Abundant Leaders with Tenji Moyana

Tenji Moyana
Abundant Leaders with Tenji Moyana Podcast

Top 10 podcast. Abundant Leaders helps African leaders unlock their full potential by inspiring them to confidently and authentically bring their full selves to the table by overcoming their limiting mindsets and insecurities. Tenji has conversations with inspiring African leaders about how they have created inner abundance and authentic success in their careers, brings global leadership and personal mastery experts to share their skill and knowledge, and shares stories and perspectives from her diverse 17-year career from Harvard to J.P. Morgan to McKinsey to entrepreneurship. Tenji is a coac

  1. 38. Tamara Makoni on inclusive leadership, growing up black but different, and not competing with each other

    12 SEPT

    38. Tamara Makoni on inclusive leadership, growing up black but different, and not competing with each other

    Tamara Makoni is the Founder & CEO of Kazuri Consulting. She is an inclusion & culture advisor, facilitator and speaker who helps organisations use diversity, equity and inclusion to empower diverse teams and achieve strategic objectives. Today we explore how we can be more inclusive as leaders by unpacking our pasts and confronting our unconscious biases. As black leaders, we think a lot about whether or not we’re being included, understood and empowered to thrive but don’t always see how we aren’t including others who may have different economic backgrounds, sexual orientations, ethnicity, etc. We unpack why that is, our unconscious biases and what we need to do differently to bring about holistic inclusion on our teams.    Topics discussed: * DEI and intersectionality * Our personal stories about growing up black but different, including my own unconscious biases about Tamara! * How colonisation, apartheid and slavery created mindsets of lack and competition for limited roles * How black and African culture creates fierce in-group and out-group mentalities that make it difficult for outsides to fit in * The mindset shift that will empower us to be more self-aware and inclusive * Advice for how to better support the underrepresented members of our teams   Find Tamara on Kazuri Consulting, LinkedIn, YouTube and read her article on DEI and intersectionality   -- Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company Clarify what you want for your career and how you want to lead with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠ Find me on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ Sign up to receive my leadership letter, get discounts and early access to events Sponsor an episode

    56 min
  2. 37. Owning your power as a female leader

    29 AUG

    37. Owning your power as a female leader

    It’s Women’s Month in South Africa and this episode is for the ladies! My fellow female leaders, it is time to heal our relationship with power so that we can rise up and have the influence we are here to have. In my journey as a leader, I have struggled to own my voice, take up space, stand in the spotlight with all eyes on me, and go against the grain. I’ve asked for permission instead of taking what is mine. And, heartbreakingly, I have coached so many C-suite women who struggle with the same thing. Imposter syndrome, low confidence and shrinking back is not our portion in life. It is our divine right to lead, to influence, and to want and have power without being shamed, judged or punished for it. In today’s episode, I take us on a journey that can help us heal our relationship with power so that we can have the leadership impact and experience the freedom that we were created for. Topics discussed: * How society sets women up to distrust our own power and judges us for wanting it   * What healthy power looks like and how vital it is to life * Overcoming our unhelpful beliefs and stories about being a woman with power * My story as a recovering permission-seeking, over-functioning people pleaser * A few reflection questions that can help step into more of your power   -- Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company Clarify what you want for your career and how you want to lead with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠ Find me on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ Sign up to receive my leadership letter, get discounts and early access to events Sponsor an episode

    43 min
  3. 36. Audrey Kusambiza Bolo on leading vs. managing and building happy teams that perform well

    16 AUG

    36. Audrey Kusambiza Bolo on leading vs. managing and building happy teams that perform well

    Audrey Kusambiza Bolo is the Global Talent Acquisition Director for One Acre Fund while moonlighting as a a talent consultant & team well-being coach in her company, Your Truth Coach. She joins us to discuss how to build healthy, happy teams that also perform well. Key to this is distinguishing between management and leadership to help us elevate from being primarily focussed on delivery oversight and output management to also managing the strategic vision, team culture and health, and our team’s ability to thrive holistically. We explore how leaders can make this transition successfully, and the emotional and social skills necessary to do so.  Topics discussed: * How Audrey reframed her definition of leadership when she became a team leader * The need to be strategic about the vision you have for your team’s culture and DNA * Being intentional about showing up as the type of leader you want to be instead of leaving it to chance * Embracing vulnerability and authenticity to build buy-in and form deeper connections with your team * How to make time in our busy days to be strategic about how we lead people   Learn more about Audrey on LinkedIn, follow her on Instagram, and visit her website to learn more about her new team leadership workshop.   -- Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company Clarify what you want for your career and how you want to lead with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠ Find me on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ Sign up to receive my leadership letter, get discounts and early access to events Sponsor an episode

    1h 6m
  4. 35. Use neuroscience and epigenetics to overcome your leadership insecurities and limiting beliefs about your career

    26 JUL

    35. Use neuroscience and epigenetics to overcome your leadership insecurities and limiting beliefs about your career

    Are you ready to have unshakeable confidence in yourself and finally have a breakthrough in the management and leadership challenges you’ve struggled to overcome for ages? The scientifically proven fields of neuroscience and epigenetics have given us the hacks of the century!  Neuroscience has proven that, through the power of our words, we can rewire our brains to change how we think and approach life and thus easily and rapidly create any new behaviour we need in order to have what we’ve always wanted.  Epigenetics affirms this principle in the field of biology. Say we want to supercharge our energy levels so we can meet the demands of a high-performance career. We can tell your cells they are full of vitality and, in so doing, reprogramme them to reorganise themselves towards strength, vitality and regeneration.  Through exploring the work of Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton and Dr Tara Swart, I am in the depths of an experiment with these two topics regarding my physical health. Hear my story and discover how you can bring this alive for yourself in any area of your life. Topics discussed: * How neuroplasticity and epigenetics work to create a new reality for you * The foundational tools you can integrate into your daily routine to easily reprogram your body and mind * Where I’ve seen this work for me with manifesting financial provision * How I’m currently experimenting with this to transform my health   Learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode: Dr Bruce Lipton’s interview on Dr Tara Swart’s podcast: Changing the Programme with Bruce Lipton The Source by Dr Tara Swart - neuroplasticity Dr Joe Dispenza – neuroscience Dr Bruce Lipton – epigenetics   -- Clarify what you want for your career and how you want to lead with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop FREE RESOURCE: Chart your course for 2024 using this short, guided teaching that builds on the 4 leadership themes for the year that I shared in Episode 26 Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠ Find me on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ Sign up to receive my leadership letter, get discounts and early access to events Sponsor an episode

    56 min
  5. 34. Marika Messager on conscious leadership, overcoming survivor mode and finding your power

    10 JUL

    34. Marika Messager on conscious leadership, overcoming survivor mode and finding your power

    Marika Messager is a consciousness researcher, teacher, advisor, and the founder of ConsciousLeadership.org. She was previously Head of Cash Equities at Société Générale. She joins us to discuss what conscious leadership is and how it helps us to bring more of our humanity to how we lead. We talk about letting go of outdated leadership archetypes and returning to a place of quiet confidence in our humanity, personal story and natural way of behaving – something she learned the hard way as a young investment banker on a trading floor dominated by men. We also explore how to find personal agency and overcome survival mode that keeps us in roles and behaviours that no longer serve us. Topics discussed *The three dimensions of conscious leadership *Letting go of trying to fit in as a woman in a male-dominated environment *How to overcome survival mode and a mindset of lack so that you can transcend the past and create a different future *Being deliberate in choosing how you show up so you can find your agency and personal power *Where to start on your journey to being more conscious in how you lead and navigate your career Learn more about Marika on LinkedIn, work with her or connect on Instagram or Facebook   -- Clarify what you want for your career and how you want to lead with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop FREE RESOURCE: Chart your course for 2024 using this short, guided teaching that builds on the 4 leadership themes for the year that I shared in Episode 26 Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠ Find me on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ Sign up to receive my leadership letter, get discounts and early access to events Sponsor an episode

    57 min
  6. 33. How to find your purpose the easy way

    20 JUN

    33. How to find your purpose the easy way

    If you’re anything like me, you’ve fallen into the trap of believing that your purpose is something that you do or achieve when you’re in a great job doing work that you’re passionate about. But what happens when you’re doing work that you’re passionate about but you aren’t happy? Or you build your whole identity around what you do and something unexpected like chronic illness or parenthood fundamentally limits your ability to give your all to it or to work in the same field in the same way? What happens to your ability to live out your purpose then?  Our journey as leaders is to discover that our purpose does not lie in what we do, it lies in who we are, authentically, in every moment and leadership role. Let’s explore how we can build a more empowering framework for what purpose is and, in so doing, find an easier way to structure our lives and careers so that we always feel like we are in purpose and exactly where we need to be, being who we were meant to be and confidently having impact on the world.  Topics discussed: * Why the current definition of what purpose is and how to find it no longer works * How to find your true purpose – it’s so simple! * The link between purpose and authenticity * How opportunities effortlessly flow to us when we are simply being ourselves  -- Move into effortless purpose by uncovering and feeding the essence of who you are with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop FREE RESOURCE: Chart your course for 2024 using this short, guided teaching that builds on the 4 leadership themes for the year that I shared in Episode 26 Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠ Find me on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ Sign up to receive my leadership letter, get discounts and early access to events Sponsor an episode

    48 min
  7. 32. Marjorie Ngwenya on believing we’re limitless, taking on challenging roles and finding purpose

    6 JUN

    32. Marjorie Ngwenya on believing we’re limitless, taking on challenging roles and finding purpose

    My next guest, Marjorie Ngwenya, is a leadership coach, author and speaker and is a former executive at both Liberty Group South Africa and Old Mutual’s African operations. She was both the youngest and first black female President of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in the United Kingdom. She broke down her own internal barriers to embrace and subsequently thrive in her appointment and now she’s written a book to help us do the same.  Marjorie takes on challenges head on, bravely processes difficult emotions and is not afraid to let go of an identity or a long-held dream if it no longer supports who she’s becoming. Her new book “Empowered Evolution: Shape Your Mindset, Discover Your Meaning and Thrive With Momentum” helps you overcome limiting mindsets so that you can go after a career that truly gives you meaning, in a way that’s practical and strategic, without running out of momentum on the way there. Topics discussed: Are we truly limitless? How we can challenge our own limiting beliefs What helps Marjorie to take big risks How to create a life that is meaningful Facing difficult emotions so that we can be resilient in life’s impossible moments, e.g., facing Marjorie’s father’s dementia diagnosis   Learn more about Marjorie, buy her book Empowered Evolution, and contact her for business opportunities or a coaching consultation. -- Clarify what you want for your career and how you want to lead with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop FREE RESOURCE: Chart your course for 2024 using this short, guided teaching that builds on the 4 leadership themes for the year that I shared in Episode 26 Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠ Find me on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ Sign up to receive my leadership letter, get discounts and early access to events Sponsor an episode

    1h 6m
  8. 31. Inner abundance - not hard work - powers your level of success, joy and career freedom

    26 APR

    31. Inner abundance - not hard work - powers your level of success, joy and career freedom

    We all want to feel great in our careers. We want influence, opportunities, confidence, satisfaction, a sense of achievement, purpose. We want abundance. But it can feel hard to really grasp. What does abundance mean? Is it even possible in a world that seems to have finite resources? I’m discovering on my own path that abundance is not something we get from outside, it’s something we create from within. And when we cultivate our inner abundance it becomes a powerful radiance that we bring into the world. And from that place opportunities, freedom and fullness flows – and that’s how we manifest outer abundance. Topics discussed: What is abundance in theory and in practice? The relationship between inner abundance and outer success We can have abundance in some areas of our lives while we are growing in others Practical strategies for how we can create abundance lives and cultivate its presence -- Cultivate your inner abundance by uncovering and feeding the essence of who you are with the Discover What Gives You Meaning online workshop FREE RESOURCE: Chart your course for 2024 using this short, guided teaching that builds on the 4 leadership themes for the year that I shared in Episode 26 Book a free 1x1 coaching discovery call or reach out for speaking, leadership development or culture and talent consulting for your company Accelerate your career advancement with the ⁠Get Promoted online course⁠ Find me on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ and ⁠Instagram⁠ Sign up to receive my leadership letter, get discounts and early access to events Sponsor an episode

    51 min


Top 10 podcast. Abundant Leaders helps African leaders unlock their full potential by inspiring them to confidently and authentically bring their full selves to the table by overcoming their limiting mindsets and insecurities. Tenji has conversations with inspiring African leaders about how they have created inner abundance and authentic success in their careers, brings global leadership and personal mastery experts to share their skill and knowledge, and shares stories and perspectives from her diverse 17-year career from Harvard to J.P. Morgan to McKinsey to entrepreneurship. Tenji is a coac

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