It's The ADHD-Friendly Show | Personal Growth, Well-being and Productivity for Distractible Minds

Caren Magill
It's The ADHD-Friendly Show | Personal Growth, Well-being and Productivity for Distractible Minds

It’s the ADHD-Friendly Show, where we celebrate smart, creative women with ADHD. We focus on the positive aspects of our neurodiversity and share tips, hacks and life advice on playing to your own unique strengths at work and life. There’s no denying that living with ADHD can be challenging (especially around menopause, holy smokes), but focusing on the good is the best way to create energy, focus and follow through, so that’s what we do here. Connect with me onInstagram: Website: www.itsadhdfriendly.comYoutube:


It’s the ADHD-Friendly Show, where we celebrate smart, creative women with ADHD. We focus on the positive aspects of our neurodiversity and share tips, hacks and life advice on playing to your own unique strengths at work and life. There’s no denying that living with ADHD can be challenging (especially around menopause, holy smokes), but focusing on the good is the best way to create energy, focus and follow through, so that’s what we do here. Connect with me onInstagram: Website: www.itsadhdfriendly.comYoutube:

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