Dee Sharpe Thoughts

Diana Sharpe
Podcast de Dee Sharpe Thoughts

A safe, open, vulnerable and encouraging space for women to tell their stories of faith, courage, hope, strength and resilience.

  1. Living on Purpose: Raising Success


    Living on Purpose: Raising Success

    Join us for the fifth and final episode “Raising Success” in our Living on Purpose series! In today’s episode, I talk with Monique Parker, wife, mom, educator, entrepreneur, ministry leader and most importantly a woman in love with God. Monique is from Orlando, Florida, and graduated with a Bachelors in Human Resources Management from Florida State University and holds a Masters in Counselling and Psychology. She has a passion for helping people identify and achieve their dreams and God given potential, especially teens and young adults. Her business, Raising Success Coaching and Consulting is an academic and personal development firm specializing in helping teens and young adults create a plan of success while in school and post graduation to improve grades, confidence, and clarity. Monique works to help Teens and young adults achieve their goals in school, life, and career. One of her goals is to help her clients BEE who they were created to BEE (Believe, Expect, Execute) and live a life of impact and success using her GMAIL system. Three powerful take-away that Monique shares are: 1. It is important that we sit quietly and allow God to have a moment with us. Get right with God, up and down, so we can live well with others all around. 2. The power of the BEE Mindset - Believe, Expect, Execute 3.  The importance of rest, prayer, and trust in God! Work with Monique Parker at the links below: Website: IG: moniqueempowers Facebook: Success with Ms. Parker Thank you for listening! Please subscribe and share if you know someone who needs a dose of daily inspiration! Share with everyone you know, because we are all looking for a dose of inspiration and hope!

    49 min
  2. Find your Compass and Thrive


    Find your Compass and Thrive

    Join us for the fourth episode “Find your compass and Thrive” in our Living on Purpose series! In today’s episode, I talk with Michelle Gibson-Morgan, Michelle Gibson-Morgan CTDP, CMP, CTMP. Michelle is a career consultant and author, who mentors and coaches women, immigrant professionals, racialized persons and youth. She is a Woman of Inspiration™ Awards 2021 Nominee from the Universal Women’s Network. She is also a wife and mother. Michelle’s career converges at the intersection of career consulting, learning, talent management and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Michelle is currently completing her Master of Arts in Education degree. In today’s episode, Michelle shares her passion for people development and transformation, the art of navigating change and the importance of discovering our authentic self. In her own words, she defines her purpose as helping others identify their value proposition! One of her life’s goal is to create impact and thrive and to help others do the same! Three powerful take-away that Michelle shares are: 1. The important first step in growing and thriving - Self-assessment and self-reflection. 2. Having a place at the table doesn’t mean having a voice at the table! It is therefore important that we help to amplify the voice and cause of others! 3.  Emphasize what you have! Think, speak, and live from a strength-based perspective! Work with Michelle Gibson-Morgan at the links below: Website: Email: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: @MGibsonMorgan Thank you for listening! Please subscribe and share if you know someone who needs a gentle nudge to find their compass and thrive, someone who wants the secret sauce to navigating, managing and excelling in a period of change and uncertainty! Share with everyone you know, because we are all looking for a dose of inspiration and hope!

    42 min
  3. The Journey to Becoming a more Conscious and Connected Parent


    The Journey to Becoming a more Conscious and Connected Parent

    Join us for the third episode “The Journey to Becoming a more Conscious and Connected Parent” in our Living on Purpose series! In today’s episode, I talk with Peta-Gay Henry, Certified Etiquette and Conscious Parenting Coach and owner of LeCharme. LeCharme serves their clients through a two-pronged strategic approach: LeCharme Social Emotional Learning and Etiquette and LeCharme Conscious Parenting Circle. Peta-Gay’s purpose is to be the best Mom to her two beautiful daughters and to help individuals positively transform their life through her coaching and training. As a Parenting Coach, Peta-Gay helps her clients to become conscious and connected, and to ultimately find peace in parenting. In today’s episode, Peta-Gay shares her passion for helping children and young adults gain social and emotional skills to navigate life, through her company’s Social Emotional Learning and Etiquette program.  And her related and equally important passion of helping parents build positive relationships with their children and parent intentionally and consciously. Three powerful take-away that Peta-Gay shares are: 1. It is crucial that parents create safe spaces for children to be their authentic self. Creating safe spaces requires that we move from words to actions, actions that foster safety in our children. 2. Conscious parenting is intentional parenting. It recognizes the individuality of each child, their strength and opportunities. Importantly, it is more about the parent consciously managing their own triggers, traumas, reactions, and interactions with their child. 3.  The journey to becoming a more connected and more conscious parent starts with YOU, the parent. Listen to this episode to learn about the 5 pillars of Social Emotional Learning and other life changing strategies and tips. Work with Peta-Gay Henry, LeCharme at the links below: IG: peta_lecharme Thank you for listening! Please subscribe and share if you know someone who is looking for support on their parenting journey, tips on building more positive relationships and tools to forge stronger bonds with their children.

    51 min
  4. 22/03/2022

    The Mindset Coach

    Join us for the second episode “The Mindset Coach” in our Living on Purpose series! In today’s episode, I talk with Makin Smith, Mindset and Resilience Coach, Podcast Host and Founder of A Walk in my Stilettos, Author, International Speaker, Publisher and Book Coach, and Entrepreneur. Makini describes herself as resilient, a woman walking in her purpose, pushing through her fears, and inspiring women to do the same. As a mindset coach and Proctor Gallagher certified consultant, Makini help her clients turn goals into accomplishments. Makini helps her clients to shift from feeling frustrated, confused or isolated to finding peace, clarity, and connection. In today’s episode, Makini shares her passion for helping clients to renew their mindset, living on purpose, owning their voice and story, and building their resilience. Four powerful key take-aways that Makini shares are: 1. Everything we do starts with our start with our mindset! 2. You will find your confidence in your competence. Take action, consistently do the work, your skills will sharpen and your confidence will soar! 3.  We have more control than we think! 4.  Courage is fear walking! Just keep walking! Bonus Tip: Take a look at your environment. Do you like what you see? What are you willing to change? Do it today! Books “A walk in my stilettos, How to get through the struggle with grace.” “A walk in my stilettos, 111 Affirmations to Help You Heal” “A walk in my stilettos, Gratitude Journal” “A walk in my stilettos, Couples Gratitude Journal” Work with Makini at the links below: HOME - A Walk in My Stilettos IG: legacyleaversmedia IG: therealmakinismith Thank you for listening! Please subscribe and share if you know someone who is looking for inspiration, clarity, focus, tools to move forward, and strategies for creating a meaningful life!

    44 min
  5. 08/03/2022

    Living on Purpose, Blazing beyond your Limits

    Join us for the first episode “Living on Purpose, Blazing beyond your limits” in our Living on Purpose series! In today’s episode, I talk with Althea Walters, Productivity and Business Coach, Corporate Trainer, and Entrepreneur. Althea Walters specializes in helping entrepreneurs, leaders, and individuals achieve their personal and professional goals by defining their success path, designing their action plans, and maximizing their productivity to perform at their optimal levels. She is a Productivity and Business Coach who helps you to GET ALL THE RIGHT THINGS DONE, in your life and business, within the Limited TIME that we all have! Through her coaching and training workshops, she helps you to “Kill the chaos in Your Life and Business” so that you can get the results you want! Her own personal journey started when she was about to celebrate her 35th Birthday and had the shocker that none of the personal goals she had planned, was completed. She was living her life on auto-pilot. As a result, to get to her desired goal, she had to deliberately make some personal shifts, and up-leveled her productivity and focus in order to achieve those goals. In today’s episode, Althea shares her passion for knowledge, sharing and teaching, living with intention, living on purpose, and being productive while pursuing excellence. Three powerful key take-aways that Althea shares are: 1. Never turn up without a plan! Never start your day, week, month or year without a plan! 2. We need tools to be productive! Get the My Goal Tracker to get started! 3.  When you are living intentionally, you have to make intentional decisions for your life! Bonus (Become intentionally curious about your purpose): If you woke up one day and you had to choose only one talent or gift to keep. What would it be? Work with Althea at the links below: PURCHASE GOAL TRACKER PLANNER SIGN UP FOR DREAM IT. PLAN IT. ONLINE COURSE JOIN GOAL TRACKER ACCOUNTABILITY MEMBERSHIP GET 1:1 COACHING SUPPORT Thank you for listening! Please subscribe and share if you know someone who is looking for inspiration, clarity, focus, tools to move forward, and strategies for creating a meaningful life!

    44 min
  6. Roses among Thorns: Flourishing in the midst of Adversity


    Roses among Thorns: Flourishing in the midst of Adversity

    Join us for the third episode, “Roses among Thorns: Flourishing in the midst of Adversity” in our Health and Total Wellness Series! In today’s episode, I talk with Marie Vaughan-Cadmus. Marie is a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor Candidate with Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada (ACCT), serves in the Christian Education Department as a Sunday school teacher and Christian Education Director at Bethel United Church in Surrey, BC. Marie has been involved in the counselling ministry for approximately 31 years. Marie graduated from Stenberg College Counselling Therapist and Community Mental Health and Addictions Worker program. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and Counselling. Marie believes in a holistic approach to Counselling, promotes spiritual education for all, and is advocate for mental health and wellness. Marie has lived a life of emotional pain related to traumatic experiences she has had growing up. She possesses wisdom, insight, a sense of humor, compassion and empathizes with those that need a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental space to process their emotional pain and live a flourishing life. Marie is the author of the book, “Roses among Thorns: Flourishing in the Midst of Adversity. In her debut book she writes, “Life comes with challenges of various nature, but as the sun rise after the dark night, so we, too may rise above the complexities of life. Obstacles may be used as stepping stones, and pain for gain.” In today’s episode, Marie shares her passion for God, her commitment and enthusiasm for teaching others, and her lifelong dedication to helping individuals address the pain and trauma in their lives so they can heal, flourish, and thrive. We discuss the pain and accompanying trauma of losing a loved one, living with relatives who didn’t handle her as the precious gift she was, and finally, her journey of healing. Thank you for listening! Please subscribe and share if you know someone who is looking for a message of faith, redemption, hope, and inspiration.

    50 min
  7. 25/01/2022

    TotallyWell by Renae

    Join us for the second episode, “TotallyWell by Renae” in our Health and Total Wellness Series! In today’s episode, I talk with Denise “Renae” Bracket, Minister, Speaker, Accountability and Life Coach, Author and Graphic Artist. Denise "Renae" Brackett is a graduate of the Assemblies of God in Jamaica Extension Bible College and a Minister with the Assemblies of God in Jamaica. She has been married for 25 years and has one daughter. Renae is the founder of TotallyWell by Renae's Women's Wellness Community, and host of her annual Women’s conference. After years of battling low self-esteem and self-confidence, Denise “Renae” Brackett decided on January 7, 2019, that enough was enough and completed the work necessary to transform her life. In 2020, birthed out of her experience, Renae began Totally Well by Renae’s Women’s Wellness Community with a drive and vision to help women achieve, not just their weight loss goal, but also their spiritual and mental goals. She lives by the mantra, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Phil. 4:13. The moniker “Renae” is more than just her middle name. Renae means ‘Reborn’, a transformational experience which she tells us about in the podcast. In today’s episode, Renae shares her passion for God, people, women, and their total wellness. Renae shares many amazing gems (run and listen) and one amazing life-changing practical tip, “Meet with God first thing each morning. Don’t touch anything you have gone to God and have asked Him to order your day!” Visit Renae on her website: TotallyWell by Renae's Women's Wellness Community.  Register for her Virtual Women's Conference: "What's Love Got to Do with It?" scheduled for February 9-11, 2022  Thank you for listening! Please subscribe and share if you know someone who is looking for a message of faith, total wellness, inspiration, and empowerment.

    43 min
  8. 11/01/2022

    Faith and Fitness

    It’s a new year, a new season, a new episode, and a new direction for our podcast: Dee Sharpe Thoughts Podcast! This year we are being more intentional, focused, and striving for impact. I hope this episode blesses you richly. Join us for the first episode, “Faith and Fitness” our Health and total wellness series! In today’s episode, I talk with Kerry-Ann Harrison, a servant of God, a licensed fitness instructor, and owner of KerryK Fit. Kerry has a passion for physical health and wellness. As a woman of God, she also has a passion for the health and wellness of the soul. She is also a huge advocate for mental wellness and self-care and as such, believes that fitness entails our mental, emotional and spiritual and physical well-being. This is the reason her brand not only promotes and represents the world of physical fitness, but the total wholeness of the mind, body and spirit. She is the author and creator of the Soul Care Journal Package, which is a step by step guide to healing soul wounds, which she believes can be a major hindrance to maximizing our God given potential. She hopes that everyone she encounters will experience the true love of God and come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. In today’s episode, Kerry shares her passion for God, people, their soul, and total wellness. It was a beautiful conversation of how her faith is intricately and intimately tied to her faith: for her there is no fitness without Faith. Three of the nuggets Kerry shared are: 1. Get to know yourself intimately and get to know who you are in God! 2. Wellness is more than workouts! 3.  If God did it for her, he can do it for you! Bonus: We need to talk to the person who has the blueprint for your life: God! If you are not hearing from God, you don’t have the layout for your life! Thank you for listening! Please subscribe and share if you know someone who is looking for a message of faith, fitness, inspiration, and soul care!

    56 min

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A safe, open, vulnerable and encouraging space for women to tell their stories of faith, courage, hope, strength and resilience.

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