35 afleveringen

Close Your Eyes and Open Your Mind...

Yoga Nidra audio journeys for deep rest and restoration by Ruthie Ayzenberg. Close Your Eyes and Open Your Mind... Yoga Nidra is a deeply restorative practice where your body is in a state of deep sleep, while your mind remains awake. This state creates the conditions for nervous system repair and natural healing for the body and mind opening the doors to increased calmness, clarity, creativity, hormonal and metabolic benefits, and emotional resolution. All you have to do is listen to the guided audio and try to stay awake. Keep in mind that this podcast is created with deference to both Yogic teachings and Torah compliance to the best of my knowledge. *Yoga *Yoga Nidra *Meditation *Healing *Mental Health *Spirituality *Jewish *NDSR Non-Sleep Deep Rest *Health *Mindfulness *Therapy *Sleep *Guided meditation *Relaxation support *Consciousness *Body Scan

Na’aleh Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest‪+‬ Ruthie Ayzenberg

    • Gezondheid en fitness

Close Your Eyes and Open Your Mind...

Yoga Nidra audio journeys for deep rest and restoration by Ruthie Ayzenberg. Close Your Eyes and Open Your Mind... Yoga Nidra is a deeply restorative practice where your body is in a state of deep sleep, while your mind remains awake. This state creates the conditions for nervous system repair and natural healing for the body and mind opening the doors to increased calmness, clarity, creativity, hormonal and metabolic benefits, and emotional resolution. All you have to do is listen to the guided audio and try to stay awake. Keep in mind that this podcast is created with deference to both Yogic teachings and Torah compliance to the best of my knowledge. *Yoga *Yoga Nidra *Meditation *Healing *Mental Health *Spirituality *Jewish *NDSR Non-Sleep Deep Rest *Health *Mindfulness *Therapy *Sleep *Guided meditation *Relaxation support *Consciousness *Body Scan

    Yoga Nidra for Peace: On the Wings of Cosmic Light

    Yoga Nidra for Peace: On the Wings of Cosmic Light

    NA'ALEH YOGA: Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest+
    Close Your Eyes and Stay Awake...
     Today's short Yoga Nidra practice is a relaxing journey towards inner peace. When you are at peace from within, you can send out peaceful vibes to your relationships, community, and the whole world.  So if you're struggling with conflicts or want to feel more glowy & chill or just having a busy day and need a nervous system reset-- this practice is for you. 
    I'd love to hear what you experienced! 
    Episode summary:
    Preparation: Ensure a comfortable and safe spot before starting this journey, with your body straight from head to toe preparing to relax.
    Intention Setting: Setting your intentions for today’s practice...
    Rotation of Consciousness: Journey through a soothing body scan, which seamlessly flows into a blissful visualization.
    Visualization:  An ethereal journey awaits you...
    Return to your intention: Returning to your the sankalpa/kavanah/intention set earlier in the practice and letting it integrate
    Externalization: Landing back to the ordinary waking state and taking your practice with you
    As you emerge from this nourishing experience, I'd love to hear your reflections and feedback.
    Music by Pixabay:
    Subscribe to Na'aleh Yoga for more transformative journeys and feel free to share this podcast with a friend. Take a moment to review and share your thoughts—your insights might inspire others on their journey to self-discovery. 
    Feel free to reach out to me. I'd love to connect with you so don't be shy! 
    Biosite: https://bio.site/ruthieayzenberg
    YouTube Channel: @naalehyoga
    Email: naalehyoga@gmail.com 
     May you be peaceful and safe! 

    DISCLAIMER: This practice is NOT a medical treatment and NOT a replacement for medical treatment. Although this is a very safe, non-invasive meditative practice, this podcast does not take responsibility for any undesired experiences. This is a holistic psychospiritual practice that can be a beneficial adjunct to other treatment methods. 

    • 24 min.
    Prana Nidra Healing Breath: Air-Heat-Light Helix (37mins)

    Prana Nidra Healing Breath: Air-Heat-Light Helix (37mins)

    NA'ALEH YOGA: Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest+
    Close Your Eyes and Stay Awake...
    We are now in the Jewish month of Iyyar, which is a time for healing.  Today's Yoga Nidra practice is designed for embodied healing through following your breath, generating warmth, and connecting to the inexhaustible reservoir of light within your field of deeper consciousness. This practice incorporates a special method called Prana Nidra to harneness your healing potential by connecting to the breath, heat, and light properties. Prana means vital life force energy--the thing that makes us alive and healthy (Nidra means sleep btw). By working with the prana through the mind-body connection during Yoga Nidra, healing and illness prevention can occur. 
    By taking a break from Doing and entering a state of Being beyond the realm of cognitive thought, you can let your worries, fears, and ailments dissolve.  From this place, natural repair of the body and mind begins to happen on a subtle level. You are invited to adopt a stance of curiosity and learn about yourself as you are guided through this journey. 
    I'd love to hear what you experienced! 
    Episode summary:
    Preparation: Ensure a comfortable and safe spot before starting this journey, with your body straight from head to toe, ready to experience a release from the shackles of the body and mind.
    Intention Setting: Setting your intentions for today’s practice...
    Rotation of Consciousness: A classical body scan
    Breath Awareness:  Directing the breath to the 5 subtle energetic channels (the vayus) 
    Healing Practice: This is the practice of Prana Nidra, which means vital life force energy + sleep. Here we practice guiding awareness around the energetic helix and accessing the storehouse of limitless life force energy to direct healing to your target areas
    Return to your intention: Calling in the sankalpa/kavanah/intention set earlier in the practice and letting it integrate
    Externalization: Returning back to the ordinary waking state and taking your practice with you
    As you emerge from this nourishing experience, I'd love to hear your reflections and feedback.
    Music from Pixabay: Warm Mist (loop) by Syouki Takahashi
    Subscribe to Na'aleh Yoga for more transformative journeys and feel free to share this podcast with a friend. Take a moment to review and share your thoughts—your insights might inspire others on their journey to self-discovery. 
    Feel free to reach out to me. I'd love to connect with you! 
    Biosite: https://bio.site/ruthieayzenberg
    YouTube Channel: @naalehyoga
    Email: naalehyoga@gmail.com 
     May you be peaceful and safe! 

    DISCLAIMER: This practice is NOT a medical treatment and NOT a replacement for medical treatment. Although this is a very safe, non-invasive meditative practice, this podcast does not take responsibility for any undesired experiences. This is a holistic psychospiritual practice that can be a beneficial adjunct to other treatment methods. 

    • 37 min.
    Yoga Nidra: Full Moon Immersion for Abundance & Radiance (31 mins)

    Yoga Nidra: Full Moon Immersion for Abundance & Radiance (31 mins)

    NA'ALEH YOGA: Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest+
    Close Your Eyes and Stay Awake...
    Sometimes our energy levels and moods fluctuate like the ebbs and flows of the tide. And the phases of the moon. If you're feeling the need for an energetic recharge from a state of deep relaxation, this episode is for you. 
    This Yoga Nidra practice is inspired by a full moon desert hike that I went on recently. Traversing the desert hills at night, what struck me most was how clear and visible everything was under the light of the moon. There were no street lamps anywhere--yet every pebble on the ground was visible. Being able to see clearly under the moonlight made me feel safe and I thought of how benevolent Hashem's earth and cosmos are, naturally providing for our needs in the moment. 
    In this episode, we embark on a radiant meditation journey of self-discovery and tranquility under the full moon.  Here, you are guided to create a space where all your experiences are welcomed, extending a radiant glow to your soul and mind. The Yoga Nidra journey under the full moon is a spiritual experience that harmonizes your body mind and soul while connecting your inner world with the abundant cosmos.
    Episode summary:
    Preparation: Ensure a comfortable and safe spot before starting this journey, with your body straight from head to toe, ready to experience a release from the shackles of the body and mind.
    Intention Setting: Setting your intentions for today’s practice...
    Rotation of Consciousness: A comprehensive body scan
    Breath Awareness:  Circular breathing practice representing the female moon energy (Chandra Behdi pranayama--Left nostril breathing) 
    Awareness of polarities: Experience and integrate opposite feelings to train yourself to RESPOND instead of REACTING to prompting stimuli
    Visualization: A exploration of vivid imagery inviting you to practice non-attachment while experiencing all levels of awareness-imagination, emotions, sensations, and memory associations
    Return to your intention: Calling in the sankalpa/kavanah/intention set earlier in the practice and letting it integrate
    Externalization: Returning back to the ordinary waking state and taking your yoga nidra practice with you
    As you emerge from this nourishing experience, I'd love to hear your reflections and feedback.
    Music from Pixabay: Deep Binaural Meditation (loop) 
    Subscribe to Na'aleh Yoga for more transformative journeys and feel free to share this podcast with a friend. Take a moment to review and share your thoughts—your insights might inspire others on their journey to self-discovery. 
    Feel free to reach out to me. I'd love to connect with you! 
    Biosite: https://bio.site/ruthieayzenberg
    YouTube Channel: @naalehyoga
    Email: naalehyoga@gmail.com 
     May you be peaceful and safe! 


    • 31 min.
    Yoga Nidra for Freedom: Into the Desert of Becoming (40 mins)

    Yoga Nidra for Freedom: Into the Desert of Becoming (40 mins)

    NA'ALEH YOGA: Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest+
    Close Your Eyes and Stay Awake...
    This practice is created in the spirit of Pesach/Passover, a Jewish holiday that symbolizes liberation, renewal, release, and the journey from bondage to ultimate freedom.
    We all have our personal shackles--whether it's negative thinking, unhealthy consumption, overworking, excessive screen time, limiting beliefs, etc.  The journey to freedom requires an honest encounter with yourself and your highest purpose--this is your kavanah or sankapla. Sojourning through the vast spaciousness of the desert, where there are no external distractions, you can find stillness in the mind.  
    Yeonmi Park writes: "We all have our own deserts. That may not be the same as my desert, but we all have to cross them to find a purpose in life and be free." 
    By leading the layers of consciousness into the alpha, theta, and delta brainwave states, this journey delves deep into exploring the connections between body and mind, inviting access your personal reservoirs of freedom and courage. In this space of deeper consciousness, your personal becoming can begin to crystallize. 
    Episode summary:
    Preparation: Ensure a comfortable and safe spot before starting this journey, with your body straight from head to toe, ready to experience a release from the shackles of the body and mind.
    Intention Setting: Setting your intentions for today’s practice...
    Rotation of Consciousness: A comprehensive body scan
    Breath Awareness: Calming breathing practice
    Awareness of polarities: Experience and integrate opposite feelings to train yourself to RESPOND instead of REACTING to prompting stimuli
    Visualization: A exploration of vivid imagery inviting you to practice non-attachment while experiencing all levels of awareness-imagination, emotions, sensations, and memory associations
    Return to your intention: Calling in the sankalpa/kavanah/intention set earlier in the practice and letting it integrate
    Externalization: Returning back to the ordinary waking state and take your yoga nidra practice with you
    As you emerge from this nourishing experience, I'd love to hear your reflections and feedback.
    Music from Emuna Beams: Song of the Eagle (loop) by R' Lazer Brody
    Subscribe to Na'aleh Yoga for more transformative journeys and feel free to share this podcast with a friend. Take a moment to review and share your thoughts—your insights might inspire others on their journey to self-discovery. 
    Feel free to reach out to me. I'd love to connect with you! 
    Biosite: https://bio.site/ruthieayzenberg
    YouTube Channel: @naalehyoga
    Email: naalehyoga@gmail.com 
     May you be peaceful and safe! 


    • 39 min.
    New Moon Yoga Nidra: Nurture Your Hopes & Dreams (40 mins)

    New Moon Yoga Nidra: Nurture Your Hopes & Dreams (40 mins)

    NA'ALEH YOGA: Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest+
    Close Your Eyes and Stay Awake...
    This Yoga Nidra episode welcomes the new moon of the month of Nisan in the Hebrew lunar calendar, which carries the energy of nurturing beginnings and growth.
    In connecting this new moon phase, we concentrate on nurturing your hopes and dreams through intention setting, (called Kavanah in Hebrew or Sankalpa in Sanskrit), which is the heart of the Yoga Nidra practice. By planting your intention at the beginning of practice and harvesting it at the end, you can alter deep unconscious patterns, steering your life in the direction of your choosing.
    As you follow this Yoga Nidra journey, you'll explore various states of consciousness from body to breath, mind, deep wisdom intelligence, and soul.
    Episode summary:
    Preparation: Lie down on your back with all the supports you need. You may use a light blanket, pillow, eye mask, or bolster under your knees if you wish. 
    Intention Setting: Setting intentions for today’s practice...
    Rotation of Consciousness: A comprehensive body scan
    Breath Awareness: Conscious breathing practice
    Awareness of polarities: Experience and integrate opposite feelings to train yourself to RESPOND instead of REACTING to prompting stimuli
    Visualization: A exploration of vivid imagery inviting you to practice non-attachment while experiencing all levels of awareness-imagination, emotions, sensations, and memory associations
    Return to your intention: Calling in the sankalpa/kavanah/intention set earlier in the practice and letting it resonate
    Externalization: Returning back to the ordinary waking state and take your yoga nidra practice with you
    As you emerge from this nourishing experience, I'd love to hear your reflections and feedback.
    Subscribe to Na'aleh Yoga for more transformative journeys and feel free to share this podcast with a friend. Take a moment to review and share your thoughts—your insights might inspire others on their journey to self-discovery. 
    Music by Into Samadhi: Never-ending Nebula
    Check more ethereal soundscapes by Into Samadhi@ https://intosamadhi.com 
    Feel free to reach out to me. I'd love to connect with you! 
    Biosite: https://bio.site/ruthieayzenberg
    YouTube Channel: @naalehyoga
    Email: naalehyoga@gmail.com 
     May you be peaceful and safe! 


    • 40 min.
    Yoga Nidra for Joy: Integrating Polarities (45 min)

    Yoga Nidra for Joy: Integrating Polarities (45 min)

    NA'ALEH YOGA: Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest+
    Close Your Eyes and Stay Awake...
    In a state of confusion and suffering, it may be difficult to feel joy. Psychologists teach us that the most difficult emotion to have is --not anger, or fear, or sadness--its actually joy. Joy is the most difficult emotion. Why??? Because something will always rain on the parade-- thoughts along the lines of "I shouldn't feel so good" or "this happy state is only temporary." And yet, joy is not exclusive of other emotions. Simple joy is at the heart of your very existence underneath the layers of other feelings, thoughts, and stories. 
    Our sages teach us that "the greatest happiness in the world is the resolution of doubts" (Metzudas David, Mishlei 15:30).  When we are pulled in opposite directions by our feelings, thoughts, environment, or culture, life can be filled with doubts and confusion. When we provide a pause to the cognitive brain and disconnect from the sensory channels through practicing Yoga Nidra, we can connect to the source of consciousness where polarities and doubts dissolve into the bliss of simple unified being. 
    This healing practice of Yoga Nidra for deep rest is created in the spirit of the upcoming Jewish holiday, Purim, and coincides with the Spring Equinox. By embracing life's paradoxes and polarities with curiosity and acceptance, this Yoga Nidra journey carries you towards integrating your polarities, trusting in the inherent goodness of the universe, and celebrating our interconnected experience. 
    Episode summary:
    Preparation: Lie down on your back with all the supports you need. You may use a light blanket, pillow, eye mask, or bolster under your knees if you wish. 
    Intention Setting: Setting intentions for today’s practice...
    Rotation of Consciousness: A detailed journey through the body
    Breath Awareness: Alternate nostril breathing practice
    Awareness of polarities: Experience and integrate opposite feelings to train yourself to RESPOND instead of REACTING to prompting stimuli
    Visualization: A exploration of vivid imagery inviting you to practice non-attachment while experiencing all levels of awareness-imagination, emotions, sensations, and memory associations
    Return to your intention: Calling in the intention set earlier in the practice and letting it resonate
    Externalization: Returning back to the ordinary waking state
    As you emerge from this revitalizing experience, I'd love to hear your reflections and feedback.
    Subscribe to Na'aleh Yoga for more transformative journeys and feel free to share this podcast with a friend. Take a moment to review and share your thoughts—your insights might inspire others on their journey to self-discovery. 
    Music from Pixabay: Strawberry Candy Meditation
    Feel free to reach out. I'd love to connect with you! 
    Biosite: https://bio.site/ruthieayzenberg
    Email: naalehyoga@gmail.com 
     May you be peaceful and safe! 


    • 45 min.

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