8 afleveringen


悦食谈 (Roundtable Potluck‪)‬ Luyue Zheng

    • Gezondheid en fitness


    Ep.05 Katie Reuther: Embracing the In-Between – A Transracial Chinese Adoptee’s Journey Through Food Studies

    Ep.05 Katie Reuther: Embracing the In-Between – A Transracial Chinese Adoptee’s Journey Through Food Studies

    For transracial Chinese adoptees, standing in between is their daily reality. Their navigation of identities mirrors the uncomfortable feelings we all experience while trying to find our place in the world. How do food and cooking play a role in navigating this in-between? Tune in to learn stories from Katie Reuther.

    --Chapter Breakdown--

    Chapter 1: Introduction and Exploring Identities

    Katie’s Self-introduction (中文) (3:52)
    Story about Katie's Chinese name (5:14)
    Katie’s Self-introduction (EN) (8:11)
    Top 3 key identities to Katie (9:23)

    Chapter 2: The Academic Journey

    Transition from neuroscience to food studies (15:21).
    Overview of Katie's master research (25:52)
    Takeaways of 93-page thesis (37:23)
    Kaite’s travel and agriculture food systems learning in China (47:37)

    Chapter 3: Farm, Cooking, Family and Cultural Identity

    Growing up on a farm (56:10)
    Family food memories (58:18)
    Making and sharing mooncakes as a way to practice identity (01:02:08)
    Discussion on storytelling through food experiences (01:06:23)

    Chapter 4: Gender Identity, and Future Plans

    Discussing gender identity complexities (1:18:29).
    Generalizability and resonating with the broader audience (1:21:59).
    Katie's next steps and future plans (1:25:14).

    --Speical Guest--

    Katie Reuther is an aspiring audio producer with a Master’s in Food Studies. As a transracial Chinese adoptee, her research focuses on documenting and uplifting the stories of Asian Americans in the food system.
    Email: katiereuther1@gmail.com

    --Your Host--

    Cindy Zheng, RD, Ph.D. student in Nutritional Sciences

    📢Listen on:小宇宙,Apple Podcast,Spotify,Amazon Music
    Special Guest: Katie Reuther.
    Katie Reuther's Thesis — "In February 2018, I found myself at Nirvana Organic Farm Inn, located outside the city of Guilin in a rural part of Guangxi province. The remote farm-to-table inn was my first stop on a multimonth trip to China, my first time returning to the PRC since being adopted 23 years earlier. One evening after dinner, I sat outside with a young cook who worked at the inn and a middle school-aged girl who was staying there with her mother. The cook offered to peel us a pomelo to share, and I asked, in Mandarin, what it was called. He replied, and a look of confusion spread across the middle schooler’s face. She questioned the cook, and he explained that I was from the U.S. and only knew a limited amount of Chinese. ... " -- from Introduction.Finding Roots: Asian American Farmers in Contemporary America: — During 2020-2021, Katie Reuther documented the unique voices and experiences of 21 Asian American farmers and 1 fisherman, focusing primarily on Generation Y "Millennials." Smithsonian story — In 2023, Katie Reuther wrote for Folklife Magazine that explores how culture shapes our lives. Mooncake recipe — Save it for your 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival :)Support my podcast — Hey, please consider donating Auphonic Credits to support my production ❤

    • 1 u. 29 min.
    Ep.04 Jason Alme Pt 2: Diabetes Burnout is Real!

    Ep.04 Jason Alme Pt 2: Diabetes Burnout is Real!

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    "She's one of us!": Jason's interaction with Diabetes Educators (CDCES) from a patient standpoint. (Starting at 01:17)
    Career goals and Diabetes Camp: Delve into Jason's aspirations and his impactful experiences as a Diabetes Camp volunteer. (Starting at 05:44)
    "Diabetes burnout is real": Learn about the challenges of diabetes burnout, including dealing with annoying beeping sounds and more. (Starting at 10:29)
    Pump vocation: Discover how Jason copes with diabetes burnout. (Starting at 18:59)
    "I like to hack my sensor": Jason's love-hate relationship with the CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor). (Starting at 24:22)
    Nutrition care philosophy: Explore Jason's patient-centered approach and behavior change strategies. (Starting at 31:43)
    Gender and dietetics: Jason shares his experiences and thoughts on being a male dietetic student in the field. (Starting at 39:20)

    --Your Host--

    Cindy Zheng, RD, Ph.D. student in Nutritional Sciences

    --Speical Guest---

    Jason Alme, Nutrition Science Crew, podcaster
    Podcasts he produces: @Abcb Café @Pop Culture Mass @Creatures of the Night
    Twitter @JasonAlme
    Email: jason.alme@teamalme.com
    Website: https://www.teamalme.com/

    📢Listen on:小宇宙,Apple Podcast,Spotify,Amazon Music

    • 47 min.
    Ep.04 Jason Alme Pt 1: Turning Diagnosis into Inspiration - My Path to a Master's in Nutrition

    Ep.04 Jason Alme Pt 1: Turning Diagnosis into Inspiration - My Path to a Master's in Nutrition

    In this episode, I interview Jason Alme who is currently pursuing an accelerated Master of Science in Nutrition Science with the goal of becoming a registered dietitian. By listening to this episode, you will learn:

    Jason’s change in relationship with food and health following the diagnosis (4:37)
    His busy workday routine as a graduate student, father of two kids, and adult managing diabetes (13:58)
    Best practices of nutrition education in his household (❗Spoiler alert: Jason’s wife is an RD- the nutrition couple) (23:12)
    Importance and benefits of embracing the joy of food (27:17)
    Development of self-coping skills in diabetes management (from technology use to insurance) (36:35)

    --Your Host--
    Cindy Zheng, RD, Ph.D. student in Nutritional Sciences

    --Speical Guest---
    Jason Alme, Nutrition Science Crew, podcaster
    Podcasts he produces: @Abcb Café @Pop Culture Mass @Creatures of the Night
    Twitter @Jason_Alme
    Email: jason.alme@teamalme.com
    Website: https://www.teamalme.com/

    Whether you struggle with diabetes management or are interested in the nutrition field, this episode provides valuable insights on disease management and can empower individuals in the type 1 community to navigate bad days and chase your dreams.

    📢Listen on:小宇宙,Apple Podcast,Spotify,Amazon Music

    • 49 min.
    Ep.03 对话张亚捷 (下):海归职场成长,对抗内耗、思考不确定性及体制

    Ep.03 对话张亚捷 (下):海归职场成长,对抗内耗、思考不确定性及体制


    璐悦,美国注册营养师,营养科学博士一年级 (@小红书 悦食分子)

    张亚捷,注册营养师,联合国儿基会母乳喂养咨询项目师资,中国营养学会医用食品与营养支持分会秘书。海外华人营养师交流组织DO(Dietetics Overseas)创办人。曾就职于中国营养学会,协助起草注册营养师相关制度文件,组织注册营养师全国统一考试。现任职于上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院/上海市儿科医学研究所,研究领域:注册营养师制度,母乳成分,以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇,中文核心期刊论文2篇。

    02:42 亚捷:落差感的三大来源 1) 薪资; 2) 政策支持; 3) 大众认知
    04:52 当我们抱怨制度不完美时
    07:22 自我和解与自我完善
    08:38 亚捷:给做咨询的时候,我感觉跟自己更近
    10:48 亚捷:爱具体的人,以饮食减重咨询为例
    14:59 亚捷:我们的职业可以满足到各方面(精神)需求
    15:40 亚捷:我工作和生活的时候一样,所以就减少了内耗
    17:24 营养师职业的大众认知:两个阶段的思考
    19:57 注册营养师的「注册」这俩字眼:是有学历要求的好嘛!
    23:40 在中国,怎么成为注册营养师?哪里查询信息?
    25:02 我们的注册营养师制度细化空间:哪里还是短板?
    28:00 持注册营养师证在中国医院工作:认可度如何?
    31:14 亚捷:早做职业规划!!! 不满意,要趁早决策考虑换专业
    37:55 实干派讨论:我们怎么让这个行业更好?
    41:44 职场修炼秘籍:做好自己的事情,做具体的事情,找自己的落脚点
    47:26 🤗听友提问回答:在美国学了什么科目?国内国外营养师什么不同?




    大胆评论区留言告诉我你的想法或疑问,也可以邮箱联系我 potluck.podcast@outlook.com

    音乐:Title: Kids || Artist: Igor Khainskyi

    📢收听平台:小宇宙,Apple Podcast,Spotify,Amazon Music

    • 52 min.
    Ep.03 对话张亚捷 (上):注册营养师的就业,我们从零到一,螺旋式前进

    Ep.03 对话张亚捷 (上):注册营养师的就业,我们从零到一,螺旋式前进


    璐悦,美国注册营养师,营养科学博士一年级 (@小红书 悦食分子)
    张亚捷,注册营养师,联合国儿基会母乳喂养咨询项目师资,中国营养学会医用食品与营养支持分会秘书。海外华人营养师交流组织DO(Dietetics Overseas)创办人。曾就职于中国营养学会,协助起草注册营养师相关制度文件,组织注册营养师全国统一考试。现任职于上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院/上海市儿科医学研究所,研究领域:注册营养师制度,母乳成分,以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇,中文核心期刊论文2篇。

    02:55 亚捷:我没想过要在美国就业,毕业后直接回来了
    06:35 从美国营养学会组织架构看「营养师」职业发展
    09:19 亚捷:费城那年的FNCE,我参与了最低职业门槛的内部讨论
    12:58 亚捷:我为什么选择营养这个专业?
    18:10 营养师的就业烦恼:混乱的,不稳定的,同时充满机遇
    21:44 亚捷:问卷「海外营养学专业毕业生回国就业情况」是我一直想做的
    24:38 问卷结果初期分享(一):为什么选择营养专业?(part1)
    26:39 老师说认为自己家里算有钱的请坐下,然后都坐下了(⊙o⊙)
    29:15 问卷结果初期分享(一):为什么选择营养专业?(part2)
    32:15 问卷结果初期分享(二):回国就业动机
    33:47 问卷结果初期分享(三):就业场所(回国前做什么岗位)
    35:35 毕业第一份工作选优先做临床相关的吗?
    38:15 问卷结果初期分享(四):12国留学样本(美国、加拿大、澳洲和日本等)
    41:27 问卷结果初期分享(五):性别比例,男性占比?
    46:14 留学生回国,落差感与适应


    FNCE:全称Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo® 是世界上最大的食品、营养和营养学专家会议,旨在解决影响全球个人和社区健康的关键问题。2023年会议将在美国科罗拉多州的丹佛举办。
    美国营养师学会:AND (the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics),该学会代表超过 112,000 名获得认证的营养学从业者,是世界上最大的食品和营养专业组织。 其致力于通过研究、教育和宣传来改善国民健康并促进营养学专业的发展。
    JD:job description,职位描述


    张亚捷, 王晓黎, 沈秀华, 等. 美国注册营养师体系发展浅析[J]. 营养学报, 2021, 43(5): 504-508.


    • 48 min.
    Ep.02 对话郭欣:弃博士转营养师,成为了糖尿病护理与教育专家,我很喜欢我现在的工作

    Ep.02 对话郭欣:弃博士转营养师,成为了糖尿病护理与教育专家,我很喜欢我现在的工作

    糖尿病是饮食相关的慢性疾病中非常受大众关注的,目前全球范围来看,十位成年人中就有一位是患有糖尿病,因而不少注册营养师对糖尿病的干预和护理有兴趣,那考取「糖尿病护理与教育专家」(certified diabetes care and education specialist,CDCES)自然成为了专攻糖尿病方向营养师的职业发展基石。

    璐悦,美国注册营养师,营养科学博士一年级 (@小红书 悦食分子)

    02:14 郭欣:我们的工作很“杂”,还涵盖和保险公司打交道
    04:24 成为CDCES的门槛:2000小时相关工作时长怎么攒?
    09:20 CDCES的回报率: 工资涨多少?
    11:55 郭欣:儿童医院工作日常,幕后工作揭秘
    15:43 印象深刻的住院部故事:那天正好是8岁小女孩的生日
    19:02 小朋友的典型一型确诊经历:糖尿酮症酸中毒DKA送急诊→为家长提供为期两天的糖尿病教育→出院前预约回访→定期每三个月回访
    24:35 控糖出色的必要不充分条件:小朋友和家长都得上心
    26:43 国内糖尿病人群的常见认知误区
    28:30 在医院和同事们的相处
    30:15 郭欣:这个工作给我带来了很多幸福感
    39:32 郭欣:弃博士读营养师的选择
    44:50 顶着身份问题找工作,还被移民局坑,是真的难!
    51:08 找工作和面试的经验分享
    58:06 从我到我们:营养师这个群里一起可以做什么?
    1:02:21 联名给美国营养协会(AND) 致信的后续
    1:09:25 最后的补充:CDCES和营养师RD的工作内容很不一样,time log怎么搞,关于营养学知识的误区


    备考:(1)郭欣认为很有用的备考书Certified Diabetes Educator Exam Secrets Study Guide ;(2)郭欣说很重要得看的ADA每年更新的Standards of Care in Diabetes (3)郭欣认为太太太厚不大有用的书 👀 The Art and Science of Diabetes Care and Education


    大胆评论区留言告诉我你的想法或疑问,也可以邮箱联系我 potluck.podcast@outlook.com

    音乐:Title: Kids || Artist: Igor Khainskyi (片头)

    📢收听平台:小宇宙,Apple Podcast,Spotify,Amazon Music


    • 1 u. 17 min.

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