The Blogger Genius Podcast

Jillian Leslie
Podcast de The Blogger Genius Podcast

Welcome! I'm Jillian Leslie, host of The Blogger Genius Podcast and founder of &, online business thought leader, and Stanford MBA. In each episode, I interview other successful bloggers, online entrepreneurs, and online business experts to talk about what's working NOW in the digital space. If you're a blogger or an entrepreneur, you'll definitely want to learn how to implement these newest strategies! I break it down. I'm not afraid to ask hard questions. Real takeaways in every episode! Please read iTunes reviews to see how the podcast has helped others just like you! This podcast is brought to you by MiloTreeCart, the easiest software for bloggers and online entrepreneurs to sell digital products and MiloTree, the smart social media pop-up app you embed on your website or blog to grow your social media following on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest, plus your email list. Please reach out to me at with any questions or comments. I'd love to hear from you!

  1. HACE 10 H

    Navigating the Instagram Algorithm

    Book a free 20-minute call with me to come up with your digital product strategy! ⚡ In my newest episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast, I welcome Sesil Ivanova, a talented artist and Instagram coach, to discuss effective strategies for growing an Instagram following. The conversation delves into the nuances of content creation, audience engagement, and the importance of authenticity in a world increasingly dominated by AI-generated content. Here, we break down the key takeaways from the episode, with actionable advice to help you elevate your Instagram game. Show Notes: MiloTree Book a FREE 20-minute call with me Sesil Ivanova Join My Blogger Genius Email List Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes YouTube Spotify Sesil Ivanova's Background and Growth Sesil shares her journey as an artist and Instagram creator, detailing how she has successfully built her following. She emphasizes that while many creators may aspire to produce perfect, viral content, the key to success lies in authenticity and connection with the audience. Content Creation Strategies Start with Visually Appealing Shots Sesil suggests beginning with visually appealing shots from your life. These should be both authentic and aesthetically pleasing. By layering a voiceover or relatable text over these visuals, you can tell a compelling story that resonates with your audience. Show Your Face and Share Personal Experiences She stresses the importance of showing your face and sharing personal experiences. This fosters a deeper connection with viewers. In a landscape where AI-generated content is becoming more prevalent, genuine human connection is more crucial than ever. Practical Tips for Content Creation Quality Over Quantity: Invest time in creating fewer, high-quality videos that provide real value to viewers. Understand Your Audience: Analyze your audience's desires, pain points, and interests to craft content that speaks directly to them. Storytelling and Authenticity: Focus on sharing personal experiences and insights to foster a genuine connection with your audience. The Role of Reels and Stories Reels for Broader Reach Sesil strongly advocates using Reels to reach a broader audience. Reels are designed to attract new followers and can significantly boost your visibility on the platform. Posts and Carousels for Deeper Connections While Reels can attract new followers, posts and carousels serve to deepen connections with existing followers. These formats allow you to share more detailed content and engage your audience on a deeper level. Instagram Stories for Daily Engagement Instagram Stories are a tool for daily engagement, allowing creators to share their lives and build a sense of community with their audience. Stories provide a more intimate space for sharing personal insights and fostering a sense of familiarity. Sales and Marketing on Instagram Using Instagram as a Sales Funnel While Reels can attract new viewers, Stories are more effective for nurturing relationships and ultimately driving sales. While subtle selling can occur in Reels, Stories provide a more intimate space for promoting products or services. Authenticity in Marketing Sesil emphasizes the importance of authenticity in marketing. She advises against overtly promotional content, suggesting that creators should focus on providing value and sharing their experiences. This approach builds trust and encourages followers to engage with the content and consider purchasing. Content Length and Editing Ideal Length for Reels Sesil suggests keeping Reels under a minute, ideally around 50 seconds, to maintain viewer engagement. She recommends changing visuals every second or so to keep the content dynamic and interesting. Using Your Voice Sesil shares her preference for using her voice

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  2. 18 SEPT

    Unlock Facebook's Hidden Potential to Build Relationships and Grow Fast

    In my recent episode of the Blogger Genius Podcast, I had a conversation with Devin Schubert, a business coach specializing in leadership, team building, and innovation through a Christian lens. The episode dives deep into the strategic use of Facebook for building relationships and growing a business. Here, we break down the key takeaways and actionable advice shared during the episode. Optimizing Social Media Profiles Key Points: Profile Optimization: Devin emphasizes the importance of a well-optimized social media profile. This includes a clear and compelling bio, a professional profile picture, and a banner that communicates your brand's message. Pinned Posts: Utilize pinned posts on Facebook to highlight your story and the value you offer. A strong hook at the beginning of your pinned post can capture attention and encourage engagement. Actionable Tips: Bio and Banner: Ensure your bio succinctly describes who you are and what you do. Your banner should visually represent your brand and include a call to action or a tagline. Pinned Post Strategy: Craft a pinned post that introduces you, shares your mission, and invites followers to engage with your content. Use a compelling hook to draw readers in. Show Notes: MiloTreeCart Book a FREE 20-minute call with me Devin Schubert MiloTree Pop-Up App Join My Blogger Genius Email List Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes YouTube Spotify Building Relationships Before Selling Key Points: Value First: Both Devin and I stress the importance of building relationships before attempting to sell. People are unlikely to make a purchase or schedule a call if they don’t know you yet. Engagement Over Sales: Focus on providing value through your posts to build trust and rapport with your audience. Actionable Tips: Content Strategy: Share valuable insights, tips, and personal stories that resonate with your audience. Avoid pushing sales too early in the relationship. Engagement Tactics: Respond to comments, ask questions, and engage in conversations to build a community around your brand. The Role of Facebook Groups Key Points: Community Building: Despite claims that Facebook groups are declining, Devin argues they remain a powerful tool for fostering community and engagement. Private Groups for Memberships: Use private Facebook groups for memberships to create a familiar and accessible space for your audience. Actionable Tips: Group Engagement: Ask engaging questions during the sign-up process to capture emails and nurture relationships. Tag new members in welcome posts and provide valuable content through videos and training sessions. Content Sharing: Regularly share resources, host live sessions, and encourage member participation to keep the group active and engaged. Engagement Strategies Key Points: Simple Communication: Devin highlights the importance of simplicity in communication and calls to action. Straightforward prompts encourage more responses and engagement. Creative Posts: Use creative and fun posts to spark conversation and engagement. Actionable Tips: Engaging Questions: Ask simple, intuitive questions that invite participation. For example, "What time do you see this post?" can generate comments and boost visibility. Fun Interactions: Create playful posts that encourage debate or sharing, such as asking whether a cup is half full or half empty. Long-Term Mindset Key Points: Patience and Consistency: Devin and I stress the importance of a long-term mindset. Building relationships and nurturing trust takes time. Avoiding Discouragement: Don’t get discouraged by low engagement on business-related posts. Visibility is key, and silent observers may still be considering your content. Actionable Tips: Consistent Posting: Maintain a regular postin

    50 min
  3. 11 SEPT

    The Not-Secret Strategy to SEO Success

    ⚡ Book your free 20-minute digital product strategy call with me and discover how to boost your income in Q4! ⚡ In my latest episode, I sat down with Bernard Meyer, the head content strategist at Omnisend, to discuss the intricacies of SEO and content marketing. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for bloggers looking to drive traffic and convert visitors into loyal customers. Short-Term vs. Long-Term SEO Truths Evolving Nature of SEO Bernhard explains that SEO is constantly evolving. While some tactics may be effective in the short term, others remain relevant over time. For instance, the importance of decorative images in blog posts has diminished as user behavior shows a preference for valuable information over visuals. This led his team to remove unnecessary images, resulting in improved user engagement metrics. Creating Valuable Content Bernhard stresses the need for bloggers, especially in the food niche, to provide useful information upfront. He advises against lengthy introductions that distract from the main content. Instead, bloggers should dive straight into essential details, such as ingredient choices and cooking techniques, to enhance the reader's experience. Show Notes: MiloTreeCart Book a FREE 20-minute call with me Omnisend MiloTree Pop-Up App Join My Blogger Genius Email List Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes YouTube Spotify Google's Role in Driving Traffic Addressing Traffic Fluctuations Bernhard reassures listeners that Google remains effective for driving traffic, despite concerns about fluctuating traffic due to updates. He emphasizes the importance of creating high-quality, relevant content that meets user intent. Websites that experienced traffic drops often had outdated or low-value content, highlighting the need for consistency and long-term planning in content strategy. Omnisend's SEO Strategy Bernhard shares how Omnisend has grown through a smart SEO strategy focused on alternative keywords. By creating content around terms like "alternatives to Klaviyo" or "Mailchimp alternatives," they attract targeted traffic from users actively seeking solutions. This approach not only drives volume but also brings in quality traffic that is more likely to convert. Understanding the Audience Knowing Your Audience's Needs A key takeaway from the episode is the importance of understanding the audience's needs. Successful content marketing hinges on knowing where the audience is in their buyer's journey and providing the right information to guide them further down the funnel. Content Consumption Trends Bernhard observes that while attention spans may seem shorter, the real issue lies in the quality of content available online. He encourages bloggers to focus on delivering concise, valuable information rather than adhering to arbitrary word counts. SEO as a Business Strategy Beyond Technical Requirements Bernhard emphasizes that SEO is not just a technical requirement but a vital part of a broader marketing strategy aimed at building a brand and connecting with customers. The goal should be to create content that resonates with the audience, fostering a memorable connection rather than merely providing information. Quality Over Quantity In the current landscape of content creation there is a significant amount of material that is generated using AI tools like ChatGPT. Bernhard refers to this as "content pollution," where low-quality, unedited articles flood the internet. He stresses the importance of producing high-quality, engaging content that stands out in a crowded market. Long-Term Perspective Patience in SEO Success Bernhard shares that SEO success often requires patience. He shares experiences where well-crafted articles took months to gain traction, reinforcing the idea that consi

    57 min
  4. 4 SEPT

    How Can Bloggers Prepare for a Profitable Q4?

    ⚡ Book your free 20-minute digital product strategy call with me and discover how to boost your income in Q4! ⚡ As the fourth quarter (Q4) of the year approaches, bloggers are gearing up for one of the busiest and most lucrative times of the year. With major holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's on the horizon, it's crucial to have a solid strategy in place. In my recent episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast, I share thoughts and strategies on how bloggers can prepare for Q4. I break down actionable steps for how to thrive during this busy season. Show Notes: MiloTreeCart Book a FREE 20-minute call with me Create Your Freebie Cheatsheet with These 3 AI Prompts Write Your Ebook with These 13 AI Prompts MiloTree Pop-Up Join My Blogger Genius Email List Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes YouTube Spotify Understanding the Importance of Q4 Q4 is a critical period for bloggers due to the increased online activity and consumer spending associated with the holidays. But success during this time isn't about quick fixes or magical hacks. Instead, it's about doubling down on fundamental strategies and focusing on genuine connections with your audience. Key Questions to Guide Your Strategy Here are my two essential questions that every blogger should consider: Where do I have the most impact and connection with your audience? Where are you making money now? These questions are powerful in guiding your efforts and ensuring that you focus on what truly matters. Identifying Your Impact and Connection Points To determine where you have the most impact and connection with your audience, consider the following: Analyze Your Traffic Sources: Look at your analytics to see which platforms are driving the most traffic to your blog. Is it Pinterest, Google SEO, Instagram, or another platform? Engagement Metrics: Assess where your audience is most engaged. Which posts get the most comments, shares, and likes? Feedback and Interaction: Pay attention to where you receive the most feedback and interaction from your audience. This could be through blog comments, social media interactions, or email responses. Understanding Your Revenue Streams Next, identify where your revenue is currently coming from: Display Ads: Are display ads a significant source of income for you? If so, focus on driving more traffic to your blog. Affiliate Sales: If affiliate sales are a key revenue stream, consider creating more content that promotes your affiliate products. Product Sales: Whether you sell digital products, printables, or physical goods, ensure that your marketing efforts are aligned with promoting these items. Doubling Down on What Works I had a plant that thrived but eventually became overgrown and unmanageable. This metaphor illustrates the importance of cutting back on less effective strategies to nurture what is truly working. Here’s how you can apply this principle: Focus on High-Impact Platforms Pinterest: If Pinterest is a major traffic driver for you, invest time in creating eye-catching pins and optimizing your boards. Google SEO: Ensure your blog posts are optimized for search engines. This includes using relevant keywords, optimizing meta descriptions, and building backlinks. Instagram: If Instagram is where you connect most with your audience, focus on creating engaging stories, reels, and posts that resonate with your followers. Create High-Quality Content In a world filled with AI-generated content and fleeting trends, I emphasize the value of genuine human connection. Focus on creating fewer, high-quality pieces of content that provide real value to your audience. This approach not only fosters deeper connections but also aligns with what search engines like Google are looking for. Addressing Audience Pain Point

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  5. 28 AGO

    The Google Search Leak: What You Need to Know!

    ⚡ Book your free 20-minute digital product strategy call with me and discover how to boost your income in Q4! ⚡ In today's episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast, I'm talking to Rand Fishkin, the founder of SparkToro and a leading expert in digital marketing and SEO. In May 2024 there was a significant Google search documentation leak, and the documents were actually leaked to Rand. The documents provide a rare glimpse into how Google ranks content and what the challenges are that smaller blogs and businesses face in gaining visibility. If you are trying to understand how SEO works today, this is a must-listen to episode. Show Notes: MiloTreeCart Book a FREE 20-minute call with me Write Your Ebook with These 13 AI Prompts SparkToro MiloTree Pop-Up Join My Blogger Genius Email List Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes YouTube Spotify Understanding Google's Algorithm: Key Takeaways The Complexity of Google's Ranking System Rand reveals that the leaked documents are not SEO guidelines but rather API documentation detailing the engineering behind Google's ranking system. This documentation includes around 14,000 unique features that contribute to how Google ranks content across its platforms, including search and YouTube. While the leak provides insights into what factors Google considers, it does not reveal the weight or importance of each factor in the ranking process. Actionable Advice: Focus on Quality Content: Given the complexity of Google's ranking system, it's crucial to prioritize high-quality, relevant content that meets the needs of your audience. Diversify Your Content: Consider creating content across various formats, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics, to increase your chances of ranking well on different platforms. Brand Mentions and YouTube Transcripts One surprising finding from the leak is Google's use of brand mentions in YouTube transcripts as a ranking factor. Frequent mentions of a brand in relevant videos can positively influence rankings. Actionable Advice: Leverage Video Content: Create YouTube videos that mention your brand and relevant keywords. Ensure your videos are well-optimized with accurate transcripts. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with YouTube influencers to mention your brand in their videos, increasing your brand's visibility and potential ranking. Discounting Low-Quality Links Google's method of discounting low-quality links based on Chrome traffic is another interesting point. If users do not click on a link, it is deemed less valuable, effectively reducing the impact of spammy links. Actionable Advice: Build High-Quality Backlinks: Focus on acquiring backlinks from reputable websites that drive genuine traffic to your site. Monitor Your Link Profile: Regularly audit your backlink profile to identify and disavow low-quality or spammy links. The Role of Social Media Links While Google has historically downplayed the importance of social signals, the documentation suggests that links from platforms like Instagram can be valuable if they drive traffic to a website. Actionable Advice: Optimize Social Media Profiles: Ensure your social media profiles are optimized with links to your website and relevant content.   Engage on Social Media: Actively engage with your audience on social media platforms to drive traffic to your website. Strategies for Smaller Blogs and Businesses Finding Untapped Channels Rand suggests that smaller businesses should seek out channels and sources of influence that their competitors are not targeting. These avenues are often harder to measure, which is why larger companies tend to overlook them. Actionable Advice: Public Relations: Focus on PR efforts, such as getting featured in local media, niche podcasts, and industry blogs. Collabora

    51 min
  6. 21 AGO

    The Ultimate Guide to Building a Winning Sales Funnel

    In the latest episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast, I talk to Tammy Overhoff, food blogger at Organize Yourself Skinny and digital product shop owner at Reset and Flourish for a Part 2. You can listen to our first conversation on effectively selling digital products here. In today's episode we to delve into the intricacies of building effective sales funnels for digital products. Here are the key takeaways from our conversation, offering actionable advice and thorough explanations to help you create a successful sales funnel for your digital products. Understanding Sales Funnels A sales funnel is a step-by-step process that guides potential customers from initial awareness of your and your product to the final purchase. The goal is to create a seamless journey that addresses the specific needs and pain points of your audience, ultimately leading them to make a purchase. Key Components of a Sales Funnel Awareness: Attracting potential customers through content marketing, social media, and other channels. Interest: Engaging them with valuable content that addresses their needs. Decision: Offering solutions that solve their problems. Action: Encouraging them to make a purchase. Show Notes: MiloTreeCart Book a FREE 20-minute call with me Write Your Ebook with These 13 AI Prompts Reset and Flourish Organize Yourself Skinny MiloTree Pop-Up Join My Blogger Genius Email List Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes YouTube Spotify Starting with a Challenge Tammy emphasizes the importance of starting with a challenge or free lead magnet to engage your audience. She uses a five-day challenge as the entry point into her sales funnel. This challenge introduces participants to the concept of meal prep and its benefits for weight loss. Actionable Steps: Create a Free Challenge: Design a short, free challenge that addresses a specific problem your audience faces. For example, a five-day meal prep challenge for busy moms. Promote the Challenge: Use social media, email marketing, and your blog to promote the challenge and attract participants. Engage Participants: Provide valuable content and support throughout the challenge to keep participants engaged. Strategic Email Writing Tammy highlights the importance of crafting strategic emails that guide your audience through the sales funnel. She starts by mapping out the customer journey and considering what her audience needs to hear to take the next step. Actionable Steps: Map Out the Customer Journey: Use pen and paper to outline the steps your audience will take from initial engagement to purchase. Craft Engaging Emails: Write emails that are caring and supportive, focusing on leading your audience rather than pushing for sales. Incorporate Testimonials and Videos: Use testimonials and video content to enhance engagement and build trust. Review Email Statistics: Regularly review your email statistics to refine your strategy and improve performance. Frontloading Sales Funnel Work Creating email sequences requires upfront effort, but once the majority of the work is done, the system becomes automated. This allows you to focus on driving traffic into your funnel and monitoring audience reactions. Actionable Steps: Create Email Sequences: Develop a series of emails that guide your audience through the sales funnel. Automate the Process: Use email marketing tools to automate the delivery of your email sequences. Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor audience reactions and make necessary adjustments to improve performance. Advice for New Entrepreneurs Tammy offers three key steps for new entrepreneurs looking to create effective sales funnels: Analyze Audience Engagement: Look at email statistics to understand what content resonates with your audience. Identify Specific Pain Points: Dig deep

    46 min
  7. 14 AGO

    Unlock Massive Traffic with These Pinterest Strategies! [Rebroadcast]

    Today I'm rebroadcasting one of my most popular episodes from 2024 where I interview Pinterest marketing expert, Kayla Watkins, on how bloggers can amplify their organic traffic and monetize their content through Pinterest. The Ever-Evolving World of Pinterest In the digital age, staying ahead of the curve is crucial, and for niche bloggers, the recent Google updates have been a game-changer. As someone who's passionate about helping fellow bloggers diversify their income streams, I've seen many turn to selling digital products as a viable option. In fact, I offer a free 20-minute digital product strategy call to help develop a digital product strategy and share best practices for monetization success. During my chat with Kayla, we explore the current trends in Pinterest marketing and how to make the most of this visual platform. Kayla's expertise in crafting effective Pinterest strategies to increase pageviews is invaluable, especially for bloggers in the food, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle categories. Show Notes: MiloTreeCart Book a FREE 20-minute strategy call with me MiloTreeCart Affiliate Program Personality Quiz: What Digital Product Should I Create? Kayla Watkins MiloTree Pop-Up App Join My Blogger Genius Email List Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Tailwind Canva Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes YouTube Spotify The Art of Pinterest Optimization Pinterest is more than just a collection of beautiful images; it's a search engine marketing tool that requires a keen understanding of keyword research, content optimization, and pinning strategy. Kayla emphasizes the importance of finding the right keywords so you can create fresh pins to pin to your relevant boards, and updating existing blog content to stay relevant and maximize engagement. She also shares her approach to content scheduling and distribution, recommending tools like Tailwind to schedule pins and Canva for designing eye-catching Pinterest pins. Kayla's advice on pin design, Pinterest boards, pin titles and descriptions is clear: keep them concise, informative, and keyword-rich to resonate with Pinterest users. The Long Game: Building Sustainable Traffic from Pinterest One of the most striking points Kayla makes is the long-term nature of Pinterest traffic. Unlike the instant gratification of platforms like Instagram, Pinterest rewards patience and persistence. It's about trial and error, refining strategies over time, and understanding that significant results may take months to materialize. Kayla also touched on the future of Pinterest, predicting a continued focus on e-commerce. She encourages businesses to align their strategies with user behavior on the platform and to consider Pinterest ads to amplify viral content and evergreen posts. Leveraging Pinterest for Long-Term Stability Pinterest stands out as a social media platform that drives traffic to blogs or websites, offering a level of stability and control that's hard to find elsewhere. Kayla contrasted this with the fleeting nature of success on other social media platforms, highlighting Pinterest's role as a reliable partner in a business's long-term strategy as long as you understand the Pinterest algorithm. Repurposing Blog Content for Maximum Impact and Pageviews During our conversation, Kayla shares a personal success story about repurposing her Instagram content on Threads, the new social media platform by Instagram. By translating her most saved Instagram posts to fit the Threads format, she's seen a significant increase in engagement and email subscribers. This strategy has proven to be a game-changer, allowing her to insert her expertise into relevant conversations and grow her community. Key Takeaways and Next Steps My biggest takeaway from this enlightening discussion is the importance of a comprehensive Pinterest marketing strategy. It's essential to have a defined blog niche, solve problems for your audience, and i

    1 h y 3 min
  8. 7 AGO

    Fresh Email Marketing Strategies You Need to Know to Sell Online

    In the latest episode of the Blogger Genius Podcast, I sit down with Greg Zakowicz, an expert marketer from Omnisend, to delve into all the cool things a blogger can do with email marketing. We explore its renewed significance in the digital landscape, especially for online entrepreneurs looking to build and nurture their audiences. The Importance of Email Marketing Email marketing has seen a resurgence as other channels like social media and SEO become increasingly saturated. Unlike these platforms, email allows bloggers to communicate directly with subscribers who have opted in, making it a powerful tool for building relationships and driving sales. Show Notes: MiloTreeCart Book a FREE 20-minute call with me Omnisend MiloTree Pop-Up App Join My Blogger Genius Email List Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes YouTube Spotify Key Benefits of Email Marketing: Direct Communication: Reach subscribers who are already interested in your content. Personalization: Tailor messages to specific segments of your audience. High Engagement: Subscribers are in a receptive mindset, leading to better engagement rates. Building a Quality Email List Greg emphasizes the importance of focusing on the quality of your email list rather than just the quantity. A high-quality list consists of engaged subscribers who are genuinely interested in your content. Strategies for Building a Quality Email List: Offer Valuable Incentives: Instead of generic giveaways, offer something that aligns with your audience's interests, such as early access to products or exclusive content. Create a Sense of Exclusivity: Make your subscribers feel special by offering them unique opportunities or experiences. Use Simple Opt-In Forms: Make it easy for visitors to subscribe by using straightforward and user-friendly forms. Treating Early Customers as VIPs I share my approach of treating our early MiloTree customers as VIPs, which helps in building a loyal community around our brand. Tips for Treating Customers as VIPs: Personal Connections: Respond promptly to emails and acknowledge customers by name. Exclusive Offers: Provide early access to new products or special discounts. Community Building: Foster a sense of belonging by engaging with your audience and encouraging them to share their experiences. Crafting a Welcome Series A well-crafted welcome series can set the tone for your relationship with new subscribers. Greg advises that the number of messages in your welcome series should depend on what you need to communicate. Elements of an Effective Welcome Series: Engaging First Email: The first email typically has the highest open rates, so make it count. Introduce yourself and your brand in a relatable manner. Storytelling Approach: Share your journey and what subscribers can expect from your emails. Relevant Content: Include links to popular blog posts or helpful resources that resonate with your audience. Utilizing Segmentation Segmentation is crucial for sending relevant messages to the right audience. Greg introduces the concept of segmentation within welcome emails, allowing bloggers to tailor follow-up messages based on subscriber interests. Segmentation Strategies: Tags During Sign-Up: Use tags to categorize subscribers based on their interests during the sign-up process. Preference Campaigns: Conduct campaigns to gather information about subscribers' preferences. Self-Segmentation: Allow subscribers to self-segment by clicking on options in emails, simplifying the process and empowering them to express their preferences. Simplicity is Key Both Jillian and Greg stress the importance of simplicity in email marketing. Overcomplicating processes can lead to inaction, so it's essential to keep things straightforward. Tips for Keeping It Simple: Concise Ema

    56 min

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Welcome! I'm Jillian Leslie, host of The Blogger Genius Podcast and founder of &, online business thought leader, and Stanford MBA. In each episode, I interview other successful bloggers, online entrepreneurs, and online business experts to talk about what's working NOW in the digital space. If you're a blogger or an entrepreneur, you'll definitely want to learn how to implement these newest strategies! I break it down. I'm not afraid to ask hard questions. Real takeaways in every episode! Please read iTunes reviews to see how the podcast has helped others just like you! This podcast is brought to you by MiloTreeCart, the easiest software for bloggers and online entrepreneurs to sell digital products and MiloTree, the smart social media pop-up app you embed on your website or blog to grow your social media following on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest, plus your email list. Please reach out to me at with any questions or comments. I'd love to hear from you!

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