Peter Wilson in Cleveland

Peter Wilson
Peter Wilson in Cleveland Podcast

Peter Wilson in Cleveland is a Gemologist and provides jewelry appraisal services for loose diamonds, gemstones and modern jewelry in Rocky River and Cleveland area.


  1. Yellow Gemstones List by Peter Wilson in Cleveland


    Yellow Gemstones List by Peter Wilson in Cleveland

    According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland, Gemologists assess the color of gemstones by considering saturation, hue, and tone. The primary hue for yellow gemstones should be yellow. Pure yellow gems are the most valuable, but those with secondary shades of green-brown or orange can still be considered yellow gemstones. The following are some popular yellow gemstones. Citrine  Citrine is a popular yellow gemstone. It is named after citron, a French word for lemon. It has a yellow-orange or yellow-brown hue that suits any jewelry wardrobe says Peter Wilson in Cleveland. Citrine is a tough gemstone and can be worn every day. The gem is a form of quartz and is therefore abundant and inexpensive. Naturally occurring hues are hard to come by, and heating to induce the yellow color is common. It is a popular mineral among crystal healers since it symbolizes contentment and happiness. Simpsonite Simpsonite is a tantate gemstone named in honor of Australian government mineralogist, Edward Simpson. It is found in hues of yellow-orange, yellow-brown, yellow-grey. Simpsonite occurs as single crystals in Ta-rich granite pegmatites. It is mined in Brazil, Australia, Canada, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Yellow diamond Most people think of diamond as a colorless mineral, but gem experts including Peter Wilson in Cleveland believe that yellow is the proper color of diamonds. Yellow diamonds are expensive because of their rarity and high demand. The yellow color is caused by nitrogen in carbon crystals. Naturally occurring yellow diamonds are costly, but the yellow hue can be induced by exposing the gemstone to high temperature and pressure. Golden Beryl The golden or yellow beryl is also known as heliodor, a Greek translation of "gift from the sun". It is the least popular of the beryl gemstones, which also includes emerald, aquamarine, and morganite. The yellow beryl is less expensive compared to the others though it is made of the same material. It is a transparent mineral despite the shade of yellow. Beryls undergo radiation to enhance color and are cut uniquely to maximize pristine clarity.

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  2. Healing Gemstones for Capricorns by Peter Wilson Cleveland


    Healing Gemstones for Capricorns by Peter Wilson Cleveland

    According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland, Capricorns are the most determined amongst all the zodiac signs. Their prevailing characteristics involve being determined, conventional, helpful, realistic and independent. Capricorn natives make transcendent leaders as they can concentrate on the task at hand meticulously. These workaholic people are also suspicious, stubborn and pessimistic at times. So herewith Peter Wilson in Cleveland - a Certified Gemologist, let's explore lucky gemstones for the Capricorns. 1. Rainbow Obsidian Rainbow Obsidian is the best gemstone for Capricorns says Peter Wilson in Cleveland. Rainbow Obsidian consolidates the functional, down-to-earth qualities of Capricorn. It serves to provide you perspicacity. Capricorn is fantastic when it comes to the traits correlated with this energy. The energy of Capricorn is infrequently all work and no play. Sometimes, you require to balance that with a bit of a visionary and thought. Also, the gemstone has more going on than what’s on the surface. It's black with a very precise shimmer of the rainbow that appears through when you observe it nearly. 2. Blue Sapphire stone for Capricorns This dark sapphire gemstone is the essence of prosperity and fortune. As sapphire waves the power of planet Saturn, same as Capricorns ruling planet, it can draw luck your way. Sapphire stone, when worn as a ring on Saturday mornings, can be the most propitious time to secure luck. It can draw luck into your career to love life if you use dark sapphire to program your manifestations. 3. Onyx for Capricorns Black Onyx is the gem of ruling your destiny or fate. Onyx brings proper grounding to balance volatility or stress. It is excellent for cerebral and emotional stress. When someone with powerful Capricorn energy becomes anxious, it can be particularly harmful. This is the symbol that grows over time and sticks around for the long haul. Onyx is exceptional for Capricorn Season because it replaces true-to-life vision and benefits grow our command over our own activities. 4. Garnet Acquiring from classical Chinese medicine, the Garnet gemstone promotes the movement of Chi throughout the body, which heightens the detox of negative emotions that manifest in the body. Garnet healing crystal qualities bring warmness to the system, which increases flow on a cellular level. If you're in a relationship, use Garnet crystal properties to deepen your passionate love. If you're single and ready to mingle, Garnet is a gem at intensifying the laws of attraction. 5. Green Aventurine It is an uplifting gem for Capricorns. While this sign likes their seclusion, they may encounter feelings of isolation from to time. To mitigate feeling too stuck in your own head, Capricorn should turn to Green Aventurine to attract joy and positive energy. This gem is connected with increasing confidence, optimism, and releasing negative beliefs. Final Words According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland - a Certified Gemologist at Howard's Jewelry Center in Cleveland, these were the lucky gemstones for Capricorns. If you found this information informative then do share it with others. Also, for more info, one can leave a comment in the comment section below.

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  3. World's First Diamond within Diamond by Peter Wilson in Cleveland


    World's First Diamond within Diamond by Peter Wilson in Cleveland

    According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland, Russian miners unearthed a gemological oddity—a type of rare diamond called a Matryoshka diamond. It is thought to be the world's first diamond within a diamond and the first of its kind. Named for the famed Russian nesting doll toys, the Matryoshka diamond is a tiny, tabular-shaped diamond encased within a larger diamond.  Incredibly, there is enough space within the larger diamond, that the smaller specimen rattles inside, the report said. The outer gem is roughly .62 carats, but the inner gem is much smaller, weighing only about .02 carats. It was pulled from the depths of the Nyurba mine in Yakutia, Russia.  The diamond was discovered only later as it was being assessed in Yakutsk—often referred to as Russia’s diamond capital—by specialists at the Yakutsk Diamond Trade Enterprise. It was then given to the Research and Development Geological Enterprise of ALROSA, who used raman and infrared spectroscopic imagery and x-ray microtomography to get a closer look at the gem. The most interesting thing for us was to find out how the air space between the inner and outer diamonds was formed,” Oleg Kovalchuk, Deputy Director for innovations at ALROSA's Research and Development Geological Enterprise said in a statement. According to the Peter Wilson in Cleveland, scientists believe the diamond to be around 800 million years old and suspect that either the smaller diamond formed first and was surrounded by the larger diamond or a layer of crystal within the larger diamond dissolved to reveal a cavity. Diamonds form deep below Earth’s surface in the upper mantle at depths of around to 100 miles. Some rare types of diamond, like the Hope diamond, are formed even farther below the surface, as deep as 1,800 miles. The combination of high pressure and temperature creates the perfect conditions for the crystals to grow. All of Earth’s diamonds are formed under these high pressure and temperature conditions and are thought to be brought up to the surface during an explosive type of deep-rooted volcanic eruption.

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  4. 2019 Business Resolutions by Peter Wilson in Cleveland


    2019 Business Resolutions by Peter Wilson in Cleveland

    The beginning of a new year is another chance for entrepreneurs to grab the upcoming opportunity while considering the previous year with all its peaks and valleys and prepare a plan for the coming year with those lessons in mind. According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland, to become a successful entrepreneur, one ought to reliably consider the changes they can make and developments they can introduce to build up their business. Let’s explore four key resolutions that entrepreneurs must follow to accomplish their business goals. Learn to Be a Leader Growth in leadership is necessary and not optional. If you want to grow as a leader you have to give up an old approach and have to do things in new ways. For continuous growth, an individual needs to upgrade new skills, instead of relying on the skills that he already possesses. Successful leaders are the ones who continuously update and enlarge their skills and knowledge. In the coming year, promise yourself and make a resolution that you will leave your comfort zone, and prefer being uncomfortable, as that’s how you grow. Update Yourself with the Industry Trends According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland, upgrading yourself up to date in the changing industry trends is not an easy task. However, being updated about the changes happening in the industry can help you stay ahead in the competitive environment. The best way to keep the knowledge of the trends is by following the top innovators online, making contacts with people in industry events, subscribing to magazines and business blogs. Staying connected to the industry with the help of all these mediums will help you to gain more valuable perspective on what consumers are presently interested in and how you can frame your strategies to grab their interest. These can also support you to discover potential opportunities and threats. Be Flexible Following industry, patterns are a totally critical component, in any case, one needs to adjust to those trends progressively to satisfy the market needs. One attribute that successful organizations have in common is the capacity to switch direction quickly because of continuous changes in the market. By being alert, one can test diverse methodologies and discover what works best for the business. Learn to Cope Up With Stress Running a business allow you to become your own boss, however, at the same time, it sometimes brings anxiety that can lead to stress. Therefore, Stress management is a necessary skill for entrepreneurs. The key to lead the game is to oversee pressure and re-guide it towards a positive result. A major distinction between a successful businessman and business visionaries is their capacity to oversee pressure. This is the ideal time to add this goal to your rundown as this won't just enable you to develop your business however will likewise positively affect your own life. Final Words So are you ready to follow this revolution in the upcoming year 2019? Let’s make the win-win game in the year 2019 like a leader Peter Wilson in Cleveland.

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  5. Ruby Stone Benefits by Peter Wilson in Cleveland


    Ruby Stone Benefits by Peter Wilson in Cleveland

    Ruby stone is stated as the king of gemstone and is linked with the Sun, the king of Zodiac says Peter Wilson in Cleveland. Ruby is also recognized as "Manikya" (commonly known in India) as a valuable gem, and anyone can get attracted to it. It has spiritual power and is linked with true luxury. The Sun is stated to be the nurturer, gives indispensable energy to everyone and is also the soul of Kalpurusha. Natural Ruby is more costly than a colorless diamond and is also known as July birthstone according to the tradition in Western Countries. Let's explore the benefits of wearing a Ruby stone with the Gemologist, Peter Wilson in Cleveland. Following are the Benefits of wearing Ruby Gemstone: - Be active with Ruby Stone One of the most influencing Ruby stone benefits is its inclination to clear the mess. It makes the wearer alert and active. The personality bearing ruby gets a vivid mind and finds the route to their aims clear. They can adequately concentrate on their work and can definitely achieve their plans. According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland, if you are encountering this type of difficulty wear ruby. You can effortlessly buy this gemstone online. Be a Leader Be a chief with a ruby stone. Now is the universe of competition where everyone necessitates to be a leader. It is concluded that ruby wearer gets leadership qualities naturally. According to prophets, characters who wear ruby get excellent assistance from professionals in all fields. So, if you desire to become a leader, ask a prophet and purchase ruby gemstone online or offline as per your decision. Get Rid of Skin Problems Ruby helps in improving various types of skin problems if the Sun is suitably sustained. By wearing Ruby as a gemstone, it also benefits in boosting up the confidence linked intricacies. Attempt to wear the gemstone with suitable carat, weight, size, and shape. This would enhance one’s destinies. Also, it strengthens the presentiment capability of a person. It also makes the person very strong and fearless. The intensity and heat of Ruby is said to revitalize the system of an individual who is inclined to inflation and is lackluster. Thus, wearing such a native can help a lot in such cases. Helps against Bone Problems According to Peter Wilson in Rocky River, this gemstone ordinarily makes the bones more robust. If someone is experiencing Bone’s related intricacies then advising Ruby is the most suitable solution. Also, the Ruby Gemstone rings help exceedingly for those who serve in the departments of pharmaceutical, Electioneering, cloth trader, geologist, attorney, stockbroker, and engineering. If someone is challenging financial issues or business problems then wearing a Ruby Gemstone ring will undoubtedly invite prosperity and abundance in their life. Also, Ruby stone should be worn by the couples who are confronting difficulties in their relationship, it will inevitably going to make differences in their life.

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  6. Top Tips for New Entrepreneurs in 2019 by Peter Wilson in Cleveland


    Top Tips for New Entrepreneurs in 2019 by Peter Wilson in Cleveland

    If you are one of those who just entered the corporate world as a new entrepreneur but does not know how to compete in the industry, let’s explore few tips from the expert Peter Wilson in Cleveland for New Entrepreneurs in 2019. Ask Questions Never stop asking is a key tool to grow in the industry. If you want to establish yourself as a successful New Entrepreneur in 2019, this is the best time to start asking questions. Connect with successful entrepreneurs in your niche preferably. And learn from them as much possible. You can ask them about their failure, success, tips to become a successful leader, how to face challenges and deal with rejection, etc. It will help you a lot in the journey of being a successful entrepreneur says Peter Wilson in Cleveland. Research Your Market/Niche As a New Entrepreneur in 2019, it is necessary for you to keep your self-updated about the recent trends and developments in your niche. Else you may lose customers to competitors only because you are not aware of the latest trend and tricks that can take you further in this digital era. Therefore, proper market research is something you should try, as it will help you in making business decisions with actionable insights. Also, it helps you to understand your customer interests, spending habits, their demographics, earning power, etc. Connecting to customers Businesses do not make customers, customers who make Businesses. Therefore, to run a successful business it is important to acknowledge customer feedback. Always encourage your customers to say about your products or services, as it will help you to learn, improve, and grow in the industry. It will also contribute to your internal product/service research and development processes. These days, it is easy to connect with customers through digital platforms like social media channels which is a bigger platform to hear the customer's voice. Build a Team To run a successful business in a competitive environment, you need a strong team. With a great and talented team, you can achieve better input, share risks, constructive criticism, and motivate each other when the journey of entrepreneurship gets hard. In case you already have a team, it is your responsibility to improve their existing skill set and also develop new ones. This will allocate your workload in several ways and help you get more productivity in any given day. Take Risks If you want to succeed you need to take new challenges and risk every day as a New Entrepreneur in 2019. Leaving a 9 to 5 job to start own venture is the first riskier step for many entrepreneurs. However, for some, it turned out the best decision, and for few, it turned out as the bad decision. In the end, you need to take the risk to explore your potential. Indeed. Every successful leader including Peter Wilson in Cleveland, believes that success is only possible if you have the courage to take the risk. In the end, you will get an opportunity to taste the reward of success.

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  7. Brief History of Royal Engagement Rings by Peter Wilson in Cleveland


    Brief History of Royal Engagement Rings by Peter Wilson in Cleveland

    It’s not a monumental proposal without the exceptional moment being accompanied by a remarkable diamond engagement ring. The most expensive royal engagement rings in the world are in possession of the royals and the public loves to talk about them. So herewith Peter Wilson in Rocky River - a Certified Gemologist at Howard's Jewelry Center in Cleveland, let's explore 5 unique and most expensive royal engagement rings of all times. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark Crown Princess of Denmark, Mary's freakish royal engagement ring. It highlighted an evaluated one and a half–carat emerald-cut diamond flanked by two emerald-cut rubies says Peter Wilson in Rocky River. And since her matrimony, she has supplemented two supplementary diamond baguettes on both sides of the rubies. Crown Prince Frederik chose to give this ring to symbolize the shades of the Danish emblem. Depending on the essence and precise aspects of the diamond and gemstones, it has been estimated that the cost of the innovative ring will be around $25,000 to $30,000. Meghan Markle's Ring The ring that the Prince represented to his wife Meghan was particularly customized by him. According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland, the ring featured a 5-carat diamond that is framed with two 0.75 carat round diamonds. It is also said that the ring was made from Princess Diana's personal collection. Also, the ring is modernized from a unique traditional strap style with diamonds. The middle jewel's Botswana origin is studious of Prince Harry and Meghan’s peculiar relationship with the country and their bestowed devotion to social and environmental accountability. The cost of the ring is estimated to be $120,000. Queen Maxima's Royal Engagement Ring Queen Maxima is incipiently from Argentina, but now she is the Goddess of the Netherlands. She was proposed by now King Willem-Alexander with an oval-shaped diamond ring. This ring is also in the color that symbolizes the national color of the Netherlands, orange. There is no erudition about the specific price because the ring is unprecedented and the gem is rare, so the approximated value of the ring is between $20,000 and $200,000. Queen Victoria's Ring Throughout her reign in the 19th Century, it was customary for a female monarch, due to her extraordinary status, to propose to her prospective fiancé. Queen Victoria’s royal engagement ring, by today’s measures, had a freakish and somewhat inquisitive design – a serpent. It may appear like an incredible leitmotif for a ring that signifies love, but serpents at the time signified wisdom, integrity, and responsibility. The ring had a mix of jewels, rubies, and diamonds set in it. Also, it was colorful like her personality. Queen Elizabeth's Royal Engagement Ring In the year 1947 Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten bestowed to Queen Elizabeth with an embroidered and vintage diamond engagement ring. The delicate platinum ring showcases a three-carat diamond flanked on every side by five more petite diamonds. Before he intended the proposal, Prince Philip put a lot of insight into the design of the ring to combine emotional value to the engagement ring. He incorporated a series of diamonds from a tiara his mother, Princess Alice wore back in the day. The ring is absolutely an exceptional piece of jewelry that most unquestionably ads to the Queen’s diamond collection.

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  8. Trending Jewelry Designers


    Trending Jewelry Designers

    From ancient times to this modern era, jewelry has made its own importance and trademark. It has perpetually remained a part of mankind’s antiquity and continues to be so in the present. Today, vintage, classy, and timeless style is the unique trademarks of the top jewelry designers. There are numerous jewelry designers in diverse countries around the world, but not all of them can be recommended. So herewith Peter Wilson in Cleveland - a certified Gemologist, let's explore the 5 famous jewelry designers from around the world. India’s Bansri Mehta India's name comes in the top of the list whenever the word jewelry designers is heard. The country was the first place in the world where diamonds were mined. Also, it has the deepest perpetual legacy of the jewelry-making of any region. The company Bansri Mehta was opened because the owner of the company was fond of traveling and art. The company first was into fashion designing, but lately, they started making jewelry that could be easily affordable by the common peoples. The popular piece of jewelry that they are making for years are Gold Plated Emerald Collar Tribal Necklace and Floral Pattern Bodychain says Peter Wilson in Cleveland. Mexico’s Caralaga – Jewelry Designers This jewelry house in Mexico makes jewelry that represents nature. The materials that the company uses to design the jewelry are natural fibers and raw material in their natural form that are sourced locally. All the jewelry designs that the company makes are handmade. Their art for jewelry can be seen through there handmade necklaces and earrings. Mali (and Brooklyn’s) Double High Five This company was founded by Chloe Thompson, a person who loved traveling and was fond of studying. According to Peter Wilson in Cleveland, the material that these jewelers use to make jewelry is recycled rubber. The experts of this company have too much passion that they can even make cool bracelets and other kinds of jewelries from the rubber shoes. Such a dynamic class of jewelers makes a perfect sense of business. The classic mixed black and white and the classic mixed multicolor bracelets made in mali are the perfect designs of jewelry from this company. Kenya’s Adèle Dejak Adèle Dejak is situated at the bottom of Kenya. It was constructed to remind the women that they are beautiful and elegant. These jewelry designers use environment-friendly material to design jewelry. The same kind of recycled material that was used in ancient times to design the ornaments. Also, these designers have high visibility across Africa and have even partnered with Salvatore Ferragamo. The designs that they make are unique and are loved by all. For example, a piece of jewelry named as Lunaranne Earcuff adds edgy addition to any outfit. Also, the Dhamani Maureen necklace, a solar system of 8 folded brass wires with the various origin and finishing points.

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  9. Peter Wilson Cleveland | Moonstone History And Facts


    Peter Wilson Cleveland | Moonstone History And Facts

    Moonstone is one of the most beautiful gemstones love and admire by people across the world. However, most people may not know much about moonstone and its facts. What? You too? No worries, if you are one of those who love gemstones but do not know much about this beautiful gemstone and that is Moonstone.  Let’s explore a few more facts about moonstone with the gemologist Peter Wilson Cleveland. Available In Various Colors Most people may believe that moonstone only available in an extraordinary blue hue, but the fact is that it is available in many different colors as well. These include blue, yellow, pink, peach, gray, cream, etc.  Moonstone Consist of Healing Properties Like any other gemstone, moonstone also consists of healing properties which are usually related to an individual’s specific condition. These properties include balancing emotional state, inspire creativity, boost an individual’s intuition power, increase confidence, and relax the individual’s mind, body, and soul. Not many people know about its properties and benefits, but those who know are availing the benefit of this gemstone. Moonstone Consider As a Tool since Ancient Times  Back in history, people consider moonstone as a tool to inspire deep passion between lovers. In fact, according to them, moonstone also possesses the power to predict the future. According to the experts including Peter Wilson Cleveland, an individual can read his future if he put this stone in his mouth while the moon was full. Furthermore, the ancient Romans and Greeks believe that it brings good fortune to the owner and it was created from bits of the actual moon. They observed the transformative healing properties in moonstones. Since ages, moonstone has been used to make necklaces, bracelets, and other ornaments. Moonstone Comes From Different Parts of the Globe Almost everyone knows that there are birthstones available for each month, and each birthstone comes from a different part of the world. When we talk about Moonstone, it comes from a little bit of everywhere. It has been mined in Sri Lanka, Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Madagascar, Switzerland, and India. However, you will find the colorful version of moonstone only in India. In the rest of the countries, you will find moonstone in white color only.  Moonstone Consist Mystical Power Most people may not know that the moonstone also used in Ayurveda medicine and other crystal healing methods. Ayurveda medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicines in the world. You may or may not know that it is primarily practiced in India. Also, many practitioners practice in this medicine in the USA as well. In fact, according to many practitioners including Peter Wilson Cleveland, this stone not only consists of healing power but also consider as feminine in nature. And this is because it is connected with the lunar cycle which controls a woman’s cycle. And as a result, it's considered as a useful tool to evaluate female disorders, including: • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms • Bloating and pain experienced during the mensuration • Smooth pregnancy and childbirth Final Words So, these are the few facts about moonstone that most people may not aware of. If you want to know more about gemstones, you can read the blogs of the gemologist Peter Wilson Cleveland. Or for any query regarding gemstones or moonstone, you can write below in the comment box.

    3 min
  10. Peter Wilson Cleveland | Learn about Gemstones Facts with Gemstone Expert


    Peter Wilson Cleveland | Learn about Gemstones Facts with Gemstone Expert

    A passionate lover for things and ideas is always hungry to know more. Many people around the world claim that they love gemstones to such an extent that they like to collect them. However, being a gemstone lover is not a big thing, if you do not crave to know more about it. According to many qualified gemologists including Peter Wilson Cleveland, there are many facts about gemstones that most people don’t even know.  So, let’s explore a few unknown facts about gemstones with the expert gemologist Peter Wilson Cleveland. 1) The discovery of gemstones is too old than you’d think Do you know who the first to carve minerals into jewelers were? Maybe, according to some of you, the answer would be - The Babylonians or The Egyptians. Well, your guess is wrong as a skilfully carved bracelet of green-hued chlorite discovered in Siberia. And according to experts including Peter Wilson Cleveland, it is around 70,000 years old and. Even they believe that it has been made by an early extinct human species with the name- the Denisovans. 2) The different beliefs of our ancestors about gemstones For instance, if you take about amber, Vikings used to believe that the tears of goddess Freya became amber after they fell down to the ground. Whereas if you consider the thought of the ancient Greeks, the amber was solidified sunlight. In fact, in ancient China, the thought was that amber is the earthly form of a tiger’s soul. 3) Some gemstones really were once alive Opal forms in corners and holes from the amount of material left behind by silica-rich water. In some cases, this process happens within putrefying material such as wood and bones. In the year 1987, in South Australia, the opalized skeleton of a pliosaur was dug. At present, ‘Eric’ is displayed in the Australia Museum, together with the opalized fishbone found in his stomach! 4) Few gemstones have special properties You may find few gemstones that display stunning and unusual optical effects, they are popular as phenomenal gemstones. Most gemologists including Peter Wilson Cleveland, love the stone Alexandrite that contains the property of changing the color. It usually appears red under luminous light and green in daylight. Besides, in gems displaying asterism, you may find star floating across the surface. And in those with chatoyancy, if you focus on the ‘floating’ image, you may find it like a cat’s eye. 5) Some gemstones are hard to find You may or may not know that there are around 4,000 or so minerals were identified. However, only a small percentage are categorized as gemstones. The rarest form of gemstone of all is painite, which is a deep brownish red gemstone available particularly only in Myanmar (Burma). The gemstone painite is named after Arthur Pain, the first gemologist who discovered it. The most important fact about the painite is that since its discovery, it is unsuitable for cutting. Therefore, only a few of facted painite gemstones exist worldwide. Maybe this is the reason why Painite can raise up to 60,000 dollars per carat.  6) Diamond still rank on the top No doubt Painite is one of the rarest, but the most expensive and desirable gemstone ever sold is the Pink Star Diamond. The weight of this internally flawless pink diamond is approximately around 59.60 carats and was excavated in South Africa by De Beers.

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Peter Wilson in Cleveland is a Gemologist and provides jewelry appraisal services for loose diamonds, gemstones and modern jewelry in Rocky River and Cleveland area.

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