Country Risers Radio with Ward Guenther

Country Risers Radio with Ward Guenther

Country Risers Radio with Ward Guenther spotlights new tunes from voices you know as well as stars in the making. As the founder of Nashville’s Whiskey Jam, a barroom proving ground for emerging voices and future hits, Ward has his finger on the pulse of the city's creative community. He’ll draw on his knowledge of the scene to give you a daily dose of music and personalities that are destined to make it big. Listen on Apple Music Country.


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Country Risers Radio with Ward Guenther spotlights new tunes from voices you know as well as stars in the making. As the founder of Nashville’s Whiskey Jam, a barroom proving ground for emerging voices and future hits, Ward has his finger on the pulse of the city's creative community. He’ll draw on his knowledge of the scene to give you a daily dose of music and personalities that are destined to make it big. Listen on Apple Music Country.

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