Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD

David Mendes, PhD
Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD

What can you do with a PhD? Do you wonder what career you can aim for with a graduate degree? Do you fear you'll be unemployable as a PhD or after a postdoc? If these are questions you ask yourself, Papa PhD will help you dispel them by bringing you the career journeys and insights of MSc and PhD graduates around the world on job searching, skills development, networking, entrepreneurship, mental health, and more. | | |


    Being Your Own Best Boss in Academia With Dr. Vikki Wright

    Welcome to another episode of Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD, where we're diving deep into the world of academia with Dr. Vikki Wright. Dr. Wright, the founder of The PhD Life Coach, joins David Mendes to share her journey from a full professorship at the University of Birmingham to becoming a life coach empowering PhD students and academics to thrive in their careers. In this episode, we'll explore how she transitioned from a research-focused role to a teaching and coaching path, emphasizing the importance of finding fulfillment in academic spaces. Vikki shares her insights on developing transferable skills, managing stress, and being your own best boss in academia. Whether you're struggling with negative self-talk, feeling overwhelmed with the demands of academic life, or simply looking for inspiration on how to navigate your academic career, this episode is packed with valuable advice and insights. Tune in to hear how Dr. Vikki Wright's experiences and coaching philosophy can help you craft a more fulfilling academic journey. Dr Vikki Wright is the founder of The PhD Life Coach, where she provides a group coaching programme for PhD students as well as one-to-one coaching and online courses. She was a full Professor at the University of Birmingham in the UK until 2022, specialising in both how stress affects health and how to develop transferable skills in PhD students. She hosts The PhD Life Coach podcast which helps PhD students and academics get less overwhelmed and enjoy their work. What we covered in the interview: 🎢 Embrace Diverse Opportunities: Dr. Wright emphasizes the value of multidisciplinary work and collaboration. Don't be afraid to volunteer for projects outside your immediate research area—this can lead to new, exciting career paths!. 👍 Be Your Own Best Boss: Avoid being your harshest critic. Treat yourself kindly, set realistic goals for yourself, and celebrate your achievements. Self-compassion can make your academic journey more fulfilling and less stressful. 🧠 Cultivate Effective Organizational Skills: Successful management of tasks and time is crucial in graduate school and as an academic. Find tools that work for you and remember—it's okay to use them imperfectly. What matters is finding the ones that fit your needs and being as consistent as you can. 🎧 Tune into the full episode to hear more insights from Dr. Wright on navigating academia with confidence and joy! 🎙️✨ 🔗See the resources section below for her links! This episode’s resources: The PhD Life Coach | Website Be Your Own Best Boss Coach | Enroll in the course! Thank you, Dr. Vikki Wright! If you enjoyed this conversation with Dr. Wright, let her know by clicking the link below and leaving her  a message on Linkedin: Send Dr. Vikki Wright a message on Linkedin! Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David! You might also like the following episodes: Claudia Belliveau – PhD Job Hunt Best Practices Kelly Guenther and Keri Ohlrich – Making Career Pivots Without Fear Matteo Tardelli – Identifying Your Core Values For The Job Hunt Alessandra Wall – Positioning Yourself Outside Academia

    59 min
  2. 13 FEB.

    PhD Job Hunt Best Practices With Claudia Belliveau

    Welcome to another episode of Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD!In this episode of Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD, your host David Mendes sits down for a meaningful chat with Claudia, who just wrapped up her PhD and is now stepping into the pharmaceutical industry. They explore Claudia's experiences during her time in graduate school, including her struggles with impostor syndrome, and the proactive steps she took to get ready for life after her thesis. David and Claudia dive into the significance of networking, the art of telling your story in job applications, and the crucial but sometimes neglected skill of negotiating your salary. Claudia also shares some handy tips for navigating the job search, including a Notion dashboard she created to streamline her applications and networking activities. You can expect to pick up some valuable advice on how to tackle the hurdles that come with leaving academia behind and the essential role mental health plays in finding fulfillment in your career. Whether you’re currently in a master's or a PhD program or thinking about making a switch to industry, this episode is packed with insights and inspiration to help you carve out your own path beyond the thesis. Claudia Belliveau  holds a PhD in Neuroscience from McGill University and is passionate about making science accessible to all. During her PhD, she founded a scientific consulting company to bridge the gap between science and the public. Alongside her consulting work, she runs a popular Instagram platform with 76,000 followers, where she shares tips, resources, and relatable content for students and researchers. Claudia now works full-time as a freelance scientific consultant and content creator while navigating the transition from academia to the pharmaceutical industry. What we covered in the interview: 💎 Build Authentic Connections: Claudia did something pretty awesome—she reached out for informational interviews on LinkedIn and focused on making real connections. It’s not just about asking for job openings; it’s about engaging in genuine conversations and keeping those relationships alive.⚙ Translate Your Skills for Industry: Sometimes our academic experiences don’t easily translate to the professional world. Claudia tackled this by working with a coach who helped her tell her story in a way that really resonates with folks in the pharmaceutical industry.💪 Stay Open and Resilient: Stepping into a new industry can feel pretty overwhelming, and it doesn’t always happen overnight. But here’s the thing: perseverance really does pay off! Claudia kept at it, networking, refining her skills, and perfecting her personal narrative, and slowly but surely, she started to see those doors open up. It’s all about keeping that momentum going and being ready for new opportunities!🎧 Dive into Claudia's journey and get inspired in your own pivot by listening to the full episode. The next step in your post-PhD career might just be a conversation away!🔗See the resources section below for Claudia's links! This episode’s resources: C. Belliveau Science | InstagramClaudia's Notion job search dashboard | Webpage Thank you, Claudia Belliveau! If you enjoyed this conversation with Claudia, let her know by clicking the link below and leaving her  a message on Linkedin:Send Claudia Belliveau a message on Linkedin!Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David! You might also like the following episodes: Sara Thompson – Out of the Box Careers Post-PhDKelly Guenther and Keri Ohlrich – Making Career Pivots Without FearMatteo Tardelli – Identifying Your Core Values For The Job HuntAlessandra Wall – Positioning Yourself Outside Academia

    1u 18m
  3. 6 FEB.

    Dans Les Coulisses de la Recherche - 5 ans à enseigner la vulgarisation scientifique à l'IRIC

    Bienvenue dans cet épisode spécial d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD où je pars derrière le rideau d'un événement unique en son genre : "Dans les coulisses de la recherche". Dans cet épisode spécial, j'accueille dans un format table ronde Sophie-Andrée Blondin, animatrice de l'émission Les Années Lumière sur ICI Première, Thomas Milan, communicateur scientifique et fondateur de l'événement, ainsi que Laurence Côté, doctorante à l'IRIC et participante à l'évènement. Ensemble, on a discuté de l'importance de la vulgarisation scientifique, de l'évolution de la communication dans le domaine de la recherche fondamentale et des défis que la communication de la science comporte dans notre société aujourd'hui. L'échange était riche et dynamique te donnera un aperçu inspirant de comment chercheurs et grand public peuvent dialoguer et s'enrichir mutuellement au travers de la science. Lance l'épisode sur ta plateforme préférée et plonge avec nous au cœur de la recherche et de la communication scientifique. On a parlé, entre autres : Du format original des coulisses de la recherche : L'événement prend une approche unique avec un "speed dating" scientifique, permettant aux jeunes chercheur·e·s de présenter leurs recherches au grand public de manière conviviale et interactive.De l'importance de la formation des jeunes scientifiques en vulgarisation : L'importance de former les jeunes scientifiques à la communication est cruciale, non seulement pour partager leur travail, mais aussi pour renforcer leurs compétences professionnelles.De l'impact de la science et de la vulgarisation scientifique sur le public : Les événements comme celui-ci démontrent l'engagement croissant des scientifiques à expliquer l'impact de leur recherche et à promouvoir la compréhension scientifique parmi le public.Tu aimes Papa PhD ? Laisse-moi un commentaire > ici - une courte phrase suffit ! Et inclus ton identifiant Twitter – comme ça je pourrai te remercier personnellement !Si cet épisode spécial Dans les coulisses de la recherche t'a plu, fais-leur en part en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous et en leur laissant un message sur Facebook :Clique ici pour remercier l'équipe des coulisses de la recherche sur Facebook !Clique ici pour partager avec David le principal message que tu retiens de cet épisode !Si tu trouves de la valeur dans le contenu que je t'apporte chaque semaine, clique sur l'un des boutons ci-dessous et renvoie-moi l'ascenceur :) Don sur PayPal Deviens supporter sur Patreon ! Ou paye-moi un café :) Tu aimeras aussi ces épisodes : Boucar Diouf – Le doctorat - un passeport vers la créativité : Carli - La vulgarisation grand public : Bernard – Déboulonner la pseudoscience : Beaudry – Le doctorat - quand arrêter ? :

    1u 5m
  4. 30 JAN.

    How to Embrace Career Pivots Without Fear With Kelly Guenther and Keri Ohlrich

    Welcome back to Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD!I'm your host, David Mendes, and today, we delve deep into the art of pivoting professionally without fear. In this episode we are joined by two extraordinary guests, Kelly Gunther and Dr. Keri Ohlrich, cofounders of Abbracci Group and cohosts of the Breakout podcast. In this episode, we explore the complex and often challenging process of stepping out of life's predestined boxes—the expectations set by society, family, and even ourselves. Kelly and Keri share their personal stories, professional insights, and the powerful narratives of those who have made brave, life-altering changes. Whether it's questioning established norms or boldly deciding to follow a different path, our guests provide a model called the "BREAK" model to help individuals navigate these transitions authentically. Kelly GuentherKeri Ohlrich, Ph. D.Keri Ohlrich, PhD, has more than twenty years of experience on the front lines of human resources, working in leadership positions at a variety of organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. As co-founder of Abbracci Group and coauthor of The Way of the HR Warrior, he continues her mission to share insights from these experiences with others who are passionate about HR excellence. She co-hosts The Breakout podcast to get advice and insights from people breaking free from expectations and shares her experience as a regular guest on many other podcasts, in industry interviews and articles, as well as speaking engagements in the US and abroad.Kelly Guenther is co-founder of Abbracci Group and co-host of The Breakout podcast, in which she brings a holistic approach to HR, focusing not only on the organization but also on the individuals who create the team. She has led sales training programs and certification processes for over 500 VPs, sales executives, and branch managers. Her passion for and commitment to delivering exceptional results has proudly earned her trusted advisor status with her clients. What we covered in the interview: 🧠 Embrace and Understand Your Boxes: We often find ourselves confined in boxes created by societal norms or personal expectations. It’s essential to recognize these boxes and understand their impact on our lives.🤝 The Importance of a Support System: Surround yourself with cheerleaders and lifelong learners. Having advocates who believe in you and encourage your growth can make all the difference.💪 Practice Positive Self-Talk: There's immense power in how we speak to ourselves. Transitioning from negative to positive self-talk can propel you forward, even when facing challenges.🎧 Dive into the full episode to explore more insights on creative pivoting and embracing change.📚 For those interested in digging deeper, check out Kelly and Keri's book, "Whatever the Hell You Want". It's a beacon for anyone looking to break out of limiting boxes and live an authentic life.Let's champion creativity, support one another, and build a network that fosters growth and positive change!🔗See the resources section below for Keri's and Kelly's links! This episode’s resources: The Breakdown Podcast | FacebookThe Breakdown Podcast | InstagramAbbracci Group | LinkedIn Thank you, Kelly Guenther and Keri Ohlrich! If you enjoyed this conversation with Kelly and Keri, let them know by clicking the link below and leaving them  a message on Linkedin:Send Kelly Guenther a message on Linkedin!Send Keri Ohlrich a message on Linkedin!Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David! You might also like the following episodes: Sara Thompson – Out of the Box Careers Post-PhDMary Poffenroth –Navigating Our Fear of ChangeMatteo Tardelli – Identifying Your Core Values For The Job HuntAlessandra Wall – Positioning Yourself Outside Academia

    58 min
  5. 23 JAN.

    Le doctorat : décider d'arrêter – avec Myriam Beaudry

    Bienvenue à ce nouvel épisode d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD ! Aujourd'hui, on vous apporte la récente conversation de David Mendes avec Myriam Beaudry, nutritionniste de formation et travailleuse autonome, sur son parcours académique et sur les défis qui l'ont menée à prendre la décision difficile d'arrêter son doctorat.Myriam nous parle de la suspension de session, un mécanisme universitaire permettant de faire une pause sans quitter le programme, et de l'importance de prendre soin de sa santé mentale dans un environnement académique où le stress abonde. Elle partage ses expériences personnelles de réflexion et de réévaluation, soulignant qu'il est essentiel de s'écouter et de suivre son intuition quand il s'agit de prendre des décisions importantes. Au long de l'entrevue, tu apprendras comment Myriam a réussi à surmonter ses défis, comment elle a trouvé du soutien auprès de ses proches et comment elle a forgé une nouvelle voie professionnelle tout en restant fidèle à sa passion pour la science. Reste à l'écoute pour une conversation sincère et inspirante sur l'importance de prendre des décisions éclairées pour son bien-être et son bonheur professionnel. Myriam Beaudry est membre de l’Ordre des nutritionnistes-diététistes du Québec. Elle a a complété son baccalauréat en sciences de la nutrition à l’Université d’Ottawa e est également détentrice d’une maîtrise en nutrition de l’Université de Montréal. Myriam a à cœur de conjuguer science et bienveillance par la communication au public.Vulgarisatrice hors-pair, elle donne libre cours à sa créativité et à son plaisir de communiquer sa passion via sa plateforme Instagram (myriam.beaudry.dtp), les médias traditionnels, des balados et sa pratique clinique. Au-delà de sa profession, Myriam est une cycliste passionnée, une personne curieuse, bienveillante et qui est toujours ouverte à élargir ses horizons par le biais de conversations respectueuses. Points à retenir : 🧘‍♀️ Réflexion personnelle et bien-être : Prends le temps de réfléchir à ta carrière et à votre développement personnel. Ce n'est jamais un échec de réorienter sa vie professionnelle pour aller vers ce qui nous rend heureux.🔑 Écoute de soi et de ses besoins : Écoute les signaux de ton corps et de ton esprit. Il est normal de ressentir le besoin de s'arrêter et de prendre du recul pour se ressourcer.🔑 Soutien et communication : Il est primordial d'aborder les thèmes de la santé mentale et de la pression académique ouvertement. En partageant ton expérience et en demandant de l'aide tu peux faire une grande différence.🎧 Ne manque pas cet épisode inspirant et encourageant sur un sujet souvent tabou. Écoute-le et laisse-nous ton retour sur LinkedIn ou YouTube! #BienÊtreAcadémique #SantéMentale #ChangementDeCarrière #AuDelàDeLaThèse Les ressources de cet épisode : myriam.beaudry.dtp | InstagramScienceRadioBalado | InstagramTête-à-tête avec la science | Spotify Merci Myriam ! Si cet entretien avec Myriam Beaudry t'a plu, fais-lui en part en laissant un commentaire sur ta plateforme d'écoute préférée. Je le lui transmettrai avec plaisir.Tu peux aussi laisser ton commentaire sur X en utilisant ce lien !Si tu trouves de la valeur dans le contenu que je t'apporte chaque semaine, clique sur l'un des boutons ci-dessous et renvoie-moi l'ascenceur :) Don sur PayPal Deviens supporter sur Patreon ! Ou paye-moi un café :) Tu aimeras aussi ces épisodes : Boucar Diouf – Le doctorat - un passeport vers la créativité : Carli - La vulgarisation grand public : Bernard – Déboulonner la pseudoscience : PapaPhD.

    1u 15m
  6. 16 JAN.

    How to Uncover Your Core Values With Matteo Tardelli

    Welcome back to Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD!I'm your host, David Mendes, and today, I'm thrilled to dive into an enlightening conversation with Matteo Tardelli, a seasoned professional in the biotech sector and an advocate for aligning career choices with personal values. In this episode, Matteo opens up about the intricate process of uncovering one's core values and how they play a pivotal role in making fulfilling career decisions.We'll explore his journey from academia to industry, touching on his experiences and challenges in job hunting, especially in the realms of biotech and consulting. Matteo also shares practical advice on conducting thorough company research, the significance of informational interviews, and the importance of introspection in the job search process. Additionally, Matteo will discuss his latest book, "Beyond Academia: Stories and Strategies for PhDs Making the Leap," offering invaluable insights for PhD students navigating transitions outside academia.Get ready for an episode filled with actionable strategies, personal anecdotes, and thought-provoking discussions that can help you align your career path with your personal values and find true satisfaction in your professional life. Tune in and let's go beyond the thesis with Matteo Tardelli! Matteo Tardelli transitioned from academia to biotech, management consulting, and MedTech, and now heehelps other PhDs do the same by providing actionable steps and execution plans.His work has been featured in publications such as Nature Careers, Chemistry World, The Biochemist, and Inside Higher Ed. Matteo has spoken on post-PhD career success at Ivy League institutions and has been invited as a panellist at career development conferences across the U.S. and Europe.As the author of The Salmon Leap for PhDs: Swimming Upstream – A Transition from Academia to Industry (2020) and Beyond Academia: Stories and Strategies for PhDs Making the Leap to Industry (2023), his books have become essential reading in the PhD career development space, selling over 4,000 copies on Amazon. His latest book, Beyond Academia, has garnered over 100 positive reviews on the platform. Additionally, he recently launched the BA Newsletter, which features human stories on PhD careers and has already gained hundreds of subscribers. What we covered in the interview: 💎 Identify Your Core Values: Matteo emphasizes the importance of understanding your core values to align your career with what truly matters to you. This might include proximity to family or maintaining a flexible work schedule.🧭 Thorough Job Research: Before applying to a company, conduct informational interviews and connect with former employees on LinkedIn. This due diligence can provide invaluable insights into the company culture and help you avoid potential mismatches.♻️ Genuine Communication: Authenticity in job interviews is crucial. Matteo stresses being straightforward about your values and skills rather than trying to fit an expected mold. This transparency helps ensure your job role aligns perfectly with your personal and professional life.Matteo's journey and advice can be a game-changer for anyone looking to make informed and value-driven career decisions.🌟 For more insights and actionable strategies, listen to the full episode! 🌟🔗See the resources section below for MAtteo's links! This episode’s resources: Matteo Tardelli's Substack | beyondacademiaphd.substack.comMatteo's Twitter | @salmon_phdHis latest book | Beyond Academia Thank you, Matteo Tardelli! If you enjoyed this conversation with Matteo, let him know by clicking the link below and leaving him a message on Linkedin:Send Matteo a message on Linkedin!Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David! You might also like the following episodes:

    1u 8m
  7. 9 JAN.

    Navigating Our Fear of Change With Mary Poffenroth

    Welcome to another enlightning episode of Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD!This week, I delve into the intricacies of fear and courage with my guest, Mary Poffenroth. During this discussion about navigating the fear of change, especially relevant for graduate students and early-career professionals facing uncertainty about the future, Mary shares her rich experiences, from studying at Imperial College London to her groundbreaking work on fear and bravery, which has graced the pages of major publications like Forbes, Time, and National Geographic. In this episode, you'll discover practical "neurohacks" designed to help manage fear and anxiety—tools that are accessible to everyone, whether you're dealing with stage fright or the unpredictability of the job market. Additionally, Mary emphasizes the importance of face-to-face networking, finding your niche, and the often misunderstood relationship between fear and courage.Tune in to hear actionable insights, gripping personal stories, and how you, too, can reframe challenges as growth opportunities, all while making fear a less taboo subject. Whether you're navigating academic pressures or career transitions, this episode offers invaluable advice on building resilience and embracing change. Dr. Mary Poffenroth is a scientist, professor, and fear expert who has spent her career researching how we can all live more courageously, every day. From being adopted at birth to being the first – and only – family member to attend college to her first day at NASA and beyond, Mary has dedicated her life to understanding how best to do scary things. Her work has been featured in publications such as Forbes, TIME, Science, TED, Entrepreneur, the Wall Street Journal, SUCCESS Magazine, and Fast Company. Mary has three master’s degrees (biology, psychology, science communication) and a PhD in psychology. Mary shares some of her best stories and strongest courage building, fear fighting neurohacks in her book Brave New You (Hachette, October 2024). What we covered in the interview: 🧠 Neurohacks for Fear Management: Mary shared practical tools like "box breathing" and scent-based techniques to quickly mitigate fear responses. She even demonstrated the calming effect of massaging the area between the thumb and index finger.🧘 The RAIN Method Learn to recognize, assign, identify, and navigate your fears. This method helps you understand the physical signals of stress and categorize them, making it easier to manage and overcome anxiety.♻️ Reframing Rejection: We discussed viewing rejection as a growth opportunity. Think of dealing with setbacks like playing a challenging video game—consistency and persistence are key to success.🔗See the resources section below for Mary's links! This episode’s resources: Website | MaryPoffenroth.comNeurohack card deck | HelloBraveNewYou.comInstagram | @marypoffenroth Twitter | @MaryPoffenrothFacebook | @marypoffenrothTikTok | @marypoffenroth Thank you, Mary Poffenroth! If you enjoyed this conversation with Mary, let her know by clicking the link below and leaving her a message on Linkedin:Send Mary a message on Linkedin!Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David! You might also like the following episodes: Sara Thompson – Out of the Box Careers Post-PhDJessica Schleider (Rerun) –Dealing With Mental UnrestAndrew Ceperley – Building Fulfilling Academia Adjacent CareersAlessandra Wall – Positioning Yourself Outside Academia

    1u 1m
  8. 2 JAN.

    My 2025 Wish For You - Have Great Conversations

    Join the Beyond the Thesis Skool community! Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD! I took some time in the middle of my family vacations to record a very short minisode and send you my 2025 wishes of a year full of enriching conversations!Listen through and you will also find a great reading recommendation for this coming year and a call for listener 2025 wishes! Episode Transcript Welcome to Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD, the podcast that delves into the diverse and impactful roles scientists can play beyond the lab. With me, David Mendes. Hi. David Mendes here and I hope you've had a great holiday break and that 2025 is starting, in the best way possible for you. I've been on break with my family. My kids are still on vacation and so I'm taking a little time to say hi, to wish you a happy 2025 full of the best projects, full of the best results and also to share my wish for you for this coming year. I myself am betting heavily this year on really investing in networking, in meeting and talking with more people outside my, let's say, my comfort zone, outside my immediate circle, and I really, really hope that you can do the same. It's really easy to go through a year so fast and talk to the same, you know, dozen people who are around us in the lab. But it is really, really important for you who are a burgeoning scientist, a burgeoning researcher to expand your network. And meaning also, not only to expand your network in your domain, but to expand the the diversity that exists in your network. Meet people from government, you know, from policy, meet people from industry, get to know how they got the job they got, get to know how you can contribute. It's gonna be more and more important for you to be able to know what's happening outside the walls of university because those places are probably where you are going to eventually land professionally and you really want to land there knowing the terrain or at least having some knowledge of the terrain already. And there's no better way of doing it than talking with people who are who are there, who've been there 5 years, 10 years, who have the same or or whoever Jason, Jason profiles to yours scientifically and to hear their stories of how they got there. I am going to I'm not at the same stage buying, but I'm going to try and do the same, with the podcast, for example, And I I really, really wish for you that this year that's that's starting is gonna be filled with surprising, interesting, enriching, and real and human conversations that will lead you to have a better and better grasp on what is out there professionally for you, but more importantly, where you feel that you are going to fit once you get your degree or or where you're going to fit once you you, you know, finish whichever professional pivot you are in right now. For me, one of the ways I'm going to do this is to get closer to you, the listener. And the first way that I'm doing this, I've just created at the end of last year, a community on It's easy to find. You go to and the community is there. It's a burgeoning, small community of people like you trying to figure out their, you know, the next chapter for their career, be it because they're finishing a degree or because they're pivoting after a first or second job after their their degree. But like I said, my goal with the community is to be able to talk directly with you, and that's why one of the things I do on school is to have regular live sessions, each week, 3 times a week. So you you get to talk directly with me, with other people if they're there too, but you get direct access to me. But also, the other thing that I'm doing there is I'm creating some free courses that I'm publishing there and there only, plus the community is going to have priority in accessing other training or mentoring that I am go...

    8 min

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What can you do with a PhD? Do you wonder what career you can aim for with a graduate degree? Do you fear you'll be unemployable as a PhD or after a postdoc? If these are questions you ask yourself, Papa PhD will help you dispel them by bringing you the career journeys and insights of MSc and PhD graduates around the world on job searching, skills development, networking, entrepreneurship, mental health, and more. | | |

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