Finish Well

Finish Well Team
Finish Well Podcast

Hear from teens, homeschooling parents, homeschool grads, and singles who are just like you. They love the Lord, resist temptation, sometimes blow it, struggle with relationships, and are pressing on to see Jesus face to face! Great discussions that will stretch you to live Christian lives.

  1. 16 SEPT

    Projects Instead of Tests

    Projects Instead of Tests In “Projects Instead of Tests,” Episode, #217, join Meredith Curtis to consider projects instead of tests for K-12 learning. Meredith shares the problems with test-taking and the benefits of hands-on projects. She gives practical examples of immersive learning that works from the beginning to high school graduation. Lots of practical ideas!         Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!   Show Notes Chemistry background for Human Anatomy – the big surprise! A-plus Chemistry students remembered nothing the next year in Human Anatomy where I needed them to know it! The Problem with Test Taking Test takers – good and bad Tests – short term memory Purpose of learning Should My Kids Never Take Tests? I recommend a little bit of test taking until high school when you can add a little more. Example: Spelling & Math What is a Project? Projects are hands-on learning experiences * Display for a Geography, Science, or History Fair * Cooking & Baking & Party Planning (Recipes from other countries, Recipes from other places, Luau, Medieval Banquet, Ancient Greek Olympics, Victorian Tea, Sock Hop, Archaeology Dig, Monestary Day, State Dinner, Vaudeville Show) * Skits, Radio Shows, Commercials, Talk Show, Interviews, NEWS shows, Sitcom, Act Out Battles, Act Out Courtroom Trial * Stories, Poems, Novels, Letters, Journal Entries * Experiments, Models, Observation of Nature * Crafts, Paintings, Building Projects, Cardmaking, Posters * Design an Airport, Airplane Company, Amusement Park, Miniature Golf Course * Diaromas, Charts, Timelines, Maps * Garden, Landscape, Graft Vines & Plants, Seedlings * Pet & Animal Care – Home, Vet, Zoo, Stable, Breeding How Do Projects Help Children & Teens Learn? Projects Immerse students in a topic of study. Projects Require Research into the topic of study. Projects are Fun! How to Grade Projects Grade projects based on Content, Accuracy, Creativity, and Legibility. Require excellence. I love using rubrics to grade. Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our updates and get your copy of 100 Homeschool Hacks FREE. Sign up here.           Resources 20 Century History Project-Based Learning Geography Project-Based Learning

    39 min
  2. 2 SEPT

    Make America Literate Again

    Make America Literate Again In “Make America Literate Again,” Episode, #216, Meredith Curtis will inspire and equip you to take part in a movement to get children and teens reading quality literature again so that as teens and adults they can read great works. I know there are some out there already on board (parents and teens) – please spread the news and get more folks reading! For those who aren’t on board yet – please listen to my compelling reasons for reading quality literature, timeless classics, and great works that have changed history.         Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!   Show Notes My favorite President Ronald Reagan coined the phrase “Make America Great Again.” We needed it. We were demoralized with Watergate, POWs still held by Vietnam, hostages held by Iran, and a failing economy. President Reagan injected hope and passed laws to improve the life of everyday Americas. It was morning in America again in the early 1980s. President Trump loved the phrase “Make America Great Again” and uses it in his campaign. Robert F Kennedy, Jr. who just endorsed Trump and will work with him if elected, has adapted the slogan “Make America Healthy Again.” Inspired by these three men, I want to make a slogan, too: Make America Literate Again. Reasons to Make America Literate Again Leaders are Readers. The quality of what they read Founding Fathers – Cicero, Adam Smith, John Locke, Samuel Rutherford, Freedom is maintained by Readers & Hedonism leads to Totalitarianism We can read ABOUT great works or read those great works THEMSELVES. Substitutes for Reading in Our Culture * Scrolling on Phone * Social Media * Video Games * Movies, Streaming, TV * Pornography * Gamification Step-by-Step to Literacy America Once Enjoyed The Process with Explanations on Podcast * Read Aloud & Read in Front of Children * Teach to Read * Beginning Readers * Introduce Age-Appropriate Classics * Read, Read, Read – Bible, Fables, Stories, Biographies, etc. * Read & Talk about Classic Literature (book clubs) * Middle School to Adult - Read & Talk about Literature & Classic Works (book clubs) * Bounce Back & Forth * Read Great Works – City of God, Wealth of the Nations, The Prince, Ecclesiastical History of the English People What Happens to Literate People Brainwashing doesn’t work. They know who the “experts” really are They Value FREEDOM. They discuss ideas not just people and events Resources for Literature Based Learning At Powerline Productions, we love books! We included book lists everywhere – in cookbooks, timelines, history curriculum, geography curriculum, unit studies, and, of course, English courses. Grab our FREE Reading Lists. Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our updates and get your copy of 100 Homeschool Hacks FREE. Sign up here.           Resources for Literature Based Learning + our whole store!

    35 min
  3. 19 AUG

    Reimagine High School Government

    Reimagine High School Government In “Reimagine High School Government,” Episode, #215, join Meredith Curtis for an inspiring look at ways to make government fascinating to learn (if you are a teen) and motivating for your teens (if you are a parent). Making government interesting and fun was the challenge before Meredith and this is what she did! From hosting a state dinner to campaigning for a candidate to discussing current events, she learned that a government course CAN be appealing and exciting!         Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!   Show Notes Teens usually take a government class in high school that they universally call "boring". Is it any wonder that so few Americans have read the Constitution much less remember what it says? I have found some fun ways to engage teens to want to understand government over the years. Here are some ideas you can add to your government course to bring it alive. Engage in a Political Campaign Years ago, we joined John McCain's campaign for President. We made phone calls at headquarters, passed out flyers, and held signs on election day. If that won’t work for your family or homeschool co-op, make political buttons & posters & commercials. Host a State Dinner We hosted a State Dinner in our homeschool co-op, inviting the Prime Minister of Israel, his wife, and some of his officials to join us. We all took roles, planned a menu with American & Israeli food, and planned welcoming events. Put a Face to the Position If you're talking about what a mayor does, show them a picture of the mayor or better yet, take a field trip to meet the mayor. Learning about the judicial system? Sit in on a court case. Watch Videos We have really enjoyed videos from Prager U, Dave Barton, and Drive Thru History: America. Many of Prager U's videos are free to watch on YouTube. Read Living Books There are some amazing books related to government that teens love! * Magna Chart by James Daughterty * The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel * The Battle for the Mind by Tim LaHaye * From Sea to Shining Sea by Peter Marshall and David Manuel * Ancient Rome: How It Affects You Today by Richard Maybury * In His Majesty’s Service: Christians in Politics by Robert A. Peterson * Whatever Happened to Justice? By Richard Maybury And for serious advanced readers * The Second Treatise of Government by John Locke * On the Republic by Cicero * Common Law by Sir William Blackstone * Lex Rex by Rev. Samuel Rutherford * The Federalists Papers by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and others * The Anti-Federalists Papers by Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, & Others * The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli (classic about how to be a bad leader!) * Democracy in America by Alexis De Tocqueville Talk about Current Events Read articles, blog posts, or listen to News podcasts and bring one current event to talk about. Then pray for those things. Another great thing to do is to read about the same event in several different news sources and compare the information given and the information withheld. 20 Century World History

  4. 5 AUG

    Your Prayers Can Shape History

    Your Prayers Can Shape History In “Your Prayers Can Shape History,” Episode, #214, join Meredith Curtis for an inspiring look at how God used intercessors during World War II to shape history and turn the tide. We face incredible challenges in our homes and nation today. Should we give up? No! Let the true stories of miraculous answers to prayer encourage you to always pray and never give up! God bless you and God bless America!         Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!   Show Notes I talk to so many people who are facing challenges in their families and who are so sad to see the direction in which the USA is going. In Luke 18, Jesus tells His disciples a parable so that they would always pray and never give up! He goes on to tell the familiar story of the persistent widow and the judge. I want to encourage you with some challenging times in history (World War II) where some people chose to pray with all their hearts – and God turned the tide! Corrie Ten Boom & Family Corrie’s grandfather starts a prayer meeting. Dunkirk Prayers behind the Miracles at Dunkirk Battle of Britain Prayer & Miraculous Answers during the Battle of Britain. Battles at El Alamein The Bible college & a soldier pray and God answer! How Does This Relate to You What challenges do you face? Do you need a miracle? That’s the best time to pray! How Does This Relate to Our Nation Right now, we face so many challenges. Many Americans are struggling to pay their bills due to inflation. There is corruption in our government. People are rejecting the Constitution and the Bible at the same time. Evil is called good and good is called evil. Our border is wide open with fentanyl, criminals, and sex traffickers crossing our borders. Is there any hope for America? God is still a God who answers prayer! Our prayers can shape history! 20 Century World History 20 Century World History Online (High School Course at True North Homeschool Academy) Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our updates and get your copy of 100 Homeschool Hacks FREE. Sign up here.           US Geography Resources   20 Century World History 20 Century World History Online (High School Course at True North Homeschool Academy)

    34 min
  5. 2 JUL

    US Geography Virtual Field Trips

    US Geography Virtual Field Trips In “US Geography Virtual Field Trips,” Episode, #213, join Meredith Curtis for a hack that bring US geography to life: virtual field trips. Meredith shares the kinds of field trips she takes her students on during the online US geography course she teaches. With general field trip ideas and a link to a sample of each kind of video, US geography will never be the same in your homeschool adventure.           Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!         Show Notes When I wrote my US geography textbook and workbook collection, I was determined to keep the theme of travel throughout. Then I taught US geography online at True North Homeschool Academy. How would I do that? The answer: virtual field trips! Jr High US Geography                 HD Drone Videos Painted Desert Texas 4K Video UHD Sebastian Island Florida - Sebastian Inlet Aerial View Alaska USA – by drone (4K) Charleston, South Carolina / 4K Drone Footage Watering Holes Trail Camera Setup and Pickup: Hidden Mountain Pool (Arizona Wildlife) - AZ Wildlife at a Sonoran desert water hole - AZ Bridges & Boat Trips Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel - US 13 Eastern Shore Virginia – Time Lapse GoPro: Kayaking the Tennessee Rapids with Nick Troutman Slow Ride : Life and Times Along the South Carolina Intracoastal Waterway America Works Mike Rowe looks at different jobs across America! * How it works: Steel production * 'How America Works': The glass industry Travel Videos The BEST Things to Do in CODY, Wyoming: A WILD WEST Adventure! – WY a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="

  6. 17 JUN

    Reading Adds Joy to Life

    Reading Adds Joy to Life In “Reading Adds Joy to Life,” Episode, #212, join Meredith Curtis for inspiration for parents and teens to read books for pure enjoyment! Reading excellent literature for fun works out your brain, stretches your vocabulary, increases your attention span, cultivates compassion, and builds character. Plus when you read for fun, you release endorphins and add joy to life!           Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!         Show Notes Reading for fun is enriching and education. Reading is a Brain Workout! Flex your brain muscles – improve comphrehension, build thinking & logic skills Improves Vocabulary Classical literature and well-written works will expose you to a richer vicoabulary. Older books have more description, conversation, and character development. Increase Attention Span Opening a book takes us away from short blogs, short movie scenes, and shorter commercials. Trains our brain to focus. Cultivate Compassion & Character Times change but human problems remain the same. Choosing books with good role models can impact you. He who walks with the wise grows wise. Add the Joy! Everyone loves a good story! Everyone loves an intellectual challenge like a mystery. Or a lovely romance. Or a grand adventure. What Shall I Read? Check our reading lists for every age imaginable: Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our updates and get your copy of 100 Homeschool Hacks FREE. Sign up here.           Book Lists for All Ages                       Thank You to our Network Sponsor – CTC Math!

    16 min
  7. 3 JUN

    Career Choices & Decisions

    Career Choices & Decisions In “Career Choices & Decisions,” Episode, #211, join Meredith Curtis on a challenging adventure to make career decisions or guide teens through the process. Some teens know what career path they want to choose early on but most teens graduate from high school not sure what they want to do with the rest of their lives. And that is okay. Exploring career options will help you narrow down your focus. There are specific ways to explore career options and cultivate general work world skills.           Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!       Show Notes Let’s talk about careers. Balance between following your dream & earning a living – choose career! First Things First God has a unique call on your life. Teens are Passionate Teens are wired for Passion! If they don’t find it serving God, they will look elsewhere Be Curious about Careers * Ask Questions * Career Panel * Ask Questions and Share w Each Other * Listen to Podcasts * Spend a Day at Work Volunteer * Teaching Sunday School * Coaching Sports * Sound Team at Church * Giving Tours * Tutoring * Planning Events * Catering * Photography Apprenticeships * Plumbing * Mechanic/Garage * Museums * Medical * Dental * Business Office * Church Office Online Surveys * DISC Personality Inventories * Skills, Interests, & Values Assessments * Resources for Career Exploration Resources for Career Exploration Career Exploration is part of my Economics, Finances, and Business course, a one-credit high school class. Purchase Economics, Finances, & Business in print at Amazon. Purchase the E-book at PowerlineProd. Economics, Finances, and Business covers everything your teen ever wanted to know about economics, managing household finances, career, college, buying a car, renting an apartment, making a will, and starting a home business. Life Skills Soft Skills * Manners * Integrity * Faithfulness * Good Work Ethic * Communication Skills * Interview Practice * Fill Out a Job Application * Write a Resume Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our updates and get your copy of 100 Homeschool Hacks FREE. Sign up here.

    30 min
  8. 20 MAY

    Family Road Trips Exploring Early US History

    Family Road Trips Exploring Early US History In “Family Road Trips Exploring Early US History,” Episode, #210, Meredith Curtis talks to teens and parents about the benefits of travel to explore Early American History. Meredith takes you to early settlements, colonial towns, the Museum of the Bible, American Revolution sites, Presidential Homes, living museums, and federal buildings.           Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!       Show Notes We have a beautiful heritage of freedom in the USA. It’s fun to jump in the family van and explore our early history on site! Taking our children to visit amazing places across this beautiful nation of ours can help inspire a love of freedom.  Spanish Settlements * St. Augustine (Florida) * The California Mission Trail English Settlements * Jamestown, Virginia * Plymouth, Massachusetts Colonial Towns * Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia * New Castle, Delaware * Charleston, South Carolina American Revolution * Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania * Mount Vernon, Virginia - the home of George Washington * Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia - the home of Thomas Jefferson * Patrick Henry Memorial Foundation Red Hill, Virginia * Old North Church Historic Site, Boston, Massachusetts Early America * Lewis & Clark Boat House & Museum, St. Charles, Missouri * Fort Boonesborough State Park Living History (NPS), Richmond, Kentucky * Daniel Boone Homestead, Birdsboro, Pennsylvania * Hagley Museum, Wilmington, Delaware US Federal Buildings * US Supreme Court, Washington DC * US Capitol, Washington DC * US White House, Washington DC Museum of the Bible * Washington DC * The Museum of the Bible is an amazing museum dedicated to God’s Word. Exhibits focus on the stories of the Bible, archaeology, Bible history, art treasures, the Bible’s impact on the world and, drum roll, the Bible’s impact on America! This is the perfect section to learn about Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, Religious Freedom in America, and the Abolition Movement. This museum is amazing! The Museum of the Bible is located at 400 South Street, SW, Washington, D.C.  20024. Visit online: a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="https://www.museumofthebible.


Hear from teens, homeschooling parents, homeschool grads, and singles who are just like you. They love the Lord, resist temptation, sometimes blow it, struggle with relationships, and are pressing on to see Jesus face to face! Great discussions that will stretch you to live Christian lives.

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