McGill Cares: Talking to children about dementia and death

《McGill Cares》Podcast

Andrea Warnick, RN, MA, is a Registered Psychotherapist and Registered Nurse who supports individuals, families and communities who are grieving illness or death in their lives. She co-owns AWC Grief Support, a group practice of over 30 therapists who provide grief therapy across Ontario and grief consultation and education across Canada.  Ms. Warnick developed the five-day Children's grief and bereavement certificate program at SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Learning Institute. She also hosts Kids Grief Q&A, a free monthly webinar offered by Canadian Virtual Hospice, where she responds to questions from families and professionals from across the country about supporting grieving children and youth.  

Ms. Warnick will answer questions about how to speak to children about grave illnesses and how to recognize and address grieving in children. 

This webcast is in English. 


McGill Cares is supported by the Amelia Saputo Community Outreach for Dementia Care.   

McGill Cares is an initiative of the McGill Dementia Education Program, which is funded by private donations.

To contribute or for more information about our program, please visit  This page also contains a link to trusted resources specific to dementia.      

If you have any topics or questions that you would like us to address during our weekly webcasts, please email us at  








