Money Talk Sundayz

Stevenson Benoit
Money Talk Sundayz podcast

Become a Paid Subscriber: Money Talk Sundayz is a weekly podcast started by the Investment Bros as they document their journey to their first $100K in the market. Join the bros as they discuss stocks, crypto, swing trading, options, and more.

  1. Saudi Arabia & OPEC to Cut Oil Production


    Saudi Arabia & OPEC to Cut Oil Production

    Hello, listeners! Welcome back to Money Talk Sundayz, the podcast that brings economic events from around the world into focus. I'm your host, Stevie bee, and today we're going to tackle a critical issue that's hitting headlines: the decision of Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries to cut oil production by a million barrels per day. We'll explore why this impacts the economy, drives up the price of gas, and its effect on the stock market. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe! Cue the music! To begin with, let's talk about oil. Oil is a non-renewable resource, and it's a crucial component of our global economy. It powers our vehicles, heats our homes, and even plays a role in producing products like plastics and synthetic materials. It's an economic lifeblood, so to speak. That means when the flow of this lifeblood slows, it has significant ripple effects. Now, Saudi Arabia, along with other oil-producing nations, have agreed to cut their oil production by a million barrels per day. Why does this matter? Well, economics is essentially the study of supply and demand. When supply decreases and demand stays the same or even increases, prices go up. That's exactly what's happening with oil right now. Less oil production means less supply. But our demand hasn't decreased; we still need oil to fuel our cars, heat our homes, and manufacture goods. So, you might be wondering, why would these countries cut production? The answer lies in their status as the dominant players in the global oil market. By limiting the supply, they have the power to manipulate the prices and increase their revenue. While this may seem like a smart move for these countries, it can cause hardship for nations dependent on oil imports and everyday people at the gas pump. When oil prices rise, the cost of producing goods and services that rely on oil also increases. Think about the transport sector. Trucks, trains, and ships all use oil-based fuel. So, when the price of oil goes up, the cost to transport goods increases. Companies often pass these costs onto the consumer, leading to a rise in the cost of goods. But the impact isn't only at the consumer level; it's also felt in the broader economy. High oil prices can lead to inflation, reducing the purchasing power of consumers, which can then slow economic growth. At the same time, it can create economic uncertainty, leading to decreased investment in sectors heavily dependent on oil. Zooming in on the impact on gas prices. The price you pay at the pump is directly linked to the price of oil. When oil prices rise, gas companies must pay more to refine crude oil into gasoline. These increased costs inevitably get passed down to consumers, leading to higher prices at the gas pump. So, the decision of Saudi Arabia and other oil producers to cut production will almost certainly be felt in your wallet next time you fill up your tank. This situation underscores the importance of diversifying energy sources. If we, as a global society, were less dependent on oil, production cuts like this would have less impact on our economies and our daily lives. Investing in renewable energy sources not only addresses the immediate issue of volatile oil prices but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. Now, let's turn our attention to the world of investing, where oil stocks represent shares in oil companies. The fortunes of these stocks are deeply tied to the price of the oil, the company's profitability, and the overall health of the energy sector. When oil production diminishes and oil prices go up, oil companies generally record higher profits, providing a positive push to their stock prices.

    8 min
  2. Federal Reserve to Change Course on Interest Rate Hikes after Latest Jobs Report


    Federal Reserve to Change Course on Interest Rate Hikes after Latest Jobs Report

    Hello, everyone! Welcome back to The Money Talk Sundayz Podcast where we untangle the complex world of finance and economics, one thread at a time. I'm your host, Stevie Bee, and today we're discussing an important topic that has been making the headlines recently: the strong jobs market report and its effect on the Federal Reserve’s decision on raising interest rates. Don’t forget to hit that like, share, and subscribe button. For those that heeded my call on Nvidia, congratulations. You’re in the money! Let’s move on. Now, I know this sounds like it will be quite jargon-heavy, but don't worry! We're going to break it down together. First, let's talk about the Federal Reserve, or the Fed, as it's often called. The Fed is the central banking system of the United States, responsible for managing the country's money supply and maintaining the stability of its financial system. One of the primary tools they use to do this is by manipulating interest rates. Interest rates are like the price of money. When you borrow money, you pay interest; when you save money, you earn interest. The Fed can raise or lower these rates to stimulate or slow down the economy, respectively. Now, onto the jobs market report. This is a monthly announcement released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides crucial data on the state of employment in the country, indicating things like job creation, the unemployment rate, and wage growth. Now the million dollar question is: why would the Federal Reserve raise interest rates based on a stronger jobs market report? Well, the relationship between the two is fundamentally about managing the health of the economy. When the jobs market report indicates high employment rates and solid job growth, it's usually a sign that the economy is doing well. More people working means more income being earned and, consequently, more spending. This increased spending fuels economic growth. However, there's a delicate balance to be struck here. Too much economic growth too quickly can lead to inflation. Inflation is when the price of goods and services increases, eroding the purchasing power of money. So, imagine this: the economy is humming along nicely, job growth is strong, and wages are rising. That means more people have money to spend. If the supply of goods and services doesn't keep up with this increased demand, prices will rise — that's inflation. Now, this is where the Fed steps in with its interest rate lever. To keep inflation in check, the Fed may raise interest rates. Higher interest rates make borrowing more expensive, which can curb spending and slow down the economy. In a way, it's like tapping the brakes on an overheating engine. So, in essence, a stronger jobs market report can signal a robust economy, but it also raises the specter of inflation. By adjusting interest rates, the Federal Reserve aims to maintain a healthy balance between economic growth and price stability. If we remember several months ago, the Federal Reserve stated that in order to cool inflation they would need to raise interest rates, so much so to the point where millions of people would end up unemployed. A strong jobs market report is counter-productive forcing the Feds to reverse course on decreasing the amount of the interest rate as well as possibly increasing the frequency and length of increases going forward. Now, it's important to remember that while all these dynamics are often textbook scenarios, in reality, the Fed takes into consideration a myriad of other economic indicators and global events to decide its monetary policy. A stronger jobs market report is a significant piece of the puzzle, but it's still just one piece.

    6 min
  3. Misleading Jobs Report Gives False Hope on State of Economy


    Misleading Jobs Report Gives False Hope on State of Economy

    Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of "Money Talk Sundayz." I'm your host, Stevie Bee, and today we're going to explore a seeming paradox in our economy. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. Cue the music. You've probably heard the news: employment rates are at an all-time high. But interestingly, Americans are not necessarily feeling wealthier. How can this be? Let's dive into it. Let's start with a fundamental understanding. A high employment rate, while generally considered a good sign for the economy, does not automatically translate into overall wealth or prosperity for individuals. Why is that? The first reason is that the quality of jobs matters as much, if not more, than the quantity. You see, having a high employment rate is great, but if most of those jobs are low-paying, or what economists refer to as 'low-quality jobs', then it's not necessarily beneficial for individuals. Low-quality jobs often lack benefits like healthcare, retirement plans, or paid time off. This means that while more people are working, they may still be struggling to make ends meet. Secondly, the cost of living has been rising across many parts of the country, particularly in areas like housing, healthcare, and education. This has been outpacing wage growth, meaning that while people might be earning more, their expenses are increasing even faster. So, even though employment rates are up, Americans may have less disposable income and feel poorer as a result. Another factor is income inequality. In recent years, the wealth gap has widened significantly. Many of the jobs being created are at either the very top or bottom of the wage scale, leaving fewer opportunities for middle-income jobs. This means more people are working, but the majority aren't earning as much as they need to truly prosper. The nature of employment is also changing. We're seeing an increase in gig economy jobs, which often don't offer the same stability or benefits as traditional full-time employment. These types of jobs can contribute to a high employment rate but may not provide a livable wage or any long-term financial security. So, how can we address these issues? It's a complex problem with no easy solutions, but some suggestions include promoting policies that encourage higher wages and better working conditions, investing in education and training to prepare workers for higher-quality jobs, and tackling the high costs in areas like housing and healthcare that put so much financial strain on individuals. Thanks for joining us on today’s episode of "Money Talk Sundayz." It's important to remember that while a high employment rate is generally good news, we must look deeper to understand the full picture of our economic health. In the next episode I’m going to discuss how the latest jobs report will affect the Federal Reserve’s decision on raising interest rates further. That's it for today's episode. Until then, stay curious, keep questioning, and remember - economics is about more than numbers; it's about people.

    5 min
  4. 16-05-2023

    MemeCoins: Viable Trade Asset or Waste of Time

    MemeCoins: Viable Trade Asset or Waste of Time Hello, and welcome back to Money Talk Sundayz, the podcast where we delve deep into the world of digital currencies. Today, we're taking a plunge into the colorful, whimsical, and potentially lucrative world of memecoins. You've probably heard the term, and you're wondering why these memecoins are raking in huge profits.Memecoins, for the uninitiated, are a subset of cryptocurrencies that emerged from internet memes or jokes. They might have started as fun and games, but the financial potential they've unlocked is no laughing matter.So, why the surge? First off, it's about the community. The strength of memecoins is often derived from the power of their communities. People band together, united by a common interest, a joke, or a meme, and that creates a sense of camaraderie that is often lacking in other cryptocurrencies. This active community engagement fosters a loyal user base that not only invests but also advocates for the coin, driving its value up.Secondly, we can't ignore the power of social media. In today's digital era, a viral tweet or a trending TikTok can have more influence on an asset's value than traditional market factors. Memecoins, by nature, are viral material. They're catchy, they're fun, and they're easy to share, which makes them incredibly susceptible to these viral trends.Next, we have the appeal of accessibility and affordability. Many of these memecoins are priced incredibly low compared to established giants like Bitcoin. This means that potential investors can buy millions, or even billions, of units with a relatively modest investment. The idea of owning a huge number of coins, coupled with the dream of those coins one day reaching even a fraction of the value of a Bitcoin, can be a powerful motivator.Lastly, let's talk about the 'David versus Goliath' narrative. The world of finance has often been seen as the playground of the elite. Cryptocurrency as a whole has challenged that, and memecoins take it a step further. They represent a defiance of traditional financial norms, an underdog story in the world of digital currency that people love to root for.Now, it's important to note that with high returns come high risks. Memecoins can be extremely volatile. While some see massive returns, others can and do lose their investment. This is why it's crucial to only invest money you can afford to lose, and to do your research before diving in.In conclusion, memecoins might have started as a joke, but they're having the last laugh. Their surging popularity and potential for high returns make them an intriguing, if risky, element of the cryptocurrency market. It's a fascinating space to watch, and as always, we'll be right here, keeping you up to date with all the latest developments.That's it for this episode of Money Talk Sundayz.' Stay tuned for our next episode, where we'll discuss the environmental impact of crypto mining. Until then, keep those wallets secure, and remember, in the world of cryptocurrency, knowledge is your most valuable asset."

    5 min
  5. 15-05-2023

    What is PepeCoin and Why is it Winning?

    Welcome back to Money Talk Sundayz, the podcast where we make sense of the whirlwind world of cryptocurrency. I'm your host, Stevie Bee, and today we’re talking about a coin that's making waves in the market - PepeCoin. Over the past few months, we've seen an incredible surge in PepeCoin’s value. And today, we'll break down why that is.First, we need to understand what PepeCoin is. PepeCoin, like many other cryptocurrencies, is a decentralized digital currency that operates on blockchain technology. It was initially associated with the meme culture, particularly the 'Pepe the Frog' meme, and has now evolved into a prominent crypto asset.The surge in PepeCoin’s value can be attributed to a number of factors.First, the rise of meme culture in the financial sector has been a significant driving force. This trend was first seen with Dogecoin, another meme-inspired cryptocurrency. The success of Dogecoin seemed to indicate to investors that meme-driven currencies could indeed hold substantial value. As meme culture continues to grow and permeate different areas of life, it's no surprise that this phenomenon would have a significant impact on the crypto market.Secondly, PepeCoin has been embraced by the NFT or Non-Fungible Token market. NFTs, unique digital assets stored on the blockchain, have gained significant popularity recently. The creators of PepeCoin have cleverly leveraged this trend by launching a series of Pepe-themed NFTs. These digital collectibles have spurred interest in PepeCoin, contributing to its rise in value.Thirdly, let's talk community. The PepeCoin community, often referred to as 'Pepe-nauts', has been key in promoting the coin. This community has grown exponentially, bolstered by social media platforms and internet forums. Through grassroots marketing efforts, they've managed to generate buzz around PepeCoin, and when it comes to cryptocurrencies, buzz often translates to value.Finally, we can't ignore the general bullish trend in the crypto market. As more investors warm up to the idea of cryptocurrencies as legitimate investment vehicles, we've seen an overall increase in the value of many digital coins. PepeCoin has benefited from this larger trend.That said, as with any investment, it's important to exercise caution. Cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility, and while the rise of PepeCoin is impressive, it's also subject to sudden dips. Always ensure you're investing money you're willing to lose, and if you're new to the game, consider consulting with a financial advisor.It's an exciting time in the world of cryptocurrency, and PepeCoin is no exception. Whether it's the appeal of the meme, the integration with NFTs, the power of its community, or the overall bullish crypto market, it's clear that PepeCoin has captured the attention of investors around the world. As we move forward, it will be fascinating to see where this journey takes us.That's all for this episode of Money Talk Sundayz. Remember to stay informed, stay curious, and most importantly, stay secure in your crypto adventures.

    5 min
  6. 15-05-2023

    Stock Market Relationship w/ Debt Ceiling Fight

    Hello, and welcome to today's episode of 'Money Talk Sundayz'. I'm your host, Stevie Bee, and today we're diving into a topic that's been making headlines all around the world: the stock market and its seemingly unshakeable relationship with the U.S. debt ceiling.Now, if you're a seasoned investor, you're likely aware of the turmoil that ensues every time this topic resurfaces. If you're new to the scene, don't worry. By the end of this podcast, you'll have a clearer understanding of why this little thing called the debt ceiling is causing such a big stir.First things first, what is the debt ceiling? Well, simply put, it's the maximum amount of money that the U.S. government can borrow. Now, why would the government need to borrow money? To fund a myriad of things, from military operations to social services, infrastructure, and everything in between.However, there's a catch. The debt ceiling needs to be increased periodically to keep up with the spending demands of a growing economy. Without this increase, the government can default on its debts, causing economic uncertainty and a ripple effect that can send waves across global markets.Now, let's connect the dots between this debt ceiling and the stock market.When there's uncertainty around the debt ceiling, investors get jittery. The possibility of a government default sends shivers down their spines. It's important to remember that the stock market is, in essence, a reflection of future expectations. When investors are faced with a potential default, they predict a bleak future, leading to a sell-off of stocks, which in turn causes the market to struggle.The stock market thrives on stability and predictability. The back-and-forth around the debt ceiling creates an environment of uncertainty. Investors cannot plan for the future if they're unsure whether the government will default on its obligations or not.Moreover, if the debt ceiling is not increased and the U.S. defaults, the credit rating of the country may be downgraded. This downgrade can increase borrowing costs, not just for the government, but for corporations as well. This can directly impact their profitability, and by extension, their stock prices.The debt ceiling also plays a significant role in fiscal policy. If the ceiling isn't raised, government spending will need to be cut dramatically. This could lead to a slowdown in economic growth, another factor that could negatively impact the stock market.In conclusion, until the debt ceiling issue is resolved, the stock market will struggle to rally. The uncertainty and potential negative consequences of a default create an environment that's not conducive to a thriving stock market.It's important to keep this in mind as you navigate your investment journey. Remember, investing is not just about picking the right stocks. It's also about understanding the macroeconomic factors that can influence the performance of those stocks.And with that, we've reached the end of today's episode. Thanks for joining me on Money Talk Sundayz. As always, invest smart and stay informed. Happy Trading.

    5 min
  7. 15-05-2023

    Trading Against the S&P 500; Is That a Good Idea

    Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Money Talk Sundayz, where we discuss intriguing and sometimes, counterintuitive topics in finance. I’m your host, Stevie Bee. Today, we're delving into a concept that may seem unusual to some, trading against the S&P 500. Yes, you heard it right! Going against one of the most trusted and widely followed indexes in the world.Before we start, I must clarify that this isn't investment advice but an exploration of a diverse approach in the financial markets.The S&P 500 is often hailed as the holy grail of indexes. It comprises 500 of the largest companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges, essentially providing a snapshot of the U.S. economy. It's stable, reliable, and has a long history of delivering steady returns. So why would anyone consider trading against it?First, let's clarify what trading against the S&P 500 means. It's not necessarily about short selling the entire index. Instead, it involves strategies such as taking positions in assets that are inversely correlated to the S&P 500, or buying into sectors or companies that are currently underrepresented or not included in the index.One reason for trading against the S&P 500 is diversification. While the S&P 500 includes a broad range of companies, it's heavily skewed towards the largest ones. The top 50 companies make up over 50% of the index's value. Hence, if you're only following the S&P 500, your investments are highly concentrated in a few big players, leaving you exposed to sector-specific or company-specific risks. By trading against the index, you can diversify into other sectors, smaller companies, or different asset classes that can offer opportunities for alpha, or risk-adjusted outperformance.Another reason is the potential for higher returns. The S&P 500 has historically provided steady, but not spectacular, returns. In bull markets, it's common for certain sectors or asset classes to significantly outperform the S&P 500. For example, during the tech boom of the late 1990s, tech stocks massively outperformed the broader market. Similarly, during the housing boom of the mid-2000s, real estate-related stocks and assets outperformed. Trading against the S&P 500 allows you to seek these higher returns.Lastly, trading against the S&P 500 can provide a hedge against market downturns. When the market crashes, the S&P 500 usually falls with it. But some assets, such as gold or certain defensive stocks, often perform well during these periods. By trading against the S&P 500, you can include such assets in your portfolio, providing a hedge against market volatility.Now, trading against the S&P 500 is not without risks. It requires a thorough understanding of market dynamics, careful risk management, and a willingness to accept potential losses. But with careful planning and execution, it can provide diversification, the potential for higher returns, and a hedge against market downturns.And that's it for today's episode. Remember, the world of finance is not black and white. It's a rainbow of opportunities. Don't limit yourself to the standard paths. Be curious, be bold, explore, and you might just find a pot of gold at the end of your financial rainbow.Until next time, this is your host, Stevie Bee, signing off. Keep exploring, folks!

    6 min
  8. 08-05-2023

    BRICS Has the USD on the Ropes as Recession Fears Continue

    Welcome, listeners! You're tuning in to Money Talk Sundayz, where we journey through the fascinating world of finance, economics, and global markets. I'm your host, Stevie Bee, and in today's episode, we're diving into a topic that's been making headlines: how the BRICS nations are competing with the US Dollar and the stock market. So grab your passports, and let's get started! Before we discuss the competition, let's establish some context. BRICS is an acronym that stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. These five countries, often referred to as emerging economies, have been collaborating to strengthen their collective economic power and reduce their dependence on the US Dollar. One of the most significant ways the BRICS nations are challenging the US Dollar's dominance is by trading in their local currencies. By doing so, they are reducing their reliance on the dollar as a reserve currency and promoting their own currencies for international trade. This move has the potential to create a more diversified global financial system and reduce the influence of the United States on the global economy. For example, China has been promoting the use of the yuan in international trade through various initiatives, including the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Meanwhile, Russia has been gradually reducing its dollar holdings in its foreign reserves, opting instead for gold and other currencies like the euro and yuan. Another significant aspect of the BRICS countries' challenge to the US Dollar is the establishment of new financial institutions. The most notable example is the New Development Bank (NDB), which was founded by the BRICS nations in 2014. The NDB's primary goal is to finance infrastructure projects in developing countries, providing an alternative to existing institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. By establishing their own financial institutions, the BRICS countries are creating a parallel system to that of the US Dollar-dominated world. This move could potentially weaken the influence of the United States in global financial decision-making and encourage a more balanced distribution of power. Now, let's talk about how the BRICS nations are competing with the stock market. The BRICS countries have been making significant strides in developing their own stock exchanges and promoting investment in their local markets. The BRICS Exchanges Alliance, a collaboration between the stock exchanges of the five BRICS nations, aims to increase investment in these emerging markets by offering a platform for cross-listing and trading of stocks. This alliance allows investors to access new markets, diversify their portfolios, and mitigate risks. Moreover, it provides an alternative to investing in the established stock markets of developed countries, such as the United States. As the BRICS nations continue to collaborate and develop their financial infrastructure, we can expect a gradual shift in the global economic landscape. While the US Dollar and the stock market may still hold significant influence, the rise of alternative financial systems and institutions will likely challenge their dominance. This competition has the potential to reshape the global economy in ways that could promote more equitable distribution of power and resources. However, it also comes with risks, such as increased volatility in currency markets and the potential for economic conflicts between nations.

    6 min


Become a Paid Subscriber: Money Talk Sundayz is a weekly podcast started by the Investment Bros as they document their journey to their first $100K in the market. Join the bros as they discuss stocks, crypto, swing trading, options, and more.

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