Cults to Consciousness

Shelise Ann Sola
Cults to Consciousness

Cult survivor stories. Hi! I’m Shelise Ann Sola— former devout Mormon. On C2C, my husband Jonathan and I dive deep into the nuance of cultic organizations and coercive manipulators. We are not anti-religious, but anti-abuse, and shed light in dark places to bring compassion, understanding and accountability. Together we discover how our guests find independence and healing through awareness and true individual sovereignty.

  1. Her Many Attempts to Escape INCEST Polygamy Cult Forcibly Led to In-Patient Facility

    9 JAN

    Her Many Attempts to Escape INCEST Polygamy Cult Forcibly Led to In-Patient Facility

    CW: mentions of attempted suicide & infant abuse From a young age Priscilla was learning about how she would become a plural wife one day while simultaneously plotting her escape. She would have many failed attempts due to The Order’s desperate need to marry her off to one of her family members with the intention of making several children. They captured her and sent her to a facility to “break her” and when that didn’t work, they tried buying her with promises of fulfilled dreams and large homes. Seeing through the con and not wanting to marry her polygamous uncle, or multiple different cousins who propositioned her, she continued fighting to get out. Watch this episode on YouTube Find Priscilla! IG @pr1sc1ll4 We want to meet you in real life!  Come adventure with us on our 2nd C2C VACATION!  Click here to go to the official booking page:  Subscribe to our C2C "CLIPS" Channel! Support C2C - Any donations are welcome and appreciated to support the making of this podcast. Our Merch! Patreon: Venmo @sheliseann Website Find Shelise on Social media! Instagram @cultstoconsciousness Host Instagram @sheliseann TikTok Twitter @cultstocon Theme Song Produced and Composed by Christian Guevara **Disclaimer: Thanks for joining us at Cults to Consciousness. This storytelling podcast is meant to be for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for medical advice. We may discuss triggering topics and we ask that you make your personal mental health a priority. Lastly, the opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host.** Chapter Markers 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:08 Pricilla's family dynamic 00:05:27 How Pricilla's step dad treated the children in the family and why he never had other wives 00:07:26 Working overnight for The Order and going to school 00:08:17 What life was like for Pricilla's mom 00:10:44 How it felt to be singled out and why Pricilla was "othered" 00:13:16 What Pricilla thought about The Order's beliefs growing up 00:14:07 How old was Pricilla when she first began preparing for marriage? 00:15:52 How Pricilla felt about polygamy as a kid 00:18:26 Pricilla's escape attempts as a child 00:22:10 Pricilla's family takes drastic measures to lure her back into The Order 00:23:10 Pricilla's experience in the safe-house 00:30:17 How the facility changed Pricilla's mindset 00:33:24 What life was like in the facility and how it broke girls' spirits 00:34:51 How the facility emphasized The Order's teachings about women 00:37:27 How the facility changed Priscilla and her relationship with her mother 00:37:55 TW: su*cide attempts 00:39:55 Priscilla's family was pushing her to marry her cousin or UNCLE! 00:47:39 Pricilla gets out of the facility and continues to fight to leave 00:47:52 TW: depiction of infant ab*se 00:50:44 Hanging out with cousins goes wrong 01:00:16 Priscilla escapes for the last time 01:03:22 Learning to survive in Vegas including going to school 01:05:33 Reconnecting with family 01:08:04 How is Pricilla doing now? 01:11:11 Linda, listen

    1u 13m
  2. Kept From His Father’s Death Bed For Leaving Polygamist Cult

    5 JAN

    Kept From His Father’s Death Bed For Leaving Polygamist Cult

    Calvin Wayman was born and raised in an offshoot polygamist sect of FLDS called “The Work”. With 44 siblings, a “Wayman” was just about every person he knew in his life. Even more taxing than his childhood trauma, was the trauma he experienced as an adult when he escaped at 30 years old. His life turned upside down— with the threat of his eternal salvation in jeopardy, while fighting against everything he was taught to believe, and on top of that being shunned and accosted by his loved ones— things came to a head for Calvin when he returned to see his Father on his death bed. He didn’t have the priesthood, therefore, he wasn’t allowed in. But this wasn’t the real reason Calvin didn’t push his way in. Watch Calvin 1st interview here Watch Calvin's 2nd interview here Calvin’s YT IG: @Calvinwayman We want to meet you in real life!  Come adventure with us on our 2nd C2C VACATION!  Click here to go to the official booking page:  Subscribe to our C2C "CLIPS" Channel! Support C2C - Any donations are welcome and appreciated to support the making of this podcast. Our Merch! Patreon: Venmo @sheliseann Website Find Shelise on Social media! Instagram @cultstoconsciousness Host Instagram @sheliseann TikTok Twitter @cultstocon Theme Song Produced and Composed by Christian Guevara **Disclaimer: Thanks for joining us at Cults to Consciousness. This storytelling podcast is meant to be for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for medical advice. We may discuss triggering topics and we ask that you make your personal mental health a priority. Lastly, the opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host.** 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:43 The FLDS off shoot called "The Work" that Calvin grew up in 00:08:35 What Calvin had to face when he left The Work 00:14:23 What happened to Calvin's marriage, and relationship with family after he left 00:16:51 Calvin's thoughts on how leaving has affected his chiIdren 00:21:40 Does Calvin's ex wife feel obligated to shun him? 00:23:32 Is Calvin worried his daughter may be forced into polygamy? 00:27:37 Is there life after the cult? 00:30:27 Calvin's relationship with his father after he left 00:36:54 Building a community after being cut off from his family 00:42:18 What happened when Calvin went back to his Father on the his death bed 00:51:51 When you leave a cult and question if it was the right decision 00:59:32 How cults make you demonize your intuition 01:03:01 Calvin reads hate comments directed at him 01:03:47 Threatening the beliefs of cult members by not believing 01:06:31 What would Calvin do if his daughter wanted to be a plural wife? 01:12:32 Linda, listen

    1u 16m
  3. His Childhood Trapped in “Shiny Happy People" Cult

    2 JAN

    His Childhood Trapped in “Shiny Happy People" Cult

    Chad Harris' family joined the Shiny Happy People cult when he was just 7 years old, after a doctor convinced his parents to attend a seminar with cult leader Bill Gothard. Chad spent the next almost 20 years being indoctrinated and brainwashed with extreme fundamental Christian teachings before he finally found the truth and ultimately shared his experience on Prime Video's #1 documentary series, "Shiny Happy People." ⁠Watch this episode on YouTube⁠ Follow Chad on social media: TikTok: @archradish IG: ⁠@archradish85 ⁠⁠⁠ Support C2C - Any donations are welcome and appreciated to support the making of this podcast. ⁠Our Merch!⁠ Patreon:⁠⁠ Venmo @sheliseann Website ⁠⁠ Find Shelise on Social media! Instagram ⁠@cultstoconsciousness⁠ Host Instagram ⁠@sheliseann⁠ TikTok⁠⁠ Twitter ⁠@cultstocon⁠ Chapter Marks 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:22 What filming the documentary “Shiny Happy People” was like 00:06:14 How Chad's family fell into the clutches of the IFB movement 00:13:33 The ethics of pushing women to have as many chiIdren as possible regardless of the health risks 00:17:50 Even more restrictions after joining IBLP 00:22:44 Enforcing gender roles in IFB and IBLP 00:24:08 A chiIdhood ruled by IBLP 00:27:31 The Umbrella of Authority and its purpose in controlling families 00:29:04 How fear was used as a control tactic 00:34:01 Pun*shments in the IBLP 00:36:27 How children go from chiIdhood straight to adulthood in the IBLP 00:39:17 Chad's experience with A.L.E.R.T. Cadet 00:44:38 Chad's awareness of and relationship with the outside world 00:49:10 From isolated to extremely isolated 00:51:54 Spreading the IBLP message as missionaries 01:01:21 Chad's experience with courtships 01:04:17 The cracks in IBLP begin to show for Chad 01:16:07 What Chad's up to now 01:18:56 Linda, listen Theme Song Produced and Composed by Christian Guevara **Disclaimer: Thanks for joining us at Cults to Consciousness. This storytelling podcast is meant to be for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for medical advice. We may discuss triggering topics and we ask that you make your personal mental health a priority. Lastly, the opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host.**

    1u 22m
  4. Why Former AMISH Woman Demands Change From Congress for Children Isolated in Cults


    Why Former AMISH Woman Demands Change From Congress for Children Isolated in Cults

    Content Warning: SA, CA, CSA, mentions of rape Misty Griffin returns to the studio to further discuss her experience growing up at the hands of her tortuous mother and step father, who isolated her and her sister on a mountainside, then forced her into an Amish settlement at 18 years old. Unfortunately, claiming religious exemption means a parent can fly under the radar ab*sing their chiIdren. Misty now fights back, on a mission to help chiIdren in similar situations, stuck in ab*sive environments, that have no voice. Misty has created a petition called "Child Rights Act" that she hopes will one day become a bill, asking congress to step up and protect these voiceless chiIdren locked in cults. Currently at 33,000+ signatures, she hopes that with your help, in signing, and sharing this video / petition, she can gather enough signatures to get the attention of congress and get this bill passed. Sign petition here: Http:// Watch her original interview Find and Support Misty! Buy her book "Tears of the Silenced" IG @mistyelainegriffin Facebook: Website: Support C2C - Any donations are welcome and appreciated to support the making of this podcast. Our Merch! Patreon: Venmo @sheliseann Website Find Shelise on Social media! Instagram @cultstoconsciousness Host Instagram @sheliseann TikTok Twitter @cultstocon Chapter Marks 00:01:13 Intro 00:02:52 How to help/get involved with the Child Rights Act 00:03:24 What is the goal of the Childs Rights Act? 00:04:41 How mandated reporters help prevent ab*se 00:08:13 What Misty's chiIdhood in the Amish was like 00:13:32 The control and isolation Misty experienced as a chiId 00:23:45 Misty's education and homeschooling experience 00:28:18 How Misty's parents evaded any government interference while homeschooling 00:30:42 Misty joins the Amish and witnesses the perpetual ab*se in the community 00:39:41 How the Child Rights Act addresses the right to religious freedom 00:48:59 Is the problem really bad enough for a federal law? 00:52:32 What is means to take action and make real change Theme Song Produced and Composed by Christian Guevara **Disclaimer: Thanks for joining us at Cults to Consciousness. This storytelling podcast is meant to be for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for medical advice. We may discuss triggering topics and we ask that you make your personal mental health a priority. Lastly, the opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host.**

    59 min
  5. Let Us Prey: IFB Church Turns On Child For Seeking Justice Against Bible Teacher For SA


    Let Us Prey: IFB Church Turns On Child For Seeking Justice Against Bible Teacher For SA

    CW: CSA… Featured in “Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals” a new four-part docu-series exposing the pred*tory and insidious behavior within the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Churches – survivor, Ruthy Heiler, shares her account of ab*se as a chiId at the hands of her bible teacher, Aaron Willand. Insidious efforts to cover up pastors’ ab*se, silence survivors, manipulation and suspected cover-ups of other members, Ruthy explains the troubling culture within the IFB, and the stronghold the churches have on its members. As well as her experience pursuing justice against her ab*ser. Watch this episode on YouTube Ruthy is the founding member of the Blind Eye Movement: Our Merch! Patreon: Venmo @sheliseann Website Find Shelise on Social media! Instagram @cultstoconsciousness Host Instagram @sheliseann TikTok Twitter @cultstocon Chapter Marks 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:55 Filming “Let Us Prey” 00:04:56 Ruthy's chiIdhood in the IFB 00:06:43 Positive memories in the IFB 00:07:01 Not so positive memories 00:10:17 Ruthy's family rules 00:12:47 Keeping sweet in the IFB 00:13:04 Changing churches 00:14:37 Did family rules change? 00:15:36 Ruthy's family's experience at the new church 00:17:07 Ruthy's sisters come back from the girls' home 00:19:25 Ruthy's mom's experience at the new church 00:20:27 Ruthy's job as a baby sitter for her ab*ser 00:22:27 Ruthy's ab*ser takes steps to get closer to her 00:24:55 How IFB teachings perpetuate ab*se 00:25:42 Ruthy's relationship with her ab*ser's family and their involvement 00:27:43 Lack of s*x education 00:29:09 Ruthy's mental health 00:30:03 When did Ruthy realize what happened? 00:33:28 Going to the police vs the church pastors 00:36:06 Ruthy and her mom go to the police 00:37:16 Timeline of events 00:40:43 Going to Washington for the summer 00:43:59 First court proceedings 00:47:49 The case in Michigan reopens 00:54:00 The Blind Eye Movement 00:55:14 The consistent issue of victims being turned away by church leaders 00:57:44 Should pastors and other church leaders be liable for knowing about and not reporting ab*se? 01:01:25 Where is Ruthy now? 01:02:43 Ruthy's future advocacy plans 01:04:08 Linda, listen Theme Song Produced and Composed by Christian Guevara **Disclaimer: Thanks for joining us at Cults to Consciousness. This storytelling podcast is meant to be for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for medical advice. We may discuss triggering topics and we ask that you make your personal mental health a priority. Lastly, the opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host.**

    1u 7m
  6. Why Former “Healing Evangelical” Pastor Who Started 300 Person Church Now Has Regrets


    Why Former “Healing Evangelical” Pastor Who Started 300 Person Church Now Has Regrets

    Timmy Gibson is a former fundamental Evangelical Pentecostal Pastor who graduated bible college and spent a total of 30 years of his life teaching and preaching the stories in the Bible. 17 years of which were spent preaching in a church he started himself, which grew to 300 followers. Timmy and his congregation believed he was a conduit of God, as well as a “Healing Evangelist” who could save you from illness, as well as teach you how to speak in tongues, and interpret the meaning. Ironically, his “pursuit of truth” lead him to walk away from the Evangelical Christian faith he once held so near and dear to his heart. Timmy now feels he used to be a cult leader. We discuss his experiences, as well as dive into whether or not he has any regrets. Watch this episode on YouTube Find Timmy on social media: Youtube: IG: @timmygibsonkc Our Merch! Patreon: Venmo @sheliseann Website Find Shelise on Social media! Instagram @cultstoconsciousness Host Instagram @sheliseann TikTok Twitter @cultstocon Chapter Marks 00:00:00 Intro 00:04:30 How Timmy was raised, which led him to going to / getting kicked out of bible college 00:06:20 Bible college was so strict Timmy wasn't allowed in a bar 00:10:15 Why Timmy was compelled to go to bible college 00:11:43 What led to becoming a Pastor 00:13:47 What it was like growing up Pentecostal (speaking in tongues) 00:17:26 Life after bible college 00:18:59 Timmy started his own church with 300 followers 00:21:49 Timmy would teach his congregation how to speak in tongues 00:25:02 Confirmation bias; did Timmy feel he was doing the right thing? 00:29:06 How Timmy felt he intentionally & unintentionally manipulated his followers 00:36:24 What Timmy was doing to successfully grow his church 00:41:51 How Christians feel about Timmy now 00:49:24 Timmy breaks down his "healing sessions" 00:52:59 One of Timmy's biggest regrets is turning away officiating a gay couple’s wedding ceremony 00:58:54 How Timmy grew away from his own theological thinking 01:02:02 Did he send any of this followers into a Faith Crisis? 01:04:53 What ultimately led Timmy away from his church 01:13:33 What does Timmy think about those following a Pastor who doesn't believe the bible is literal? 01:21:25 What Timmy misses from his days as a Pastor 01:25:14 What brings Timmy joy now 01:30:52 Linda, listen Theme Song Produced and Composed by Christian Guevara **Disclaimer: Thanks for joining us at Cults to Consciousness. This storytelling podcast is meant to be for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for medical advice. We may discuss triggering topics and we ask that you make your personal mental health a priority. Lastly, the opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host.**

    1u 33m
  7. How Her Upscale Islamic Life in Saudi Arabia & Dubai Took A Dark Turn ft. @HolyHumanist


    How Her Upscale Islamic Life in Saudi Arabia & Dubai Took A Dark Turn ft. @HolyHumanist

    When her well off British family moved to Saudi Arabia near Mecca, Nuriyah Khan ( @HolyHumanist ) lived in two worlds at once— a plush Muslim life inside a compound which protected her from a fundamentalist Islam. Hoping to continue to live a progressive Muslim lifestyle, she married and moved to Dubai. Once her relationship became unsafe, she asked for a separation and was confronted with Sharia law, Islamic religious law that guides the moral and religious lives of Muslims. He relentlessly stalked her along with the Dubai police who were trying to force her to stay with him, confiscating her passport. Watch this episode on YouTube Find Nuriyah on youtube: Our Merch! Patreon: Venmo @sheliseann Website Find Shelise on Social media! Instagram @cultstoconsciousness Host Instagram @sheliseann TikTok Twitter @cultstocon Chapter Marks 00:00:00 Intro 00:04:56 Sunni Muslim, explained 00:05:41 Where Nuriyah grew up and her family's views 00:06:47 Moving to Saudi Arabia 00:09:49 TW: m*rder, v*olence, amp*tations 00:10:03 Sharia law 00:15:14 Witnessing and understanding these things as a chiId 00:17:01 Daily life in Saudi Arabia 00:18:40 TW: r*pe 00:21:06 Did Nuriyah feel safe? 00:23:35 Teenage years in Saudi Arabia 00:25:59 S*x education at an international school in Saudi Arabia 00:27:42 Practicing Islam so close to Mecca 00:31:42 Islam in Dubai 00:32:26 Moving to Dubai 00:33:45 Marrying to date 00:36:41 Things start to change in the relationship 00:44:20 Finally leaving the relationship 00:45:53 Sharia law creates obstacles 00:48:41 Islamic couples counseling and a turn for the worse 00:53:00 Stalking and harassment from Nuriyah's ex-husband and Dubai police 00:55:51 Escaping Dubai 01:01:00 The end of a marriage 01:03:47 Deconstructing Islam 01:12:47 Starting to speak out and starting a YouTube channel 01:19:13 Linda, listen 01:20:44 Outro Theme Song Produced and Composed by Christian Guevara **Disclaimer: Thanks for joining us at Cults to Consciousness. This storytelling podcast is meant to be for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for medical advice. We may discuss triggering topics and we ask that you make your personal mental health a priority. Lastly, the opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host.**

    1u 22m


Cult survivor stories. Hi! I’m Shelise Ann Sola— former devout Mormon. On C2C, my husband Jonathan and I dive deep into the nuance of cultic organizations and coercive manipulators. We are not anti-religious, but anti-abuse, and shed light in dark places to bring compassion, understanding and accountability. Together we discover how our guests find independence and healing through awareness and true individual sovereignty.

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