195 集


403花蓮大地震,不僅讓全台民眾有感,連長期居住在臺灣的外國人也很驚嚇,也紛紛對台灣表達關心。根據內政部統計,112年外國人居留臺灣的人數創新高,達8萬5814人。這些外國人眼中的臺灣到底是什麼樣貌?他們為什麼選擇長居台灣?教育電臺特別企劃「Friday Happy Hour in Formosa」系列節目,從外國人的視野看美麗的寶島,也為震災後的臺灣加油!


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403花蓮大地震,不僅讓全台民眾有感,連長期居住在臺灣的外國人也很驚嚇,也紛紛對台灣表達關心。根據內政部統計,112年外國人居留臺灣的人數創新高,達8萬5814人。這些外國人眼中的臺灣到底是什麼樣貌?他們為什麼選擇長居台灣?教育電臺特別企劃「Friday Happy Hour in Formosa」系列節目,從外國人的視野看美麗的寶島,也為震災後的臺灣加油!


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    天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|「북촌」에 어떻게 가요? 「北村」怎麼去?

    天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|「북촌」에 어떻게 가요? 「北村」怎麼去?

    🙍‍♂️:「북촌」에 어떻게 가요? 「北村」怎麼去?
    🙍:지하철로 갈까요? 택시로 갈까요?     要搭地鐵,還是坐計程車? 
    🙍‍♂️:지하철로 갑시다. 我們搭地鐵去吧。 
    🙍:언제 출발할까요?  甚麼時候出發好呢? 
    🙍‍♂️:좀 일찍 가고 싶어요. 我想早一點去。 
    🙍:그럼 지금 바로 출발합시다.  那麼現在立刻出發吧!   

    1. 어떻게 + V    怎麼 V ?
    어떻게 해요?   怎麼做? (怎麼辦?)어떻게 말해요? 怎麼說?어떻게 써요?   怎麼寫? / 怎麼使用?어떻게 읽어요?  怎麼讀? 22. V (으)ㅂ시다   我們~吧!     
    動詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 읍시다      
    動詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 ㅂ시다  
    뭐 먹을까요? 我們吃甚麼呢? - 불고기를 먹읍시다. 我們吃烤肉吧。어디에 갈까요?  去哪裡好呢? - 커피숍에 갑시다.   我們去咖啡廳吧。언제 만날까요? 甚麼時候見面好呢? - 내일 만납시다.明天見面吧。 
    지하철    地鐵 택시     計程車언제     甚麼時候좀      稍微、一點點일찍     早、 提早지금     現在바로     立刻、馬上내일     明天컵      杯子야채     蔬菜N (으)로 工具、方法 : 用、以、拿출발하다[動詞] 出發어떻다[形容詞] 怎麼樣  어떻게[副詞]  怎麼재미있다[形容詞] → 재미있게[副詞]   예쁘다[形容詞]  → 예쁘게[副詞]   행복하다[形容詞] → 행복하게[副詞]   
    하다[動詞]   做  → 해요말하다[動詞]  說話 → 말해요쓰다[動詞] 寫、使用 → 써요읽다[動詞]  讀   → 읽어요
    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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    用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Roswell, New Mexico: From UFOs to Alien Tourism. 新墨西哥州羅斯維爾:從幽浮到外星人觀光

    用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Roswell, New Mexico: From UFOs to Alien Tourism. 新墨西哥州羅斯維爾:從幽浮到外星人觀光

    Do you believe in aliens? Have little green men visited our small, blue planet? Your answer to those questions is probably "no, of course not!" But others might disagree.
    On June 14, 1947, W.W. Brazel and his son were driving through the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, where they saw a strange wreckage. A few weeks later Brazel returned to collect some pieces of it, which he took to Roswell's sheriff, George Wilcox.
    Neither man knew what the wreckage was, and so Wilcox reported it to the army. After seeing the wreckage for themselves, the army announced that it was a "flying disc." Then, the next day, they quickly changed their story, saying that the wreckage was of a weather balloon.
    But it was too late: the world had already started to believe that the "flying disc" was an alien spaceship. And some people still believe it to this day.
    So did aliens really land in Roswell? That depends on who you ask. But according to Roger Launius, from the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, the army may have first encouraged the idea of a "flying disc" because, at the time, doing so was easier than admitting what they now say is the truth — that the wreckage came from a secret army balloon used to spy on Russia.
    Whatever happened out there in the desert, Roswell's economy is happy that it did. Today the city is home to a number of popular tourist attractions, such as the Roswell Spacewalk, the International UFO Museum & Research Center, and AlienFest — a UFO Festival held by the city each year.

    您相信有外星人嗎? 1947年時,一對父子開車經過新墨西哥州羅斯維爾的沙漠,他們在那裡看到一個奇怪的殘骸。之後拿給羅斯維爾的治安官,進而呈報給軍方。軍方宣布那是一個「飛行圓盤」。 但隔天,他們馬上改口說那個殘骸是「探空氣球」的一部分。可是,為時已晚。全世界許多人已相信這個「飛行圓盤」就是外星人的飛船。不管在沙漠中究竟發生了什麼事,羅斯維爾已成為了外星人主題旅遊的聖地。羅斯維爾太空漫步、國際UFO博物館及研究中心等都是這個小鎮著名的觀光景點。

    🌏Words & Phrases🌏
    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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    • 5 分鐘
    天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|한복을 입고 싶어요. 好想穿韓服~

    天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|한복을 입고 싶어요. 好想穿韓服~

    🌏한복을 입고 싶어요.  好想穿韓服。

    🙍:오늘 어디에 갈까요?  今天(我們)去哪裡好呢? 
    🙍‍♂️:북촌한옥마을에 가고 싶어요. 我想去「北村韓屋村」。 
    🙍:한옥 사진을 찍고 싶어요? 你想拍韓屋嗎? 
    🙍‍♂️:네, 그리고 한복도 입고 싶어요. 對, 還有也想要穿韓服。 
    🙍:그럼 제가 안내해 드릴까요? 那麼要不要我帶路? 
    🙍‍♂️:정말요? 감사합니다. 真的嗎? 謝謝妳。

     V +고 싶어요.   想要~、希望~        뭐 먹고 싶어요? 想吃甚麼?  - 불고기를 먹고 싶어요.   想吃烤肉。    뭐 하고 싶어요? 想做甚麼?  - 콘서트를 보고 싶어요.  想看演唱會。   뭐 사고 싶어요?  你想要買甚麼? - 선물을 사고 싶어요.  我想要買禮物。 뭐 배우고 싶어요?   你想學甚麼? - 한국어를 배우고 싶어요.   我想學韓語。 누구를 만나고 싶어요?  你想見誰? - 저는 가수 아이유를 만나고 싶어요. 我希望見歌手IU小姐。 우리 오늘 뭐 할까요?  我們今天做甚麼好呢? - 저는 쇼핑을 하고 싶어요.   我想逛街購物。  📢詞彙
    북촌 한옥마을 北村韓屋村 한옥      韓屋 사진     照片한복      韓服 찍다[動詞]  拍照 입다[動詞]  穿(衣服) 그럼[副詞] 那麼、那樣的話、那就⚫ 저+가: 제가 나+가 : 내가 ⚫ 너+가: 네가 누구+가:누가 안내하다[動詞] 引導、帶路、介紹 V 고 싶다   想要做~불고기     烤肉 먹다[動詞]  吃 콘서트     演唱會 보다[動詞]  看 선물      禮物 사다[動詞]  買 한국어     韓語 배우다[動詞] 學 누구      誰 만나다[動詞] 見面、遇見、認識 쇼핑      逛街購物 하다[動詞]  做 
    >>>韓國人甚麼時候會穿韓服呢? 韓國人一生當中至少三次一定會穿上韓服喔。

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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    • 10 分鐘
    用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Tencent Is Now Using Facial Recognition on Child Gamers. 騰訊針對兒童玩家使用臉部辨識功能

    用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Tencent Is Now Using Facial Recognition on Child Gamers. 騰訊針對兒童玩家使用臉部辨識功能

    Chinese technology company Tencent has announced it will use facial recognition to stop children from playing its online video games late at night.
    "Children, put your phones away and go to sleep," Tencent said when it introduced its new technology called Midnight Patrol on July 6.
    In 2019, China banned those under 18 from playing online games between 10 pm and 8 am to try to stop video game addiction, which the government said is bad for young people's health. It also limited how much time and money young people can spend playing games.
    People in China must use their real names to play online games. But kids often find clever ways to get around such rules — like using their parents' phone or name instead.
    Tencent's new technology aims to stop this from happening by requiring users on an adult's account to pass a facial recognition test in order to continue gaming past 10 pm. If the player refuses or fails the test, Tencent will turn off the game.
    However, not everyone on Chinese social media agrees with Tencent's decision, according to The New York Times. While some supported the technology, they also questioned how the Chinese government might use people's data. Others thought that Tencent was going too far and should leave such decisions to parents

    🌏Words & Phrases
    facial recognition臉部辨識

    Article: Engoo Daily News

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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    • 5 分鐘
    天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|즐거운 한국 여행을 위하여(건배)! 為開心的韓國之旅(乾杯)!

    天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|즐거운 한국 여행을 위하여(건배)! 為開心的韓國之旅(乾杯)!

    즐거운 한국 여행을 위하여(건배)!  為開心的韓國之旅(乾杯)!
    🙍‍♂️:잘 먹겠습니다. 我要開動了。 
    🙍:맛이 어때요?  味道怎麼樣?  
    🙍‍♂️:정말 맛있어요! 真好吃!  
    🙍:우리 같이 건배할까요? 我們一起乾杯,好不好? 
    🙍‍♂️:네, 좋아요! 是,好!  
    🙍:즐거운 한국 여행을 위하여!   為開心的韓國之旅(乾杯)!
    🙍‍♂️:위하여! 乾杯! 잘 먹었습니다. (我)吃得很開心。 
    🙍:저도 맛있게 먹었습니다. 我也吃得很開心。

    N 이/가 어때요? N 怎麼樣? ★ 이/가[主格助詞] 날씨가 어때요?   天氣怎麼樣?기분이 어때요.    心情怎麼樣?
    慣用型 잘 먹겠습니다.     我要開動了!잘 먹었습니다.     我吃飽了;我吃得開心 맛있게 먹었습니다.  我吃得很開心  * 也有「謝謝你的招待!」的意思。
    N 을/를 위하여! 為 N(乾杯)! ★ 을/를[受格助詞] 사랑을 위하여!    為愛情(乾杯)! 미래를 위하여!    為未來(乾杯)! 
    맛          味道여행       旅行날씨       天氣 기분       心情사랑       愛情미래       未來、將來 건강        健康 잘 [副詞]    好好的 같이[副詞]    一起 먹다[動詞]    吃  → 먹겠습니다. 將要吃
    → 먹었습니다. 吃了
    어떻다[形容詞]  怎麼樣 → 어때요 맛있다[形容詞]  好吃 → 맛있어요. → 맛있게 [副詞] 건배하다[動詞]  乾杯 좋다[形容詞]    好 → 좋아요위하다[動詞]   為了~ 、為~ 즐거운[冠詞]     開心的 + N 🌏
    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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    用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Netflix to Offer Video Games as Part of its Service. Netflix將推出電玩服務!

    用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Netflix to Offer Video Games as Part of its Service. Netflix將推出電玩服務!

    Netflix has hired Mike Verdu as its new vice president of game development, signaling that it plans to add a service for playing video games along with its film and television streaming.
    Verdu is joining Netflix from Facebook's Oculus, where he was in charge of game development. Before Oculus, he worked at video game companies Electronic Arts and Zynga.
    Netflix added 37 million subscribers last year — the largest one-year increase in its history — largely due to COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions. However, the company had a slow start to 2021, with its smallest first-quarter subscriber increase in four years.
    As life returns to normal in many places, offering video games would give Netflix another way to continue adding to its nearly 208 million subscribers.
    And it wouldn't come as much as a surprise either, as Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has previously said the company competes as much against video games for people's leisure time as it does against other streaming services.
    Greg Peters, Netflix's chief operating officer, also said in April that video games could be another way to engage subscribers already following the stories on the service's TV series and movies.
    It is not known if users will have to pay for games separately, or if Netflix will include them as part of its video streaming service.

    Netflix去年新增3,700萬名訂閱用戶——其史上增加人數最多的一年——主要是因為新冠病毒封城和限制的關係。 不過,該公司在2021年起步緩慢,第一季增加的訂閱人數是四年來最少的一次。

    🌏Words & Phrases
    vice president副總經理;副總統

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Neil, 教育廣播電台, 教育電台.教育廣播電臺, 教育電臺, 學英語, 雙語教學花路米,英語學習,雙語學習,英文新聞,雙語,雙語新聞,雙語教育,英語,Bilingual education,越南語

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