That I May Know Him

The Angel With A Strong Voice - TAWASV
That I May Know Him

The Bible has a lot to say about the knowledge of God and its benefits and this knowledge of God is what we intend to explore in this devotion titled "That I May Know Him". Paul, speaking about how important the knowledge of God is to himself said the following in the book of Philippians 3: 7 - 11, "But what things were gained to me, those I counted loss for Christ, yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss," But why did he say he counted all things but loss? "For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my lord, that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death, if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead." So Paul was willing to count all things but loss. All things could include his life, but other temporal things too. He was willing to count all things but loss for one thing alone, the knowledge of Jesus Christ. How important is the knowledge of God that Paul was willing to sacrifice everything and count all but loss if only he could attain a knowledge of God Jesus Christ His Son. To Paul, it was so important that he was willing to sacrifice all houses, lands, a prospective successful career as a lawyer, his comforts, his rights and even his own life in order to have this thing called a knowledge of God...

  1. 30/12/2024

    Home at Last! December 31

    Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am. John 17:24. {TMK 371.1} The love of God is without measure, without comparison. It is infinite. . . . When we contemplate the dignity and glory of Christ we see how great was that love that prompted the sacrifice made upon the cross of Calvary for the redemption of a lost world. This theme will fill the saints with wonder and amazement through eternal ages, and why should we not meditate upon it here in this world? . . . {TMK 371.2} O the mystery of godliness--God manifest in the flesh! This mystery increases as we try to comprehend it. It is incomprehensible, and yet human beings will allow worldly, earthly things to intercept the faint view it is possible for mortals to have of Jesus and His matchless love. . . . How can we be enthusiastic over earthly, common things and not be stirred with this picture--the cross of Calvary, the love that is revealed in the death of God's dear Son . . . ? {TMK 371.3} All this humiliation and anguish were endured to bring back the wanderers, guilty and thankless, to the Father's house. O the home of the blest--I cannot afford to lose it! I shall, if saved in the kingdom of God, be constantly discerning new depths in the plan of salvation. All the redeemed saints will see and appreciate as never before the love of the Father and the Son, and songs of praise will burst forth from immortal tongues. He loved us, He gave His life for us. With glorified bodies, with enlarged capacities, with hearts made pure, with lips undefiled, we shall sing the riches of redeeming love. There will be no suffering ones in heaven, no skeptics whom we must labor to convince of the reality of eternal things, no prejudices to uproot, but all will be susceptible to that love which passeth knowledge. Rest, thank God, there is a rest for the people of God, where Jesus will lead the redeemed into green pastures, by the streams of living waters which make glad the city of our God. Then the prayer of Jesus to His Father will be answered: "I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am." {TMK 371.4}

    43 min
  2. 29/12/2024

    Eternity Before Us, December 30

    They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. Psalm 84:7. {TMK 370.1} All heaven has been looking with intense interest upon those who claim to be God's commandment-keeping people. Here are the people who ought to be able to claim all the rich promises of God, who ought to be going on from glory to glory and from strength to strength, who ought to be in a position to reflect glory to God in the works that they do. . . . {TMK 370.2} We have received the rich blessing of God, but we must not stop here. We are to catch more and more the divine rays of light from heaven. We are to stand just where we can receive the light and reflect it, in its glory, upon the pathway of others. . . . {TMK 370.3} We need to drink deeper and deeper of the fountain of life. . . . You may have a living testimony to bear: "Hear what the Lord has done for my soul." The Lord is ready to impart still greater blessings. He permitted all His goodness to pass before Moses. He proclaimed His character to him as a God full of mercy--long-suffering and gracious, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. Moses was to represent this character to the people of Israel, and we are to do the same. We are to go forth to proclaim the goodness of God and to make plain His real character before the people. We are to reflect His glory. . . . Let us declare the character of God to the people as Moses did to Israel, both in spirit and life. We are to catch the light of His countenance, full of compassion and love, and reflect it to perishing souls. {TMK 370.4} I beseech you to keep reaching out after God, to keep drinking of the fountain of living water. You may be as a tree planted by the rivers of waters, whose leaf does not wither. You may be full of moisture, and may be able to refresh others, and to give them grace and comfort. I love Jesus now, and I want to know more and more of Him. I have only begun to know Him, but there is an eternity before us in which there will be revealings of His glory, and we shall become better and better acquainted with our divine Lord. {TMK 370.5}

    34 min
  3. 29/12/2024

    The Results of Christ's Travail, December 29

    He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53:11. {TMK 369.1} What sustained the Son of God during His life of toil and sacrifice? He saw the results of the travail of His soul, and was satisfied. Looking into eternity, He beheld the happiness of those who through His humiliation had received pardon and everlasting life. His ear caught the shout of the redeemed. He heard the ransomed ones singing the song of Moses and the Lamb. {TMK 369.2} "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." During every moment of Christ's life in our world, God was repeating His gift. Christ, the sinless One, was making an infinite sacrifice for sinners, that they might be saved. He came as a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and those for whom He came looked upon Him as stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. The cup of suffering was placed in His hand, as if He were the guilty one, and He drained it to the dregs. He bore the sin of the world to the bitter end. . . . No line can fathom, no measurement compute, the love revealed by the cross of Calvary. . . . {TMK 369.3} In every pang of anguish endured we behold the throes of paternal love. The Father Himself travailed in the greatness of His almighty love in behalf of a world perishing in sin. By the sacrifice that has been made, the gift of eternal life has been placed within the reach of every son and daughter of Adam. {TMK 369.4} Christ's redeemed ones are His jewels, His precious and peculiar treasure. "They shall be as the stones of a crown"--"the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints" (Zechariah 9:16; Ephesians 1:18). In them "he shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied." Christ looks upon His people in their purity and perfection as the reward of all His sufferings, His humiliation, and His love, and the supplement of His glory--Christ the great center, from whom radiates all glory. {TMK 369.5}

    27 min
  4. 27/12/2024

    The Joy Set Before Him, December 28

    Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2. {TMK 368.1} The work of Christ upon earth was to seek and save that which was lost. Ever before Him He saw the result of His mission, although the baptism of blood must first be received, although the weight of sins of the world was to gather upon His innocent soul, although the shadow of an unspeakable woe was ever over Him. Yet for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross and despised the shame. He endured all this that sinful man might be saved, that he might be elevated and ennobled and have a place with Him upon His throne. {TMK 368.2} Christ is the originator of divine truth. He knew the height and depth, length and breadth and fullness of the compassion of divine love, as no mortal man can know it. He knows the blessedness that sinners are refusing when they reject divine light, the horrors that will come upon the soul that refuses the truth of Heaven. . . . Christ alone knows what means the exceeding weight of glory which those who rebel against God refuse to receive. . . . {TMK 368.3} Men are contaminated with sin, and they cannot have an adequate conception of the heinous character of the evil which they cherish. Because of sin the Majesty of heaven was stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Voluntarily our divine Substitute bared His soul to the sword of justice, that we might not perish but have everlasting life. Said Christ: "I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself" (John 10:17, 18). . . . No man of earth nor angel of heaven could have paid the penalty of sin. Jesus was the only one who could save rebellious man. {TMK 368.4} The joy that was set before Jesus was that of seeing souls redeemed by the sacrifice of His glory, His honor, His riches, and His own life. The salvation of man was His joy. When all the redeemed shall be gathered into the kingdom of God, He will see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied. {TMK 368.5}

    34 min
  5. 26/12/2024

    The Fulfillment of God's Purpose, December 27

    To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Ephesians 3:10, 11. TMK 367.1 We should consider that it was not merely to accomplish the redemption of man that Christ came to earth, it was not merely that the inhabitants of this little world might regard the law of God as it should be regarded, but it was to demonstrate to all the worlds that God's law is unchangeable and that the wages of sin is death. TMK 367.2 There is a great deal more to this subject than we can take in at a glance. O that all might see the importance of carefully studying the Scriptures! Many seem to have the idea that this world and the heavenly mansions constitute the universe of God. Not so. The redeemed throng will range from world to world, and much of their time will be employed in searching out the mysteries of redemption. And throughout the whole stretch of eternity this subject will be continually opening to their minds. The privileges of those who overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony are beyond comprehension. TMK 367.3 We have each to battle with the fallen foe.... Begin the warfare at once by gaining victories over self. Do not give place to the devil.... Throw all the weight of your influence on the side of Christ. TMK 367.4 When you look at the cross of Calvary you cannot doubt God's love or His willingness to save. He has worlds upon worlds that give Him divine honor, and heaven and all the universe would have been just as happy if He had left this world to perish, but so great was His love for the fallen race that He gave His own dear Son to die that they might be redeemed from eternal death. As we see the care, the love, that God has for us, let us respond to it; let us give to Jesus all the powers of our being, fighting manfully the battles of the Lord. We cannot afford to lose our souls; we cannot afford to sin against God. Life, eternal life in the kingdom of glory, is worth everything.34The Review and Herald, March 9, 1886. TMK 367.5

    34 min
  6. 25/12/2024

    Triumph of God's Love, December 26

    The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne. Psalm 97:1, 2. {TMK 366.1} The law of love is the foundation of God's government, and the service of love the only service acceptable to Heaven. God has granted freedom of will to all, endowed men with capacity to appreciate His character, and therefore with ability to love Him and to choose His service. So long as created beings worshiped God they were in harmony throughout the universe. While love to God was supreme, love to others abounded. As there was no transgression of the law, which is the transcript of God's character, no note of discord jarred the celestial harmonies. {TMK 366.2} But known unto God are all His works, and from eternal ages the covenant of grace (unmerited favor) existed in the mind of God. It is called the everlasting covenant, for the plan of salvation was not conceived after the fall of man, but it was that which was "kept in silence through times eternal, but now is manifested, and . . . made known unto all the nations . . ." (Romans 16:25, 26, R.V.). . . . {TMK 366.3} Before Him who ruleth in the heavens the mysteries of the past and future are alike outspread, and God sees beyond the woe and darkness and ruin that sin has wrought, the outworking of His purpose of love and blessing. Though clouds and darkness are round about Him, yet righteousness and judgment are the foundation of His throne. . . . Through the plan of salvation a larger purpose is to be wrought out even than the salvation of man and the redemption of the earth. Through the revelation of the character of God in Christ, the beneficence of the divine government would be manifested before the universe, the charge of Satan refuted, the nature and result of sin made plain, and the perpetuity of the law fully demonstrated. {TMK 366.4} Then the extermination of sin will vindicate God's love and establish His honor before a universe of beings who delight to do His will, and in whose heart is His law. {TMK 366.5}

    34 min
  7. 24/12/2024

    Mysteries Yet to Be Unfolded, December 25

    And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ. Ephesians 3:9. {TMK 365.1} Many have endeavored to define the mystery which Paul here mentions. But it embraces much, and our ideas in regard to the love, the goodness, and the compassion of God are strangely limited. Because our knowledge of spiritual things has become so dwarfed and enfeebled, we have not advanced from light to greater light. The Lord has not been able to open to our understanding many precious things. In view of the losses which we have sustained by our earthliness and commonness we have much to make us humble. . . . {TMK 365.2} Since the promise given in Eden, God has revealed His mysteries through His prophets. . . . But many mysteries yet remain unrevealed. How much that is acknowledged to be truth is mysterious and unexplainable to the human mind! How dark seem the dispensations of Providence! What necessity there is for implicit faith and trust in God's moral government! . . . "How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!" (Romans 11:33). {TMK 365.3} We are not now sufficiently advanced in spiritual attainments to comprehend the mysteries of God. But when we shall compose the family of heaven, these mysteries will be unfolded before us. . . . {TMK 365.4} Then much will be revealed in explanation of matters upon which God now keeps silence because we have not gathered up and appreciated that which has been made known of the eternal mysteries. The ways of Providence will be made clear; the mysteries of grace through Christ will be unfolded. That which the mind cannot now grasp, which is hard to be understood, will be explained. We shall see order in that which has seemed unexplainable, wisdom in everything withheld, goodness and gracious mercy in everything imparted. Truth will be unfolded to the mind, free from obscurity, in a single line, and its brightness will be endurable. The heart will be made to sing for joy. Controversies will be forever ended, and all difficulties will be solved. {TMK 365.5}

    34 min
  8. 24/12/2024

    We Shall See His Face, December 24

    And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. Revelation 22:4. {TMK 364.1} We cannot now see the glory of God, but it is only by receiving Him here that we shall be able by and by to see Him face to face. God would have us keep our eyes fixed on Him, that we may lose sight of the things of this world. We have . . . no time for any of us to delay that preparation which will enable us to see the face of God. . . . {TMK 364.2} Only by looking to Jesus, the Lamb of God, and following in His steps, can you prepare to meet God. Follow Him, and you will one day walk the golden streets of the city of God. You will see Him who laid aside His royal garments and His kingly crown, and disguising Himself with humanity, came to our world and bore our sins, that He might lift us up and give us a revelation of His glory and majesty. We shall see Him face to face if we now give ourselves up to be molded and fashioned by Him and prepared for a place in the kingdom of God. {TMK 364.3} Those who consecrate their lives to the service of God will live with Him through the ceaseless ages of eternity. "God himself shall be with them, and be their God" (Revelation 21:3). . . . {TMK 364.4} Their minds were given to God in this world; they served Him with their heart and intellect, and now He can put His name in their foreheads. "And there shall no night there; . . . for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever" (Revelation 22:5). They do not go in as those that beg a place there, for Christ says to them, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34). He takes them as His children, saying, Enter ye into the joy of your Lord. The crown of immortality is placed on the brow of the overcomers. They take their crowns and cast them at the feet of Jesus, and touching their golden harps, they fill all heaven with rich music in songs of praise to the Lamb. Then "they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads." {TMK 364.5}

    36 min


The Bible has a lot to say about the knowledge of God and its benefits and this knowledge of God is what we intend to explore in this devotion titled "That I May Know Him". Paul, speaking about how important the knowledge of God is to himself said the following in the book of Philippians 3: 7 - 11, "But what things were gained to me, those I counted loss for Christ, yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss," But why did he say he counted all things but loss? "For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my lord, that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death, if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead." So Paul was willing to count all things but loss. All things could include his life, but other temporal things too. He was willing to count all things but loss for one thing alone, the knowledge of Jesus Christ. How important is the knowledge of God that Paul was willing to sacrifice everything and count all but loss if only he could attain a knowledge of God Jesus Christ His Son. To Paul, it was so important that he was willing to sacrifice all houses, lands, a prospective successful career as a lawyer, his comforts, his rights and even his own life in order to have this thing called a knowledge of God...

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