WordPress Publish Pro Videos

Dave Wooding
WordPress Publish Pro Videos Podcast

If you're a content producer using WordPress, this show is for you.

  1. 27/02/2019

    Custom Web Development Work

    Custom web development work. So I’ve got a few tips on how to make a custom web development jobs go smoothly for you. And that is be super clear on what it is exactly what you want. You might have a grand plan for the big picture. But make sure you understand and is communicated clearly to the person who’s going to do the work. I’d also break it up into very small chunks, little bit of steps. You’ve heard of maybe the scrum method and doing sprints. That’s kind of what I’m suggesting is come up with small steps that you can create that will break up the project to make it more manageable, because what you might find out happens is you don’t really want all the things you originally thought for things change. That’s kind of the death of a project is if you keep or somebody keeps changing the scope of work. That’s a no no. Instead, make it small, bite sized projects that have measurable milestones along the way. Custom web development work. So I’ve got a few tips on how to make a custom web development jobs go smoothly for you. And that is be super clear on what it is exactly what you want. You might have a grand plan for the big picture. But make sure you understand and is communicated clearly to the person who’s going to do the work. I’d also break it up into very small chunks, little bit of steps. You’ve heard of maybe the scrum method and doing sprints. That’s kind of what I’m suggesting is come up with small steps that you can create that will break up the project to make it more manageable, because what you might find out happens is you don’t really want all the things you originally thought for things change. That’s kind of the death of a project is if you keep or somebody keeps changing the scope of work. That’s a no no. Instead, make it small, bite sized projects that have measurable milestones along the way.

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  2. 26/02/2019

    Hiring Full Time Technology Workers

    Hey, Dave Wooding here. Hiring full time technology workers. So let’s say you want to hire somebody to work on your team, full time doing technology stuff. For instance, building a website, creating images, landing pages, email marketing, automation type stuff. One thing I’d recommend is having a phone call interview. Of course, you know, you’re going to want to look at a resume if they have it. But even better is to have a phone call interview. Because really, you’re looking to see how they react. And I would ask some questions along the lines of what would you do in this situation? And ideally, it’s something that’s come up in your business that you wanted done. And what you’re honestly looking for is, I don’t know, I don’t know is a perfectly acceptable answer, but the next thing out of their mouth should be well, here’s what I would propose to do, because you want to make sure you’ve got problem solvers on there. It’s one thing if they know already know how to do it. And that’s great. Hopefully you pick that up on the resume. It’s even better if they don’t know what to do, but they would suggest an idea and how to get that done. Hey, Dave Wooding here. Hiring full time technology workers. So let’s say you want to hire somebody to work on your team, full time doing technology stuff. For instance, building a website, creating images, landing pages, email marketing, automation type stuff. One thing I’d recommend is having a phone call interview. Of course, you know, you’re going to want to look at a resume if they have it. But even better is to have a phone call interview. Because really, you’re looking to see how they react. And I would ask some questions along the lines of what would you do in this situation? And ideally, it’s something that’s come up in your business that you wanted done. And what you’re honestly looking for is, I don’t know, I don’t know is a perfectly acceptable answer, but the next thing out of their mouth should be well, here’s what I would propose to do, because you want to make sure you’ve got problem solvers on there. It’s one thing if they know already know how to do it. And that’s great. Hopefully you pick that up on the resume. It’s even better if they don’t know what to do, but they would suggest an idea and how to get that done.

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  3. 24/02/2019

    Online Software Development

    Dave Wooding. Online software development if you’re looking to build a software solution for something you’re doing online, my recommendation is you as much as possible, try to build using off the shelf tools. In other words, if something’s out there, and you can stitch it together, or have somebody put it together, that would be my recommendation versus a completely custom solution. And the reason I say that is because you do not want to have a single point of failure in your business. For instance, if you got one developer working on a custom solution, and they’re the only ones that understand that you could potentially be in trouble. So if you’ve got a solution that takes pieces of software, and somebody puts that together, that’s a completely different ballgame. As an example, for shopping carts, there’s no way I’m ever going to build a shopping cart or no way I’m going to connect directly to PayPal or collect directly to stripe. I’d much rather use a shopping cart and let them deal with the headaches because the that’s their expertise. So again, if you’re going to build a software solution, I would recommend using off the shelf versus custom as much as possible. Dave Wooding. Online software development if you’re looking to build a software solution for something you’re doing online, my recommendation is you as much as possible, try to build using off the shelf tools. In other words, if something’s out there, and you can stitch it together, or have somebody put it together, that would be my recommendation versus a completely custom solution. And the reason I say that is because you do not want to have a single point of failure in your business. For instance, if you got one developer working on a custom solution, and they’re the only ones that understand that you could potentially be in trouble. So if you’ve got a solution that takes pieces of software, and somebody puts that together, that’s a completely different ballgame. As an example, for shopping carts, there’s no way I’m ever going to build a shopping cart or no way I’m going to connect directly to PayPal or collect directly to stripe. I’d much rather use a shopping cart and let them deal with the headaches because the that’s their expertise. So again, if you’re going to build a software solution, I would recommend using off the shelf versus custom as much as possible.

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  4. 21/02/2019

    Hiring Technology Workers

    Dave from IntegratePro. Hiring technology workers. So I’ve got a few tips if you’re going to hire some people off of a freelance type sites, freelancer. com, Upwork or something like that. And you’re looking for technology workers. So first thing I’d say is make sure your job description is clear, accurate, concise, all that good stuff. And one thing I’d put in there is a question. For instance, do you recommend I use PHP or JavaScript? And the reason you want to do that is you’re looking for responses. People that are actually paying attention. If somebody responds and tells you how great they are, what their resume is, all these super wonderful things. They’re not reading your application. They’re just simply responding back and putting a bit and you want to get the person that actually read your application. Second thing is you really want to hire somebody who is already done what you’re asking for. In other words, he said, Hey, I want somebody to set up a click funnel funnels and they say I’ve set up a Click Funnels funnel, that’s probably the right person. And finally, if somebody says I’ve already done that, that is gold. That’s the type of person you want to follow up with and provide that. So that’s my tips for hiring some technology workers. Dave from IntegratePro. Hiring technology workers. So I’ve got a few tips if you’re going to hire some people off of a freelance type sites, freelancer. com, Upwork or something like that. And you’re looking for technology workers. So first thing I’d say is make sure your job description is clear, accurate, concise, all that good stuff. And one thing I’d put in there is a question. For instance, do you recommend I use PHP or JavaScript? And the reason you want to do that is you’re looking for responses. People that are actually paying attention. If somebody responds and tells you how great they are, what their resume is, all these super wonderful things. They’re not reading your application. They’re just simply responding back and putting a bit and you want to get the person that actually read your application. Second thing is you really want to hire somebody who is already done what you’re asking for. In other words, he said, Hey, I want somebody to set up a click funnel funnels and they say I’ve set up a Click Funnels funnel, that’s probably the right person. And finally, if somebody says I’ve already done that, that is gold. That’s the type of person you want to follow up with and provide that. So that’s my tips for hiring some technology workers.

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  5. 06/02/2019

    Email Deliverability

    Email deliver ability is something I’ve been looking at recently and helping people out with and one thing I did was into building a script that integrates with Active Campaign to either Email Hippo or BriteVerify and also the same for Infusionsoft to BriteVerify, or Email Hippo. And the reason I suggest doing this, especially if you have a large list, let’s say at least 10,000 plus and you’re emailing regularly, you’re going to want to make sure your list is clean. You want to make sure you don’t have any spam traps on there. And granted, those are hard and really shouldn’t be caught. They shouldn’t be on your list to start with, but they also filter out things like role based emails postmaster@…, info@… that type of stuff, and then checks to verify that emails are actually valid and they’re not gibberish or anything like that. So email deliver ability is a big thing. I built a script that helps that for people that are using Active Campaign and InfusionSoft Email deliver ability is something I’ve been looking at recently and helping people out with and one thing I did was into building a script that integrates with Active Campaign to either Email Hippo or BriteVerify and also the same for Infusionsoft to BriteVerify, or Email Hippo. And the reason I suggest doing this, especially if you have a large list, let’s say at least 10,000 plus and you’re emailing regularly, you’re going to want to make sure your list is clean. You want to make sure you don’t have any spam traps on there. And granted, those are hard and really shouldn’t be caught. They shouldn’t be on your list to start with, but they also filter out things like role based emails postmaster@…, info@… that type of stuff, and then checks to verify that emails are actually valid and they’re not gibberish or anything like that. So email deliver ability is a big thing. I built a script that helps that for people that are using Active Campaign and InfusionSoft

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  6. 06/02/2019


    I want to tell you about some training I’m going to be going through. It’s going to be about retargeting people on the internet and I’m going to be using some YouTube advertising to get people interested in what I’m doing and what I have to offer. And I’m going to follow up with them, for instance, with the Google Display Network. And I’ve kind of been a little leery of doing this. Even though I’ve been building up an audience for a number of years just haven’t known the behind the scenes stuff to do. And I’m taking a course here shortly. And if you want to find out about this, I should be a link below that it shows you what’s going on. But the idea is to get people interested and then only follow up with those people. So you’re not spending money on everybody. You’re only spending money on people that have expressed an interest I’ve done something like this with email marketing, which I call choose your own adventure, but now it’s going to be remarketing with YouTube videos to Google Display Network. I want to tell you about some training I’m going to be going through. It’s going to be about retargeting people on the internet and I’m going to be using some YouTube advertising to get people interested in what I’m doing and what I have to offer. And I’m going to follow up with them, for instance, with the Google Display Network. And I’ve kind of been a little leery of doing this. Even though I’ve been building up an audience for a number of years just haven’t known the behind the scenes stuff to do. And I’m taking a course here shortly. And if you want to find out about this, I should be a link below that it shows you what’s going on. But the idea is to get people interested and then only follow up with those people. So you’re not spending money on everybody. You’re only spending money on people that have expressed an interest I’ve done something like this with email marketing, which I call choose your own adventure, but now it’s going to be remarketing with YouTube videos to Google Display Network.

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  7. 06/02/2019

    Semi Automation

    Semi automation things you can do in your business that are not completely automatic. For example, if somebody makes a purchase from you send them a personalized video, all you got to do is take out your phone, make a short video, less than a minute, 10, 20 seconds, upload it to YouTube, leave it unlisted, and then send them an email with that you can do all of that from your phone. Now, how do I know when somebody orders? Well, sometimes I get notification on my phone, I get that little Ding, ding. And then I simply follow up by clicking on the link that’s got their email address and make that video and send it immediately. Another thing I do is people purchase a certain product, I’ll put them into an automation that reminds me the next morning to do something in this case, it’s order them a book, ship it to them and then when I get the shipping date from Amazon, I go back to that same automation I put in the delivery date and then that continues until that date has gone and then one day later sends them an email says hey, I hope you enjoyed the book. So those are some examples of semi automation in your business. Semi automation things you can do in your business that are not completely automatic. For example, if somebody makes a purchase from you send them a personalized video, all you got to do is take out your phone, make a short video, less than a minute, 10, 20 seconds, upload it to YouTube, leave it unlisted, and then send them an email with that you can do all of that from your phone. Now, how do I know when somebody orders? Well, sometimes I get notification on my phone, I get that little Ding, ding. And then I simply follow up by clicking on the link that’s got their email address and make that video and send it immediately. Another thing I do is people purchase a certain product, I’ll put them into an automation that reminds me the next morning to do something in this case, it’s order them a book, ship it to them and then when I get the shipping date from Amazon, I go back to that same automation I put in the delivery date and then that continues until that date has gone and then one day later sends them an email says hey, I hope you enjoyed the book. So those are some examples of semi automation in your business.

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  8. 06/02/2019

    Teachable Review

    Dave Wooding here from Integrate Pro. Teachable Review is what I just did recently and put it on YouTube. If you want to check it out. Short answers, I like it. I really like what they’ve done with their system. It makes it easy for you will be an online quickly and they take care of the heavy lifting stuff. For instance, video storage payment processing, which is a big thing. Affiliate management, they also take care of what I don’t like. And this is because I’ve built sites and I know the things that you can do is you don’t have control over payment processing which might not seem like a big deal. But let’s say you only want to offer a 10 day refund or none at all. Well, guess what? They do that by default. So you don’t have a lot of choice in that regard. But honestly, it’s a great system to get started with and maybe even stay with and one thing about pricing, they got a monthly plan that starts I think at $39 goes to $99. Once you get over $1,000, it definitely makes sense to go to the higher plan for teachable. Dave Wooding here from Integrate Pro. Teachable Review is what I just did recently and put it on YouTube. If you want to check it out. Short answers, I like it. I really like what they’ve done with their system. It makes it easy for you will be an online quickly and they take care of the heavy lifting stuff. For instance, video storage payment processing, which is a big thing. Affiliate management, they also take care of what I don’t like. And this is because I’ve built sites and I know the things that you can do is you don’t have control over payment processing which might not seem like a big deal. But let’s say you only want to offer a 10 day refund or none at all. Well, guess what? They do that by default. So you don’t have a lot of choice in that regard. But honestly, it’s a great system to get started with and maybe even stay with and one thing about pricing, they got a monthly plan that starts I think at $39 goes to $99. Once you get over $1,000, it definitely makes sense to go to the higher plan for teachable.

    1 min


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