Episode 197 - The Steaks are High: Commercial Beef Outlook with Brandon McEndaffer

The Millennial Ag Podcast

We welcome Brandon McEndaffer to The Millennial Ag Podcast today. Brandon is a cattle rancher in northeastern Colorado while also working on price and risk management for people across the beef sector. Brandon will discuss the current state of the beef industry and market dynamics.

Brandon covers the current beef demand, noting that consumers are paying higher prices than expected given the supply levels. 

The conversation also dives into the impact of recent tariffs, particularly the 25% tariff on Canadian products. Regarding market challenges, Brandon shares the potential impact of immigration policies on the agricultural workforce.

We finish the conversation with Brandon emphasizing the importance of risk management strategies in the current market environment.

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Resources & Links:

  • The Millennial Ag Podcast Ep 195: “Show Me Your Butt!” - On Calving Season with Valene
  • Our sponsor, Peacock Technology

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