Growing In God with Gary Hargrave

Gary Hargrave
Growing In God with Gary Hargrave Podcast

“Growing in God Podcast” is a podcast dedicated to helping people understand God’s great love, develop spiritual maturity, and experience life as fully devoted followers of Yeshua (Jesus). The podcast provides insights and biblical studies that reflect the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith, as well as topics like sonship, discipleship, prophecy, prayer and intercession. It also tackles issues like anti-Semitism, lordship, and replacement theology from a biblical perspective. Hosted by author, pastor, and Christian leader Gary Hargrave D.Litt., “GROWING IN GOD Podcast” presents the Holy Scriptures as the guidebook to experience a daily dynamic life of faith that leads to spiritual maturity — a process that requires time, focus, and commitment.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    GIG215 God’s Rest and the Fall Feasts

    Web Description: God rested from His works. That means they are completed. And that is what the Sabbath is all about. This Sabbath rest of God is expressed in the coming feasts of the fall season. They are windows of opportunity to enter God’s rest by rejoicing in, proclaiming, and appropriating God’s completed provisions.     Show Notes: On the seventh day God rested from all His works that He had completed. Then He set apart the seventh day as the Sabbath, a day when we recognize that God has completed all His works for us. They exist now, and therefore we look forward to appropriating everything that He has made available to us. And the upcoming fall feasts are a perfect time for us to do that. We should approach these times with a drive in our hearts to appropriate God’s provisions and see them manifested.   The fall feasts begin with Yom Truah, the Day of Trumpets. According to the meaning of truah, Yom Truah is a day of blowing the trumpet, shouting, or crying aloud before the Lord. This reminds us that while we have many promises in the Word of God, we should be shouting and proclaiming them. We find this command throughout the Scriptures that we are to shout, rejoice, and worship God in what He has spoken. His great provisions are available for us now, and we proclaim them into the earth.   The Sabbath rest of God means that we are not waiting for the promises of the feasts to be fulfilled in the future. We rejoice in our total salvation on the Day of Atonement and in God’s presence with us at Tabernacles. These are already created in God, finished, and available to us. These days of the biblical feasts are more than just observances. They are a time to reach in for that which has been completed for us by God. We celebrate these feasts by entering God’s rest, by worshipping Him, by rejoicing in what He has provided, and by appropriating His provisions into our experience.   Key Verses:   •       Genesis 2:2–3. “God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work.” •       Psalm 98:4–9. “Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth.” •       Isaiah 54:1–3. “Break forth into joyful shouting and cry aloud.” •       Jeremiah 31:7–9. “Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and shout.” •       Jeremiah 29:11–14. “You will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” •       Deuteronomy 4:29–35. “From there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him.” •       Ezekiel 36:24–28. “I will cleanse you from all your filthiness.” •       Zechariah 2:10–13. “Sing for joy and be glad.” •       Leviticus 26:11–12. “I will make My dwelling among you.” •       Exodus 29:45–46. “I will dwell among the sons of Israel.” •       Psalm 118:21–29. “Let us rejoice and be glad.” •       John 7:37–38. “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.”   Quotes:   •       “I don't want to wait for some day in the future. If I wait too long, I'm not going to be here to enjoy it. I want the Kingdom to come in my time. I want these things to manifest because Christ said, ‘It is finished.’” •       “We want to appropriate the open door that exists right now for God's people to return to the land in a time of great blessing, upon a straight path which the Lord will make so that there is no stumbling.” •       “We don't wait for Him to fulfill the promises and then feel thankful, then feel glad, then feel rejoicing. We feel it now. It is completed now. It exists now. It's available now.”   Takeaways:   1.    In looking at the Sabbath rest of God, we realize that God has finished the provisions that He made for us. The things that He has made available for us are ours to appropriate. They exist now

    36 min
  2. 18 SEPT

    GIG214 Christ’s Prophecy About the End-Time

    Web Description: There are many ways that we could pray about the times in which we live, but we will be the most effective when we pray in all humility like Daniel prayed when he asked God to restore Israel according to His Word to Jeremiah. Today we pray that God fulfills Christ’s Word that the days of tribulation are cut short for the sake of God’s elect, and that Israel and in fact all mankind are saved from the destruction that satan has planned.     Show Notes: There is power in prayer and power in the words that we speak. That is why we should not be making up prayers that do not align with the will of God. We should be studied and careful in the way that we pray, just as Daniel was when he prayed for Israel’s release from captivity in Babylon. He saw in the Scriptures that he was living in the time when God promised the return of Israel to their land. Therefore, he humbly entreated God according to the Word that God had spoken.   Daniel’s prayer was very effective. And if we want to be effective, then we should follow Daniel’s example and pray according to the Word that God has spoken about our day. And in this day as we see the signs of tribulation all around us, the Word of God is clear. Concerning these days of tribulation, Yeshua (Jesus) said that God will cut them short for the sake of the elect. The Jewish people are God’s elect, and for their sake He will stop the course of the Tribulation to prevent the destruction of all flesh.   This is how we pray. We declare this Word that the Lord will cut short the time, that the events planned by satan through Iran and its proxies are stopped dead in their tracks, and that the planned destruction of Israel and the Jewish people does not happen. We also pray according to this Word that satan’s planned destruction of humanity does not happen. Like Daniel, we humble ourselves, confess our sins before Him, and pray to the Lord that His Word is fulfilled in its time.   Key Verses:   •       Daniel 9:2–3. “I, Daniel, observed in the books .... So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him.” •       Matthew 24:21–22. “For the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.” •       Genesis 12:3. “In you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” •       Mark 13:19–20. “For the sake of the elect, whom He chose, He shortened the days.” •       Daniel 9:4–19. “O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God.” •       1 John 1:9. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins.” •       2 Chronicles 7:12–16. “My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.”   Quotes:   •       “We need to pray. But I think it's so necessary that we pray according to the Scriptures.” •       “These days, the days of the Tribulation, according to Yeshua are going to be cut short for the sake of Israel, for the sake of God's chosen people.” •       “We look at the Temple and say it applies to us. Its desolation is our desolation. Its destruction is our destruction. And the cause of that destruction is our own actions, our own failure to walk in His righteousness and His ways to keep His Word.”   Takeaways:   1.    When talking about Israel and the days of tribulation, Yeshua said, “Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.” In other words, if the time is not cut short, there will not be a Jewish race and there will not be a land of Israel. But for the sake of the Jewish people and the land of Israel, those days will be cut short. 2.    Just like Daniel saw the event of Israel’s restoration in the Scriptures and said, “This is for my day; this is what I'm praying over,” we can look at the Words of Christ and say, “Thi

    30 min
  3. 11 SEPT

    GIG213 The Experience of Baptism

    Web Description:  Baptism is a sacrament. It is also a work we do as an expression of our faith. But even more than that, it should be our immersion into everything we believe about Christ, making His suffering, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension the real experiences of our walk with God.   Show Notes:  The Scriptures tell us that if we suffer with Christ, we are glorified with Him. That is not something you simply take by faith and say, “I believe He suffered for me, and so I believe I will share His glory.” No, you suffer with Him. That means the cross is more than something you believe happened in the past; it is something you experience now. It is something that moves from the realm of faith into the reality of experience. This is a truth that baptism teaches us.   James wrote that faith without works is dead, and baptism is a work you do to express your faith. It must be more than symbolic, however, because our new way of life is to be immersed in Christ after we first believe in Him. That means we can be immersed in all that Christ experienced for us. We can live through His shame and suffering, His death and burial, and His resurrection and time on earth in a glorified body. We can experience His ascension to the right hand of the Father and be seated with Him as He begins to rule and reign.   That is why we take up our cross daily. Our salvation can grow daily and become greater and greater as we experience deeper and deeper experiences in the Holy Spirit, in the Word, and in our waiting and meditation before God. He has given us these events so that through our faith we can experience them. We reach into God for the reality of the provision and the promise of baptism that He has given us.   Key Verses:   •       Romans 8:17. “We suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.” •       Matthew 27:51–53. “The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints … were raised.” •       James 2:14–26. “Faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.” •       Romans 6:3–14. “If we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.” •       Colossians 3:1–8. “You have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” •       Galatians 6:14. “The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” •       Hebrews 11:1. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”   Quotes:   •       “The resurrection of Yeshua was so powerful that those who had gone before Him in death were literally pulled out of death into resurrection bodies also, came out of their graves, and began walking the streets of Jerusalem.” •       “I think we have to be careful that we're not just being dunked under water and getting wet. We are to come up out of that water with experiences that are life changing for us.” •       “Your faith should lead you into a life of prayer. It should lead you into a life with the Word. And as you immerse yourself into the Word, you're going to find that you not only want to believe that Word. You find yourself needing to experience what that Word is saying.”   Takeaways:   1.    Our faith is given to lead us into the experiences that we are to have. We can have experiences with the things of God that are even historical, bringing them up to the present moment, making them alive in our lives, and making them part of our walk with God. 2.    The events of Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, and ascension are more than historical events that we believe in. These are events that we should be experiencing through baptism as the next step in our relationship with God and the building of our faith. 3.    We need to see baptism as something beyond a secondary confession of faith. It should be our i

    29 min
  4. 4 SEPT

    GIG112 Experience Your Beliefs

    Web Description: As Christians we are believers. And there are many blessings to believing. But believing in something must ultimately lead to experiencing what we believe. If we are to take up our cross daily and follow Him, then by the Holy Spirit there must be a way to make all that Christ experienced through the cross our daily experience.   Show Notes: According to James, faith without works is dead. If you say, “I believe in riding bicycles,” do you stand back and never get on a bicycle? No, you jump on a bike and start riding it. This applies to your walk with God. If you want to walk with God, then you cannot stand back and say, “I believe in walking with God,” and yet never do anything to walk with Him. Walking with God is a daily experience of your belief in God.   Yeshua (Jesus) said that to be His follower you must take up your cross daily. That means the cross of Christ must be a daily experience in your life and not just a belief about the cross. That is the purpose of baptism. It is to take all you believe and manifest it in your life as an experience. It is not just a sacrament that we do religiously. If we are truly baptized into Christ, then His sufferings and death to the flesh, His life in resurrection, and His ascension to the Father and reigning with Him can all be experiential realities for us.   Do you find yourself struggling to believe God or struggling to be faithful to your beliefs? It is not that you need to try harder to believe. You need to experience the faith that you already have. In your daily prayer life and waiting on the Lord, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into deeper spiritual experiences and make what you believe the reality in your life.   Key Verses:   •       Luke 9:22–23. “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must … take up his cross daily and follow Me.” •       Matthew 10:38. “He who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” •       Romans 6:3–13. “Consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” •       James 2:26. “Faith without works is dead.”   Quotes:   •       “Faith is something that enables us to move on into experience. Faith leads to works, and without works faith is dead.” •       “We have to be able to say, ‘I know the cross because I have visited the cross. I've experienced what Christ experienced on that cross with Him. I watched Him as though I was standing at the foot of the cross, embracing it as He was suffering upon it.’” •       “I think we should take up the reality of His death, His burial, and His resurrection so that they are experiences to us that we have connected with, even if it's by a deeper and deeper revelation through the Holy Spirit.”   Takeaways:   1.    We must understand that we walk by the Spirit, and we have the Holy Spirit through whom the Lord has granted for us to be able to experience our faith. 2.    Faith without works is dead. The real purpose of faith is for us to progress from faith into the works or the experiences that we are to have because of our faith. 3.    By the Holy Spirit let us be immersed experientially in everything Christ experienced in His suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension. This is what baptism is all about.

    30 min
  5. 28 AUG

    GIG211 We Put Sin to Death

    Web Description: Our relationship with God begins at the cross of Christ. But it is also where it continues. We never leave the need for the cross in our lives. The cross is the only means we have for winning the victory over our sin nature. It must be put to death and the only place that happens is at the cross. As disciples of Christ we take up our cross daily for that purpose.   Show Notes: As Christians we generally see the cross as a one-time event that we associate with our initial salvation experience. Yet once we have already believed and confessed that Yeshua (Jesus) died on the cross for our sins, we often find ourselves struggling with condemnation over the fact that we still have sin in our lives. The feeling we have, and even the teaching we get in churches, is that once we are saved, we are not supposed to have problems with sin anymore.   To deal with this we need to relate to the cross differently. Christ bore our sins in His body one time on the cross so that we might die to sin, but our own death to sin and the removal of our sin nature is not instantaneous at the moment we first accept Christ. To be a disciple of the Lord, we must daily take up His cross as our own and follow on with Him. There must be an ongoing relationship with the cross in our lives.   The process of the Christian life includes a daily visit and encounter with the cross. We need to go back daily to the reality of the cross, to that place where sin is defeated and put to death. Just as Christ put sin to death in His body by hanging on the cross, we go back to that cross and make sure that sin is put to death in our body. As believers today we can take faith to mature and grow in this ability to be His disciples. Learn how to take up your cross and follow Him. Let it be a daily experience with His cross.   Key Verses:   •       Luke 9:23. “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must … take up his cross daily and follow Me.” •       Luke 14:27. “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” •       1 Peter 2:24. “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross.” •       Romans 6:1–18. “Consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” •       Romans 8:1. “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” •       Philippians 3:8–12. “I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.” •       Colossians 3:3–10 (HCSV). “Put to death what belongs to your worldly nature.”   Quotes:   •       “I know we desire to grow in God and to mature in the things of the Lord, but many times maturity begins with the elementary expressions of what we know and what we must do.” •       “This war can only be won by the cross. There was no defeat of sin and unrighteousness other than through Yeshua. And if you're going to master sin, you're going to do it at that cross, and you're going to do it daily.” •       “What is the obedience? It's to go to the cross and to immerse ourselves once again in the blood of Yeshua as the victory over sin and death and commit ourselves to this way of life that He has opened up for us, which is to be instruments of righteousness.”   Takeaways:   1.    We recognize that the cross is not something that we just experience on the day of our salvation and becoming a Christian. It is something that we experience daily to see the defeat of everything of sin. 2.    We put to death the old nature and the unrighteousness that still battles against us. We bring it to an end. And we have the ability and the tool to do that in the cross. There is no condemnation because we find ourselves in these struggles. We simply recognize we have been provided with the answer. 3.    The cross is daily, continuously the victory of Christ given an

    34 min
  6. 21 AUG

    GIG210 Don’t Anxiously Look Around You

    Web Description: Through the cross of Christ, we have been raised up with Him. Therefore when you face difficulties or spiritual warfare, do not anxiously look around you. Instead look up. Rise up and be with Him where He is. Stay with Him. Focus on Him. Then you will be positioned to loose God’s will and His Kingdom in the earth.   Show Notes: We read God’s Word in Isaiah: “Do not anxiously look about you.” This is God speaking to Israel, and it applies directly to what Israel is experiencing today. We are witnesses to all the warfare and anti-Semitism that Israel and the Jewish people are suffering. Yet the Word of the Lord to them is not to look at those things but to trust Him. As Christians we need to apply this same Word to ourselves.   As we walk as believers these days, we can see many signs of the end times. They are called days of tribulation, and we know that very desperate things can take place. Yet again the encouragement from Yeshua (Jesus) is that we do not focus on the things that are happening around us. Instead, we stand up straight, lift up our heads, and look up because our redemption draws nigh. This focus is very important for us as we strive to experience the cross in our daily lives.   Taking up our cross daily to follow Him does not mean that we spend all day on the cross. It is through the cross that we are raised up with Christ and daily we keep seeking the things above where He is. In our waiting on the Lord and in our meditation and intercession, we are to be where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. If we are too locked into the world around us and our human needs and human problems, our intercession will be hindered. Our focus is on what Christ and the Father are doing so that what we see in the Kingdom of heaven we can loose here on earth.   Key Verses:   •       Colossians 3:1–3. “If you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above.” •       Isaiah 41:8–14. “Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.” •       Luke 21:25–28. “When these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads.” •       John 14:3. “Where I am, there you may be also.”   Quotes:   •       “The cross is not a stopping place. It really is a point of beginning.” •       “The resurrection is as important as the cross. If Christ only experienced the cross and there was no resurrection, then we don't have what we're looking for.” •       “If you've been raised up with Christ, then don't be moved from that place with Christ. Keep seeking the things above where He is. We're supposed to be there. We're supposed to live there. We're supposed to focus there.”   Takeaways:   1.    We do not just go to the cross and die and then that is the end. The cross is the beginning of being raised up with Christ and moving in His presence. And if we are raised up with Him, we keep seeking the things above where He is. 2.    We are to set our minds on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Our focus is not to be on the world around us and what is transpiring there. We are to keep our focus on the Lord. 3.    We are to rise up, which is more than standing up straight or looking up. We are to rise into God’s presence and be with Him just as Christ said we could. 4.    This is what makes our intercession effective. Yeshua taught us to pray, “Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” And if we are beholding His will in heaven, then we are able to loose it on the earth.

    22 min
  7. 14 AUG

    GIG209 Start Your Day at the Cross

    Growing In God Podcast Web Description: We need to do more than relate to the cross of Christ merely as a distant historical event. Yes, we believe it happened two thousand years ago and because it happened our sins are forgiven. But we need to embrace Him on the cross today because it works today. In your relationship with Christ, you never outgrow the cross. You never put it aside or make it secondary. It must be your daily experience.     Show Notes: The cross is where our relationship with Christ begins. Yet it is easy for us to leave behind our salvation experience with Christ on the cross and move onto other things. We know that He is not only our Savior through the cross, but He is also the Lord, and so we are to know Him as Lord. We are to grow in the things of God and that means moving on. But we never stop walking on the foundation. And the cross of Christ is the foundation of our life and our relationship with God.   You can embrace Christ on the cross at any given moment. Yeshua (Jesus) said that we must take up our cross daily if we are to follow Him. And we interpret our cross as being our personal grief and sorrows and suffering. But Christ bore our grief and sorrows on the cross. He bore our suffering that was caused by our sins separating us from God. The cross that we carry daily is the cross of Christ. And we need to start our day in a connection with all He did on that cross for us and because of us.   If you are struggling every day with everything the world is imposing on you, the answer is the cross of Christ. It is only at His cross where you are crucified to the world and the world is crucified to you. We never leave the necessity of the cross of Christ. We must never get so far away from it in our lives that we become enemies of the cross, as Paul warned. Instead we strive to know the Christ whose death on the cross is our daily experience of being conformed to His death and to His resurrection.   Key Verses:   •       Luke 23:34. “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” •       Luke 9:23. “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must … take up his cross daily.” •       Isaiah 53:4–5. “Our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried.” •       Galatians 6:14. “In the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ … the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” •       Hebrews 7:25. “He always lives to make intercession for them.” •       Matthew 27:46. “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” •       1 Corinthians 2:2. “I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” •       1 John 1:7–9. “If we walk in the Light, … the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” •       Romans 10:6–10. “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART.” •       Hebrews 11:1. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” •       Philippians 3:7–14. “I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ.” •       Philippians 3:15–18. “Many walk, of whom I often told you, … that they are enemies of the cross of Christ.”   Quotes:   •       “The cross will always be with us. Just as we understand that Christ Himself will bear in His body the marks of the cross, the cross itself is existent in the moment. It's existent now in this moment.” •       “If I confess my sin in this moment, then the cross is alive in this moment, and He forgives me in this moment and cleanses me in this moment from all sin and unrighteousness.” •       “There's no knowing of Christ without knowing Him in that moment—in those moments on the cross where He is dying for me and because of me, and He's dying for you and because of you, and He'

    31 min
  8. 7 AUG

    GIG208 The Fast of Tisha B’Av

    Web Description: The fast of Tisha B'Av this year will be another time of fasting and mourning for the Jewish people. But also this year there are many who cry out as the comforters of God’s people—who speak kindly to Jerusalem, and who voice in faith the Words of the Lord that prophesy the rebuilding of the city and the reestablishment of the fortunes of Jacob.   Show Notes: The fast of Tisha B'Av is observed on the ninth day of the month of Av, which in 2024 begins at sundown on August 12 and ends at sundown on August 13. Tisha B’Av is a fast of mourning for the tragic events in Jewish history occurring on the ninth of Av, but primarily for the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. The prophecies of Yeshua (Jesus) concerning the destruction of the Second Temple, which are recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, are applicable to this fast.   As Christians we need to see how specific these prophecies are to Jerusalem and to Israel. And it is important that we observe this time with the Jewish people because we have a purpose to fulfill. That purpose, as we read in Isaiah 40, is to comfort God’s people. With that purpose in mind, how do we pray for Israel and the Jewish people at this time when they are suffering so much from war and the threat of war? We pray for God’s promises of restoration to be fulfilled.   God’s promise through Zechariah is that the times of fasting will be replaced by feasts of joy and that the nations will not return to Jerusalem with sword and spear but will go up to the house of the Lord. Also Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Amos prophesied that the fortunes of Israel and Judah will be restored. We step up to be those who speak kindly to Jerusalem, who comfort God’s people, who declare that God will restore their fortunes today.   Key Verses:   •       Luke 21:5–9. “See to it that you are not misled.” •       Matthew 24:1–6. “See to it that no one misleads you.” •       Luke 21:24–28. “Straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” •       Isaiah 40:1–2. “‘Comfort, O comfort My people,’ says your God. ‘Speak kindly to Jerusalem.’” •       Zechariah 8:18–23. “The fast … will become joy, gladness, and cheerful feasts.” •       Isaiah 41:8–14. “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.” •       Isaiah 61:1–4. “The LORD has anointed me … to comfort all who mourn.” •       Ezekiel 39:25–29. “I will restore the fortunes of Jacob and have mercy on the whole house of Israel.” •       Amos 9:13–15. “I will restore the captivity of My people Israel.” •       Jeremiah 30:15–20. “I will restore the fortunes of the tents of Jacob.” •       Jeremiah 33:7–9. “I will restore the fortunes of Judah and the fortunes of Israel.”   Quotes:   •       “When He says, ‘You're going to hear of wars and rumors of wars,’ that's significant at the moment because Israel right now is in a war and there are also rumors of another war to take place.” •       “When these things begin, then you're to take a certain position, which is that you're to stand up. You're to lift up your head because your redemption draws near.” •       “It's so easy to look around in this time of mourning to anxiously wonder what will happen. What will tomorrow bring? What are the days ahead going to be like? But He says, ‘Do not anxiously look about you for I am your God.’”   Takeaways:   1.    Tisha B’Av is a time of fasting and mourning for the destruction of the Temple. And this is specifically what Yeshua’s prophecies of the end-time are about, as we read in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. We generally apply His prophecies to events taking place in the world. But He was speaking of ev

    29 min


“Growing in God Podcast” is a podcast dedicated to helping people understand God’s great love, develop spiritual maturity, and experience life as fully devoted followers of Yeshua (Jesus). The podcast provides insights and biblical studies that reflect the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith, as well as topics like sonship, discipleship, prophecy, prayer and intercession. It also tackles issues like anti-Semitism, lordship, and replacement theology from a biblical perspective. Hosted by author, pastor, and Christian leader Gary Hargrave D.Litt., “GROWING IN GOD Podcast” presents the Holy Scriptures as the guidebook to experience a daily dynamic life of faith that leads to spiritual maturity — a process that requires time, focus, and commitment.

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