Queen Flow the Podcast

Jocelyn Kelly Reid
Queen Flow the Podcast Podcast

Welcome to Queen Flow the Podcast, brought to you by your host Jocelyn Kelly Reid. Jocelyn is an Intuitive Business and Abundance Coach with a mission on the planet to lead women to rise in power and on purpose in business done the feminine way, wealth, pleasure, magic, and magnetism. In scaling to the first $100k month in year 2, Jocelyn is known for her intuitive insights and money codes. On this show you can expect to receive energetic activations and to learn about money, spirituality, witchy stuff and everything else Jocelyn feels called to share. It’s fiery, it’s fun, enjoy!

  1. 18 HR AGO

    126. Unplug Your Womb From the Matrix & Access the Feminine Stream of Beauty for Quantum Receiving with Feminine Magic & Money Guest Expert Isabella Beham

    Hi gorgeous! In today’s episode, I deep dive with Soulmate Oracle, Cosmic Matchmaker, and Theta Healer Isabella Beham on the power of unplugging your womb from the deep programming of the matrix and the traumas of your current life and lineage. Together, we explore how to tap into the purest divine feminine frequency of beauty, allowing you to regain control over your creative and manifestation powers as a woman. We also discuss how the matrix has infiltrated women’s bodies and, most importantly, how to reclaim the power that holds the key to receiving everything with ease all that you desire in this lifetime. Isabella is a guest expert inside Feminine Magic & Money, which kicks off with the Opening Ceremony on October 1st! This is the final high-proximity round, so make sure to join us. Use code FMM1500 at checkout to SAVE $1,500 at checkout! This bonus will be closing soon along with your private call with pay in full! >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/feminine-magic-money Join MANIFEST - Instant Access >> https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/manifest/ Other Ways to Work Together >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/work-with-me Follow Jocelyn : https://www.instagram.com/jocelyn.kelly.reid/ Download my free masterclass on How I Quantum Leaped to $50k Months In the First Year of Business! https://quantumleap.lpages.co/quantum-leap/ Subscribe to My YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJf5uZcz5Y827IRcPaUFVQ Join the free sisterhood Born To Be a Boss https://www.facebook.com/groups/511848006411418 Connect with Isabella: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/issyliving/

    1h 24m
  2. 6 SEPT

    125. The Top 4 Spiritual & Societal Myths About What It Takes to Receive More Money

    Hi gorgeous, Welcome back to the show! This episode is a long time coming! Tune in now to unwind the Top 4 Myths about money you’ve picked up from society and the spiritual community around what’s required to receive more money, which is actually keeping you from it — and we can’t have that! Inside I dive into: It takes a lot of timeYou have to work so hardYou’ve got to clear every limiting beliefYou must feel “worthy” and “deserving”And a bonus one as well that you’ll hear about inside the episode! I share why the universe does not care about any of the above with examples and what moves the dial for you with money instead Plus fun client stories because let’s just say bank accounts get a makeover in my world 😉 Spaces are filling for the final high proximity round of Feminine Magic & Money! The 3 month mastermind to step into deep embodiment of feminine wealth, pleasure, magic and magnetism. Enter code FMM1500 at checkout to SAVE $1,500 We kick off LIVE end of September! Instant access to content >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/feminine-magic-money Join MANIFEST today for only $55 before the price goes up to $333 >> https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/manifest/ Join The Secret $ Membership with MANIFEST Bonused In >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-revolution Apply to Femmepire and receive a private Sales Elevation call bonus for a limited time! https://form.typeform.com/to/CckMtbOZ?typeform-source=www.jocelynkellyreid.com Follow Jocelyn : https://www.instagram.com/jocelyn.kelly.reid/ Download my free masterclass on How I Quantum Leaped to $50k Months In the First Year of Business! https://quantumleap.lpages.co/quantum-leap/ Subscribe to My YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJf5uZcz5Y827IRcPaUFVQ Join the free sisterhood Born To Be a Boss https://www.facebook.com/groups/511848006411418

    1h 13m
  3. 30 AUG

    124. Celestial Soul Retrieval with Feminine Magic & Money Guest Expert Andrea Donnelly

    Hi gorgeous, This episode is everything to me as Andrea and I are soul sisters who 100% met in another place and time before we crossed paths in this lifetime. Andrea is the Founder of the Future Medicine Healing Modality and a Spiritual Advisor and Guide. I personally call her a Witch to the Sages 😉 We have the honor of having her lead the Celestial Soul Retrieval inside Feminine Magic & Money which is hand on heart one of the most potent healing and activating experiences you will ever receive in this lifetime Inside today’s episode we dive into: The ways being plugged into the matrix hijacks your ability to receive and meet your own potentialThe power of getting in touch with and learning the truth of your soul for creating momentum in your lifeThe importance of not only clearing during your healing, but activating new energies to catapult yourself into new creations and a new realityAndrea’s experience inside Feminine Magic & Money when she joined as a student before becoming a guest expert!And drumroll please….a surprise energetic update on 2024 🥳 Enter code FMM1500 at checkout to SAVE $1,500 on Feminine Magic & Money for a limited time. We kick off LIVE end of September! Instant access to content >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/feminine-magic-money Join MANIFEST today for only $55 before the price goes up to $333 >> https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/manifest/ Join The Secret $ Membership with MANIFEST Bonused In >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-revolution Apply to Femmepire and receive a private Sales Elevation call bonus for a limited time! https://form.typeform.com/to/CckMtbOZ?typeform-source=www.jocelynkellyreid.com Follow Jocelyn : https://www.instagram.com/jocelyn.kelly.reid/ Download my free masterclass on How I Quantum Leaped to $50k Months In the First Year of Business! https://quantumleap.lpages.co/quantum-leap/ Subscribe to My YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJf5uZcz5Y827IRcPaUFVQ Join the free sisterhood Born To Be a Boss https://www.facebook.com/groups/511848006411418 Connect with Andrea: Website: https://www.wearehere2remember.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seawitchery

    1h 40m
  4. 15 AUG

    123. How Jacs Hodgson Had Her First $23k Cash Month, Broke Through Feast & Famine Dynamics with Money & Deepened Her Ability to Receive Inside Feminine Magic & Money

    Hi gorgeous, We’re back with another incredible client success story coming out of Feminine Magic & Money! Jacqs Hodgson is such a Business Mentor & Coach mentor who came into Feminine & Money to release the “overdrive” in her frequency left over from her prior corporate career as a lawyer, to say goodbye to the cycle of feast or famine playing out in her finances, and of course sink into her ability to do deeply receive money with the energy of the feminine exhale Which is exactly what happened! Inside Feminine Magic & Money Jaqs: Celebrated her first $9k day and first $23k cash month after having normalized $8k monthsContracted 63% of her entire year’s income going into 2024 before the year had even endedWounding up making in 8 months what she’d previously made in 12Was able to to sit back and receive inside her companyAnd sure enough dissolved the sabotage that was creating the feast and famine patternFor limited time join Feminine Magic & Money now with code FMM1500 to receive $1,500 OFF Pre Sale Plus a Private Wealth Energetics or Business Mentorship call with PIF! Immediate access to content we kick off LIVE in September! https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/feminine-magic-money Join the Revolution >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-revolution Apply to Femmepire and receive a private Sales Elevation call bonus for a limited time! https://form.typeform.com/to/CckMtbOZ?typeform-source=www.jocelynkellyreid.com Join The Secret $ Membership for only $55/mo >> https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/secret-money-membership/ Hang out on Instagram! : https://www.instagram.com/jocelyn.kelly.reid/ Download my free masterclass on How I Quantum Leaped to $50k Months In the First Year of Business! https://quantumleap.lpages.co/quantum-leap/ Subscribe to My YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJf5uZcz5Y827IRcPaUFVQ Join the free sisterhood Born To Be a Boss https://www.facebook.com/groups/511848006411418 Connect with Jacs: Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/jacs_hodgson/

    1h 36m
  5. 3 JUL

    122. How I Built Other Worldly Magnetism

    Hi gorgeous, I’m so excited to share today’s episode with you - on one of my favorite topics - magnetism. Inside I share my journey with magnetism, the relationship I see between magnetism and logic, and why I would not trade my magnetism for anything. If you desire to turn your own magnetism up to a 10, to have the embodied experience of ease and receiving with money and in what you desire to call into your life, to live in the frequency of the feminine exhale The last mastermind round of FMM with the current level of proximity to myself and the guest experts kicks off early August. Immediate access to content. Join now with code FMM1500 at checkout to SAVE $1,500 with your first payment of only $167 and receive a free program/masterclass of your choice or private call with PIF >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/feminine-magic-money Join The Cohort with code COHORT1500 at checkout to SAVE $1,500 with your first payment of only $167 and receive a free program/masterclass of your choice or private call with PIF >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-cohort Join the Revolution with a private Sales Elevation call bonus for a limited time. Credits apply >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-revolution Apply to Femmepire and receive a private Sales Elevation call bonus for a limited time! https://form.typeform.com/to/CckMtbOZ?typeform-source=www.jocelynkellyreid.com Join The Secret $ Membership with Content to Cash bonused in >> https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/secret-money-membership/ Referenced In the Episode: 54. How Lisa Manifested Mulitple 6 Figures & Became Magnetic AF Inside Feminine Magic & Money >> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/54-how-lisa-manifested-mulitple-6-figures-became-magnetic/id1557630398?i=1000551113200 56. Let's Talk About Debt Baby! It's Time for a S$xy Reframe https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/56-lets-talk-about-debt-baby-its-time-for-a-s$xy-reframe/id1557630398?i=1000551913076 81. Isabella Beham’s Soulmate Work & Quantum Leap Into Her First $40k Month Inside Femmepire https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/81-isabella-behams-soulmate-work-quantum-leap-into/id1557630398?i=1000596385305 Other Ways to Work Together >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/work-with-me Follow Jocelyn : https://www.instagram.com/jocelyn.kelly.reid/ Download my free masterclass on How I Quantum Leaped to $50k Months In the First Year of Business! https://quantumleap.lpages.co/quantum-leap/ Subscribe to My YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJf5uZcz5Y827IRcPaUFVQ Join the free sisterhood Born To Be a Boss https://www.facebook.com/groups/511848006411418

    1h 22m
  6. 27 JUN

    121. How Hani Caiserman Called In $78k, 60 Humans Into Her First Offer, and Stepped Into Energetic Ease Inside Feminine Magic & Money

    Hi gorgeous! I love today’s episode. I truly have the best clients and today I am over the moon to share with you Hani Caiserman as a woman you’ll fall in love with along with her results inside Feminine Magic & Money the Mastermind - which were insane per usual. ;) Tune in now to hear how in 90 days in FMM Hani: Called In $50k for an investment in 2 weeks$28k in miracle money on the last day of the mastermind - why wouldn’t you go out with a bangFound ease with releasing and replenishing large amounts of moneyReleased time scarcity and tapped into energetic neutralityReceived nothing short of the most miraculous support and sequence of events after the devastation of the Maui fires including being offered a multi million dollar home to live in without financial obligationReceived 60 beautiful humans into her first breathwork offerAnd more! The last mastermind round of FMM with the current level of proximity to myself and the guest experts kicks off end of July/early August. Immediate access to content. Join now with code FMM1500 at checkout to SAVE $1,500 with your first payment of only $167 and receive a free program/masterclass of your choice or private call >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/feminine-magic-money Join The Cohort with code COHORT1500 at checkout to SAVE $1,500 with your first payment of only $167 and receive a free program/masterclass of your choice or private call >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-cohort Join the Revolution with a private Sales Elevation call bonus for a limited time. Credits apply >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-revolution Apply to Femmepire: https://form.typeform.com/to/CckMtbOZ?typeform-source=www.jocelynkellyreid.com Join The Secret $ Membership with Content to Cash bonused in >> https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/secret-money-membership/ Other Ways to Work Together >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/work-with-me Follow Jocelyn : https://www.instagram.com/jocelyn.kelly.reid/ Download my free masterclass on How I Quantum Leaped to $50k Months In the First Year of Business! https://quantumleap.lpages.co/quantum-leap/ Subscribe to My YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJf5uZcz5Y827IRcPaUFVQ Join the free sisterhood Born To Be a Boss https://www.facebook.com/groups/511848006411418 Connect with Hani: https://www.instagram.com/breath.of.hani/ https://breathofhani.com/

    1h 39m
  7. 6 JUN

    119. Story Time! How My Clients Are Turning Their Content Into Instant Cash

    If you desire to uplevel your content skills from content that converts sometimes to instant conversions and you’ll love this episode where I also share real stories from my current clients and what you want to know about taking your content to conversion skills to excellent! Join The Secret $ Membership with Content to Cash bonused in >> https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/secret-money-membership/ Join Content to Cash - 14 Days to Turn Your Content Into a Cash Machine with bonus access to over 20 mini feminine business and limitless wealth creation trainings/transmissions otherwise only available inside The Revolution! https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/contenttocash/ Join Hottest Sh*t On the Internet (Content to Cash Bonused In) on over PRE SALE https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/hottest-sht-on-the-internet The Million Dollar Sales Bundle (HSOTI, Sales Siren, Content to Cash) https://jocelynkellyreid.thrivecart.com/hsotisalessiren/ HOT HOT SUMMER (formerly Christmas in June) is HERE! Join The Cohort with code COHORT1500 and save $1,500 at checkout plus a FREE course of your choice! https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-cohort Join Feminine Magic & Money with code FMM1500 at checkout to save $1,500 off PRE SALE (cha ching!) plus a FREE course of your choice! https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/feminine-magic-money Join The feminine business and money membership/mastermind The Revolution and receive a bonus Sales Elevation private call - 30 mins for 6 months // 60 mins for 12 - Credits apply for Hottest Sh*t On the Internet (2023 or 2024 round), Sales Siren, Million Dollar Sales Bundle, Content to Cash, Secret $ Membership - any offer purchased in past 30 days! https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/the-revolution Join Femmepire and receive a complimentary 60 minute Sales Elevation call >> Apply HERE: https://form.typeform.com/to/CckMtbOZ?typeform-source=www.jocelynkellyreid.com Rate and review the show, DM your screenshot to Jocelyn or email it to assistant@jocelynkellyreid.com before you but submit and receive $200 off any offer! Other Ways to Work Together >> https://www.jocelynkellyreid.com/work-with-me Follow Jocelyn : https://www.instagram.com/jocelyn.kelly.reid/ Download my free masterclass on How I Quantum Leaped to $50k Months In the First Year of Business! https://quantumleap.lpages.co/quantum-leap/ Subscribe to My YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJf5uZcz5Y827IRcPaUFVQ Join the free sisterhood Born To Be a Boss https://www.facebook.com/groups/511848006411418

    13 min


Welcome to Queen Flow the Podcast, brought to you by your host Jocelyn Kelly Reid. Jocelyn is an Intuitive Business and Abundance Coach with a mission on the planet to lead women to rise in power and on purpose in business done the feminine way, wealth, pleasure, magic, and magnetism. In scaling to the first $100k month in year 2, Jocelyn is known for her intuitive insights and money codes. On this show you can expect to receive energetic activations and to learn about money, spirituality, witchy stuff and everything else Jocelyn feels called to share. It’s fiery, it’s fun, enjoy!

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