Uncreative Radio

C&I Studios
Uncreative Radio Podcast

We live. We speak. We create.

  1. 15/04/2021

    Uncreative Radio with Noel Elie - F*ck'd Up But Beautiful

    “I always thought that I would be very angry at God and so bitter and robbed but I saw the silver lining. There was so much beauty in it.”   We’re on Uncreative Radio with Noel Elie. Noel is an actress, filmmaker, director, writer, and CEO of Noel Elie Productions. She has appeared on television shows like Dynasty, Shark Tank, Blue Bloods, and Shades of Blue. Noel is now working on a book that honors her mother’s legacy all while building one of her own.   In this Episode of Uncreative Radio, Noel shares the heartbreak she endured during and after her mother passed away from cancer. Through this pain, she was able to find resilience and grace that amplified her love for acting. From this, she began booking more jobs and “allowing the grief to hit whenever.”  Losing her best friend was the hardest thing Noel had ever experienced. Looking back, she laments at the memory of her mother asking her to be present with her while Noel was on her phone answering emails or posting on Instagram. Noel felt guilt in a way it freed her and through her experience, Noel gained a new perspective on life. She began posting less on social media, shifted her complete focus towards acting, and began writing a book to encapsulate her journey.   “For me, I’ve now experienced how short life is and I want my song to be heard and her song to be heard.”  For more original series and inspiring videos, check out our YouTube Channel. Here, you can stay up to date on the latest happenings inside the studio and check out art you won’t find anyplace else. #UNCREATIVERADIO  We Live. We Speak. We Create. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this radio show and/or podcast are solely those of the show’s hosts, producers, and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of C&I an idea agency, nor C&I Studios Inc., and/or any/all contributors to this website.  WEB: http://www.c-istudios.com INSTA: http://www.instagram.com/cistudios TWITTER: http://twitter.com/c_istudios FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/cistudios EMAIL: http://contact@c-istudios.com

    55 min
  2. 08/04/2021

    Uncreative Radio with Jude Andam - “There’s a shit show that’s happening right now”

    “Progress is one step forward two steps back, and I’d rather take that one step forward than none at all” We’re on Uncreative Radio with Jude Andam, a marine biologist turned makeup artist. After earning her degree and working in the marine biology field, Jude continued to feel unsatisfied in her work and it wasn’t until she began working in the beauty industry that she found fulfillment. Her resume now includes clients like Tiger Woods, Sony, Amazon Video, and CNN. In this Episode of Uncreative Radio, Josh and Jude speak on the hair and makeup industry in the entertainment world and the important role they play in “connecting both worlds of production and main acts”, as Jude puts it. They also reflect on the massive divide in the country and how it directly contributes to the handle of Covid, denial of climate change, cancel culture, and whether or not advocating on social media is making enough of a difference. Harkening back to 2020, Josh and Jude express the disconnect in society on important social issues including climate change. They agree that this is a pressing issue, some people are living to survive and in that state only day-to-day actions matter. As a result, they have no mental capacity to take on more, they “work on what’s on their table first.” Josh and Jude ask themselves; does social media even have a positive effect? Unfortunately, much of it is performative advocacy, Jude concludes that its effectiveness is not the reason she does it. She does it to voice her opinions and show what’s important to her. It’s then up to other people to decide whether they want to believe her genuineness. Now, California is slowly starting to open back up, Jude is faced with a double-edged sword. On the one hand, she is excited to dust off her makeup kit and be on set. On the other hand, she now cannot control who she is in contact with and can only take steps to protect herself. Her only hope is that everyone else is willing to do the same. For more original series and inspiring videos, check out our YouTube Channel. Here, you can stay up to date on the latest happenings inside the studio and check out art you won’t find anyplace else. #UNCREATIVERADIO We Live. We Speak. We Create. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this radio show and/or podcast are solely those of the show’s hosts, producers, and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of C&I an idea agency, nor C&I Studios Inc., and/or any/all contributors to this website.

    57 min
  3. 02/04/2021

    Uncreative Radio with Calvin O'Neal - Talks about COVID, BLM Protest, and uncertainty for the future

    “Since we cannot agree on facts, then I have no idea how this is going to be resolved. But I think I know where to start.” We’re on Uncreative Radio with a long-time friend of the studio, Calvin O’Neal. Calvin is an animation editor currently with Disney. Some of his previous works include The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore, an Academy Award Winning short, and The Scarecrow which earned a two-time Daytime Emmy Award. On this episode of Uncreative Radio, Josh and Calvin discuss the juxtaposition between the right and left that encapsulated all of 2020 starting with Covid, to the Black Lives Matter protests, and ending with the insurrection on January 6th. At the beginning of the pandemic, Josh and Calvin agree that there was a sense of peacefulness in the world, though just for a moment, until the lack of infrastructure and planning by the government became apparent. Following massive shutdowns, layoffs, and uncertainty for the future Josh also became fearful of his studio not making it through. As tensions rise in America the topic of opposing views comes to light. Having both lived in a liberal bubble, Josh and Calvin come to the conclusion that their coastal viewpoints do not reflect that of the rest of the country. Leaving them with the question of “what are people thinking and how different are we?” When the news of the murder of George Floyd was released and the Black Lives Matter protests followed, they were faced with an array of emotions. Some being a sigh of relief that their white counterparts finally recognized the disproportion inequity while another feeling’s being of disappointment of their defensiveness towards the movement. Though the silver lining could be that at the very least people’s intolerance has become clear and easier to avoid. For more original series and inspiring videos, check out our YouTube Channel. Here, you can stay up to date on the latest happenings inside the studio and check out art you won’t find anyplace else. #UNCREATIVERADIO We Live. We Speak. We Create. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this radio show and/or podcast are solely those of the show’s hosts, producers, and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of C&I an idea agency, nor C&I Studios Inc., and/or any/all contributors to this website.

    1h 4m
  4. 25/02/2021

    Uncreative Radio with Sabela Synne - Positives of COVID, Cutting Through the Noise, Strip Clubs

    Sabela Synne, is a very spirited R&B singer. She is an introverted person and so sees music as the best medium to pour out her deep-rooted thoughts. On the aspect of Sabela’s style that will easily intrigue you is the level of sincerity and vulnerability displayed in her music. We’re on Uncreative Radio with Sabela Synne Sabela Synne is a young American songwriter and R&B singer from Miami FL who has made some huge waves in the R&B world lately. On this episode of Uncreative Radio, Josh and Sabela discuss her music career – her motivation, challenges she faces as a young singer trying to breakthrough in the music world. Sabela talks about how music has been a part of her living right from when she was just a little girl. “My mom said I could sing even before I started talking” This leads Josh to the question about hard work and being naturally gifted or wire for a particular thing. Josh and Sabela agree that one can be naturally wired for singing or song writing, but being a master at it, takes hard work and practice. We really have to talk about how Sabela has dealt with the different downsides that come with being an artist in this era when everyone what to sing something. Sabela thinks it’s been easy for her to actually ignore the noise in the music industry and just focus on herself. Her actual words were “it’s been easy, just be yourself. Listen to all the noises, but at the end, it’s always about you and what you want.” People want you to succeed on their own terms. Josh and Sabela talk about how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the entertainment industry. Sabela doesn’t see the pandemic as a total disadvantage. She believes that the lockdown and all that, helped her grow first as a person, and gave her time to look deep into her thought and see what she needs to work on. On what to expect next from her, Sabela seems to be full of optimism about the fire she is dropping in a month or two. So, watch out. You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers. Tune in on Thursday, February 25th at 6 PM ET for Uncreative Radio with Sabela Synne to hear what she's been up to. For more original series and inspiring videos, check out our Youtube Channel. Here, you can stay up to date on the latest happenings inside the studio and check out art you won't find anyplace else.

    43 min
  5. 18/02/2021

    Uncreative Radio with Jaquelyn Puma - An artist is like, in the weirdest way, a cockroach. You can’t crush us. We will create no matter what.

    Jaquelyn is an amazing tattoo artist and model, and luckily, she took the time to sit down with us and share some of her incredible stories. On this episode of uncreative radio, Josh Miller and Jaquelyn Puma talk about art, Kobe Bryant, and the worst places to get tattooed. Jaquelyn started tattooing later in life but has been an artist her whole life. When she was just a little girl her teachers would tell her parents of her unbelievable talent, and that’s when she knew she was going to her talents into her career. Although her parents are anti tattoo’s, Jaquelyn still mustered the courage and moved to Florida to express herself with some body art. Both Josh and Jaquelyn agree that being a tattoo artist, especially in post-Covid society, isn’t exactly easy. From being in a very high-risk profession to having to tattoo “dude’s butts” Jaquelyn has remained true to her art. “My one wish is for everyone to be like yo, she died, and she was an artist... and she was dope.” Jaquelyn’s talents are not limited to tattoos. She also makes custom prints and masks that can be found on her Instagram page. You will also find a link to her Only Fans on that Instagram page, and that page is strictly to promote the art on her body. Currently, Jaquelyn is doing tattoos at Borrowed Time Tattoo in Fort Lauderdale and selling her custom artwork online. In this episode, we’re letting Jaquelyn share her stories and ideas with the world. What art means to her, how she got into modeling and tattooing, and how close she was to Kobe Bryant the day he passed. Tune in Thursday, February 18th at 6 PM ET for Uncreative Radio with Jaquelyn Puma and find out what a true artist does on the day-to-day.

    42 min
  6. Uncreative Radio with Deanna Kahn - Hair, Makeup and Everything In Between


    Uncreative Radio with Deanna Kahn - Hair, Makeup and Everything In Between

    “I was a horrible person... I was every bad thing that is not me right now.” We’re on Uncreative Radio with Deanna Kahn Deanna Kahn is a successful hair and makeup stylist with a big personality and she’s here to share her incredible story. On this episode of Uncreative Radio, Josh Miller and Deanna Kahn discuss hardships, success, and how many outfits it takes to be considered cool in Tampa. Deanna’s journey through life hasn’t been exactly easy. She lost her mom while she was a freshman in high school, moved out on her own at 18 years old, and turned to drugs. She herself has admitted that she wasn’t very a good person, but through her own incredible will, buckled down and found her path in life. Both Josh and Deanna agree that hard work pays off and everyone can make something of themselves if they try. Before finding her passion, Deanna tried her hand at a few things including law, politics, and stripping. Yes, Deanna worked as a dancer for about five years before discovering her true talent as a makeup stylist. Now, her long hours consist of her showcasing her talent as a stylist. “Some people aren’t built for it and I’m glad everyone’s not built for it because then everyone would be doing it.” Currently, Deanna is the owner of Blondie’s Beauty Salon in the south Florida area and has a very unique outlook on things. In this episode of Uncreative Radio, we’re letting Deanna share her uncensored journey, in her own words. What’s her meaning of success? How did she overcome life’s obstacles and change as a person? And why do you need a new outfit to go out every night in Tampa? Tune in Thursday, February 11th at 6 PM ET for Uncreative Radio with Deanna Kahn to hear a truly remarkable and funny story.

    49 min
  7. Uncreative Radio with Representative Bobby DuBose - To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required.


    Uncreative Radio with Representative Bobby DuBose - To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required.

    *** DISCLAIMER: While we invited Representative DuBose to the studio to talk about the state of America, we would like to make it abundantly clear that the opinions expressed below are entirely owned by C&I Films and C&I Studios Inc. In no way are these opinions associated with Representative DuBose's political stance or opinion, nor are they informed by the conversation shared between Joshua Miller and Bobby DuBose on this episode of Uncreative Radio. With that said, let us begin this conversation with this... BLACK LIVES DO MATTER. Every issue has a face. For the Black Lives Matter movement, they are the faces of those who have been murdered unjustly because of the color of their skin; it's the faces of the mothers and fathers who have to lay their children to rest; it's the faces of the sons and daughters who are growing up without their parents; it's the faces of every black child who walks in fear. Yes, you better believe it: Black Lives Matter. If this is a hard pill for you to swallow then you better listen up. All men and women are created equally despite the color of their skin, their religion, or the circumstance of their upbringing. This is a fact. And men and women of color have proven it a million times over. Yet, there are still those who desperately cling to pathetic dogmas of inequality to make themselves feel more important. If that's you, then you are the problem. And your way of thinking is a disease that we won't tolerate anymore. There's no room among us true Americans (you know, the people who stand up against injustice in every capacity; who combat wickedness wherever it roots its evil head) if you harbor hate or prejudice over people who are every bit as worthy and able of living the best life they can build for themselves. So, where the hell did you go wrong? At what point did an innocent black child become a predator in your eyes? At what point did you become a racist? Let's backtrack a few million years... Did you know that there is an evolutionary trait ingrained in every individual in which we use stereotypes as pneumonic devices to quickly assess our surroundings and the circumstance of our environment? These immediate judgments are automatic; the stereotypes unspoken. It's quite literally an automatic response that you have no real control over. It's a gut feeling, if you will.  Humans have similar alert system in our sense of smell! This is where the saying, "Follow your gut" comes from (if you believe that). If something seems off or dangerous about a situation, believe in your intuition because you are in fact smelling danger! So, then, at what point does a pneumonic device of which you have no real control over dominate your way of thinking and perceiving others. Short answer, it doesn't. No one is born racist, you fool. It's a learned condition. And it can be unlearned. Not convinced? Okay... Did you know in Ancient Rome people of color could hold any legal position as any other man? Interracial marriages were accepted because they were never not accepted. A black man could marry a white woman, hold any office, start any business, govern any military, and own any property that he wanted. That was 753 years before Christ was even born. We repeat, racism is learned and it is a modern invention that can and should be deconstructed.

    56 min


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