Vintage Homeschool Moms

Felice Gerwitz
Vintage Homeschool Moms Podcast

Vintage Homeschool Moms preserves the best of the past while blessing future generations with the fruit that comes from putting God first and using experience as a teacher. Tune in with a chance to ask your own questions during the live events. You host, Felice Gerwitz, is a Christian wife, mother, and educator-turned-homeschool-mom in 1986. She began homeschooling as a trial and never looked back. The topics will range from home education, child rearing, enterprising moms , SAHM (Stay at Home Moms), WAHM (Work at Home Moms), and so much more. Best yet, design your own show! Drop Felice a note and let her know what you’d like to hear.

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    Inspire Your Kids To Cooperate

    What is a "buy-in mentality? How do you inspire your kids to cooperate with your family values, do their school work, and strive for excellence? In this podcast, we'll discuss the idea of "buy-in" and how important it is to work together as a family. Inspire Your Kids To Cooperate ~ Episode 535 What is a "buy-in," and how do you incorporate this idea into your family? It's really simple. It's the idea of the importance of being part of a family and basically cooperating with the family ideals. How do you "inspire" your kids to cooperate? Ah, that is a bit more tough. Inspiration is a great idea if you are inspired as well. I think we need to examine our motivation and how we view our family. This would mean setting aside some time to discuss this with your spouse.  Even if you are a single parent, take some time to prayerfully jot down why family is important and how you can convey the idea of unity without sounding preachy. Thanks to NOW Programs, this evidence-based program helps students learn differences. I'm going to focus on two aspects. One is the idea of family and cooperation because you want to be part of a family and work together. The second is consequences: what will happen when there is a failure to follow through on the basic family requirements? What is a "buy-in mentality? How do you inspire your kids to cooperate with your family values, do their school work, and strive for excellence? In this podcast, we'll discuss the idea of "buy-in" and how important it is to work together as a family. Inspire Your Kids To Cooperate ~ Episode 535 What is a "buy-in," and how do you incorporate this idea into your family? It's really simple. It's the idea of the importance of being part of a family and basically cooperating with the family ideals. How do you "inspire" your kids to cooperate? Ah, that is a bit more tough. Inspiration is a great idea if you are inspired as well. But I believe we can all get on board with the idea of having a family that works well together. We need to examine our motivation and how we view our family. This would mean setting aside some time to discuss this with your spouse.  Even if you are a single parent, take some time to prayerfully jot down why family is important and how you can convey the idea of unity without sounding preachy. The biggest thing to convey to your children is your love for them, and it is difficult to show love when we are constantly correcting our children. Thanks to NOW Programs, this evidence-based program helps students learn differences. I'm going to focus on two aspects. One is the idea of family and cooperation because we want our children to understand they are not in this alone. They are part of a family. They enjoy all the benefits of being in a family, love community, support, and care. Being in a family also means working together toward a common goal. For Christians, it is heaven. The second point I want to focus on is the idea of consequences: what will happen when there is a failure to follow through on the basic family requirements? What does cause and effect mean, and how does that factor affect your decisions? These two parts, cooperation and consequences, work together to create a family dynamic that works. Inspire Your Kids To Cooperate ~ Cooperation Cooperation in a family goes along with succeeding and accomplishing. It makes me very happy to accomplish something daily, even if I do not have written goals or a list. It is a feeling of success and self-fulfillment. This is an adult thing. Adults have many responsibilities that deal with their family, perhaps work,

    33 min
  2. 16 SEPT

    Inspire Kids To Learn

    A boring lecture or math lesson that is not interesting will not inspire kids to learn and work hard. However, in this podcast, you will discover five key elements to encourage your children to hone their listening skills while learning. Inspire Kids To Learn ~ Episode 534 Why would anyone listen to a boring lecture or something that does not interest them? Because it is required and because it is called "school." What subject did you detest in grade school, middle school (called junior high in my day), and high school? The subject I didn't like was history. All of these facts and disjointed (in my mind) events had nothing to do with my life. Or, so I thought. As an adult, I realize that not understanding history causes us to make the same mistakes as a nation over and over again. But at the time, I had no idea how important the subject was. I learned more history as a homeschool parent than I did in my time in school. Thanks to our sponsor,, this curriculum is available online for grades K-12. Your children receive the lessons and must pass to move on, and you, as the parents, receive the results. It is a win-win for busy homeschool parents. I am inspired (pun intended) to do a series on inspiring your children. The series will include inspiring kids to listen, learn, succeed, empathize, and encourage self-esteem. This is the second of five episodes. Five Part Series  * Inspire Kids to Listen * Inspire Kids to Learn (this episode) * Inspire Kids to Cooperate * Inspire Kids to Succeed * Inspire Kids to Empathize * Inspire Kids ~ Self Esteem So, that leaves us with the million-dollar question: How do you inspire your children to learn? How do we overcome obstacles? True learning occurs when a child has a question to answer. And the second part of that question is where the child goes to find the answer. Please, please don't say "Google." The saying "Knowledge is Power" is attributed to an unknown author. That statement is true. Without knowledge, we are left to the ideas, beliefs, and thoughts of other people who don't necessarily have our best interests in mind. Explaining to your children the importance of obtaining knowledge is key! When my children struggled with a difficult subject, I would remind them, "If it's easy, you know it, and if it is hard, you don't know it yet." (Example of handwriting) Learning never stops this side of death. (Comforting thought?) We are constantly learning as we should. Learning occurs when your child is curious and inquisitive, sees the world around them as a puzzle to solve or at least find some of the pieces, and when there is an exchange of ideas and thoughts. When my children were younger, I taught them unit studies. I felt this was the best way to incorporate that awe of learning and a dose of mystery. We didn't have all the answers, but we were going to learn some of them at any rate! Inspire Kids To Learn - The Mystery Solver A mystery eventually comes to a conclusion, and the previously unsolved puzzle is answered. If you can approach education with this in mind and encourage your children as well, it puts a touch of excitement into your schooling. You can set the stage at the beginning of the year. Ask the children if they know every answer in their math, history, science, or ________fill-in-the-blank book. The answer is no for now, but yes (or a lot more than I know now) by the end of the year. Figuring out an answer is like solving a riddle or a problem (that is why they call math problems problems!). There is an answer that you figure out.

    25 min
  3. 9 SEPT

    Inspire Kids To Listen

    Teaching kids to listen is a challenge, but it's not impossible. In this episode, you will discover practical and effective ways to inspire kids to listen each and every time, empowering you to make a difference in their learning journey. Inspire Kids To Listen ~ Episode 533 I've been inspired (pun intended) to do a series on inspiring your children. The series will include inspiring kids to listen, learn, succeed, empathize, and encourage self-esteem. This is the first of five episodes. Good listening skills are the basis for order, disciplined children, eager learners, and all-around peace within your home. If your child knows what you expect and has a routine for accomplishing the goals for the day, your work gets easier. One effective tool to be sure your child understands expectations is to ask the child: * Do you know what is expected? * If they say no, ask another sibling to respond or fill in the information yourself. * Now, ask the child to repeat what you said (in his own words). Effective listening is a tool for ensuring that your child understands and has the information they need. It is effective because when children express their thoughts in their own works, you know they've processed the information enough to tell you back. As educators, we were taught this procedure in class management. We also used it in class discipline. (More on this later) In middle school, a teacher did a simple exercise with our class that encouraged us to listen to her every word from then on. I still remember it to this day. Try this with your children and see if it works. She said, "Today, I have a pop quiz that is going to represent 70% of your grade. I know that you did not prepare, and I know that you may or may not know the information on this quiz. But this is very important. I need you to listen to what I am telling you. This is a multiple-choice test, and you can mark answers A, B, C, or D. But, before you begin, put your name on the paper and read the instructions carefully. There will be no talking. After you complete your test, turn your paper over and wait quietly for further instruction. She then passed out the papers, and we began taking the test. I wish I could say I was one of the kids that followed her instructions. But it took me two or three questions (I did not know as she purposely made the quiz difficult) to return to the top and read the instructions. The instructions said, "Write your name at the top of the page. DO NOT ANSWER any of the questions. Turn your paper over, put your head down on the desk, and wait for further instructions." I erased my answers, filled in my name, turned the paper over, and put my head down on the desk. Slowly, the rest of the class caught wind that half of us had our heads down and could not possibly have finished the test! They did what the rest of us did, went back and read the instructions, and groaned as they erased their answers and wrote names at the top of the page. The teacher called "times up," then asked us to pass our papers up front, where she collected them, and then spent the remainder of class explaining the importance of listening and following instructions and comparing that to the basis of learning. Five Part Series * Inspire Kids to Listen (this episode) * Inspire Kids to Learn * Inspire Kids to Cooperate * Inspire Kids to Succeed * Inspire Kids to Empathize * Inspire Kids ~ Self Esteem Failure to Listen. What does failure to listen bring us? Basically, it's heartache, right? Unruly kids, unfinished school work, chores left undone or haphazardly finished, and a lack of control within our homes.  If your kids are looking for a textbook or workb...

    32 min
  4. 2 SEPT

    Moms, Your Are Enough

    Please don't listen to all the voices that say you can't do it. Moms, you are enough! Many times, we doubt our abilities. Should we homeschool? Should we put our children in a co-op? Should we put our child in a private school or public school? In this podcast, Felice Gerwitz breaks down the critical concerns of homeschool moms and gives you the tools to thrive in your home. Moms, You. Are. Enough. ~ Episode 532 I'm working on an "Inspire Series." This is a blueprint for encouraging excellence in our children and our homes. But before I release that series, I really felt the need to encourage you. If you are a mom or dad or even a caregiver, welcome. This episode is geared toward those trying to navigate a hostile world where we are told we need experts for everything. We are also told that we don't know enough or can't think for ourselves and need those outside voices, whether it is social media, the news, your favorite app, or even worse, your parents, inlaws, or spouse. The good news is that I believe, even without meeting you, that you are more than enough and that you have the tools you need. I mean, somehow, you found this podcast, perhaps the entire Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network, and in particular, Vintage Homeschool Moms. You found me somewhere in the midst of the noise and the naysayers. That tells me you are incredibly resourceful, open, and willing to learn all you can to be the best you can be at this point in time. You can fill in the blanks. Moms You Are Enough: I am a  ____________ (Christian, spouse, mom, dad, grandparent, caregiver) to my children. I am enough. Moms You Are Enough vs. Moms You Are The Best What's the difference between being enough and being the best? First, being enough means being comfortable with who we are and our mistakes. I am not the most graceful person. If there is a step, I will trip over it. That doesn't mean I will avoid steps, but it does mean I am aware of my shortcomings and failure to notice details, and I am extremely careful when navigating steps. My husband and I were walking along a sidewalk, and I tripped on a crack. He actually went back to look because neither of us saw it, and sure enough, there was a tiny elevation along one side. But again, that doesn't keep me from walking or trying or thinking, "Oh my gosh, I'm such a clutz!" (Okay, so I am, but I'm okay with that.) What area are you concerned about? In the near future, we will, God willing, offer a call with some of the podcasters on this network and me who are willing to participate. This is in celebration of our 11 years on the air as a homeschool podcast network. This is because I see such a need for a one-to-one discussion about the greatest needs homeschool parents have today. I've learned that many of us struggle not so much thinking we are covering enough information with our children, or hoping our children will fit in socially, or praying that we don't mess up our kids in some way. I believe that we can overcome this way of thinking. Homeschool Moms are resilient and strong. If you don't think you are, that is what we are here for today! Moms You Are Enough: Parenting * I believe that God does not make mistakes. As a Christian, I know that before I was born, God knew my name, and therefore my life has meaning. Your life does as well! * I believe that you, too, are not a mistake, your kids are not a mistake, and your lives have meaning. * I believe that our minds trick us into worry and concern about problems in the future or even events in the past, and we need to focus on today. (Mindfulness: Christians.) * I believe that you are given the tools you need to parent,

    24 min
  5. 26 AUG

    Fighting For The Minds and Hearts of Our Children

    Are you aware that the minds and hearts of our children are being undermined? In the past, this happened quietly without our notice; however, now, it is out in the open. In this podcast, we discuss a way to counter the enemy of the family. Thanks to our sponsor, - check out their amazing software for K-12. Math that works! Minds and Hearts Of Our Children - Episode 531 This was not the topic or theme I wanted to discuss today, but unfortunately, it became a topic of grave importance when I stumbled upon a post by what I would call insidious and created by an evil person who is out to undermine parents everywhere.  I was shocked to learn that many are out in the open, unapologetic, and right under the nose of most parents. More on this in a bit. In the past, we worried about subliminal messages on records and music, whether or not a painting had things drawn in that were not age-appropriate or if a movie had a character that was not of our liking or against a religious or moral belief. One time, as an adult watching a movie, I gasped in shock, and when my husband asked why, I said that one character had her upper half exposed for a brief second! We could not believe it and warned our daughter about this popular "family-friendly" princess film at the time. At one point, it was just a little here and there, and while it was present in children's television and movies, most parents were warned and could make informed decisions. In fact, if you were like me, you would research and preview films before you allow the children to view them. Even those sites are lacking at times. I, for one, do not like Common Sense Media; why? I looked up a movie rated "R," and when I read the reviews on this "family-friendly" rating site, it was given three stars instead of the minus one it deserved. It contained nudity, smoking pot, and profanity. Is that all? (My go-to for ratings are Plugged In or Christian Answers with a review of Harold and The Purple Crayon. (I wanted to take the kids to this one, but we will sit it out.) Yet, while all of this is valid and of concern, what if I told you there is a known (said on air) out there, applauded by some people in our society, that is (said on air) children to disobey their parents? I heard a brief montage with the overall theme of disobeying and disrespecting your parents! I was reading the news, which, truthfully, I try to avoid, and this was shared on my X Feed. I didn't want to watch it and normally would have scrolled over it. However, I've been praying about starting a podcast that talks specifically to children. I have done several "Just For Kids" episodes that speak to the heart of a child. These episodes are within the context of Vintage Homeschool Mom, and I encourage the parents to listen with their children. The content focuses on good behavior, being a member of a family, and honoring your parents. And, now, I will take it to prayer and consider a stand-alone episode. Choosing Good Behavior - Just For Kids 50 Summer Projects - Just for Kids Now, back to my initial concern after listening to the person telling children to disobey. The overall advice was how to subvert your parents. Here is the nutshell version: (Details are on air.) * If you are asked to do something, play innocent. * Feel no guilt * Limit contact Sickening. Disturbing.

    26 min
  6. 19 AUG

    Time Management For Parents | Replay

    Time Management Parents Episode 412 There is hope! Are you ready for time management that will help you to reclaim your day and feel good at the end? Is this too good to be true? No, it is a reality, and if I can do it, you can as well. How does it happen? Well, very easily with one sheet of paper and four squares. Today I will help you figure out the main issues that steal your time and the hope on how to reclaim it. Thanks to our sponsor CTCMath, a wonderful Math curriculum for the entire family of school-aged children. This one-stop shop has grades K-12; check it out. Homeschoolers can save 50%! Let's get our time management back! Does your day lack focus? Are you overwhelmed with the shuffling of papers, trying to get school "done," and keeping up with the household chores? You can see why there is such burnout among moms, especially moms who homeschool. Even at the beginning of the year! I have to say I struggled with this for many years, and it left me feeling tired, defeated, and like I wasn't getting anything accomplished each day. I felt like a young mom with little children. If I kept everyone safe by the end of the day, it was a win! However, I wanted so much more. Especially for those who are new to homeschooling or even if you are a pro, you need the help that comes from getting all of your ducks in a row. Let me cut to the chase here. I was out of time because my time was managing me instead of the other way around. What was interrupting my day? What's getting in the way of time management? Easy, three things: * Talking on the phone (substitute social media here and texting). * No set schedule for household chores. * Disobedient kids I had a defeatist attitude and could not wait until my husband came home so I could dump all of my daily woes on him, and guess what? That didn't work out too well. My husband ran his own business and often needed my help to do the payroll or help with management and the details of filing payroll taxes, filling out forms, and so much more. Fast forward, and we raised five kids and have not one but three businesses that we run out of our homes successfully. How did this happen? Believe me, it was not overnight, but now I can share those tips and techniques with you, and these are even better than what I had in my toolbox at the time. Rules are made to be broken, but sometimes you can look at them as good suggestions, so take heart as I share some quick ones with you. * Just because you get an idea, it does not mean you have to act on it right now. Write it down and look at it at lunchtime or after dinner, and plan for it. Quickly one thing I do not do, even with a business, is looking at emails in the morning - emails such the life and my day away from me. Unless I have planned for this, I don't do it until after lunch. People who really need to get hold of me quickly know how to do this. Everything else can wait. * I learned my time wasters. See number one - but there were others. I let myself get sidetracked, and once I learned the keys to keeping myself on track, it worked. * Make a plan and stick to it - I know, for those of you kindred spirits that are spontaneous. But believe me, it works. * Every self-help book or how to get organized is not going to help you get organized if you refuse to do what it suggests (same with this broadcast) * Seek help when needed. I think that is important to note that many times we think an issue is one problem when it is really something else. Another issue with time management is that we have false expectations or, perhaps, no expectations at all! So first, it is homework time.

    27 min
  7. 12 AUG

    Homeschooling For Excellence

    There are many educational philosophies in general but not many for homeschooling. Homeschooling for excellence is a way to encourage your children to grow and excel in the homeschool environment. In this podcast, Felice shares tips on successful outcomes in your homeschool journey. Homeschooling For Excellence - Episode 530 How do you homeschool for excellence when you can barely get your teen kids up in the morning, and yet the younger kids are up before dawn? It can and will happen, but it takes a homeschool-for-excellence mindset. It is the way we think about homeschooling. Listen, no one wants to be told how to homeschool their kids; I get that. As homeschool parents and families, we are very strong-willed and independent people. We are, in essence, swimming against the current, and it would be easier in a sense to send our children off in the morning and let someone else deal with their education. But at what cost? In the society in which we live, many of us are shocked when we find out what is being taught in our schools, especially public schools. This curtain was drawn back during the 2020-2021 school year, and many parents have not recovered from the shock. Thanks to our sponsor,, It is due to our sponsors that we are able to bring quality homeschool-focused podcasts and great curriculum providers to your attention. Check them out. Homeschooling for excellence involves how we regard our homeschooling journey. Here is a short list of reasons why people homeschool. * Faith * Parents don't like what is being taught in the public schools. * Private and Christian schools are too expensive. * A struggling learner needs additional help. * Bullying * The desire to teach their children with a flexible schedule. There are so many other reasons why people homeschool. I started because my educational background was in special needs, with an elementary and early childhood education degree. My struggling learner did not fit into the private school mold. Public education was not an option for me; having spent two years teaching in a broken system, I saw firsthand how children were left behind. Over the years, it has changed to a focus on our Catholic/Christian faith, values, and an emphasis on excellence. Ask Yourself: * What are your goals? * What is your vision for your homeschool year? * What are your expectations? * Are your expectations reasonable? * How will you attain your goals? Excellence is a state of mind. It is how we see our homeschool journey going, and it is how we expect our children to succeed. Years ago, a family came out of nowhere and wrote a book, Homeschooling For Excellence-here. The book highlighted their four children and how they went to Ivy League colleges. This set off a firestorm among homeschoolers. Everyone wanted to be like this family, and this family was put on a pedestal. I watched interviews with this family at the time, and they were surprised by all the attention. Why was this so amazing? Because excellence and success in the outcome results were unheard of at the time. Now, homeschoolers have a track record. Homeschooling is mainstream, many young people in sports homeschool and many young people excel in the flexibility of the homeschool schedule. I was a conference speaker during this time and was approached by countless parents about my homeschool philosophy and one of the questions they asked, "Do you want your children to attend an Ivy League school?" The answer will surprise you. "No.

    25 min
  8. 5 AUG

    Homeschooling Secrets

    Homeschooling Secrets ~ Episode 490 This episode sponsored by CTC Math. There are secrets, and then there are homeschooling secrets that you should know. This podcast is not for the faint-hearted! Here we will discuss the truth that, as the Scriptures say, will set you free! This podcast is brought to you by Felice Gerwitz, who will share her top tips for her thirty-two years of homeschooling. Buckle up! Would you like an open-it-and-go unit study for the entire family? Try Media Angels, unit studies, and great planners to get organized. These can be found on the store page at Considering Homeschooling As a young married woman with my first child on the way, I didn't consider homeschooling, nor was it on my radar. Many years later, I found myself at playgroups with a toddler and hearing people discuss the possibility, so I did what any sane person would do and talked them out of the idea. After all, did they have teaching degrees or certifications as I did? I wasn't planning on homeschooling but returning to teaching once my school-aged children were enrolled. What happened instead was after some frustrating meetings with the school system, it turned out my oldest child had mild learning issues and was speech delayed. I placed him in a private school and my daughter in a high-end-high-dollar preschool. I began to research and met a friend whose husband was a doctor, and she herself had a master's in education and began homeschooling her daughter. She helped me put things in perspective. After my first frustrating year, I found that I had to make my own decisions and what worked best for my family. Other than following whatever the laws are in your state (and I would have moved if our laws were like some states which mandate what books you can use), we were free to learn in a way that was best for my kids. I've broken these secrets down into various categories. The first is just general information about how to look at homeschooling, the second regards parenting, the third is practical, regarding curriculum, and the last is important in regard to household chores and meals. So here you go some top-secret tips to help you in your homeschool planning: Homeschooling Secrets 101 ~ General * Decide your homeschooling philosophy - just like a business has a slogan, come up with one for your family. This will help, I promise. We brainstormed as a family and came up with things like: We are stronger together, Gerwitz Strong, and what we decided upon: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15) * Know why you are homeschooling. Is it academic? Is it to help your child with their worldview? Is it to give your child a stable family life? Is it to help your child spiritually or psychologically? Is it for a reason, learning advanced or learning delayed? Is it to avoid the issues plaguing education in our world today? * Get a support group, whether it is a best friend who has your back, your spouse, or a good homeschool support group. * Ignore well-meaning extended family members who think they know what is best. Polite responses include, "Bless your heart; thank you so much for sharing your opinion with me." It goes a long way instead of arguing your point. (Tell the story of tongue twisters.) * Select a time frame to homeschool. I am going to do this for one year, etc. Time Management for Parents. Homeschooling Secrets 101 ~ Parenting * Create Memories - Family Bonding Time * Know you are the parent and are in charge.


Vintage Homeschool Moms preserves the best of the past while blessing future generations with the fruit that comes from putting God first and using experience as a teacher. Tune in with a chance to ask your own questions during the live events. You host, Felice Gerwitz, is a Christian wife, mother, and educator-turned-homeschool-mom in 1986. She began homeschooling as a trial and never looked back. The topics will range from home education, child rearing, enterprising moms , SAHM (Stay at Home Moms), WAHM (Work at Home Moms), and so much more. Best yet, design your own show! Drop Felice a note and let her know what you’d like to hear.

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