Waste Unwrap - The Inwaster Podcast

Podcast de Waste Unwrap - The Inwaster Podcast

We at Inwaster believe immense innovation, inspiration and interest exists in the field of Waste Management. Together, let's start unwrapping waste, our love/hate relationship with it and everyday solutions that we can adopt, starting today!


  1. 29/11/2021

    Ep8 : Gratitude to our Safai Karamcharis

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our eighth episode on "Gratitude to our Safai Karamcharis" as your host Puja unwrap waste, one layer at a time This podcast is a medium to reach out to all of you and share Innovation happening around us, amazing stories of change in Waste Management that will be an Inspiration for all of us and most importantly real life real time solutions and discussion that may Interest all of us to take a step towards a better environment We are getting closer to the end of the year - can you believe it? And it’s always around this time that I start looking back and thinking of how the year has gone by. And so much has happened in waste management and its impact - these changes bit by bit add up to something larger, you know like a vision of a balanced future - one that thrives with the natural world without choking it. In these moments of reflection, gratitude is something we feel strongly for those who inspire us to stay long in this journey. Because a change in the better direction is a step towards ensuring an equitable future for us all. So we take this moment to thank our safaai karamcharis for doing their part in keeping communities safe during the pandemic. For cleaning our streets when we are asleep. How it ends up by the end of the day is really up to us Relevant links to our episode mention - Vanarsena (Read more about their efforts at https://www.inwaster.com/vanarsena) Roseland Residency (Read more about them at https://www.inwaster.com/sidharthnaik) Latest Waste management news and updates (Read more about WNews at https://www.inwaster.com/wnews) You can also check out our Inwaster platform ( https://www.inwaster.com/waste-unwrap ) to know more about us So wherever you are in your waste management/zero waste journey - write to us your questions, suggestions and feedback to help us continue informing, inspiring and innovating with our community. We look forward to hearing from you! Waste Unwrap is a production of Inwaster and hosted by Puja Mehta

    7 min
  2. 31/10/2021

    Ep 7 : Cleaning Our Collective Surroundings

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our seventh episode on "Cleaning Our Collective Surroundings" as your host Puja unwrap waste, one layer at a time This podcast is a medium to reach out to all of you and share Innovation happening around us, amazing stories of change in Waste Management that will be an Inspiration for all of us and most importantly real life real time solutions and discussion that may Interest all of us to take a step towards a better environment In this episode we are exploring an interesting question - why do we clean? Yes, we’ve been told that cleanliness is important and a responsibility we need to shoulder together. But why do we engage ourselves in sorting our mess? More importantly, why do we stop there? If we are happy with how our immediate surroundings appear, why not care about our collective surroundings - the outdoors. This could be the street right outside a home, a public park not too far away or a lake we so joyfully take a boat ride in. Relevant links to our episode mention - Swachh Pune Swachh Bharat (Read more about their efforts at https://www.inwaster.com/swachhpune-swachhbharat) We Mean to Clean (Read more about them at https://www.inwaster.com/wemeantoclean) Latest Waste management news and updates (Read more about WNews at https://www.inwaster.com/wnews) You can also check out our Inwaster platform ( https://www.inwaster.com/waste-unwrap ) to know more about us So wherever you are in your waste management/zero waste journey - write to us your questions, suggestions and feedback to help us continue informing, inspiring and innovating with our community. We look forward to hearing from you! Waste Unwrap is a production of Inwaster and hosted by Puja Mehta

    8 min
  3. 28/08/2021

    Ep 6: Nurturing the Next-Gen of Environment Caretakers

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our fifth episode on "Nurturing our nextgen of care providers" as your host Puja unwrap waste, one layer at a time This podcast is a medium to reach out to all of you and share Innovation happening around us, amazing stories of change in Waste Management that will be an Inspiration for all of us and most importantly real life real time solutions and discussion that may Interest all of us to take a step towards a better environment The life giving force we call earth has been home to around 10K generations of our human species. Caring for this life sustaining energy has been nurtured from one generation to the next, but in the last seven decades we’ve been cast under a spell. Old and most certainly not updated models and processes have been misused to change our mindset and behaviours that go against our ancestral knowledge of care for our natural world. Guess what? This is changing. It’s changing as our youth look around to redesign these very outdated socio-economic systems of how we view our relationship with the planet. Relevant links to our episode mention - Garvita Gulhati (Read more about her efforts at https://whywaste.io/) Vihaan & Nav (Read more about them at https://www.inwaster.com/one-step-greener) Latest Waste management news and updates (Read more about WNews at https://www.inwaster.com/wnews) You can also check out our Inwaster platform ( https://www.inwaster.com/waste-unwrap ) to know more about us So wherever you are in your waste management/zero waste journey - write to us your questions, suggestions and feedback to help us continue informing, inspiring and innovating with our community. We look forward to hearing from you! Waste Unwrap is a production of Inwaster and hosted by Puja Mehta

    8 min
  4. 30/07/2021

    Ep 5: Becoming Plastic Free

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our fifth episode on "Becoming Plastic Free" as your host Puja unwrap waste, one layer at a time This podcast is a medium to reach out to all of you and share Innovation happening around us, amazing stories of change in Waste Management that will be an Inspiration for all of us and most importantly real life real time solutions and discussion that may Interest all of us to take a step towards a better environment Plastic’s existence has been debated on for some time now - a durable and versatile material but one that will never ever truly go away when discarded. We have our lives so entwined in plastic that we are only starting to break it down and understand its unsustainable nature. Awareness really is the very first step in being able to refuse, reduce and reuse plastic from our lives and that is what we are going to try and do in this episode. We have solutions which can scale in size - all they really need is for more of us to adopt them every single day. Relevant links to our episode mention - Sahar Mansoor from Bare Necessities (Read more about her efforts at https://www.inwaster.com/bare-necessities)   Dr. Medha & Shirish (Read more about them at https://www.inwaster.com/rudra-solutions-limited)   Latest Waste management news and updates (Read more about WNews at https://www.inwaster.com/wnews)   Our Recommendation: Know more about the Waste Pyramid (Read more at our Wlog https://www.inwaster.com/post/2019/11/04/waste-management-pyramid-a-way-towards-zero-landfill  https://www.inwaster.com/post/2019/10/23/waste-management-pyramid-a-way-towards-zero-waste-living)    You can also check out our Inwaster platform ( https://www.inwaster.com/waste-unwrap ) to know more about us So wherever you are in your waste management/zero waste journey - write to us your questions, suggestions and feedback to help us continue informing, inspiring and innovating with our community. We look forward to hearing from you! Waste Unwrap is a production of Inwaster and hosted by Puja Mehta

    10 min
  5. Ep4 - Oceans without Plastic


    Ep4 - Oceans without Plastic

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our fourth episode on "Oceans without Plastic" as your host Puja unwrap waste, one layer at a time This podcast is a medium to reach out to all of you and share Innovation happening around us, amazing stories of change in Waste Management that will be an Inspiration for all of us and most importantly real life real time solutions and discussion that may Interest all of us to take a step towards a better environment “Our past, our present, and whatever remains of our future, absolutely depend on what we do now." . This big blue marble that we call our home, is blue because of the vast oceans that engulf it. Ponds, lakes, rivers, seas - all these water bodies always find their way to an ocean. And all these water bodies together help in sustaining our marine life and ecosystem. Unfortunately, the truth of our ocean habitats is that there are huge massive piles of plastic waste just sitting in river banks or floating in the middle of the oceans. Going round and round and round in ocean currents, disintegrating into microplastics and finally, showing up inside all kinds of marine species. We have solutions that can prevent our consumption from polluting our water bodies, we have real life examples of communities showing up for their beaches and we have simple and sustainable alternatives to help protect our oceans. This episode highlight those stories and solution Relevant links to our episode mention - Afroz Shah (Read more about his efforts at https://www.cleanseas.org/heroes/individuals)  Pauline and Lochie (Read more about them at https://www.inwaster.com/bouddi-solutions https://www.inwaster.com/pauline-laravoire)  Latest waste management news and updates (Read more about WNews at https://www.inwaster.com/wnews)  We recommend you should know about the types of Plastic (Read more at our Wlog https://www.inwaster.com/post/lets-know-about-plastic-types-miscellaneous)   Real life real time solutions by knowing the various R's Note: We do recommend recycling and reusing of all types of plastic wherever possible locally. You can also check out our Inwaster platform ( https://www.inwaster.com/waste-unwrap ) to know more about us So wherever you are in your waste management/zero waste journey - write to us your questions, suggestions and feedback to help us continue informing, inspiring and innovating with our community. We look forward to hearing from you! Waste Unwrap is a production of Inwaster and hosted by Puja Mehta

    11 min
  6. 29/05/2021

    Ep3 - Raising Earth-Friendly Kids

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our third episode on "Raising Earth-Friendly Kids" as your host Puja unwrap waste, one layer at a time All of us, each and every one of us, shares one living force in common - our mother earth. If you’ve ever wondered why we call our planet Mother, it’s worth looking at the relationship our Indigenous or Adivasi population has fostered for millions of years with any piece of land they come in contact with. This close knit relationship is nurtured with immense love and care, the kind mothers are known to share with their children. Having celebrated Mother’s Day this month, let’s also celebrate and give back to our wondrous Mother Earth as she looks after us, looks out for us, and sustains us every day. In this  episode we share with you inspiring stories of raising Earth - friendly kids and giving back to Mother Earth latest waste management news and updates Moving to Cloth Diapers for kids AND real life real time solutions for Sustainable Parenting Relevant link below Amishi Parasrampuria from Upcyclers Lab (Read more about her at https://www.inwaster.com/upcyclers-lab)  Peepal Baba from Give me Trees (Read more about her at https://www.inwaster.com/give-me-trees)  Latest waste management news and updates (Read more about WNews at https://www.inwaster.com/wnews)  Our Recommendation for shifting to Cloth Diapers  Sustainable Parenting (Read more at our Wlog https://www.inwaster.com/post/sustainable-parenting-ii) You can also check out our Inwaster platform ( https://www.inwaster.com/waste-unwrap ) to know more about us So wherever you are in your waste management/zero waste journey - write to us your questions, suggestions and feedback to help us continue informing, inspiring and innovating with our community. We look forward to hearing from you! Waste Unwrap is a production of Inwaster and hosted by Puja Mehta

    10 min
  7. 24/04/2021

    Ep2: Our Earth Our Responsibility

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our second episode on "Our Earth Our Responsibility" as your host Puja unwrap waste, one layer at a time This podcast is a medium to reach out to all of you and share Innovation happening around us, amazing stories of change in Waste Management that will be an Inspiration for all of us and most importantly real life real time solutions and discussion that may Interest all of us to take a step towards a better environment ““It is our collective and individual responsibility…. To preserve and tend to the world in which we all live in” - Dalai Lama  Our earth is our home and it houses some of the most beautiful heritage sites. Have you ever wondered why these historical sites are preserved by global bodies such as UNESCO? Because they transcend national borders and carry immense value for all of humanity. These glorious sites remind us that we are the custodians of our home - our planet - which asks for only one simple thing in return. To take care of it. To nurture it. To preserve it. In this  episode we share with you Two inspiring stories of keeping our Earth clean Latest waste management news and updates Book recommendation AND Real life real time solutions for trash-less tour Find detail article in links below Waste Warriors (Read more about her at https://www.inwaster.com/waste-warriors).       Anand Malligavad (Read more about him at https://www.inwaster.com/anandmalligavad)        Latest waste management news and updates (Read more about WNews at https://www.inwaster.com/wnews)     Our book recommendation by Sahar Mansoor (Read more about her at https://www.inwaster.com/bare-necessities)       Real life real time solutions for Trash-less Tour (Read more at our Wlog https://www.inwaster.com/post/trash-less-tour) You can also check out our Inwaster platform ( https://www.inwaster.com/waste-unwrap ) to know more about us Tell us how you are taking care of our wonderful planet, what are you doing to protect it?  So wherever you are in your waste management/zero waste journey - write to us your questions, suggestions and feedback to help us continue informing, inspiring and innovating with our community. We look forward to hearing from you! Waste Unwrap is a production of Inwaster and hosted by Puja Mehta

    11 min
  8. 27/03/2021

    Ep1 - Women And Waste Management

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our very first episode on "Women & Waste Management" as your host Puja unwrap waste, one layer at a time This podcast is a medium to reach out to all of you and share Innovation happening around us, amazing stories of change in Waste Management that will be an Inspiration for all of us and most importantly real life real time solutions and discussion that may Interest all of us to take a step towards a better environment “A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change and we at Inwaster believe Women are always at the forefront of all needful changes” . In this episode we will spotlight women who are at the forefront of meaningful change -  helping keep our planet and its people healthy and sustainable. Find detail article in links below Poonam Bir Kasturi of Daily Dump (Read more about her at https://www.inwaster.com/dailydump) Parmita Sarma of Akshar Foundation (Read more about her at https://www.inwaster.com/akshar) Latest waste management news and updates (Read more about WNews at https://www.inwaster.com/wnews) How we can celebrate holi sustainably (Read more at our Wlog https://www.inwaster.com/post/make-ecofriendly-colours-at-home) Real life real time solutions for safe menstruation (Read more at our Wlog https://www.inwaster.com/post/menstruating-safe) You can also check out our Inwaster platform ( https://www.inwaster.com/waste-unwrap ) to know more about us So wherever you are in your waste management/zero waste journey - write to us your questions, suggestions and feedback to help us continue informing, inspiring and innovating with our community. We look forward to hearing from you! Waste Unwrap is a production of Inwaster and hosted by Puja Mehta

    8 min

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We at Inwaster believe immense innovation, inspiration and interest exists in the field of Waste Management. Together, let's start unwrapping waste, our love/hate relationship with it and everyday solutions that we can adopt, starting today!

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