK, Pray for Ramadam

    Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for March 2024. This month we hear a follow up report about the tragic accident in Tanzania that took the life of 11 YWAM leaders, find out how YWAM locations are responding to the unrest in Haiti, hear how we can be praying for Muslims during their holy month of Ramadam, find out how YWAM Paisley is having an impact on their local environment, hear about the ministries of two of our locations in Africa, and more … Thank you for downloading this, the 143rd episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison. You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/143 … Stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OumRYDeuPJk Tragedy in Arusha Tanzania Update Last month we reported about the death of 11 YWAM missionaries in a tragic bus accident in Arusha, Tanzania. We have this update from the team ... We are grateful for your prayers over these last two weeks since the Arusha Tragedy. We have felt your love from around the world, and have seen God’s hand guiding us through this. We are happy to share that all of those injured in the accident are recovering well, and that my mid week all 11 remains have been repatriated back to the families spread out in eight countries, and all funerals will have been completed . We are grateful for the doctors and hospital staff in Arusha and elsewhere who have given great care to our dear friends. We ask that you continue to pray for the injured as they continue to recover and heal both in the hospital and at home. Some will require much longer in hospital, but after air vacs, have been completed, everyone is where they need to be now to receive their on going care. Please continue to pray for the families and friends of our missionaries, those who are still recovering from their injuries, those who responded to the accident, and the many Y bases who have lost leaders as they grieve and find their next steps forward in both life and ministry without their beloved leaders. View this video that will explain how we are planning to use all of the funds that have come in so far, to assist immediate, and long term needs and to be a blessing to the families and the children left behind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UBwlxNroQM Donations are being collected by YWAM Kona at ywamkona.org. YWAM Together 2024 in Manila, Philippines YWAM's first "family gathering" since 2018 will be happening in Manila, Philippines from September 2 - 6, 2024. The next global YWAM gathering will be held in the heart of one of Asia’s megacities, in the capital of the beautiful and hospitable nation of the Philippines, Manila! This will be the first YWAM global staff gathering after the ‘Covid era’ and after the graduation of our founder, Loren Cunningham. We know we are in an important season as a mission and we are excited to be able to gather together as a YWAM family! The gathering will be hosted at Christ’s Commission Fellowship Church (CCF) – home to one of the Philippines & Asia’s largest Church movements. "All YWAM staff, students and associates are invited to reunite together in 2024." In line with a nationwide vision within the Body of Christ to reach ...

    37 min
  7. 5 MAR

    11 Dead in Arusha Tragedy, Chile Wildfire Recovery, Carnival Outreach

    Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for February 2024. This month we hear about the tragic accident in Tanzania that took the life of 11 YWAM leaders, the recovery work of YWAM in Chile after the wildfires, the completion of YWAM Island Reach vessel, JOCUM Brazil Carnival Outreach, and more … Thank you for downloading this, the 142 episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison. You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/142 … https://youtube.com/live/8DYpwZvKHwU?feature=share Stories: 11 YWAM Staff Die in Car Crash in Tanzania Eleven missionaries with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) died in a tragic traffic accident on Saturday near Arusha, Tanzania. The incident, involving multiple vehicles, also claimed the lives of several others, including the bus driver. By last reports two key mission leaders remain in critical condition. Here is the update from February 25: With the ripples of the difficult news of the death of 11 YWAMers in a terrible traffic accident in Tanzania, our prayers are with the family and friends of the deceased. There are five injured individuals still hospitalized and two more people in critical condition to be rallied around in prayer. We thank the Lord that one of the hospitalized, Isaac B., has been released to return home. (Due to security reasons, we cannot release the full names). Local and international leaders from YWAM are gathering to support the team on the ground, who are now faced with many details of repatriation, medical evacuation, family support, funeral arrangements, and many other logistics. We invite you to help with these expenses with an opportunity to give on the following link. The estimated cost of all of these arrangements is approximately $350,000. Thank you to those who are already contributing. (source) There are regular updates to the condition of those still in hospital, and the needs of the survivors and their family on ywam.org. The names of the people involved in the accident can also be found in the updates over at ywam.org. Darlene Cunningham has also issued a letter about the Arusha Tragedy, which you can also find over at ywam.org, or the link in the show notes, Letter from Darlene Cunningham. YWAM Vancouver No Snow Outreach YWAM Vancouver is known to be a fantastic destination for discipleship training school students wanting to grow in their relationship with God, tell others about Him, and also hit the slopes. Sometimes however, the weather doesn't cooperate with the skiing and snowboarding part of that plan ... https://youtu.be/inEK6LYF59c Find out more about YWAM Vancouver on their web-site, ywamvancouver.org. Wildfire Damage in Chile In early February wildfires torched many highly populated areas in Chile. The fires killed over 150 people, and damaged and destroyed more that 5000 homes.

    22 min
  8. 29 JAN

    Prison Outreach, Theatre Tour, Peacebuilding, Biblical Motivations for Missions

    Intro: Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for January 2024. This month we hear about YWAM Samoa's Outreach to Indonesia, a Skateboarder's outreach to Mexico, YWAM San Francisco opens their doors during their inclement weather, we get a story from an outreach to a correctional facility in the Philippines, YWAM Kyiv running a youth group, YWAM Tampa Bay will be doing a musical theatre tour, we hear from two of our locations in Haiti, we talk about the next YWAM Together gathering in the Philippines, Bevin from Globalcast Resources bring us a great message about the Biblical Motivation for missions, and more … Thank you for downloading this, the 141 episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison. You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/141 … https://youtu.be/nvfZDNI-aKM Stories: YWAM Samoa - Indonesia Outreach A few weeks ago, we sent forth our dedicated team to Indonesia with a profound sense of purpose. They are a beacon of light, chosen to illuminate the Muslim world with hope and inspiration. Let's join together in prayer, believing that the presence of our team in Indonesia is a divine assignment, and that God's purpose will manifest through their efforts. We are confident that the impact of these Samoans will resonate far beyond borders, influencing nations and spreading positivity. May their journey be blessed, and may they be agents of transformation, touching lives and bringing about positive change in the world. (source) Homes of Home Skateboarders Outreach Earlier this month, 30 youth from the Medicine Hat Skateboard Association from Alberta Canada flew to Ensenada, Mexico to join Homes of Hope for a house build ... https://youtu.be/InmgfIz42iw (source) You can find out more about YWAM's Homes of Hope Ministry at their web-site, ywamhomesofhope.org. YWAM San Francisco It's been a cold, wet weekend here in the Tenderloin. Some of our amazing staff opened the community center overnight to let our neighbors warm up and get dry. Your gifts make it possible to bring services to unhoused and low-income neighbors in San Francisco, even more it supports the life changing relationships that are built over time by loving our neighbors. (source) Also in San Francisco, the city wide prayer walk has been re-scheduled until February 17 because of the nasty weather that they have been experiencing (source). YWAM Experience Asia Prison Outreach Today we get to hear an exciting story from YWAM Experience Asia about their outreach to a correctional facility in the Philippines.

    38 min


The YWAM News Podcast will bring you the latest stories from Youth With A Mission about missions news, training and short term and long term opportunities from around the world.

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