216 afleveringen

Technology is ever changing, blink and you miss it, until now. This podcast keeps you up to date on everything ColdFusion related. News, Engine and Package Updates and Releases, Webinars Meetups and Workshops, CFCast updates, Conferences, Blog Tweets and Videos the Week from the Community, Job offerings, as well as the ForgeBox module of the Week and the VS Code Hint Tip and Trick of the week.

Modernize or Die ® Podcast - CFML News Edition Ortus Solutions

    • Onderwijs

Technology is ever changing, blink and you miss it, until now. This podcast keeps you up to date on everything ColdFusion related. News, Engine and Package Updates and Releases, Webinars Meetups and Workshops, CFCast updates, Conferences, Blog Tweets and Videos the Week from the Community, Job offerings, as well as the ForgeBox module of the Week and the VS Code Hint Tip and Trick of the week.

    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for May 28th, 2024 - Episode 216

    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for May 28th, 2024 - Episode 216

    2024-05-28 Weekly News — Episode 216Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtube.com/live/Djeas-Lw3XU?feature=share Hosts: 
    Eric Peterson - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsDaniel Garcia - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsThanks to our Sponsor - Ortus SolutionsThe makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
    Buy Tickets to Into the Box 2025 in Washington DC https://t.co/cFLDUJZEyMApril 30, 2025 - May 2, 2025 - Washington, DCLike and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our ReposStar all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with https://www.forgebox.io/view/commandbox-github Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review AND WE WILL READ IT ON THE SHOWSign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content regularlyBOXLife store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/about-us/shopBuy Ortus’s Books102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)Now on Amazon! In hardcover too!!!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJHB712MLearn Modern ColdFusion (CFML) in 100+ Minutes - Free online https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/ or buy an EBook or Paper copy https://www.ortussolutions.com/learn/books/coldfusion-in-100-minutes Patreon Support (Magnificent)We have 50 patreons: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions.
    News and AnnouncementsBoxLang — Dynamic : Modular : Productive
    New Releases and UpdatesGalaxie Blog 3.57https://www.gregoryalexander.com/blog/2024/5/22/galaxie-blog-357-is-releasedITB ReleasesITB Highlights
    Keynote Day 1
    BoxLang released!Modern Dynamic LanguageJava InteropPure Functions + Immutable ClassesMulti-Runtime ArchitectureMulti-Parsers : BoxLang + CFML + ???Event-Driven LanguageEnterprise Caching Engine & AggregatorScheduling & Task FrameworkTested & DocumentedToolingBoxLang IDE (VS Code Extension)CLIDebuggerModulesWeb Applications - HTTP Request/Response DataTasks and Queues -  Watchers, Event Handling, AsyncLambda and CLI -  fast start and blazing speeds!iOS/Android - Low resource footprint, event handlingWeb Assembly - Transpilation and Sandboxingboxlang.ioHas installersboxlang.ortusbooks.comTry.boxlang.ioAWS Lambda RuntimeProfessional Open SourceVisionary LicensesKeynote Day 2
    ColdBox 8.x Beta in 2024, release in 2025New cbDebugger (thanks Scott Steinbeck)ContentBox 7 Beta in 2024, release in 2025CommandBoxCommandBox ProMultisite Support (don’t need pro for this actually)Windows InstallerUpdated Docker ImagesNew Iron Bank imagescbWire v4 launchedModulesQB UpdatesQuick UpdatesHyper Updatescbq UpdatesVite pluginMegaphonecbSecurity PasskeysBoxLangHighlights:
    Runs on AWS LambdacbWire v4
    wire:navigateLazy LoadingTeleportExecute JavaScript from templatesStreaming responsesSmaller and faster!cbSecurity Passkeys
    Add Passkey support to your site that uses cbSecurityEasy to get started with and configurable to your needscbq v3
    More stable, fewer bugs, and better docsWebinars, Meetups and WorkshopsInto the Box 2024, Day 1 & 2 KeynotesInto the Box 2024 Keynote Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M0IdUl7IWgInto the Box 2024 Keynote Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgQzgUPUtzk
    CFCasts Content Updateshttps://www.cfcasts.comRecent Releases
    ITB 2024 videos coming soon for all attendeesConferences and TrainingCFCamp 2024
    Location: Munich, Freising, GermanyDates: June 13-14, 2024Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/cf_camp/status/1736705195927646236Facebook Link: https://t.co/YKU4dhuHEOhttps://www.cfcamp.org/ https://www.cfcamp.org/tickets.html Sessions announced: https://www.cfcamp.org/sessions.html CF Summit West in Las Vegas
    At Resorts World - New venue!!! Sep 30 - Oct 1st for the ConferenceOct 2nd for the Certification
    Pricing$99 for the Session Pass right now. Coupon code might be in your em

    • 53 min.
    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for April 30th, 2024 - Episode 215

    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for April 30th, 2024 - Episode 215

    2024-04-30 Weekly News - Episode 215Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtube.com/live/qw3x1HcX6xE?feature=share Hosts: 
    Eric Peterson - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsDaniel Garcia - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsThanks to our Sponsor - Ortus SolutionsThe makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
    Buy workshop tickets to CF Summit East Event Date: April 24, 2024Hosted By: Adobe & CarahsoftLocation: Reston, VABuy Tickets to Into the Box 2024 in Washington DC https://www.intothebox.org/MAY 15th - 17th,2024 - Washington, DCLike and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our ReposStar all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with https://www.forgebox.io/view/commandbox-github Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review AND WE WILL READ IT ON THE SHOWSign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content regularlyBOXLife store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/about-us/shopBuy Ortus’s Books102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)Now on Amazon! In hardcover too!!!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJHB712MLearn Modern ColdFusion (CFML) in 100+ Minutes - Free online https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/ or buy an EBook or Paper copy https://www.ortussolutions.com/learn/books/coldfusion-in-100-minutes  
    Patreon Support (charming)
    We have 50 patreons: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions.
    News and AnnouncementsICYMI — CFCamp has announced the first batch of SessionsThis year's programme was once again open for participation from the CFML and wider development communities. If you're interested in what the Call For Papers for CFCamp 2024 looked like - it's still online on papercall.io (but now closed as of end of March 2024).
    So far, we have confirmed and announced 20 sessions. There are still a few more to come, stay tuned.
    The sessions will be assigned to slots and rooms a bit closer to the event.https://www.cfcamp.org/sessions.html
    New Releases and UpdatesICYMI - qb 9.8.2 – 9.10.0
    New addIndex method for adding indexes to existing tables New BindingsCommenter for SQL CommenterPerformance improvement for large recordsets (Thanks, John Whish!)https://qb.ortusbooks.com/whats-new
    ICYMI - Quick 8.0.3Support qb's SqlCommenter.https://quick.ortusbooks.com/whats-new
    ICYMI - Megaphone 1.0.3 – 1.0.4Bug fixes in the Slack Providerhttps://megaphone.ortusbooks.com/whats-new
    In Beta - cbq 3.0.0-beta.7
    More reliable Database ProviderKeep completed or failed database provider jobs around for debuggingWait for jobs to complete when reiniting or shutting down ColdBox (up to a timeout)https://cbq.ortusbooks.com/whats-new
    Webinars, Meetups and WorkshopsICYMI — CF Summit OnlineCharlie Arehart has provided all the links for this
    List of Sessions, Descriptions and Links: https://adobe-coldfusion-online-summit-2024.attendease.com/sessions-on-demand/ Youtube Playlist of the Sessions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3iywAijqFoXrJ7jHdw-A1vNl-JB-iDQ7
    CFCasts Content Updateshttps://www.cfcasts.com
    Recent Releases
    An example of Dark mode implementation with tailwind csshttps://cfcasts.com/series/dark-mode-implementation-with-tailwind-css/videos/an-example-of-dark-mode-implementation-with-tailwind-cssvue-helpers - ForgeBox Module of the Week - 04/16/24 - Episode 214https://cfcasts.com/series/2024-2024-forgebox-module-of-the-week/videos/vue-helpers-forgebox-module-of-the-week-041624-episode-214Anima: Figma Design to Code | Front-End Coding Assistant - VSCode Hint Tip and Trick of the Week - 04/16/24 - Episode 214https://cfcasts.com/series/2024-vscode-hint-tip-and-trick-of-the-week/videos/anima:-figma-design-to-code-or-front-end-coding-assistant-vscode-hint-tip-and-trick-of-the-week-041624-episode-214Conferences and TrainingITB 2024
    Location: Optica in Washington, DCDates: May 15-17, 2024ht

    • 37 min.
    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for April 16th, 2024 - Episode 214

    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for April 16th, 2024 - Episode 214

    2024-04-16 Weekly News — Episode 214Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtube.com/live/Djeas-Lw3XU?feature=share Hosts: 
    Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsBrad Wood - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsThanks to our Sponsor - Ortus SolutionsThe makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
    Buy workshop tickets to CF Summit East Event Date: April 24, 2024Hosted By: Adobe & CarahsoftLocation: Reston, VABuy Tickets to Into the Box 2024 in Washington DC https://www.intothebox.org/MAY 15th - 17th,2024 - Washington, DCLike and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our ReposStar all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with https://www.forgebox.io/view/commandbox-github Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review AND WE WILL READ IT ON THE SHOWSign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content regularlyBOXLife store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/about-us/shopBuy Ortus’s Books102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)Now on Amazon! In hardcover too!!!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJHB712MLearn Modern ColdFusion (CFML) in 100+ Minutes - Free online https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/ or buy an EBook or Paper copy https://www.ortussolutions.com/learn/books/coldfusion-in-100-minutes Patreon Support (Humbling)
    We have 50 patreons: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions.
    News and AnnouncementsCFCamp has announced the first batch of SessionsThis year's programme was once again open for participation from the CFML and wider development communities. If you're interested in what the Call For Papers for CFCamp 2024 looked like - it's still online on papercall.io (but now closed as of end of March 2024).
    So far, we have confirmed and announced 20 sessions. There are still a few more to come, stay tuned.
    The sessions will be assigned to slots and rooms a bit closer to the event.https://www.cfcamp.org/sessions.html
    Redis changed license - and spawned ValKey
    Redis, a tremendously popular tool for storing data in-memory rather than in a database, recently switched its licensing from an open source BSD license to both a Source Available License and a Server Side Public License (SSPL).
    The software project and company supporting it were fairly clear in why they did this. Redis CEO Rowan Trollope wrote on March 20 that while Redis and volunteers sponsored the bulk of the project's code development, "the majority of Redis’ commercial sales are channeled through the largest cloud service providers, who commoditize Redis’ investments and its open source community." Clarifying a bit, "cloud service providers hosting Redis offerings will no longer be permitted to use the source code of Redis free of charge."
    Vercel Releasing new Pricing July 21stVercel pricing is going from golden to arm and a leg of gold.Look at using your own VPS and save $$$Example: https://x.com/themsaid/status/1776114395371684166
    New Releases and Updates
    ICYMI - Quick 7.4 – 8New hasManyDeep relationship and revamped hasManyThrough.Better performance, correct constraints, and increased readability.
    ICYMI - qb 9.8New withAlias function that will automatically rename fully qualified columns with the old name or alias.https://qb.ortusbooks.com/whats-new
    ICYMI - Megaphone 1.0.1Uses the default cbMailServices email provider and logs success and failure by default.https://megaphone.ortusbooks.com/whats-new
    Webinars, Meetups and WorkshopsCF Summit OnlineCharlie Arehart has provided all the links for this
    List of Sessions, Descriptions and Links: https://adobe-coldfusion-online-summit-2024.attendease.com/sessions-on-demand/ Youtube Playlist o

    • 1 u. 1 min.
    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for April 2nd, 2024 - Episode 213

    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for April 2nd, 2024 - Episode 213

    2024-04-02 Weekly News — Episode 213Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtube.com/live/Vg81ar7GfW4?feature=share Hosts: 
    Eric Peterson - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsGrant Copley - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsThanks to our Sponsor - Ortus SolutionsThe makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
    Buy workshop tickets to CF Summit East Event Date: April 24, 2024Hosted By: Adobe & CarahsoftLocation: Reston, VABuy Tickets to Into the Box 2024 in Washington DC https://www.intothebox.org/MAY 15th - 17th,2024 - Washington, DCLike and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our ReposStar all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with https://www.forgebox.io/view/commandbox-github Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review AND WE WILL READ IT ON THE SHOWSign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content regularlyBOXLife store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/about-us/shopBuy Ortus’s Books102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)Now on Amazon! In hardcover too!!!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJHB712MLearn Modern ColdFusion (CFML) in 100+ Minutes - Free online https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/ or buy an EBook or Paper copy https://www.ortussolutions.com/learn/books/coldfusion-in-100-minutes Patreon Support (phenomenal)
    We have 46 patreons: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions.
    News and AnnouncementsCVE-2024-20767: Critical Adobe ColdFusion Flaw Exposes Sensitive Files, PoC Published
    Security researcher ma4ter has revealed details of a dangerous security vulnerability (CVE-2024-20767) in Adobe ColdFusion, also, another researcher published the proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code. This flaw originally reported to Adobe, could be exploited to read arbitrary files on an affected server, potentially exposing highly confidential information. An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to bypass security measures and gain unauthorized access to sensitive files and perform arbitrary file system write. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.

    Patch released on March 12, 2024.Only vulnerable if you had the Performance Monitoring Toolset enabled and accessible via /pms.https://securityonline.info/cve-2024-20767-critical-adobe-coldfusion-flaw-exposes-sensitive-files-poc-published/https://helpx.adobe.com/security/products/coldfusion/apsb24-14.html
    New Releases and UpdatesNew Adobe Releases
    Key enhancements include:
    Scope Variable Changes: Enhanced functionality for optimized performance.CFDocument Updates: Upgrades for smoother document handling.Major Library Upgrades: Keeping your application’s backbone strong and secure.CKEditor Changes: Enhanced editing features for a better user experience.Versions:- 2021.0.13+330286- 2023.0.07+330663
    Quick 7.4 – 8New hasManyDeep relationship and revamped hasManyThrough.Better performance, correct constraints, and increased readability.
    https://quick.ortusbooks.com/whats-newqb 9.8New withAlias function that will automatically rename fully qualified columns with the old name or alias.https://qb.ortusbooks.com/whats-new
    Megaphone 1.0.1Uses the default cbMailServices email provider and logs success and failure by default.https://megaphone.ortusbooks.com/whats-new
    CFCasts Content Updateshttps://www.cfcasts.com
    Recent Releases
    Getting Started with Cloud Migrations by Daniel Garciahttps://cfcasts.com/series/ortus-bytes/videos/cloud-migrations-getting-startedWindows Terminal Enhancements using Oh My Posh by Jaime Ramirezhttps://cfcasts.com/series/ortus-bytes/videos/1-windows-terminal-enhancements-using-oh-my-poshConferences and TrainingCF Summit EastWednesday, April 24, 2

    • 38 min.
    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for March 5th, 2024 - Episode 212

    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for March 5th, 2024 - Episode 212

    2024-03-05 Weekly News — Episode 212Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtube.com/live/Vg81ar7GfW4?feature=share
    Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsDaniel Garcia - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsThanks to our Sponsor - Ortus SolutionsThe makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
    Buy workshop tickets to CF Summit EastBuy Tickets to Into the Box 2024 in Washington DC https://www.intothebox.org/Like and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our ReposStar all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with https://www.forgebox.io/view/commandbox-github Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review AND WE WILL READ IT ON THE SHOWSign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content regularlyBOXLife store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/about-us/shopBuy Ortus’s Books102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)Now on Amazon! In hardcover too!!!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJHB712MLearn Modern ColdFusion (CFML) in 100+ Minutes - Free online https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/ or buy an EBook or Paper copy https://www.ortussolutions.com/learn/books/coldfusion-in-100-minutes Patreon Support (phenomenal)
    We have 46 patreons: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions.
    News and Announcements
    Whitehouse Mandate - Press Release: Future Software Should Be Memory SafeLeaders in Industry Support White House Call to Address Root Cause of Many of the Worst Cyber AttacksToday, the White House Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) released a report calling on the technical community to proactively reduce the attack surface in cyberspace. ONCD makes the case that technology manufacturers can prevent entire classes of vulnerabilities from entering the digital ecosystem by adopting memory safe programming languages. ONCD is also encouraging the research community to address the problem of software measurability to enable the development of better diagnostics that measure cybersecurity quality.Full Report:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Final-ONCD-Technical-Report.pdf Blog Post: https://www.whitehouse.gov/oncd/briefing-room/2024/02/26/press-release-technical-report/
    Three Recent Lucee VulnerabilitiesLast week, Harsh Jaiswal and Rahul Maini from ProjectDiscovery released some impressive security research on multiple vulnerabilities in Lucee (and Mura CMS and Masa CMS).  Their blog post is a must-read, and I'm not going to rehash their steps from research to discovery to exploitation.  Instead, I'm going to look at these vulnerabilities through a defensive lens.  https://www.hoyahaxa.com/2024/02/thinking-defensively-about-three-recent.html One Reason Why Your ColdFusion Server May Still Be Vulnerable Even With the Latest Security Updates InstalledNext Tuesday is Adobe Patch Tuesday.  Will there be new ColdFusion security updates?  I have no idea.  But even if there are no new patches released, and your ColdFusion servers already have the latest updates installed, you may still be missing an important step in keeping them secure.https://www.hoyahaxa.com/2024/03/one-reason-why-your-coldfusion-server.html
    ICYMI : CF Summit East Announced Adobe and Carahsoft would like to officially invite you to our interactive Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2024. This event is an unparalleled experience featuring a gathering of professionals, developers, and thought leaders in the dynamic realm of ColdFusion technology.https://carahevents.carahsoft.com/Event/Details/447476-xbyte Into The Box 2024, Third Wave of Sessions!Are you ready for what's in store? In this round of releases, we're excited to announce the addition of two mystery sessions presented by Ortus Solutions. These sessions are set to redefine how you approach CFML development, introducing key tools

    • 53 min.
    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for February 6th, 2024 - Episode 211

    Modernize or Die® - CFML News Podcast for February 6th, 2024 - Episode 211

    2024-02-06 Weekly News — Episode 211Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtube.com/live/_Uo1izajUeM?feature=share
    Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsEric Peterson - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsThanks to our Sponsor - Ortus SolutionsThe makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
    Buy workshop tickets to CF Summit EastBuy Tickets to Into the Box 2024 in Washington DC https://www.intothebox.org/Like and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our ReposStar all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with https://www.forgebox.io/view/commandbox-github Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review AND WE WILL READ IT ON THE SHOWSign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content regularlyBOXLife store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/about-us/shopBuy Ortus’s Books102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)Now on Amazon!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJHB712MLearn Modern ColdFusion (CFML) in 100+ Minutes - Free online https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/ or buy an EBook or Paper copy https://www.ortussolutions.com/learn/books/coldfusion-in-100-minutes Patreon Support (skillful)
    We have 45 patreons: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions.
    News and AnnouncementsCF Summit East Announced Hey east coast Adobe #ColdFusion developers, get ready because #CFSummitEast2024 is coming in hot, on April 23rd-24th!This #FreeEvent brings together some of the most accomplished #CFML speakers in the world in a government, military and adjacent contractors focused #conference,in an intimate, small setting in Washington D.C..We are also once again offering an in-person training and certification opportunity to earn your Adobe Certified Professional: Adobe ColdFusion ($99). https://www.linkedin.com/posts/marktakata_coldfusion-cfsummiteast2024-freeevent-activity-7158533583014436864-u182 Mark Takata at AdobeOn LinkedIn earlier this week, Mark Takata said that he is both thrilled and humbled to announce that he had been promoted to Senior ColdFusion Technical Evangelist at Adobe!Congrats Mark!
    Second set of ITB Speakers & Sessions announced - more to come!!!Get ready for an innovative and exciting experience at the upcoming Into the Box 2024 conference, where we're changing venues and reshaping the essence of content delivery. Anticipate a surge of excitement with thrilling product updates and new releases. Join us from May 15th to 17th, 2024, in the dynamic city of Washington, DC, hosted at the cutting-edge Optica venue. Witness a conference that marks the dawn of a new modernization era, curated by the forward-thinking Ortus Solutions Team.
    New Releases and Updates
    ColdFusion Builder extension for Visual Studio Code -  A new update is available!We are pleased to announce the availability of the updated ColdFusion Builder extension for Visual Studio Code. Highlights of the releaseColdFusion Builder extension for Visual Studio code (update 2) (release date: January 16, 2024) contains dictionary support for the functions added in ColdFusion (2023 release), such as JWT, serialization, and XML. The update also contains a few bug fixes.https://community.adobe.com/t5/coldfusion-discussions/coldfusion-builder-extension-for-visual-studio-code-a-new-update-is-available/m-p/14365891
    Hyper v7.3.0Retrying Failed RequestsYou can now configure a HyperRequest to automatically retry failed requests.  See the HyperRequest docs for details.
    Default User-AgentHyper now sends a default User-Agent of HyperCFML/#versionNumber#.
    Reset Fake Request Counts and SequencesHyper can now reset the fake request counts and sequences without losing the fake configuration using the resetFakes meth

    • 45 min.

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