Podcast By Dr Dad

Dr Dad
Podcast By Dr Dad Podcast

Dr Dad is a platform made by Paediatricians and other health experts to help all those parents and caregivers that need the advice right from the experts. Visit www.drdad.in for online consultations, Products and Parenting Information.

  1. First 1000 days of Life.

    29 AUG

    First 1000 days of Life.

    The first 1,000 days of life, spanning from conception to a child's second birthday, are often referred to as the most critical period in a child's development. During this time, the foundations for lifelong health, cognitive abilities, and emotional well-being are established. The significance of this window cannot be overstated, as it is a time of rapid growth and development, where the brain undergoes profound changes, and the body's systems begin to take shape. Nutrition, responsive caregiving, and a safe environment play pivotal roles in shaping the child's future. Any deficiencies or adverse experiences during these days can have lasting consequences, affecting everything from academic achievement to overall health. In the womb, a baby’s organs and systems begin to develop, making maternal health and nutrition paramount. Folic acid, iron, and other essential nutrients are crucial during pregnancy to prevent birth defects and support healthy brain development. Post-birth, breastfeeding offers optimal nutrition, providing all the necessary nutrients for growth and antibodies to protect against infections. The introduction of complementary foods around six months of age is also vital, ensuring a diverse and balanced diet to support the child’s continuing development. Beyond nutrition, the environment a child is exposed to plays a significant role in their development. Responsive caregiving, where caregivers are attuned to the child’s needs and respond with warmth and affection, is fundamental for emotional and social development. This type of nurturing environment promotes secure attachment, which is critical for a child's emotional stability and ability to form healthy relationships later in life. Additionally, early stimulation through talking, reading, and play fosters cognitive development, enhancing language skills and intellectual growth. The first 1,000 days are a unique period of opportunity and vulnerability. Intervening during this time with appropriate nutrition, healthcare, and supportive caregiving can yield long-term benefits, not just for the individual child, but for society as a whole. Ensuring that every child receives the best start in life is not only a moral imperative but also an investment in the future, with the potential to break cycles of poverty, improve public health outcomes, and enhance societal well-being. The knowledge and actions taken during these early days set the trajectory for a lifetime, underscoring the immense responsibility and power caregivers and society hold in shaping the next generation.

    8 min
  2. Fever - what every parent must know.

    21 AUG

    Fever - what every parent must know.

    Fever in children is a common occurrence that often causes concern among parents. Understanding why a child gets a fever, recognizing the red flag signs, and knowing how to respond can greatly help in managing the situation effectively. Why Does a Child Get a Fever? Fever is the body’s natural response to infection or illness. When a child has a fever, it usually indicates that their immune system is fighting off an infection, such as a virus or bacteria. The hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates body temperature, increases the body’s temperature set point in response to substances known as pyrogens. These pyrogens are released by the immune system in reaction to an invading pathogen. Common causes of fever in children include viral infections like the flu or common cold, bacterial infections such as ear infections or strep throat, and other conditions like urinary tract infections or pneumonia. Sometimes, teething or recent vaccinations can also lead to a mild increase in temperature, though this is usually short-lived and not as high as fever caused by an infection. Red Flag Signs to Watch For While most fevers are not serious and can be managed at home, certain red flag signs should prompt immediate medical attention: 1. High Fever: If a child under three months old has a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, it’s crucial to seek medical care. For older children, a fever above 104°F (40°C) that does not respond to treatment or lasts more than three days is concerning. 2. Persistent Symptoms: A fever that persists for more than five days without any improvement or if the fever goes away and then returns can indicate a more serious underlying issue. 3. Behavioral Changes: If the child becomes unusually irritable, lethargic, or unresponsive, it may be a sign of a more severe condition such as meningitis. 4. Breathing Difficulties: Labored or rapid breathing, wheezing, or any signs of respiratory distress, particularly if accompanied by fever, are serious and require immediate medical evaluation. 5. Seizures: Febrile seizures, which are convulsions brought on by a spike in body temperature, can be alarming but are usually not harmful. However, if a seizure lasts more than five minutes, or if the child has difficulty recovering afterward, emergency care is necessary. 6. Rash: A rash that doesn’t fade under pressure (non-blanching) or is accompanied by a high fever could be indicative of a serious infection, such as meningococcemia, and should be evaluated by a doctor immediately. What Should Parents Do? When a child has a fever, parents should focus on keeping the child comfortable. Offer plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, dress them in lightweight clothing, and maintain a comfortable room temperature. Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce fever and relieve discomfort, but always follow the dosing instructions based on the child’s age and weight. It’s important to monitor the child’s symptoms and behavior. If the child is still eating, drinking, and playing normally, the fever is likely not cause for concern. However, if any red flag signs develop, seek medical attention promptly. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and consult with a pediatrician if you’re unsure about the severity of your child’s symptoms.

    8 min
  3. 6 AUG

    4 signs of bad mental health in kids

    Mental Health In Children 
 Here’s the transcript : 
 . Hello everyone, and welcome to podcasts by Dr. dad. This is your host, Dr. Gaurav Nigam, and today. We are going to discuss something very important. We're going to talk about child mental health, understanding and supporting it and the new answers around that. Don't worry, I promise this ride will be as smooth as a toddler on a sugar high, just hopefully without a crash. The importance of child mental health. First things first, okay let's talk about why child mental health is as important as choosing the right uh bedtime story. uh Did you know that the foundations for emotional wellbeing are laid down in the early years of child's life? Research shows that um almost up to 50% of mental health issues manifest by the age of 14 years. Research showed that a 50% of mental health issues manifest by the age of 14 years old. That's right, before they can even fully grasp the concept of algebra, their mental health could be setting the stage for the rest of their lives. I actually came across a lot of research papers and I narrowed it down to some of the red flags to watch out for, because this is where, as parents as caregivers, we need to be really vigilant. Now, I'm sure you were just wondering, what should I be on a lookout for, you know? Because that's really what is important here, right? I'm glad that we are all are thinking in this way, and here are few red flags that might suggest your little one is struggling with their mental health. persistent sadness number one of course, I mean it is kind of obvious. If your child seems as gloomy as uh like if your child seems really gloomy, like almost all the time for more than two weeks, it might be a time to check in. Of course, there are moments when your child will feel gloomy and that's all part of a healthy motion, but if it is on a very persistent basis, that's something you need to look into. There's another a red flag as changes in appetite suddenly eating everything in sight or refusing their favorite mac and cheese can indicate emotional distress. I'm talking about both the things. Either they just suddenly start eating everything without the fuss, whereas earlier they were doing that, and also if they are just refusing to eat anything that was their favorite. In both cases, you need to be a little more vigilant. sleep disturbances, insomnia or sleeping more than a sloth can be a sign that some things up. withdrawal from activities, if your social butterflies suddenly turns into a wallflower, it's worth a conversation. and of course, outbursts and milddowns, occasional tantrums are normal. yes, very much normal, but if you know they are happening more often than you can actually anticipate or then it might be a red flag. Now, remember, folks, it's not about one of incidents, but patterns overtime. It cannot be like narrowed it down to an isolate event, but if it is a habitual thing that's happening. So keep an eye out and trust your parental instincts. It's very important here. uh Now let's switch gears a little and talk about the fun part, how to keep those young minds healthy and happy. Now here are some of the tips that I narrowed down for you open communication comes as first in this. Create an environment where kids feel absolutely safe to express their emotions. You know, you can try to asking like, how are you feeling today and be ready to listen without judgment. Now here's a little something that I do personally. I tell my daughter about my day first, like this is what I did this is where I picked up my coffee from that is how I went to see my patients uh so many patients were there. I tell her something specific about it then maybe what I had for lunch. uh a little something about a conversation with a friend or something. So you know, she feels

    7 min
  4. Dental Habits For Kids

    30 JUL

    Dental Habits For Kids

    In Podcast By Dr Dad, A Conversation between Dr Gaurav Nigam and Dr Siddharth Jain. Promoting Dental Wellness from Newborns to Toddlers: A Comprehensive Guide Ensuring optimal dental wellness for children is a crucial aspect of their overall health, starting right from birth. Establishing good oral hygiene practices early on not only prevents dental issues but also sets the foundation for lifelong healthy habits. Here’s a detailed guide on how to maintain dental wellness from newborns to toddlers. Newborn Stage: Dental care begins even before the first tooth emerges. Parents should clean their newborn's gums daily using a clean, damp cloth or gauze pad. This practice helps remove any bacteria and milk residue, preventing infections and promoting healthy gums. For breastfed babies, it’s important to wipe their gums after each feeding. Bottle-fed babies should never be put to bed with a bottle of milk or juice, as prolonged exposure to sugars can cause tooth decay, also known as “baby bottle tooth decay.” Infant Stage (0-12 months): As soon as the first tooth appears, usually around six months, it’s time to start using a toothbrush. Choose a soft-bristled, small-headed toothbrush designed for infants. Brush the baby's teeth twice a day using a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice). Avoid using too much toothpaste, as excessive fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis. At this stage, it’s also vital to introduce a balanced diet and avoid sugary snacks and drinks. Sugars contribute to the formation of plaque, leading to cavities. Instead, opt for healthy alternatives like fruits and vegetables. Toddler Stage (1-3 years): By the time your child turns one, it’s recommended to schedule their first dental visit. Regular dental check-ups are essential for early detection and prevention of any potential issues. The dentist will provide guidance on brushing techniques, fluoride use, and dietary recommendations. Continue brushing your toddler’s teeth twice daily, increasing the amount of toothpaste to a pea-sized amount once they turn two. Encourage them to start brushing on their own, but always supervise and assist to ensure proper technique and thorough cleaning. Flossing should begin when your child’s teeth start to touch each other. Use gentle motions to avoid injuring their delicate gums. Pediatric dental flossers can make this task easier. Promoting Good Habits: Teaching children the importance of good oral hygiene is a long-term investment. Make brushing and flossing a fun and engaging activity. Use songs, stories, or even apps designed to make dental care exciting for kids. Positive reinforcement, such as praise or small rewards, can also motivate them to develop and maintain these habits. Dietary Considerations: A balanced diet is crucial for dental health. Ensure your child gets plenty of calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt to strengthen their teeth. Limit sugary snacks and drinks, and encourage water as the primary beverage. If juice is given, it should be in moderation and preferably during mealtimes to reduce the risk of tooth decay. Addressing Common Issues: Teething can be a challenging time, causing discomfort and irritability. Offer your baby a clean, chilled teething ring or a damp washcloth to soothe their gums. Avoid teething gels with benzocaine, as they can pose health risks. Another common issue is thumb sucking. While it’s a natural reflex, prolonged thumb sucking can affect the alignment of teeth and the shape of the mouth. Gently encourage your child to stop this habit by offering positive reinforcement and providing alternative comfort items. Conclusion: Maintaining dental wellness from newborns to toddlers requires consistent effort and education.

    19 min
  5. How To Get Your Teenager To Have A Balanced Screen Time.

    21 MAY

    How To Get Your Teenager To Have A Balanced Screen Time.

    In today's digital age, managing teenagers' screen time is a pressing concern for parents and educators. With the constant lure of social media, gaming, and endless entertainment, teens are more connected—and distracted—than ever. If you've wondered how to help your teenager find a healthy balance with their phone usage, you're not alone. Join us on a transformative journey with the podcast "Teens and Screen Time: Finding Balance," hosted by the renowned pediatrician Dr. Gaurav Nigam. Meet Dr. Gaurav Nigam Dr. Gaurav Nigam is a celebrated expert in child health and development, widely respected for his practical advice on modern parenting challenges. As the host of the podcast by Dr Dad, Dr. Nigam combines his medical expertise with a deep understanding of the psychological and emotional dynamics that impact today's youth. A central theme of the podcast is understanding why teenagers get hooked on their screens. The answer lies in the brain's reward system and a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Every time your teenager receives a notification, likes a post, or levels up in a game, their brain releases dopamine. This chemical creates pleasure and reinforces the behavior, encouraging repetition. Dr. Nigam delves deep into the science of dopamine hits and how these interactions can lead to addictive behaviors. He explains that while dopamine is essential for learning and motivation, constant screen stimulation can lead to an imbalance, making it difficult for teens to find satisfaction in offline activities. Excessive screen time can have numerous negative effects on teenagers, including: - Sleep Disruption: - Mental Health Issues: - Decreased Academic Performance: - Physical Health Concerns: Strategies for Limiting Screen Time 1. Set Clear Boundaries and Expectations Establish clear rules around phone use. Dr. Nigam suggests creating a family media plan outlining when and where phones can be used, such as no phones at the dinner table or after 9 PM. 2. Encourage Offline Activities Encourage your teenager to engage in offline activities. Dr. Nigam recommends finding hobbies that your teen enjoys, like sports, reading, or arts and crafts. 3. Model Healthy Behavior Model healthy screen habits. Dr. Nigam emphasizes setting a good example by limiting your own screen time and being present during family interactions. 4. Create Tech-Free Zones Designate tech-free zones in the home. For instance, keep phones out of bedrooms to promote better sleep hygiene. 5. Educate About the Risks and Benefits Educate your teenager about the risks and benefits of screen time. Dr. Nigam advises having open conversations about how screen time affects their brain and well-being. 6. Use Technology to Your Advantage Use technology to limit screen time. Numerous apps and built-in phone features can help manage screen time. Dr. Nigam recommends using these tools to set limits and track usage. 7. Foster Real-World Connections Encourage your teenager to build real-world relationships. Dr. Nigam suggests creating opportunities for social interaction outside of the digital realm, such as arranging playdates or participating in group activities. The Role of Parents and Caregivers Throughout the podcast, Dr. Nigam emphasizes the significant role parents and caregivers play in helping teenagers manage their screen time. He acknowledges the challenges but stresses the importance of patience, consistency, and open communication. By working together, families can create a balanced approach to screen time that supports everyone's health and well-being.

    9 min
  6. In Conversation With Mr Adam Drew - How Schooling is Done in One Of The Best Schools In Thailand.

    26 MAR

    In Conversation With Mr Adam Drew - How Schooling is Done in One Of The Best Schools In Thailand.

    Headstart International School is a school that ticks all the boxes of an excellent school. The holistic approach to education is the main pillar of the school pedagogy. Welcome to the Podcast by Dr. Dad, your go-to destination for insightful conversations on education, parenting, and the holistic approach to nurturing young minds. I'm your host, Dr. Gaurav Nigam, and I'm thrilled to embark on another enriching journey with you today. In this episode, we delve into the realm of schooling and education with a special guest who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge. Joining us is none other than Mr. Adam Drew, a distinguished principal from one of Thailand's premier institutions renowned for its commitment to excellence. Together, we explore the nuances of fostering a holistic approach to education, where academic learning intertwines seamlessly with personal development and well-being. Mr. Drew shares his insights gleaned from years of dedicated service in shaping the minds of tomorrow's leaders. From innovative teaching methodologies to creating a nurturing environment conducive to growth, we uncover the secrets behind what makes a school truly exceptional. Join us as we unravel the layers of effective schooling and discover what sets the best schools apart. Whether you're a parent, educator, or simply passionate about the future of education, this episode promises to ignite your curiosity and inspire change. So, sit back, relax, and tune in to the Podcast by Dr. Dad as we embark on a journey of enlightenment together.

    13 min


Dr Dad is a platform made by Paediatricians and other health experts to help all those parents and caregivers that need the advice right from the experts. Visit www.drdad.in for online consultations, Products and Parenting Information.

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