Ep. 66 - Pinesap (The Plant, Not the Sap)

The Field Guides

Pinesap (Monotropa hypopitys) is a goofy little plant that parasitizes fungi and can often be found beneath pine trees. It is not the sap of pine trees like Daniel thought. In this episode, Bill leads the discussion about the complex relationships between pinesap, its fungal host, and the tree species the fungi has a symbiosis with. Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) also makes a guest appearance! Join the guys as they get caught in a sudden rainstorm and learn about this amazing plant.

This episode was recorded on July 14, 2024 at Chestnut Ridge County Park in Orchard Park, NY.

Episode Notes

Bill brought up whether or not Pinesap (Monotropa hypopitys) should be in it’s own genus, Hypopitys. Steve asked some overly complicated questions to clarify whether or not he should believe it. With a quick search, at least Braukmann et al. (2017), Liu (2020), Shen et al. (2020), and Freudenstein & Broe (2024) found that Hypopitys groups distinctly from Monotropa in its phylogeny (i.e., evolutionary history). Hypopitys is more closely related to other genera, such as Pityopus, for example, than other species in the genus Monotropa. Steve is satisfied with this quick dip into the lit.

Thank you to Always Wandering Art (Website and Etsy Shop) for providing the artwork for many of our episodes!

Visit thefieldguidespodcast.com for full episode notes and works cited.

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