Life on Autopilot Podcast

Ashley Krooks
《Life on Autopilot Podcast》Podcast

Are you sick of clocking in and building someone else's dream day in and day out? Are you sick of societal conditioning telling you you're not normal and not enough? Are you sick of feeling like you're meant for more but having no idea where to start to create a life and career you love? Well, my friend, that's about to change. I’m Ashley mission is to help you escape the 9-5, live life to your fullest potential, and build a profitable online biz from anywhere in the world! I’m a full-time digital nomad who’s built a 7-figure business over the last 4+ years ALL from my laptop. I know how overwhelming and impossible it may seem to escape the corporate world - I’ve been there! I went from working multiple jobs I absolutely HATED to traveling the world with my boyfriend and running a multi-million dollar business...and the thing is, I know my reality IS entirely possible for you too! That’s why I created this podcast, to help you finally step into your power and reach new heights of success. To replace your conditioned thought patterns and create your new autopilot. I know you have it in you, it’s just a matter of bringing it out! Inside this podcast, we are diving into all things travel, mindset and business to help you create a business and mindset that supports your lifestyle, not the other way around. We're conditioned into these autopilot patterns that we accept as "normal", but it's time we change that and accept that life can be easy and fun all at the same time. We 100% can have the business and lifestyle we crave, we don't have to spend all our time at a 9-5. This podcast is going to expand your mind, give you the strategies and beliefs to create a life outside the 9-5, a life that's easy and fun, a life on your new autopilot. For more information about the podcast, "Life on Autopilot", or other ways you can work with me, check out: I would love to connect more with you on social media! You can find me at: IG: @ohtheplacesashgoes Website: Facebook:

  1. 25/04/2022

    How to Find Your Why & Use It To Move You Towards the Life You Dream Of

    Do you know what your WHY is? This is SUCH an important thing to decipher for yourself. It acts as your fuel to keep you going towards your ultimate goals in life and it propels you forward to the life you want to lead.  The focus of this episode is around finding your why. There are many different exercises you can do to uncover your why - and not just the one that exists on the surface level. I want you to go way beyond that, digging deep to really uncover a connection to serving others and contributing to society in a bigger way that is meaningful to you. Here’s what I talk about in the episode: The Need to Dig Deeper The Importance of Your Why The Two Types of Why’s Working Towards Your Why This journey of finding your why is an exciting one! And, the thing is, your why is going to shift and evolve over time. I know mine has! That’s all a part of your path, and it’s definitely an amazing one to follow. So don’t delay - start pursuing your deep and powerful why now. If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ohtheplacesashgoes   CONNECT WITH ASHLEY: Instagram:   Website:  Facebook:    EPISODE RESOURCES: Reserve your seat for my on-demand training - How To Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere In The World!

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  2. 18/04/2022

    How To De-Stress Yourself By Utilizing Your Breath

    You may or may not know that I’ve been in a program to become a breathwork facilitator for the past six months. This has been an amazingly transformative experience for me, and I’m so excited to facilitate unthinkable transformations for others and allow them to destress themselves in the process!  I’m diving deep into the topic of breathwork on this episode because I’m SO passionate about it. I want everyone to know just how powerful the practice is and I’m even sharing some techniques that you can start trying to tap into this amazing power that exists within something that’s always with us: our breath!  Here’s are the topics I discuss: Why is Breathwork Powerful? Why I Became a Breathwork Facilitator Three Breathwork Techniques  The Benefits of Breathwork I’m so excited for you to tap into this power and explore all that breathwork has to offer! I promise you it will be an amazing experience that you’ll start regularly implementing into your life - it’s THAT good! If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ohtheplacesashgoes   CONNECT WITH ASHLEY: Instagram:   Website:  Facebook:    EPISODE RESOURCES: Reserve your seat for my on-demand training - How To Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere In The World!

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  3. 11/04/2022

    5 Books to Help You Shift Your Mindset Around Money & Create Infinite Wealth

    Money is such a taboo topic in today’s society. People are scared to talk about their income or why and how they want to generate more of it in order to chase the life of their dreams. Why? That’s so silly! In this episode, I am recommending five of my favorite books on money. These have all been transformative titles for me, and I hope they can help you break free of the limiting beliefs society has imposed on us about money and totally flip your mindset. Here’s are the books I talk about: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero  Rich As F*ck by Amanda Frances  Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi I can’t wait for you to read these books - whether you read the physical copies or check them out as audiobooks, I just know they’re really going to make a difference in the way you approach money. And, in turn, your ENTIRE life will change. That’s what happened to me! If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ohtheplacesashgoes   CONNECT WITH ASHLEY: Instagram:   Website:  Facebook:    EPISODE RESOURCES: Reserve your seat for my on-demand training - How To Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere In The World! Think And Grow Rich:  You are a Badass at Making Money: Rich As F*ck:  Rich Dad Poor Dad:  A Happy Pocket Full of Money:

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  4. 04/04/2022

    Creating the Motivation You’re Waiting On

    Motivation can be a tricky thing, and to be honest - it can also be somewhat elusive. While we’re so prone to be in the mindset that we’re going to wait until we’re motivated to take action towards our goals, is that really the best method? In this episode, I explain why it’s so important to create your motivation. I even take it a step beyond that, though, and tell you just how you can do it! Homegrown motivation works just as well, and it will help you defeat that “someday…” mentality that ultimately keeps you from getting what you want.  Here’s are the topics I dive into on this episode: Using a Lack of Motivation as an Excuse External vs. Internal Motivation Tips for Motivating Yourself Focusing on Your Why  Build momentum with an unwavering motivation that you can source for yourself! The sooner you do, the more you’ll cross off your list and the closer you’ll be to your goals, and I truly can’t think of anything more empowering than that! If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ohtheplacesashgoes   CONNECT WITH ASHLEY: Instagram:   Website:  Facebook:    EPISODE RESOURCES: Reserve your seat for my on-demand training - How To Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere In The World!

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  5. 28/03/2022

    Can You Become a Better Entrepreneur Through Traveling? Part 2

    If you listened to last week’s episode, then you’re already familiar with the topic I’m diving further into today: what traveling can teach you about business. This is part two of the series, and I’m doling out a lot more lessons that can come from experiencing new places and cultures.  Travel is more than personally fulfilling and enriching. Besides that, it’s an amazing chance to strengthen your skills as an entrepreneur - sometimes in the most unexpected of ways! Here’s are the skills I’ll expand on: Skill #1: Expand Your Perspective Skill #2: Become More Outgoing Skill #3: Become a Better Storyteller  Skill #4: Refine Your Elevator Pitch  Skill #5: Knowing Yourself Skill #6: Prompts You to Question “Why?” Skill #7: Leadership Skills Skill #8: Be More Empathetic Skill #9: Building Trust  Skill #10: Embracing Adventure Skill #11:  Pushing Past Your Fears I’m so excited for you to learn the rest of the skills that traveling has taught me in terms of business so that you can begin tapping into them on your next trip. If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ohtheplacesashgoes   CONNECT WITH ASHLEY: Instagram:   Website:  Facebook:    EPISODE RESOURCES: Ep 46 - Can You Become a Better Entrepreneur Through Traveling? Part 1:  Reserve your seat for my on-demand training - How To Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere In The World!:

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  6. 21/03/2022

    Can You Become a Better Entrepreneur Through Traveling? Part 1

    Travel provides enriching experiences, culture immersion, and amazing memories that you’ll carry with you forever. But even beyond that, travel can provide you with valuable skills that can lend themselves to being an effective entrepreneur or even a better employee. That’s exactly what I talk about in this episode! The past five years of traveling the world have taught me so much, especially about how to run a business. That’s why I want to share the skills that travel has helped me build that makes it possible to become more successful in business in this episode. Here’s are the skills I’ll expand on: Skill #1: Resourcefulness Skill #2: Always Learning Skill #3: Self Sufficiency Skill #4: Adaptability Skill #5: Flexibility Skill #6: Open-Minded to Change Skill #7: Open-Minded to New Experiences Skill #8: Planning & Organizing Skill #9: Giving Yourself Variety I can’t wait for you to learn these exciting new skills that you can get from doing something so amazing: traveling the world!  If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ohtheplacesashgoes   CONNECT WITH ASHLEY: Instagram:   Website:  Facebook:    EPISODE RESOURCES: Reserve your seat for my on-demand training - How To Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere In The World!

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  7. 14/03/2022

    Are You Ready to Step Into Your Life of Abundance?

    Are you ready to tap into your life of abundance? If not, what’s holding you back? Expansion is out there waiting for you, and you can truly level up in your life if you open yourself up to it. That’s what I talk about in this inspiring episode! I’m using a real-life example of how I shift into my abundance and recognize all the growth I’ve experienced in this episode. I really want you to understand how you can practice expansion, too, no matter what phase of life you’re in. Don’t let your subconscious tell you it’s not possible - I promise you, it is! Here’s exactly what I talk about in this episode: How I’m Experiencing Abundance Don’t Hold Yourself Back from Your Abundant Life How to Practice Expansion in Every Phase of Life  Once you start practicing this, it’s like reprogramming your brain to help get you closer to the life you want to live. You’re that close to leveling up - you just need to start putting these tips into action. If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ohtheplacesashgoes   CONNECT WITH ASHLEY: Instagram:   Website:  Facebook:    EPISODE RESOURCES: Reserve your seat for my on-demand training - How To Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere In The World!

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  8. 07/03/2022

    How to Have a Thriving Work Relationship With Your Partner

    Sometimes, you can mix business and pleasure! I’m lucky enough to work every day with my significant other, Cam. After seven years together and five years running our business in tandem, I have a wealth of knowledge on the topic of working with your partner.  Today’s episode dives into my tips and tricks for success in love and business as you navigate the waters of working with your partner. Following these will make you more successful in business and happier in your relationship, so it’s really a win-win!  Here are the topics and tips I cover on the episode: Our Business Journey Together Figure Out Each Other’s Strengths Assign Clear Roles and Responsibilities Practice Strong Communication Have Systems in Place Have Clear Boundaries Carve Out Time for Your Relationship Motivate Each Other Build Each Other Up Trust In Your Partner Know How the Other Works Working with your significant other is not for everyone - that’s for sure! And if your relationship isn’t cut out for that, it’s okay. But if you are ready to take the plunge and work with your partner,  then these tips are a must, so start implementing them as soon as possible. If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ohtheplacesashgoes   CONNECT WITH ASHLEY: Instagram:   Website:  Facebook:    EPISODE RESOURCES: Reserve your seat for my on-demand training - How To Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere In The World!

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Are you sick of clocking in and building someone else's dream day in and day out? Are you sick of societal conditioning telling you you're not normal and not enough? Are you sick of feeling like you're meant for more but having no idea where to start to create a life and career you love? Well, my friend, that's about to change. I’m Ashley mission is to help you escape the 9-5, live life to your fullest potential, and build a profitable online biz from anywhere in the world! I’m a full-time digital nomad who’s built a 7-figure business over the last 4+ years ALL from my laptop. I know how overwhelming and impossible it may seem to escape the corporate world - I’ve been there! I went from working multiple jobs I absolutely HATED to traveling the world with my boyfriend and running a multi-million dollar business...and the thing is, I know my reality IS entirely possible for you too! That’s why I created this podcast, to help you finally step into your power and reach new heights of success. To replace your conditioned thought patterns and create your new autopilot. I know you have it in you, it’s just a matter of bringing it out! Inside this podcast, we are diving into all things travel, mindset and business to help you create a business and mindset that supports your lifestyle, not the other way around. We're conditioned into these autopilot patterns that we accept as "normal", but it's time we change that and accept that life can be easy and fun all at the same time. We 100% can have the business and lifestyle we crave, we don't have to spend all our time at a 9-5. This podcast is going to expand your mind, give you the strategies and beliefs to create a life outside the 9-5, a life that's easy and fun, a life on your new autopilot. For more information about the podcast, "Life on Autopilot", or other ways you can work with me, check out: I would love to connect more with you on social media! You can find me at: IG: @ohtheplacesashgoes Website: Facebook:








