Leadership Activators

Carole Issa
Leadership Activators Podcast

Meet with outstanding leaders in business and social initiatives. Find out how you can lead with courage and create a lasting impact.

  1. Speaking with Impact: Unleashing the Leadership Potential of Your Voice and Message | Sheryl Plouffe | Leadership Activators Global Edition #23


    Speaking with Impact: Unleashing the Leadership Potential of Your Voice and Message | Sheryl Plouffe | Leadership Activators Global Edition #23

    Are you a service provider looking to grow your business and attract more clients? Have you ever considered starting a podcast but aren't sure where to begin? Then, this episode is for you! I am thrilled to welcome my special guest this month, Sheryl Plouffe, who is a former broadcaster and podcasting expert. Sheryl has helped countless service providers launch and run successful podcasts, generate leads, and get paid speaking gigs. In this episode, Sheryl will share her top tips and strategies for creating a podcast that stands out in your niche and attracts your ideal audience. You'll learn how to craft a compelling message, structure your episodes for maximum impact, and use your podcast to build relationships with potential clients and industry leaders. Whether you're a coach, consultant, freelancer, or any other type of service provider, this episode is a must-listen. This is a great opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business and take your business to a whole new level. Some of the questions we will be diving deep into are: 1- What are the boxes you want to tick when starting a podcast 2- How to stand out with your podcast 3- What if you already have a lot on your plate? How to overcome the challenge of being time-poor and wanting to start a podcast About Sheryl Plouffe: Sheryl Plouffe is the founder & CEO of Scalable Business Accelerator and the host of the Cash In On Camera podcast. Sheryl owns a training company that advises 6-figure entrepreneurs who want to implement scalable systems. She lives and works in Ontario, Canada. If you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode and would like to get access to more tips on leadership and communication, here are two ways you can do that, ⁠connect with me on LinkedIn⁠ where I share weekly insights, tips and strategies specifically designed for business owners and team managers who are looking to take their leadership and communication skills to a whole new level.

    42 min
  2. How To Empower and care for your Team - Even When You Aren't There | Luke Canham | Leadership Activators Global Edition #22


    How To Empower and care for your Team - Even When You Aren't There | Luke Canham | Leadership Activators Global Edition #22

    What if you could empower your people to make the right decision, even when you aren't there? A radical new approach to recruit, onboard, Upskill and maintain team morale and standards with UGC videos combined with positive daily reminders is now within reach of everyone. Join me Live in the next podcast episode as I explore with my special guest Luke Canham, founder of MultiplyME, how to build culture, camaraderie & ownership within a business. Some of the questions we will be diving deep into are: 1- What is the sandcastle effect, and why it kills staff retention and happiness 2- Why your training strategy should be the same as your social media strategy 3- How to stop the repetitive training and explaining you are doing and get time back in a staff care program, unlike anything you've seen before. My special guest in this episode is Luke Canham, founder at director at Multiply Me.  As a kid, Luke was the Ideas guy in the house. If something needed to be fixed, a roll or macgyver tape and some blue tack and he was your man. Luke is a big kid at heart which has allowed him to stay a creator and a visionary. He is also a loving Husband, a Father & a big ideas business owner with 35 years of lessons, hard knocks & experience managing 100s of staff across multiple locations across 2 countries in high-risk and fast-paced industries. Luke learned along the way that all businesses or companies are actually “training companies”. And he believes that the struggle most businesses face when trying to grow and employ new staff is not caused by the people they hire (which is usually to blame); it's because the people they hire are not supported and appreciated consistently. For Luke, the better you can train and support, the better the outcomes for everyone. He has recently coined the “sandcastle effect” and wants to bring awareness to what it is and how it can be managed, so it doesn't become the silent killer that ultimately destroys a business. Luke has been studying and recording data on human behaviour for 15 years while testing and searching for interventions and strategies that can be used to find the elusive ‘sweet spot’ in a business. He also believes that he is on the cusp of a breakthrough strategy that uses positive daily reminders and research from current social media strategies to build stronger businesses where people feel appreciated WITHOUT taking away valuable time to actually get the work done. If you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode and would like to get access to more tips on leadership and communication, here are two ways you can do that, connect with me on LinkedIn where I share weekly insights, tips and strategies specifically designed for business owners and team managers who are looking to take their leadership and communication skills to a whole new level. Or, if you’d like to have a conversation around the challenges that you’re facing in your business and your team and see how I can best help you, then click here to fill-up the contact form.

    57 min
  3. The Power of Perception in Business | Eyob Yesus | Leadership Activators Global Edition #21


    The Power of Perception in Business | Eyob Yesus | Leadership Activators Global Edition #21

    My special guest in this episode is Eyob Yesus. Eyob is the director of The Experience Index and has founded two event-based brands to create experiences that connect people. Icon Corporate Events is a corporate event management company and Growth Gen which is a member-based organisation that runs a series of virtual events that supports small business leaders. Some of the key questions that I explore with Eyob: His definition of the word entrepreneur What led him to embark on his entrepreneurial journey How perception shaped his business and life How he pivoted his business when CoVid hit The meaning of the word leadership  His top personal values and how they translate into his business values A book that he's recently read that he'd recommend? A 30-day challenge to our listeners, a challenge that will change their business and of course their life. If you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode and would like to get access to more tips on leadership and communication, here are two ways you can do that, connect with me on LinkedIn where I share weekly insights, tips and strategies specifically designed for business owners and team managers who are looking to take their leadership and communication skills to a whole new level. Or, if you’d like to have a conversation around the challenges that you’re facing in your business and your team and see how I can best help you, then click here to fill up the contact form.

    41 min
  4. 14/05/2022

    How to Create Time, Reduce Errors, and Scale Your Business | Nomiki Georgiadis | Leadership Activators Global Edition #20

    My special guest in this episode is Nomiki Georgiadis founder and director of Business to Business Buzz. As a SYSTEMologist® and Marketing Systems Specialist, Nomiki enjoys building marketing assets and business systems, for busy owners of SMEs. Business owners hire Nomiki, when they feel overworked, burnt-out, or are a bottleneck to the workflow because they don’t have a systemised business from which to scale and grow. She turns the un-documented processes in their business… into a fully documented set of valuable business systems… so owners can step out of the business, spend more time with their family, and take holidays… And have a solid foundation to scale their business, attract JV partners or sell their business for a higher value. Some of the key questions that I explore with Nomiki: How did she come up with her business name? What was the trigger for her to leave her 9 to 5 job and embark on her entrepreneurial journey? What were the key challenges that she faced early on in her journey? Would she work with herself or hire herself? What does the word leadership mean to her? When does a business owner need to start looking into systems and processes?  What happens typically if the business owner isn’t aware of the importance of bringing systems and processes to their business? Is it a good idea to DIY systems and processes? What are the typical reasons that get in the way of business owners prioritizing the creation and development of solid systems and processes? What’s her advice to overcome these challenges? A book that she's recently read that she'd recommend? A 30-day challenge to our listeners, a challenge that will change their business and of course their life... If you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode and would like to get access to more tips on leadership and communication, here are two ways you can do that, connect with me on LinkedIn where I share weekly insights, tips and strategies specifically designed for business owners and team managers who are looking to take their leadership and communication skills to a whole new level. Or, if you’d like to have a conversation around the challenges that you’re facing in your business and your team and see how I can best help you, then click here to fill-up the contact form.

    47 min
  5. 23/02/2022

    How to Escape the Time for Money Trap | Jackson Millan | Leadership Activators Global Edition #19

    In this episode, Jackson Millan owner of Aureus Financial shares how you can escape the time for money trap and turn business profit into personal wealth.  Jackson Millan - The Wealth Mentor has spent the last 14 years helping service businesses understand the language of money and manufacture financial freedom for themselves and their families. He has successfully helped over 1,000 clients build in excess of $1.5 billion in combined wealth and has scaled multiple 7 figure businesses. He is a master of helping business owners make money work for them and turn their business profit into personal wealth. Click here and get instant access to the Business Scorecard where Jackson and his team have identified a 40 point checklist that all businesses must tick if they want to be successful.  Some of the key questions that I explore with Jackson: 2’13”: The meaning of Aureus Financial business name 3'03": What drives you to do what you do? 5'05": What's the vision of your business? 6'42": What's your approach when it comes to positioning a business as a vehicle for wealth? 9'35": What are the top challenges that you faced early on in your entrepreneurial journey? 18'26": What is your top value in business? 24'10": At what stage of their business would business owners be ready to work with you? 27'59: What does financial freedom mean to you? 30'22": How do you prioritise your day to day activities? 33'01:: How do you shape your team members to become future business owners? 35'37": What does the word leadership mean to you? 37'48": Who were your mentors and what did you learn from them? 40'47": What are in your experience the absolute must-have skills for a business owner to succeed? 43'52": What is a new exciting project you're working on? 46'02": A book or podcast you'd recommend and why? 47'50": A 30-day challenge you'd like to throw to our listeners, a challenge that will create a high impact in their business and in their life If you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode and would like to get access to more tips on leadership and communication, here are two ways you can do that, connect with me on LinkedIn where I share weekly insights, tips and strategies specifically designed for business owners and team managers who are looking to take their leadership and communication skills to a whole new level. Or, if you’d like to have a conversation around the challenges that you’re facing in your business and your team and see how I can best help you, then click here to fill-up the contact form.

    50 min
  6. 23/12/2021

    Life after a near death experience | Kyle Spyrides | Leadership Activators Global Edition #18

    I don’t know about you, but I truly believe that we don’t ‘accidentally’ meet people. We meet them for a reason. I met Kyle earlier this year at an online business event, and as we started to learn more about each other, Kyle shared his story, one of the most inspiring and humbling stories that I have heard! It all started one day where he was rushed to hospital! And whether or not he would make it past the age of eighteen was hanging by a light string off a tightrope. And no it wasn’t because of a car accident… One more time, I was reminded of the ongoing temptation to look at the facade of a person, in this case Kyle the photographer, and rarely taking the opportunity to dive deeper into why they do what they do and how their life’s experiences have shaped them into the person they have become. So much to unpack and so much to learn! One more time, Kyle’s story was a great reminder for me that, in Kyle’s own words, “The harder moments in life, the moments that ask everything of you, are often the greatest blessings that you can be gifted within this universe.” In this episode, Kyle Spyrides owner of Soul Gazing Photography shares the biggest lessons he’s learned after his near-death experience and how his business Soul Gazing Photography was born. Some of the key themes that I explore with Kyle: 0’48” What Kyle’s business is about and who he helps 5’53” The advantages and disadvantages of using your name as your business name 8’28” Who have been Kyle’s mentors and what he learned from them 12’07” What Kyle’s near-death experience taught him 24’39” Behind the Decide Your Destiny movement and the power of consistency 35’42” What the word ‘Leadership’ means 39’22” A book that Kyle recommends and why 42’50” The definition of ‘Success’ 49’-00” The 30-day challenge that Kyle shares Are looking to start your business or scale it by doing something you love? Click here and join Carole Issa in the Start Your Business (Leadership Activators) Facebook Group and be part of an amazing community of like-minded people from around the world who are also on a mission to go from idea to launching, to scaling their business doing something they love!

    56 min
  7. 28/10/2021

    Leveraging your business with productive insights | Ash Roy | Leadership Activators Global Edition #17

    In this episode, Carole Issa talks with Ash Roy, founder of Productive Insights about his entrepreneurial journey and the biggest lessons he’s learned along the way. Some of the key themes that Carole explores with Ash: 1’27” Leveraging your strengths 2’43” The defining moment that put him on his entrepreneurial path 4’39” What he learned from creating his successful podcast 7’07” Who has inspired Ash on his entrepreneurial journey 11’47” Making a difference while being worried about making money to keep the business afloat 13’34” The top 3 mistakes that entrepreneurs make when marketing their business online 17’04” Ash’s definition of success 17’32” What drives Ash to do what he does 18’10” Loving the complex and attempting to simplify it 24’07” The biggest challenges that Ash faced early on in his journey 24’54” The trap of looking for shortcuts 26’41” The meaning of the word leadership 30’30” And an exciting project that Ash is working on 31’43” A book that Ash would recommend 36’37” A 30-day challenge that After a corporate career in finance and strategy, that spanned 15 years in large multinational corporations, a CPA, and an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management (Distinction), Ash founded Productive Insights in 2013. Productive Insights’ passion is to partner with small business owners to help them grow sustainably and profitably using strategies that actually work. Ash also hosts a successful podcast called “Productive Insights Podcast” with over 200 episodes. It features some of the world’s leading online entrepreneurs including Seth Godin (episode 200), Guy Kawasaki (episode 210), Rand Fishkin (episodes 38, 126 & 159), Neil Patel (episodes 1&212), Ryan Deiss (episode 170), Amy Porterfield (episodes 145 & 201), Sonia Simone (episodes 107,108 & 144), Noah Kagan (episode 147), and many others. You can access it via this link: https://www.ProductiveInsights.com/podcast More recently Ash launched the Productive Insights membership program where he works with a close-knit international community of business owners to help each other grow their businesses using digital marketing strategies that focus on important (not just urgent) activities that really move the needle in their business and increase their profit per hour. You can learn more at: https://www.productiveinsights.com/membership Are looking to start your business or scale it by doing something you love? Click here and join Carole Issa in the Start Your Business (Leadership Activators) Facebook Group and be part of an amazing community of like-minded people from around the world who are also on a mission to go from idea to launching, to scaling their business doing something they love!

    42 min


Meet with outstanding leaders in business and social initiatives. Find out how you can lead with courage and create a lasting impact.

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