Mastermind Army

Nick Rundlett
Mastermind Army podcast

Real Mastermind conversations that make you Rich so I can fund my secret project to remove everyone's limiting beliefs and usher in a new era of human potential.

  1. 02-02-2021

    When they say "NO", the Sale BEGINS - Alec Ryncavage, CEO @ Cybiot

    Alec Ryncavage is a serial entrepreneur, elected public official, and cybersecurity expert -- at 19 years old!  He's the founder and CEO of Cybiot - a revolutionary cybersecurity technology for small businesses that protects their retail storefront, office, guest network, employees, and customers while removing the friction of cost, time, and talent.  We rallied the troops to solve sales problems together in his business. Timestamps: 1:10 - Alec's EPIC origin story 3:38 - How did the skills you built early as a teenager tee you up for entrepreneurial success? 5:08 - How Alec founded Cybiot at 14, revamped it twice, and got VC-funded 5 years later 7:11 - How hackers use your thermostat to steal your credit card... 9:37 - Lessons learned pivoting B2C to B2B 10:38 -  Cybiot's value proposition compared to Cisco 17:00 - Value proposition to MSP's 18:07 - Problem Solved : Low outbound activity 19:02 - "How do I get my new prospects to do a PAID pilot of my software?" 21:34 - Problem Solved: "Can't I just automate my sales outreach?" 22:22 - Problem Solved: "Is it true if I get a 'NO' I can never reach out again?" When they say "No", the sale begins. 25:45 - Mindset Shift: "No is meaningless, unless you know they REALLY mean it." 29:54 - How do you handle sales calls today? 31:23 - Use the "Up Front Contract" to move "Maybe's" to YES or NO. 35:32 - Alec's #1 Founder Takeaway from the Mastermind =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  🔥 LEARN SALES FAST 👇 Join the Mastermind Army! 🔥

    37 min
  2. 25-01-2021

    #74 - Jonathan Green (Sales Director @ MongoDB) - Pick OPPORTUNITY over On-Target Earnings!

    Jonathan Green joined MongoDB at 32 years old as a Lead Development Representative, the lowest role in Sales. He could've continued being an Account Executive or Sales Manager somewhere else, but he chose OPPORTUNITY over on-target earnings. 4 years,  8 role changes, and 10,000 hours of selling later... He's the Regional Director of Sales at MongoDB, a $21B tech company. In this conversation, we talk about how Jonathan cold-called his way into the best opportunity of his life, what hidden traits he looks for when hiring new sales reps, and how you can create a vision for your career in sales to succeed. Jonathan's hiring @ MongoDB! Hit him up on LinkedIn: Timestamps: 2:01 - How did Jonathan make a career shift to sales? in his early 30's? 4:47 - How Jonathan cold called his future boss and landed a job offer as an LDR. 7:05 - What were the early lessons learned in your career? 8:19 - Complex technical sales is more like project management. 9:13 - INTERNAL relationships are everything for your career advancement in sales. 12:42 - Success in developing yourself starts with a clear vision. 14:43 - What advice would Jonathan give to himself at the beginning of his career? 14:57 - PICK THE OPPORTUNITY, NOT THE ON-TARGET EARNINGS!!! 17:45 - Picking the right career path boils down to asking hard questions. 19:25 - 8 role changes wasn't glorious; it taught me to stay level-headed. 20:09 - Look for sales candidates that overcame adversity; it's a solid indicator. 23:55 - Q&A begins 24:23 - I'm a new LDR doing qualification and prospecting. What would you suggest I keep in mind as I'm having discovery calls and trying to qualify leads for the sales team? 24:48 - BANT is great, but you need to ask the 3 WHY's: Why Us? Why Now? Why Anything? 27:02 - Look for GRIT, INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY, and a TRACK-RECORD of being interesting for new sales candidates. 29:30 - Presentation skills are over-rated. You don't need great hair or a great slide-deck. You need to have genuine curiosity and genuine care for your customers + great work ethic. What you didn't get to witness in this conversation: How Jonathan helped another Sales leader develop a new compensation plan that eliminates tension between Account Executives who sell $10k deals up-front only to have Account Managers get commission for $100k up-sells within 6 months.. What cutting-edge prospecting, enablement, and scheduling tools we recommended to a new VP of Sales looking to hire his first SDR and build a sales org.. And much, much more! To listen to the full Mastermind session, go to and sign up to our email list.

    33 min
  3. 16-11-2020

    #67 - Your job hunt is a sales process.

    Step 1:  Define your Ideal Customer Profile 🏦 Just like sales, don't reach out to companies that don't fit your ICP. It's a waste of your time and their time if you What are the demographics of a company you'd be excited to work at? Geographic Location Company Size Industries you're a great fit for (not necessarily have experience in) Funding stage What cultural traits and characteristics would make you feel welcome? Meritocratic culture, where high performance is rewarded Ability to make an impact if your ideas are sound Remote friendly with an office nearby Catered meals and regular company outings What income potential would compel your motivation and hunger to grow? $60k base with $120k OTE SMB or Mid-Market Account Executive role Competitive equity package 401k with at least 3% company match Step 2: Define activity levels and outcomes to create a sales funnel💪 Just like sales, your activity serves a purpose: book meetings. Use math to project your desired outcomes from your activity levels like so: (2+2)*5 = 20 touches per week. 80 per month. Assume a 10% touch point to meeting conversion rate. 2 meetings per week. 8 per month. Assume a 50% first interview to follow-up interview conversion rate. 4 per month. Assume a 25% follow-up interview to job offer conversion rate. 1 per month. Step 3: Create a system to track your progress 🧠 Just like sales, you don't rely on memory or luck to win a new customer. You have a CRM, and you track every prospect in a system to see where they're at in the sales cycle. Use Google Sheets to track your progress, with the following columns: Company Name URL Careers Page Role Economic Buyer (name of the VP of Sales, CEO, Sales Director, etc) Their Email Their LinkedIn Their Twitter Your Mutual Connections Opportunity Status (To Do, Applied, Pitched, Interviewing, Closed Won, Closed Lost)

    59 min
  4. 02-11-2020

    #65 - How to get a raise, get deals back on track, and drive internal change - Dr. John Musser guests!

    Dr. John Musser is the founder and CEO of Enhanced Sales Potential. He shared a TON of invaluable wisdom on so many questions. Just listen to the whole darn thing. It's worth it! 1:52 - What are the most common dysfunctions in Sales organizations? 5:55 - What are quick fixes can a Sales organization make to improve? 7:53 - How can we drive internal change as Salespeople? 9:43 - Forming internal alliances by treating other teams like internal customers. 11:47 - Watch out for VP's that do this... you might have to leave. 12:51 - What are "Green Flags" in sales leadership - traits that the best leaders embody? 16:17 - "I work at a startup. It's just me and the CEO! What can I do to set realistic expectations and get real results? 19:15 - "How do you give healthy accountability to your team?" 22:00 - "This is my first sales role! How do you think about the closing process.. Is 'Always Be Closing' valid?" 30:19 - Keep exploring the buyer's reluctance and resistance. There's a REASON they're not taking action. Push through the discomfort, and seek to truly understand. Provide an open space and listening ear for them. 32:02 - "How do you ask for a raise?" 35:40 - How the heck do you get past Google Assistants? (AI phone screeners) 41:45 - Management is telling us not to call inbound leads that unsubscribe to marketing emails. But they're still good leads! How can I convince my boss to let us call them? 46:00 - My prospect is a VP, but not the ultimate decision maker. The meeting went well, but when I followed up she replied "It was great to have you and we appreciate you taking the time to talk to our team" … what can I do to get the deal back on track? 55:00 - Don't turn prospects off by being needy and desperate. Remember you're on equal footing and equal status. Always "give to get", and ask them to invest in the partnership proportionate to you. 59:18 - Dr. John Musser parts with an extraordinarily inspiring message! ------------------ Connect with John on LinkedIn: ------------------ Join the Mastermind Army!

    1u 3m
  5. 25-10-2020

    #64 - How do I follow-up without ANNOYING my prospect?

    Ryan Zadrazil asks: How do I send a follow-up email to gain intel on the deal I sent a proposal for without annoying the customer and "just checking in"? I had a call on Monday with the customer where we went over 2 pricing options, and they asked for a contract! I feel comfortable emailing him, but I don't know what to say. 1:30 - Logan Westberg responds: Your next step depends on setting up expectations right correctly. On that first meeting, you need to identify where you're going to go from there, and propose the exact day you're going to follow-up. Don't let them leave it open-ended with them saving "We'll review and get back to you". Ask "What's a good time to follow-up? Next Wednesday at 2:00 PM?" - Set a clear next step. On your next meeting, you can recap what you've shared, and add another piece of content they'd find helpful. You can ask "What else should we discuss, or are you ready to move forward to the next stage?" 5:53 - When you don't really have anything new to add, you probably shouldn't send an email. "Typically, these are reviewed and filled by legal within a week or two. Is there any issue with the terms as it stands or anything I can help with?" 3:08 - Nick Rundlett responds:  Never "just check in" on a sales prospect after you send a proposal. It reeks of sales breath, and immediately turns people off. Instead, serve them as "subject matter expert" of the buyer's journey. Proactively help them overcome internal challenges and roadblocks they haven't thought of. "At this phase, your IT/security team will likely want oversight before we can resolve the commercial aspects. They probably have a cloud vendor form we'll want to complete for you; can you share a copy?" 7:25 - Matthew Binder adds: Don't follow-up if you don't need to. Your sales process has 2 discoveries: identifying pain and solution, and identifying how to implement change in the company. Ask what metrics their security/IT/legal/procurement (whatever internal stakeholder) teams will be evaluating the proposal by. ------------------------------------------ Every Thursday at 8:00 PM EST, the Sales Mastermind meets to help each other LEARN SALES FAST. Want us to take a stab at solving YOUR problems? Join our community at ! ------------------------------------------ Connect with Ryan Zadrazil: Connect with Logan Westberg: Connect with Matthew Binder: Connect with Nick Rundlett:

    14 min
  6. 19-10-2020

    #63 - I'm new to Sales at a tech startup... What do I do?

    When you're new to sales working at a startup, you've got a lot on your plate.  You've got to handle cold calling, pitching, customer relationships, demos, prospecting, follow-ups, and your entire pipeline. In today's episode of the Sales Mastermind, we help Joel Bein get started off with his Sales career on the right foot working at as head of partnerships & content.   Connect with Joel Bein for inspiration, wisdom, and personal growth: Timestamps: 0:00 - 3:20 Introduction & Joel Bein's role overview at 5:40 Overview of Joel's beginner tech stack, and how to improve: Entry level CRM suggestions: Hubspot, Close, PipeDrive Email tracking via Gmail with chrome extensions Cheap software to run email cadences directly from Gmail 11:11 How Joel thinks about prospecting by finding clues that his prospect resonates with Crash's mission 17:19 Overcoming psychological resistance to following-up multiple times Logan Westberg offers a tactic: Make an up-front commitment to continue following-up if they don't hear back. That takes responsibility off you and shifts it to them. Brandy Drzymkowski offers encouragement: If you've done your research, you trust your research, and you genuinely believe you can help someone, people appreciate that energy and enthusiasm. 21:41 Reid Anderson asks: Who are you reaching out to at the colleges specifically? 24:02 Nick Rundlett concludes: Always pick up the phone and call when you can! That's how true relationships start, and that's how you make your money as a sales professional.

    27 min
  7. 12-10-2020

    "We're actually just buying 1 license..." - OBJECTION HANDLING

    👨‍🎤"I'm not going to sell you just 1 license." Patrick Downs is willing to turn down the deal. This causes the prospect to ask "Why?" "I don't agree with what you're doing. You can always go self-serve through the website. But if you want to work with me and get proper onboarding, we're going to do 15 to start off on the right foot. Worst case scenario, the prospect gets pissed and rage-calls your CEO 🙃 Best case, you increase the psychological barrier to entry for the self-service path, it feels easier to work on your terms, and their whole team benefits from your service. 🙏"We can't let you do that in good faith; here are the reasons why..." Logan Westberg's approach is to be assertively compassionate: "You're probably trying to do this to save money, but I can't in good faith let you do this because it doesn't work." There's plenty of pitfalls in "sharing a license" that the customer won't be aware of until it's too late. Appeal to their self-interest; you want what's best for them to solve their problems. Refocus on ROI to the business. Executed correctly, this can merit a conversation with the true decision maker, or influence them to reconsider. 👮"Don't be afraid to be the bad cop." Reid Anderson has seen pretty solid success by calling the customer on their bluffs. "I'd have to flag your account legally based on our terms of service, and that'd be a shitty way to start our relationship for us to close your account..." This runs the obvious risk of losing the sale completely, but the upside to recapture 20 annual licenses makes it worth a shot if they're not negotiable. -- Connect with Patrick Downs: Connect with Logan Westberg: Connect with Reid Anderson:

    12 min


Real Mastermind conversations that make you Rich so I can fund my secret project to remove everyone's limiting beliefs and usher in a new era of human potential.

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