6 episodios

Brian Parker and friends


    • Noticias

Brian Parker and friends

    City or County | OTH 1261

    City or County | OTH 1261

    Episode 1261

    Hosts: Carl G Bloom, and Brian Parker

    Weekly News Quiz

    Myth of City Life Energy Efficiency

    Olympic Medal Cash Value


    The Map https://www.scientificamerican.com/sciam/assets/Image/map(1).png

    The Article http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-myth-of-the-sustainable-city/

    Our Twitter Handles



    • 35 min
    Is that Racist? | OTH 1260

    Is that Racist? | OTH 1260

    Episode 1260

    Hosts: Carl G Bloom, Erik Blazynski and Brian Parker

    Weekly News Quiz


    Gun Training

    Student Journalism




    • 55 min
    Freedom to Floss | OTH 1259

    Freedom to Floss | OTH 1259

    Episode 1259

    Hosts: Carl Bloom, Erik Blazynski and Brian Parker

    Weekly News Quiz

    Olympics Money Trail

    Flossing is a Scam!

    NBC Sexism toward Male Athletes

    How America Rates on International Stage




    • 59 min
    That's Still an Olympic Event? | OTH 1258

    That's Still an Olympic Event? | OTH 1258

    Episode 1258

    Hosts: Carl Bloom, Erik Blazynski and Brian Parker

    Weekly News Quiz

    Trump Qualified

    Russian Hacks

    Olympic Events that should be Eliminated




    • 52 min


    Episode 1257

    Hosts: Carl Bloom, Erik Blazynski and Brian Parker

    Weekly News Quiz

    Pokemon Go

    Debbie Wasserman Shultz

    Plagiarism 101

    The NATO Tax




    • 1h
    Sub-Threshold PTSD, and Other Life Hacks | OTH 1256

    Sub-Threshold PTSD, and Other Life Hacks | OTH 1256

    Episode 1256

    Hosts: Carl Bloom and Brian Parker

    Yale study about sub-threshold PTSD for veterans

    General internet "life hacks"



    • 32 min

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