After Hours Drunk Fed Podcast

Drunk Fed
《After Hours Drunk Fed Podcast》Podcast

Altgov gotta alt. Ya dig? This is a political podcast. Politics. Life. Disgust. Conspiracy theory. Life. Life theory. Spirituality. Theology. Twitter. Booze. Randomness. Vulgarity. Stuff. Things. All podcasts flagged as explicit. There be swear words.


  1. 01/05/2019

    Episode 8 - Delete Facebook. Thank me later

    THREE ARTICLES TO BACK MY PODCAST UP! SUCK IT! BONUS: (OR IS THIS A BONER CONTENT? I DUNNO. WHATEVER. YOU ARE WELCOME.) Cold open here. Or should I put in some music? Whatever. True to form. this pod cast was written, produced, uploaded, etc. all while drinking. you are welcome in advance. Co key toe. whiskey. pause. Welcome to the Drunk Fed pod cast. Today's one topic for April 30, 2019. is. Delete Face book. pause. No. No. Thank YOU. capitol y o u. to face book. for saying that you will not need to give them your email password when you sign up to confirm you in fact do use that email account. And no. no. THANK YOU again to face book for saying they did not use that opportunity to copy your contact list and use that for advertisements and marketing and recommendation purposes. Seriously. Here's the start of the C NET article from April 3. I listen to the Security Now podcast and this was a big topic on a recent podcast of theirs. It's a 2+ hour deeply I T tech podcast. Not for the faint and non techie at heart. Ahem. Now, C NET. Facebook will no longer ask for your email passwords It had been using them to verify some new accounts. BY  ALFRED NG, SEAN KEANE  APRIL 3, 2019 5:31 AM PDT Seriously - headline a lone.. fucking face book. okay. back to the article. You won't need to give Facebook your email password to sign up for a new account anymore. After a Twitter user called out the social media giant over the practice on Sunday, Facebook has backtracked on the verification requirement. When some people signed up on Facebook, instead of getting a verification email or a code sent to their phones, they would instead get a prompt to enter their personal email's password to verify their new accounts -- essentially giving login credentials to the social network. The news was first reported by the Daily Beast. A Facebook spokesperson said that the passwords are not stored by the social network and that the verification method was only available to a "very small group of people." Pause. Link to article in show notes. Do you believe this she it? If you do, I got some beach front property on a small red planet you can buy from me. Bids start at 1 million Kuwaiti dinars. Parenthesis I am no fool. See, these ass holes want to log in to your email account and steal take own your whole data profile. They want it all. Mark Zuckerburg has a data fetish. The air quotes man has a sexual attraction for data and knowledge for all things about you. You say, D F, you are over reacting.

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  2. 13/04/2019

    Episode 6 - Julian Assange - the foreign asset

    Julian Assange is a poop smearing idiot. I hope his cat is doing okay. Whatever. Welcome to the Drunk Fed pod cast. Today's topics for April 12, 2019 is dot dot dot grifters and charlatans. Wikileaks is not for radical transparency. If they were, they would release all their dirt about everything they’ve ever collected and let the internet decide. Wikileaks is not journalism. Journalists follow leads. Journalists ask around and investigate. Journalists do not provide hacking tools or hacking assistance to their contacts. A journalist waits for the documents. An agent of a foreign government or an agent of a competitive business befriends an insider and assists with tools to get information out. That is the spy game. That is not journalism. Julian Assange is not a journalist. Julian Assange is a foreign asset. Wikileaks is a foreign disinformation machine. Where is all the Wikileaks dirt on Republicans? Where is all the Wikileaks dirt on Russia? Where is all the Wikileaks dirt on trump? Wikileaks has information that they are hiding and keeping secret. Wikileaks is not about radical transparency. My personal message to Chelsea Manning. Girl. You did your time and President Obama took pity on you. Do not throw that away. It is my opinion that you were duped and tricked by the allure of Wikileaks and what they claimed to stand for. It is my opinion that President Obama felt the same way and granted you early release. You served your time. You need to come clean to the grand jury and turn on Wikileaks. Wikileaks is a non U S agent working against the U S. They are not your friend. Julian Assange is not your friend. Assange is a self serving narcissist. And an absentee dad. Like many others, the hack by Russia of the d n c e mails, at the time, I thought was a hack by a hacktivist, not an active attack by an adversary. The U S government in 2016 knew it was an attack. That was why the Democrats told the republicans to not use any of those e mails against them. This was information from a foreign power. I read some of those e mails and holy she it. It was damning stuff. It swayed me to vote green. And I convinced two others to vote green. The Russia hack and Wikileaks data dump did impact the election. Now. In addition to all this, I hate being lied to. I hate being mislead. The Green Party has some questions to answer for the role it played in 2016 & continues to play. Now. Tangential topic. Who is Cassandra Fairbanks? From zero to full on platform. From Bernie to trump. Writer for Sputnik pause. Really? Campaigning to quote free Julian Assange end quote. Photo op at the White House with Mike Cernovich flashing the okay white supremacy sign. Either Cassandra Fairbanks is an unregistered foreign agent comma she is one of the dumbest people on the planet comma or she is a money hungry grifter. The people who we should see taxes for are: Bernie Sanders trump trump’s kids All of trump’s family Fairbanks Roger stone Cernovich Posobec All of the far right, alt right, fascist right wing jerks. Who is paying them? Where do they get their money? All of these hucksters need to be exposed for what they are. F o I ay their taxes. Put that on blast. blank emoji face. Maybe tomorrow we talk about games. Thank you for listening to this pod cast. This has been the Drunk Fed Podcast. Written and produced by me, the Drunk Fed. All rights reserved. This is the Drunk Fed. Signing off.

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  3. 11/04/2019

    Episode 5 - Pollen leaking black holes

    The Pentagon Papers were a thing. Deep Throat was a thing. It's 2019 and we need another Deep Throat to leak this report. Inspire a whole new era of pornography. Whatever. Welcome to the Drunk Fed pod cast. Today's topics for April 9, 2019 is dot dot dot leaks, pollen, and black holes. The pentagon papers leaked to the new york times showed that president johnson had not only lied to the people but to congress as well. In trying to do clean up, president nixon ordered the white house plumbers to discredit the leaker. However, this never really went anywhere because water gate blew up on nixon. Someone will get to the breaking point in the D O J. The president has made it a point to hire and appoint personally loyal people into positions of power. The problem with this mind set is that there are way more people in each department of the executive branch that are loyal to their oath. Thankfully they are loyal to the U S Constitution. People who are in law enforcement and the military view themselves as having quote, that higher calling, end quote. If trump is going to attack them, like he called the F B I treasonous today, he just made a whole bunch of federal law enforcement types not happy. In my opinion. The mess he is creating will not end with him in a place of honor and distinction in the history books. You do not hide a report that supposedly clears you. You do not bash the agency that compiled and prepared the report. You do not act like a guilty as foock schmuck. Second topic. pause. Pollen. Fuck pollen. Allergies suck ass. That is all. Third topic. Pause. Black holes. Did you see the picture of the black hole on twitter today? look up youtube videos of people simulating a black hole getting near the earth. Now that's some scary she it. foock black holes. no emotion emoji face. Maybe tomorrow we talk about rainbows and unicorns. Thank you for listening to this pod cast. This has been the Drunk Fed Podcast. Written and produced by me, the Drunk Fed. All rights reserved. This is the Drunk Fed. Signing off.

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  4. 10/04/2019

    Episode 4 - wHiTe SuPrEmAcY

    Stephen Miller is a piece of she it. That is a fact I am sugar coating it. That I said she and it. Not my fault you heard something else. Whatever. Welcome to the Drunk Fed pod cast. Today's topic for April 9, 2019 is dot dot dot white supremacy. Apolgies for the heavy topic. We forget whence we came. We are a nation founded on white supremacy. Now, go reed the U S Constitution in its orgininal meaning. That all white men were created equal. See, the quote originalists quote frame their view that way. Slaves and non whites were non factors in the Constitution's creation. The quote others quote were not people to the founders. Many of the founders owned slaves. Unfriendly reminder. Hence the three fifths comprimise.  Now, what does a conservative want to do? Conservatives want to keep the status quo. They do not want to change. That would be nice if we were dealing with someone wanting to not change. However, we are dealling with regressives. The current G O P wants to turn the clock back to 1950. That is their desire. Jim crow. White males in power. Then, to them, everything will be all white and all right. This is what we are fighting against. This is how they frame, view, and want the whole world to be. I am not going to parrot their talking points in this podcast. You can read the transcript from the bigot in chief's number one ass licker. You can see the family separation policy in place from this current and only this current administration. President Obama did NOT start this policy. This is 100 percent trump's doing. You can be a black white supremacist. You can be a jewish nazi. You can be a gay bashing homophobic gay person. You can be a self hating whatever you are. Stephen Miller is a white supremacist. Stephen Miller is a bigot. Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. This is redundant to say, I know. Stephen Miller is a racist. Stephen Miller is a nazi. Stephen Miller is a fascist. Stephen Miller is the problem. I know what I used to be. I know what Stephen Miller is. When Miller says quote It is a painful reminder of the ongoing humanitarian tragedy that is illegal immigration and the misery that it spreads. end quote. He is blaming immigration. He is putting the blame on people coming here. Also, saying it is quote illegal end quote is also something only right wing types say. Being a person and going from one country to another is not illegal. You fly to Belize tomorrow, with a passport, you get it stamped for a tourist visa. You fly to the U S and get a tourist stamp and over stay it, if you are white, no problem. If you are non white, watch out for the brown shirts of I C E. Most visa over stays are from people flying to the U S and staying. Asking for aslyum is not illegal. Asking for help is not illegal. Matthew twenty five 45 what you did not do to the least of these, you also did not do to me. Why does trump and miller want a wall? Why do we need another idol to white supremacy? Why did Arizona erect a confederate monument in 2010? The bigot in chief has a chief ass licker. This is where all these hateful policies are coming from. This pod cast is too short and too long at the same time. I get it. However, I can not spend too much time in the cesspool of hate. Do you know how many times I re write upload and listen to this short thing to get it correct? it is painful some times like tonight. Angry emoji. Maybe tomorrow we talk about poke e mon and puppies. Thank you for listening to this pod cast. This has been the Drunk Fed Podcast. Written and produced by me, the Drunk Fed. All rights reserved. This is the Drunk Fed. Signing off.

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  5. 06/04/2019

    Episode 2 - Booze, Alts after dark, and a song.

    Cold open here. Or should I put in some music? Whatever. Welcome to the Drunk Fed pod cast. Today's three topic for April 5, 2019 are. One: Booze. Two: Alts after dark. Three: a song pause. First up: Let's talk about drinking. Here are my go to drinks at the moment. I don't have more than one large bottle in the house at a time though. Fireball Whiskey. a spiced Rum or dark rum or a down right black rum. Old Forester Whiskey Mead - I am brewing my own. I have 3 going right now. All at various states of fermintaion. And that's it. That's what I drink. It's nothing special. Pause. I made an infinity bottle. Well, not really. It was just about $10 worth of different 50 m l bottles mixed together. Not really what psycho whiskey lovers would go for with starting an infinity bottle. Here were my starter five whiskeys I put together. Gentlemen Jack, Makers Mark, Wild Turkey 101, and Glenlivet 12. One part each. Place into a 375 m l bottle. Add Old Forester 86 for the rest. Close bottle. Turn over and back one time. Wait 24 hours. Enjoy. Now, when you get some more whiskey from a nice or nicer bottle, add to this bottle. A 750 m l bottle is recommened and one with a synthetic cork for less loss to the angel's share. damn angels. stop drinking my whiskey! P S A If you have a problem alochol and or if drinking is impacting your ability to live a productive life, please seek help. Second topic: Alts after dark. Why are the alts doing this? they want to do an after dark thing. I don't get it. Whatever. I shall recap. I see memes. I see gifs. shouting - you were in my wedding denise. It looks like they are all posting gifs and memes at each other. My notices are going crazy. Thank God I have sound and email notifications turned off on Twitter. I had nachos and whiskey for dinner. Third topic: Let's sing a song started by...

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Altgov gotta alt. Ya dig? This is a political podcast. Politics. Life. Disgust. Conspiracy theory. Life. Life theory. Spirituality. Theology. Twitter. Booze. Randomness. Vulgarity. Stuff. Things. All podcasts flagged as explicit. There be swear words.








