Mind the GAP

Mind the GAP

Do you encounter challenging aspects of research integrity in your daily work? Do you sometimes struggle to determine what "doing the right thing" truly means? In this podcast, take a step back for 30 minutes of reflection, interpretation, and additional background to help sharpen your moral compass and make informed decisions. ------------------------------------------------------- This podcast series complements the online training tool Mind the GAP, training on Good Academic Practices. Mind the GAP is an English-language training tool for all researchers and those involved in research, from PhD researchers to more experienced researchers, to teachers and policy makers. If you are affiliated with a Flemish university you can find the tool on your institution’s educational platform: Ghent University: Ufora KU Leuven: Toledo University of Antwerp: Blackboard Hasselt University: Blackboard Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Canvas Not part of the above institutions? Go to https://mindthegap.vlir.be/ and follow the international version of the tool (condensed version).   ----------------------------------------------------------- All opinions and views adopted in the podcast belong to the individual speakers. The content of the podcast episodes and advice derived from them is based on the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, or ALLEA Code. Mind the GAP Podcast was jointly developed by VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council – Filip Colson) and the five Flemish universities (Ghent University – Stefanie Van der Burght; KU Leuven – Wouter Vandevelde; University of Antwerp – Marianne De Voecht; Hasselt University – Stephanie Ruysschaert; Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Klara Swalus) and was financed by the Flemish government. It was produced by podcast agency De Praeters and hosted by Elisa Nelissen (KU Leuven).


  1. 14/10/2024

    More than a scientist: how human vulnerability affects research integrity and vice versa

    Undoubtedly the outlier of this podcast series. While perhaps not at the heart of the concept of research integrity, the choice to highlight humanity in doing science is deliberate. After all, a research integrity culture cannot grow and flourish without vulnerability. Without questioning ourselves, our behaviour, our work, the scientific enterprise. Without addressing those issues that make us push (scientific) boundaries and at the same time, run into (personal) limits. This episode is an intimate conversation about real people, who are also real scientists. We welcome:  Charlotte De Backer, Full Professor of communication sciences at the University of Antwerp, specialized in interpersonal communication and Ernst Koster, full Professor in Clinical Psychology affiliated to the dept. of Experimental-Clinical and Health Psychology at Ghent University.  In this episode, we cover The personal case of Charlotte. Pitfalls of the research profession (academic environment) and the internal mechanisms (personality traits) of researchers, backed up by theory and scientific proof. How these in- and external mechanisms influence our way of working when it comes to research integrity and how we can foster research integrity (more).How these mechanisms evolved over time and how they can/should evolve in the future (alternatives). Specific advice from the experts. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This podcast series complements the online training tool 'Mind the GAP, training on Good Academic Practices'. Mind the GAP is an English-language training tool for all researchers and those involved in research, from PhD students to more experienced researchers, to teachers and policy makers.   If you are affiliated with a Flemish university you can find the tool on your institution’s educational platform:  Ghent University: Ufora   KU Leuven: Toledo  University of Antwerp: Blackboard  Hasselt University: Blackboard   Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Canvas  Not part of the above institutions? Go to https://mindthegap.vlir.be/ and follow the international version of the tool (condensed version).    The Mind the GAP Podcast was jointly developed by VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council – Filip Colson) and the five Flemish universities (Ghent University – Stefanie Van der Burght; KU Leuven –...

    31 min
  2. 14/10/2024

    Authorship: the currency of science

    In this episode we discuss authorship in academic research; the core aspects of recognizing contributions to scientific research, and all challenges related to this. Why is authorship such an important issue in science? How do you determine all authors on a paper? What is a significant contribution? What are the consequences of becoming an author? Where do issues mostly arise and what can we do to avoid them?   Together with Ben Nemery, Emeritus Professor in Medicine and Toxicology at the Centre for Environment and Health within the Department of Public Health and Primary Care of the Medical Faculty of the KU Leuven and Kevin De Moortel, Tenure Track Professor of Digital Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the department of Business Technology and Operations (BUTO) of VUB’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School, we try to find some answers to these challenging questions.   In this episode, we cover What is authorship?What is a substantial contribution?The importance of authorship within the broader research climate Struggles considering authorship and integrity Good practices concerning determining authorship How to discuss authorship with your colleagues How te deal with authorship disputes ---------------------------------------------------------------- This podcast series complements the online training tool 'Mind the GAP, training on Good Academic Practices'. Mind the GAP is an English-language training tool for all researchers and those involved in research, from PhD students to more experienced researchers, to teachers and policy makers.   If you are affiliated with a Flemish university you can find the tool on your institution’s educational platform:  Ghent University: Ufora   KU Leuven: Toledo  University of Antwerp: Blackboard  Hasselt University: Blackboard   Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Canvas  Not part of the above institutions? Go to https://mindthegap.vlir.be/ and follow the international version of the tool (condensed version).    The Mind the GAP Podcast was jointly developed by VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council – Filip Colson) and the five Flemish universities (Ghent University – Stefanie Van der Burght; KU Leuven – Wouter Vandevelde; University of Antwerp – Marianne De Voecht; Hasselt University – Stephanie Ruysschaert; Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Klara Swalus) and was financed by the Flemish government. It was produced by podcast agency...

    29 min
  3. 14/10/2024

    Use of (Gen)AI in research: here to stay

    Hot and trending as this topic may well be, the use of (Gen)AI in research is here to stay. And it’s use also presents some challenges from a research integrity perspective. What are the (dis)advantages and how can we integrate them into good research practice? Who is responsible for the correct use of (Gen)AI and how can we achieve the correct use of the tools amongst researchers?  Walter Daelemans, Full Professor of Computational Linguistics at the University of Antwerp, Geert-Jan Bex, Full Professor at the Faculty of Science, Hasselt University and Vincent Ginis, Associate Professor at the Data Analytics Lab at Vrije Universiteit Brussel discuss the main issues from their own research expertise.   In this episode, we cover: What is (Gen)AI & how does it work?How can (Gen)AI be used in an academic (research) practice?What is the impact of the use of (Gen)AI on our time and efficiency?Ways to estimate the extent to which (Gen)AI is used What is responsible use of (Gen)AI? What do you need to know before starting to use (Gen)AI? What disadvantages should you take into account?What are the main ethical issues when using (Gen)AI in research? How to deal with hallucinations in tools?How to reference the use of (Gen)AI?Who is responsible when using (Gen)AI? --------------------------------------------------------------- This podcast series complements the online training tool 'Mind the GAP, training on Good Academic Practices'. Mind the GAP is an English-language training tool for all researchers and those involved in research, from PhD students to more experienced researchers, to teachers and policy makers.   If you are affiliated with a Flemish university you can find the tool on your institution’s educational platform:  Ghent University: Ufora  KU Leuven: Toledo  University of Antwerp: Blackboard  Hasselt University: Blackboard   Vrije Universiteit Brussels: Canvas   Not part of the above institutions? Go to https://mindthegap.vlir.be/ and follow the international version of the tool (condensed version).    The Mind the GAP...

    36 min
  4. 14/10/2024

    Dealing with corrections and retractions: keeping science sound

    Science claims to be self-correcting through the system of corrections and retractions in journal publications. But how effective and comprehensive is this self-regulating system? How to deal with potential mistakes? What distinguishes a correction from a retraction? When are they needed and who makes the decision? Where do the responsibilities lie and for whom? In this episode 3 guests share thoughts on this: Gert Storms, Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at KU Leuven and chairperson of the Flemish Commission for Research Integrity; Ivan Oransky, co-founder of Retraction Watch, a website reporting on retractions of scientific papers and related topics; Line Edslev Andersen, a philosopher and postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.  In this episode, we cover:   The difference between corrections and retractions. The procedure to make these adjustments to the scientific literature.Why it is important to correct and retract literatureWhy it is important to be transparent about this. What to do when you suspect fraud/mistake in someone else’s paper. The responsibility of all authors of the questioned publication. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This podcast series complements the online training tool 'Mind the GAP, training on Good Academic Practices'. Mind the GAP is an English-language training tool for all researchers and those involved in research, from PhD students to more experienced researchers, to teachers and policy makers.   If you are affiliated with a Flemish university you can find the tool on your institution’s educational platform:  Ghent University: Ufora  KU Leuven: Toledo  University of Antwerp: Blackboard  Hasselt University: Blackboard   Vrije Universiteit Brussels: Canvas  Not part of the above institutions? Go to https://mindthegap.vlir.be/ and follow the international version of the tool (condensed version).    The Mind the GAP Podcast was jointly developed by VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council – Filip Colson) and the five Flemish universities (Ghent University – Stefanie Van der Burght; KU Leuven – Wouter Vandevelde; University of Antwerp – Marianne De Voecht; Hasselt University – Stephanie Ruysschaert;

    31 min
  5. 14/10/2024

    Research Data Management (RDM): an acronym at the centre of research integrity

    Initially, the principles of Research Data Management (RDM) were often seen as an administrative burden. Today, however, we see a well-oiled system designed to enhance data quality and improve the overall research process. RDM is now a cornerstone of research integrity. What constitutes solid Research Data Management? What do researchers have to take into account when starting and conducting their research?  How can we navigate the complexities of Data Management Plans (DMPs) and FAIR data principles without getting lost? Two experts guide us through this interesting area; Nicky Daniels, RDM Data Steward at Hasselt University and Laura Standaert, Data Steward at Ghent University (Life Sciences & Medicine cluster, which includes the Faculties of Medicine, Health Sciences, Veterinary Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences).   In this episode, we cover: Definition and impact of Research Data ManagementRisks of not having Research Data Management proceduresEnhancing visibility through sound Research Data ManagementPerceived barriers to data sharingThe FAIR principlesLink of Research Data Management with ethics and privacyThe recognition for the importance of Research Data ManagementWhat is a Data Management Plan?How do you choose the right repository for your data? ---------------------------------------------------------------- This podcast series complements the online training tool 'Mind the GAP, training on Good Academic Practices'. Mind the GAP is an English-language training tool for all researchers and those involved in research, from PhD students to more experienced researchers, to teachers and policy makers.   If you are affiliated with a Flemish university you can find the tool on your institution’s educational platform:  Ghent University: Ufora   KU Leuven: Toledo  University of Antwerp: Blackboard  Hasselt University: Blackboard   Vrije Universiteit Brussels: Canvas   Not part of the above institutions? Go to https://mindthegap.vlir.be/ and follow the international version of the tool (condensed version).    The Mind the GAP Podcast was jointly developed by VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council – Filip Colson) and the five Flemish universities (Ghent...

    31 min
  6. 14/10/2024

    Research integrity: a challenging concept for challenging situations

    Research integrity evolved from a trending topic to a comprehensive and robust scientific discipline. But what exactly are we talking about? What is the concept of research integrity and what does it look like in everyday practice?   Aurélie Crabbé, Assistant professor at the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Ghent University, Belgium and Kris Dierickx, Full professor of medical ethics at the Faculty of Medicine and a member of the Interfaculty Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, part of the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, KU Leuven, Belgium, talk about the many aspects of research integrity and the challenges of translating a theoretical framework into everyday research practice.   In this episode, we cover: What is research integrity (three levels of research integrity)?Why is research integrity important? How research integrity affects societyIs research integrity a new phenomenon?How to combine the pressure in academia with research integrity?How to stay on the right path forward?The responsibility of PI’s ---------------------------------------------------------------- This podcast series complements the online training tool 'Mind the GAP, training on Good Academic Practices'. Mind the GAP is an English-language training tool for all researchers and those involved in research, from PhD students to more experienced researchers, to teachers and policy makers.   If you are affiliated with a Flemish university you can find the tool on your institution’s educational platform:  Ghent University: Ufora   KU Leuven: Toledo   University of Antwerp: Blackboard  Hasselt University: Blackboard   Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Canvas  Not part of the above institutions? Go to https://mindthegap.vlir.be/ and follow the international version of the tool (condensed version).    The Mind the GAP Podcast was jointly developed by VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council – Filip Colson) and the five Flemish universities (Ghent University – Stefanie Van der Burght; KU Leuven – Wouter Vandevelde; University of Antwerp – Marianne De Voecht; Hasselt University – Stephanie Ruysschaert; Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Klara Swalus) and was financed by the Flemish government. It was produced by podcast agency a href="https://www.depraeters.be/" rel="noopener...

    31 min


Do you encounter challenging aspects of research integrity in your daily work? Do you sometimes struggle to determine what "doing the right thing" truly means? In this podcast, take a step back for 30 minutes of reflection, interpretation, and additional background to help sharpen your moral compass and make informed decisions. ------------------------------------------------------- This podcast series complements the online training tool Mind the GAP, training on Good Academic Practices. Mind the GAP is an English-language training tool for all researchers and those involved in research, from PhD researchers to more experienced researchers, to teachers and policy makers. If you are affiliated with a Flemish university you can find the tool on your institution’s educational platform: Ghent University: Ufora KU Leuven: Toledo University of Antwerp: Blackboard Hasselt University: Blackboard Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Canvas Not part of the above institutions? Go to https://mindthegap.vlir.be/ and follow the international version of the tool (condensed version).   ----------------------------------------------------------- All opinions and views adopted in the podcast belong to the individual speakers. The content of the podcast episodes and advice derived from them is based on the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, or ALLEA Code. Mind the GAP Podcast was jointly developed by VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council – Filip Colson) and the five Flemish universities (Ghent University – Stefanie Van der Burght; KU Leuven – Wouter Vandevelde; University of Antwerp – Marianne De Voecht; Hasselt University – Stephanie Ruysschaert; Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Klara Swalus) and was financed by the Flemish government. It was produced by podcast agency De Praeters and hosted by Elisa Nelissen (KU Leuven).

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