A clinician’s experience in doing a PhD; broaden your skills, network widely and learn how to juggle - with Tim Trevail.

《Monash Musculoskeletal Research Unit podcast》Podcast

This fortnight’s @MonashMRU podcast features Torrens University program director, PhD student and MMRU member Tim Trevail. Tim spoke to Luke about his PhD research journey including his motivations to start a PhD, why he did his PhD part time and the experience he is gaining during his PhD.

Stay tuned for part two of this discussion coming up some time this year.  We will follow up with a deeper dive into Tim’s PhD findings which focus on physical activity, load and clinical outcomes for people with gluteal tendinopathy.

Find out more about Tim at timtrevail.com

Follow Tim on Twitter twitter.com/trevail

Tim consults at Complete Sports Care in Hawthorn, Australia https://www.completesportscare.com.au/team/tim-trevail/

Tim’s podcast: https://www.timtrevail.com/podcast

If you find this discussion interesting and helpful to your practice please share with your colleagues and on social media.

Connect with the Monash Musculoskeletal Research Unit @MonashMRU

If you want to join us on the podcast for a discussion about musculoskeletal research contact Luke Perraton on luke.perraton@monash.edu or via Twitter @LukePerraton or contact the MonashMRU team via twitter

If you enjoyed the episode please consider subscribing via your favourite podcast app and please share the episode via social media so more people can enjoy the conversation.








