
口說英語通 Podcast

第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇 30個關於台灣的熱門觀光景點與特色美食的單元,貼近生活情境的英語用語,有效提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇 彙整最常與外國友人聊天的30個話題,訓練並提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第3、4季 詞彙英語通 以主題分類呈現進階和實用篇,精選英語單字和詞組,讓你在英語的用字遣辭更精準。附有實用例句及相關詞彙片語,立即體會用法並有效提高學習的效率及興趣。 第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇 精選15個和外國友人深入聊天的主題,讓齊斌老師帶你一題一題來破解! 第6季 辦公英語通 從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。 第7季 新聞英語通 English All Pass: News 從實用新聞英語中,訓練並提升對新聞英語聽力與理解能力,進而達到雙語的能力。以新聞主題分類的方式,介紹報導情境的英語用語,強化新聞英語聽力的理解,同時讓聽者能體會其新聞語彙用法並提高英語學習效率及興趣。同時學習正確的英語用語、發音與相關字彙。 ----- 主講人為教育電臺英語通系列節目主持人齊斌老師,為美國紐約大學英語教學碩士,美國哥倫比亞大學教育學院英語教學教師認證,著作有多益高分教室,全民英檢系列叢書等。 ----- 關於節目所有內容, 🔔Youtube開啟小鈴鐺訂閱學習 https://bit.ly/3CgEcqt ✅教育電臺線上收聽:https://reurl.cc/XWz1G3 ✅口說英語通全系列教材下載 https://bit.ly/3kbAacH ----- 有任何建議,歡迎留言給我們,也可以到Apple podcast給我們五星好評喔! Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. 5 DAYS AGO

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Yellowstone National Park Weather Report. 關於美國黃石公園氣象說明 (第7季完~)

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Yellowstone National Park is showcasing its diverse weather patterns today, with conditions varying depending on your location within the park. In the park's lower elevations, particularly around Mammoth Hot Springs and the northern region, visitors can expect partly cloudy skies with daytime temperatures reaching around 65°F (18°C). It's an ideal time to explore the park's unique geological features and enjoy a pleasant outdoor experience. As you venture into higher elevations, such as the Old Faithful and Lake areas, temperatures will be cooler, averaging around 55°F (13°C). Be prepared for occasional showers and breezy conditions. The thermal features around Old Faithful continue to provide captivating spectacles, rain or shine. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 rain or shineThe thermal features around Old Faithful continue to provide captivating spectacles, rain or shine.I’m going to the meeting, rain or shine. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. showcase [ˈʃokes] (v.) 展示 2. diverse [dɪˈvɝs] (adj.) 多種多樣的,形形色色的 3. vary [ˈvɛri] (v.) (使)不同;(使)呈現差異 4. depend on (phr.) 取決於;依賴 5. location [loˈkeʃən] (n.) 位置;地點 6. elevation [ˌɛləˈveʃən] (n.) 海拔;高度 7. region [ˈridʒən] (n.) 區域,地區 8. unique [juˈnik] (adj.) 獨一無二的;獨特的 9. geological [ˌdʒiəˈlɑdʒɪkəl] (adj.) 地質的;地質學的 10. feature [ˈfitʃɚ] (n.) 特色,特點 11. venture [ˈvɛntʃɚ] (v.) 冒險(做) 12. average [ˈævɚɪdʒ] (v.) 平均達到;平均 13. be prepared for (phr.) 做好準備 14. occasional shower (n.) 偶陣雨 15. breezy [ˈbrizi] (adj.) 微風輕拂的;有微風的 16. thermal [ˈθɝməl] (adj.) 熱的,熱量的 17. Old Faithful (n.) [美國黃石國家公園]老忠實間歇泉 18. captivating [ˈkæptəvet̬ɪŋ] (adj.) 迷人的,吸引人的 19. spectacle [ˈspɛktəkəl] (n.) 景象;奇觀 20. rain or shine (idiom) 不論晴雨;無論如何 ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

    11 min
  2. 15 SEPT

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Taipei City Weather Report: Showers and Mild Temperatures Expected. 台北市天氣預報:預計有陣雨和溫和氣溫

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Taipei City is in for a day of mixed weather conditions as a combination of clouds and showers move across the area. The morning has started off overcast with temperatures around 72°F (22°C). As the day progresses, anticipate scattered showers and occasional thunderstorms, especially during the afternoon and evening hours. Rainfall amounts are expected to be moderate, so carrying an umbrella or raincoat is advisable when heading outdoors. Despite the showers, temperatures are expected to remain relatively mild, reaching a high of around 78°F (26°C). Humidity levels will be moderate, making conditions feel comfortable. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 despite + N Despite the showers, temperatures are expected to remain relatively mild. Despite the high price, the product is popular. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. mild [maɪld] (adj.) 溫和的;和緩的;輕微的 2. mixed [mɪkst] (adj.) (感覺或觀點)不統一的,混雜的 3. expect [ɪkˈsɛpkt] (v.) 預料;期待 4. combination [ˌkɑmbəˈneʃən] (n.) 聯合;結合 5. start off (phr.) 開始 6. overcast [ˈovɚkæst] (adj.) 陰天的,多雲的 7. progress [prəˈɡrɛs] (v.) 進步,進展 8. anticipate [ænˈtɪsəpet] (v.) 預料;期待 9. scattered shower (n.) 零星陣雨 10. occasional [əˈkeʒnəl] (adj.) 偶爾的 11. rainfall [ˈrenfɑl] (n.) 降雨;(降)雨量 12. amount [əˈmaʊnt] (n.) (尤指不可數事物的)數量;總數 13. moderate [ˈmɑdɚət] (adj.) 中等的;適度的 14. advisable [ədˈvaɪzəbəl] (adj.) 明智的;可取的 15. head (v.) 朝某方向行進 16. despite [dɪˈspaɪt] (prep.) 儘管;雖然 17. relatively [ˈrɛlət̬ɪvli] (adv.) 相對地,比較而言 18. humidity [hjuˈmɪdət̬i] (n.) 濕度 19. level [ˈlɛvəl] (n.) 層次,級別 20. condition [kənˈdɪʃən] (n.) 狀況;條件 ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

    11 min
  3. 8 SEPT

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】St. Louis is set to enjoy a pleasant day of weather with warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine.聖路易將享受溫暖宜人的天氣和充足的陽光。

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 St. Louis is set to enjoy a pleasant day of weather with warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. As the morning fog disappears, the skies will gradually clear, making way for abundant sunshine. Daytime highs are expected to reach around 75°F (24°C), creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for outdoor activities. Light and variable winds will accompany the sunshine, adding to the pleasant conditions. No rain is in the forecast, so residents can plan outdoor events with confidence. However, it's advisable to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated due to high UV. As the evening approaches, temperatures will slowly drop to around 55°F (13°C), maintaining the comfortable ambiance. The night is expected to stay clear with stars shining brightly. In summary, St. Louis residents can look forward to a warm and sunny day, perfect for outdoor adventures or simply enjoying the beautiful weather. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 be set to + VSt. Louis is set to enjoy a pleasant day of weather.The weather is set to change. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. be set to + V (phr.) 將做 2. fog [fɑɡ] (n.) 霧 3. disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪr] (v.) 消失;不見 4. gradually [ˈɡrædʒuəli] (adv.) 逐步地,逐漸地 5. make way for (phr.) 讓路 6. abundant [əˈbʌndənt] (adj.) 大量的;充足的;豐富的 7. accompany [əˈkʌmpəni] (v.) 陪伴;伴隨 8. resident [ˈrɛzədənt] (n.) 居民;住戶 9. confidence [ˈkɑnfədəns] (n.) 自信;信心 10. advisable [ədˈvaɪzəbəl] (adj.) 明智的;可取的 11. sunscreen [ˈsʌnskrin] (n.) 防曬乳,防曬油 12. hydrated [haɪˈdretɪd] (adj.) 攝入足夠水分(或其他液體)的 13. UV (= ultraviolet) [juˈvi] (n.) 紫外線 14. approach [əˈprotʃ] (v.) 靠近;接近 15. maintain [menˈten] (v.) 維持;保持 16. ambiance [ˈæmbiəns] (n.) 氣氛;情調 17. in summary (phr.) 總之 18. look forward to (phr.) 期待 19. perfect [ˈpɝfɛkt] (adj.) 完美的,完滿的 20. adventure [ədˈvɛntʃɚ] (n.) 冒險(精神;活動)  ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

    11 min
  4. 1 SEPT

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Cleveland's weather today brings a mix of conditions, reflecting the variability of the Great Lakes region.克利夫蘭今天的天氣變化多樣,反映了五大湖地區的多變性。

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Cleveland's weather today brings a mix of conditions, reflecting the variability of the Great Lakes region. The morning started off cool and crisp, with temperatures around 52°F (11°C). As the day unfolds, expect a gradual warming trend, with highs reaching approximately 65°F (18°C) in the afternoon. Skies will be partly cloudy, allowing periods of sunshine to brighten up the day. However, keep an eye on the forecast, as scattered rain showers are likely to develop later in the afternoon and continue into the evening. While these showers are not expected to be heavy, having an umbrella on hand is a good idea for outdoor activities. Winds will remain light and variable throughout the day, and overnight temperatures will dip down to around 50°F (10°C). 👉🏻 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 be likely to + V Scattered rain showers are likely to develop later in the afternoon. It is not likely to work, however. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. reflect [rɪˈflɛkt] (v.) 反射(光、熱、聲等);反映(影像) 2. variability [ˌvɛriəˈbɪlət̬i] (n.) 多變性 3. the Great Lakes (n.) 五大湖 4. start off (phr.) 開始 5. crisp [krɪsp] (adj.) (天氣)乾冷的,(空氣)清爽的 6. temperature [ˈtɛmpɚətʃɚ] (n.) 溫度 7. unfold [ʌnˈfold] (v.) 打開;攤開 8. expect [ɪkˈsɛpkt] (v.) 預料;期待 9. gradual [ˈɡrædʒuəl] (adj.) 逐步的,逐漸的 10. trend [trend] (n.) 趨勢,傾向 11. approximately [əˈprɑksəmətli] (adv.) 大約 12. partly cloudy (phr.) 晴時多雲;部分多雲 13. brighten up (phr.) 放晴;好轉 14. forecast [ˈfɔrkæst] (n.) (對特定形勢或天氣)預測,預報 15. scattered [ˈskæt̬ɚd] (adj.) 分散的;散佈的 16. be likely to (phr.) 有可能 17. have … on hand (phr.) 手頭有 18. variable [ˈvɛriəbəl] (adj.) 多變的;反復無常的 19. overnight [ˌovɚˈnaɪt] (adj.) 一夜間(的) 20. dip down to (phr.) 下降到 ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

    11 min
  5. 25 AUG

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Vancouver Weather Report: A Blend of Sun and Showers.溫哥華天氣預報:陽光和陣​​雨~

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Vancouver is experiencing typical weather today, with a mix of sunshine and showers forecasted for the region. The morning started off with overcast skies and some light drizzle, but as the day continues, expect the clouds to part, allowing periods of sunshine to break through. However, Vancouver's unpredictable weather patterns may bring sporadic showers, so carrying an umbrella or rain jacket is advisable, especially in the afternoon and early evening. The winds will be gentle, adding to the pleasant conditions. For those planning outdoor activities, keep an eye on the sky and be prepared for brief rain showers. The evening should see a return to mostly cloudy conditions with a slight drop in temperatures. As always in Vancouver, flexibility with your plans and layered clothing are your best allies when it comes to the ever-changing weather. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 as always • As always in Vancouver, flexibility with your plans and layered clothing are your best allies. • As always, she was the last to arrive. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. blend [blɛnd] (n.) (不同東西或風格)混合品,混合物 2. experience [ɪkˈspɪriəns] (v.)(n.) 經驗;經歷 3. typical [ˈtɪpɪkəl] (adj.) 典型的;有代表性的 4. overcast skies (n.) 陰天 5. drizzle [ˈdrɪzəl] (n.) 細雨,毛毛雨 6. break through (phr.) 突破 7. unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbəl] (adj.) 無法預測的;難以預見的 8. sporadic shower [spəˈrædɪk] (n.) 零星的陣雨 9. advisable [ədˈvaɪzəbəl] (adj.) 明智的;可取的 10. add to (phr.) 添加 11. keep an eye on (idiom) 密切關注 12. be prepared for (phr.) 做好準備 13. brief [brif] (adj.) 短暫的;簡短的 14. rain shower (n.) 陣雨 15. mostly [ˈmostli] (adv.) 主要地 16. slight [slaɪt] (adj.) 少量的,微小的 17. temperature [ˈtɛmpɚətʃɚ] (n.) 溫度 18. layered [ˈleɚd] (adj.) 分層的;層疊的 19. when it comes to (phr.) 談到…時 20. ever-changing (adj.) 不斷變化的 ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

    11 min
  6. 18 AUG

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Our region is experiencing a range of weather conditions today, offering a diverse meteorological palette for residents to navigate.我們正在經歷一系列天氣調色盤!

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is experiencing a range of weather conditions today, offering a diverse meteorological palette for residents to navigate. In the northern part of the region, a high-pressure system is dominating, resulting in mostly clear skies and calm winds. Temperatures are relatively mild, with daytime highs reaching around 70°F (21°C). It's an ideal day for outdoor activities and enjoying the sunshine. Meanwhile, in the southern region, a low-pressure system is causing unsettled weather. Clouds have gathered, bringing scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the day. Residents are advised to carry umbrellas and stay updated on local weather alerts to avoid potential flash flooding in some areas. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 Meanwhile, … • Meanwhile, in the southern region, a low-pressure system is causing unsettled weather. • The pizza will be here anytime. Meanwhile, let's set the table. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. a range of (phr.) 一系列的 2. offer [ˈɑfɚ] (v.) 提出;提議 3. diverse [dɪˈvɝs] (adj.) 多種多樣的,形形色色的 4. meteorological [ˌmit̬iɚəˈlɑdʒɪkəl] (adj.) 氣象的 5. palette [ˈpælət] (n.) 調色板 6. resident [ˈrɛzədənt] (n.) 居民;住戶 7. navigate [ˈnævəɡet] (v.) (用地圖)導航,確定…的方向 8. region [ˈridʒən] (n.) 區域,地區 9. high-pressure system (n.) 高壓系統 10. low-pressure system (n.) 低壓系統 11. dominate [ˈdɑmənet] (v.) 統治;控制 12. mostly [ˈmostli] (adv.) 主要地 13. relatively [ˈrɛlət̬ɪvli] (adv.) 相對地,比較而言 14. ideal [aɪˈdiəl] (adj.) 理想的 15. meanwhile [ˈminwaɪl] (adv.) 在此期間;(與此)同時 16. unsettled [ʌnˈsɛt̬əld] (adj.) 不穩定的;未解決的 17. gather [ˈɡæðɚ] (v.) 收集;聚集 18. scattered shower (n.) 間歇雨 19. weather alert (n.) 天氣警報 20. flash flooding (n.) 暴洪 ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

    11 min
  7. 11 AUG

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Snowfall Report. 關於降雪天氣預報~

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Snowfall Report: Winter's Embrace Blankets the Region Winter has made a dramatic entrance as snowfall blankets our region, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland. Over the past 24 hours, a steady snowfall has deposited an average of 12 inches (30 centimeters) of snow, with higher accumulations reported in some areas. Travel disruptions are widespread, with road closures, flight cancellations, and delays in public transportation services. Plowing and salting crews are working diligently to clear roadways and maintain safe driving conditions. Schools have announced closures, and businesses are adapting their operations to accommodate employees working from home. With temperatures plummeting, residents are advised to take precautions against frostbite and hypothermia when venturing outside. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 … when + V-ing … • Residents are advised to take precautions against frostbite and hypothermia when venturing outside. • Remember to take all your belongings with you when leaving the train. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. embrace [ɪmˈbres] (n.) 擁抱 2. blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] (n.) 毛毯,毯子 3. dramatic [drəˈmæt̬ɪk] (adj.) 戲劇性的;激動人心的 4. entrance [ˈɛntrəns] (n.) 入口;大門(口) 5. transform [trænsˈfɔrm] (v.) 使徹底改觀;使大變樣 6. landscape [ˈlændskep] (n.) (尤指鄉村)風景,景色 7. steady [ˈstɛdi] (adj.) 穩定的;有規律的 8. deposit [dɪˈpɑzɪt] (v.) 留下;存放 9. an average of (phr.) 平均為 10. accumulation [əˌkjumjəˈleʃən] (n.) 積累;積聚 11. disruption [dɪsˈrʌpʃən] (n.) 中斷;顛覆 12. plow [plaʊ] (v.) 耕,犁 13. maintain [menˈten] (v.) 維持;保持 14. announce [əˈnaʊns] (v.) (尤指公開地)宣佈,宣告 15. adapt [əˈdæpt] (v.) 使適應;改編 16. operation [ˌɑpəˈreʃən] (n.) 運作,實施 17. accommodate [əˈkɑmədet] (v.) 為…提供住宿;容納 18. frostbite [ˈfrɑstbaɪt] (n.) 凍傷;凍瘡 19. hypothermia [ˌhaɪpoˈθɝmiə] (n.) (因持續寒冷而)體溫過低 20. venture [ˈvɛntʃɚ] (v.) 冒險去(或做) ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

    11 min
  8. 4 AUG

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】An unprecedented heat wave has descended upon our region. 前所未有的熱浪來襲!

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 In the midst of summer, an unprecedented heat wave has descended upon our region, shattering records and raising concerns for public health and safety. Over the past week, temperatures have soared to historic highs, with daily highs consistently surpassing 100°F (37.8°C). This prolonged period of scorching heat has prompted health officials to issue heat advisories and warnings, urging residents to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses. Hospitals are reporting an increase in heat-related emergencies, with dehydration and heat exhaustion cases on the rise. The heat has also strained power grids as air conditioners work overtime, leading to power outages. Agriculture and water resources are under stress, with crops wilting and reservoirs dwindling. LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 N-related + Noun Hospitals are reporting an increase in heat-related emergencies. A stress-related illness is a physiological or psychological disorder. WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. in the midst of (phr.) 在中間 2. unprecedented [ʌnˈprɛsədɛnt̬ɪd] (adj.) 史無前例的,空前的 3. shatter [ˈʃæt̬ɚ] (v.) (使)破碎;粉碎 4. raise concerns for … (phr.) 提出關切;擔憂 5. soar [sɔr] (v.) 猛增,驟升 6. consistently [kənˈsɪstəntli] (adv.) 一貫地;始終如一地 7. surpass [sɚˈpæs] (v.) 超過,勝過 8. prolonged [prəˈlɑŋd] (adj.) 延續很久的,長期的 9. scorching heat (n.) 炎炎酷暑 10. prompt [prɑmpt] (v.) 引起;導致;激起 11. advisory [ədˈvaɪzɚi] (adj.) 給予意見的 12. warning [ˈwɔrnɪŋ] (n.) 警告;告誡 13. take precautions (to+ V) (phr.) 採取預防措施 14. dehydration [ˌdihaɪˈdreʃən] (n.) 脫水,極度乾渴 15. heat exhaustion (n.) 中暑 16. on the rise (phr.) 在上升 17. under stress (phr.) 在壓力下 18. wilt [wɪlt] (v.) (植物)枯萎,凋謝 19. reservoir [ˈrɛzɚvwɑr] (n.) 水庫;蓄水池 20. dwindle [ˈdwɪndəl] (v.) 減小;減少  ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

    11 min

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第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇 30個關於台灣的熱門觀光景點與特色美食的單元,貼近生活情境的英語用語,有效提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇 彙整最常與外國友人聊天的30個話題,訓練並提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第3、4季 詞彙英語通 以主題分類呈現進階和實用篇,精選英語單字和詞組,讓你在英語的用字遣辭更精準。附有實用例句及相關詞彙片語,立即體會用法並有效提高學習的效率及興趣。 第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇 精選15個和外國友人深入聊天的主題,讓齊斌老師帶你一題一題來破解! 第6季 辦公英語通 從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。 第7季 新聞英語通 English All Pass: News 從實用新聞英語中,訓練並提升對新聞英語聽力與理解能力,進而達到雙語的能力。以新聞主題分類的方式,介紹報導情境的英語用語,強化新聞英語聽力的理解,同時讓聽者能體會其新聞語彙用法並提高英語學習效率及興趣。同時學習正確的英語用語、發音與相關字彙。 ----- 主講人為教育電臺英語通系列節目主持人齊斌老師,為美國紐約大學英語教學碩士,美國哥倫比亞大學教育學院英語教學教師認證,著作有多益高分教室,全民英檢系列叢書等。 ----- 關於節目所有內容, 🔔Youtube開啟小鈴鐺訂閱學習 https://bit.ly/3CgEcqt ✅教育電臺線上收聽:https://reurl.cc/XWz1G3 ✅口說英語通全系列教材下載 https://bit.ly/3kbAacH ----- 有任何建議,歡迎留言給我們,也可以到Apple podcast給我們五星好評喔! Powered by Firstory Hosting

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