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News For Kids

News For Kids ICRT

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News For Kids

    Storytelling Can Change Lives

    Storytelling Can Change Lives

    Hey kids, the storyteller is here! It's story time!
    In Pakistan, many poor kids can't read. Many don't go to school. There’s nothing to do. Some kids get into trouble…
    In one city, some people want these kids to love reading.
    These people wrote fun picture books.* *They also got some old ice cream bikes. These bikes have a big, strong box to hold ice cream. But now they hold lots of books. The bikes are cute, colorful little libraries!
    Storytellers ride the bikes. They go to poor parts of the city. They find a good place for reading. They put colorful little mats on the ground. They put orange safety cones around the mats.
    Every time, lots of kids come. They sit on the mats.The storyteller reads. He holds the book high. The kids listen to every word! They look at every picture! Their eyes shine! They smile and laugh!
    Some of these kids go to school now. They want to learn how to read. Storytelling can change lives!
    1. poor 貧窮的
    Once upon a time, there was a poor boy… 從前有一個窮小子…
    Wait, are you telling me a story? 等一等,你在跟我講故事嗎?
    Yeah, this is a story I wrote. 是啊,這是我自己寫的故事。
    2. listen to 聆聽
    Do I have to listen to it? 我一定得聽嗎?
    Do you have anything better to do? 你有更好的事要做嗎?
    Well, not really.倒也沒有。
    In that case, please let me go on. 既然那樣,拜託讓我繼續。
    3. read 閱讀
    But I prefer reading it myself. 但是我比較想要自己看。
    It’s not done yet. 我還沒寫完。
    4. word 字
    How many words have you got? 你寫了幾個字了?
    About 20. 大概20個。
    That’s just 3 or 4 sentences! 那才三四個句子。
    Like I said, it’s not done. 我說了還沒寫完嘛。
    listen to聆聽
    1. What did the ice cream bikes become?
    a. Little libraries
    b. Small schools
    c. Strong boxes
    2. What's in the big boxes now?
    a. Ice cream
    b. Books
    c. Storytellers
    3. Why do some of these kids go to school now?
    a. To ride a bike
    b. To get orange cones
    c. To learn how to read

    1. a
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min.
    Working at the Penguin Post Office

    Working at the Penguin Post Office

    Working at the Penguin Post Office

    Five people from the U.K. got amazing summer jobs. From November to March, they're going to work in Antarctica!

    The jobs are at the Penguin Post Office! It's the farthest post office to the south! One thousand five hundred penguins live outside it!

    About 18,000 people visit every summer! They're cruise ship passengers. They send 80,000 letters and postcards!

    Life at the post office is an adventure. It snows every day so they shovel lots of snow! There's no running water. They empty the toilet every day.

    Cruise ships come a few times a week. They give the workers drinking water. The workers take showers on the ships! Ahhhhh…

    The penguins are the best part of the job. The workers count them! The worst part is smelling penguin poop day and night! Peeeyuuuu!

    The five new Penguin Post Office workers are going to have an amazing Antarctic adventure!



    1. visit 拜訪
    I'm so ready for my summer vacation! 我完全準備好過暑假了!
    Do you plan to visit friends? 你計畫去拜訪朋友嗎?
    Friends in Penghu.澎湖的朋友。

    2. amazing 驚人的
    The ocean is very beautiful there. 那裡的海非常美麗。
    Sounds amazing! 聽起來真棒!
    It really is. 確實是。

    3. day and night 白天夜晚
    And I'd like to swim there day and night. 我白天晚上都要在那裡游泳。
    Sleeping outside under the moon. 睡在外面月光底下。

    4. outside 外面
    Sleeping outside by the sea? 睡在外面的海邊?
    Yeah, the sea will be shining, and you'll hear the waves. 對啊,海面閃閃發光,還聽到海浪聲。

    day and night白天夜晚



    1. Where is this post office?
    a. The U.K
    b. Antarctica
    c. The Arctic
    2. How many people visit the post office every summer?
    a. 8,000
    b. 18,000
    c. 80,000

    3. What is the best part of working at this post office?
    a. The toilet
    b. The smell
    c. The penguins

    1. b
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min.
    Taipei 101 Stayed Strong During Earthquake

    Taipei 101 Stayed Strong During Earthquake

    Taipei 101 Stayed Strong During Earthquake

    In some places, earthquakes happen a lot. In these places, it's important for buildings to be safe during earthquakes. Engineers need to build strong and steady buildings.

    Taiwan had a strong earthquake on April third. Most buildings were fine!

    Taipei 101 was fine too. It's one of the tallest buildings in the world! It was built to be very strong, even during earthquakes.

    Engineers made Taipei 101 flexible. That means the building can move from side to side. This is important during earthquakes.

    Taipei 101 has a very big, shiny ball. This ball is 660 tons! It's inside the building! And it's near the top! It can move from side to side. When the building moves to the left, the ball moves to the right. This helps keep the building safe and steady during an earthquake!

    During the earthquake, Taipei 101 moved from side to side. But it stayed strong!

    Engineers can make buildings that are safe even when the earth shakes. Hmmm… can they stop the earth from shaking?!



    1. building 建築物
    Oh no, what's this? 糟糕,這是什麼?
    It's an earthquake! Get down! 地震,蹲下來!
    Oh my God! Is the building going to fall? 老天爺啊,這棟樓會不會垮啊?

    2. safe 安全的
    No, we should be safe.不會,我們應該很安全。
    There, it has stopped. 好了,停了。
    It was so scary! 太可怕了!
    My heart is beating like crazy! 我的心臟還在狂跳!

    3. shake 搖晃
    I know. It was a big one. 我知道,好大的地震。
    The ground was shaking from side to side. 地板先是左右晃。

    4. happen 發生
    Right, and then up and down.對,然後上下搖。
    Let's turn on the TV and see what happened.我們來開電視看看是怎麼回事。

    Please read these words with me.



    1. How heavy is Taipei 101's ball?
    a. 6 tons
    b. 60 tons
    c. 660 tons

    2. What does Taipei 101's ball do during an earthquake?
    a. Drop to the floor
    b. Move from side to side
    c. Get heavier

    3. During April's earthquake, what did Taipei 101 do?
    a. Became taller
    b. Moved up and down
    c. Moved from side to side

    1. c
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min.
    One Hundred Dogs Run in Shopping Mall

    One Hundred Dogs Run in Shopping Mall

    K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小)

    PA System: "Attention shoppers. One hundred dogs are running everywhere in the mall! We're very sorry. We're catching them as fast as we can!"

    Narrator: Huh? Where did the dogs come from? Well, in this shopping mall in China, there's a pet cafe?. That's where one hundred friendly huskies work. But one day, someone forgot to close the door!

    The dogs left their jobs! They ran out of the pet cafe?!

    The huskies were very happy! They wagged their fluffy tails! They woofed. They jumped! Some of them got snacks… without paying!

    The mall became a doggy playground. The shoppers were surprised! Some shoppers were happy to see the huskies. But other shoppers were scared of them.

    The huskies played and played! The pet cafe? workers tried to catch them. Kind shoppers helped too. But the dogs ran here and there. It took one hour to catch them!

    Phew! Good doggie.

    PA System: "Good afternoon shoppers, you can enjoy shopping again. The dogs had fun, but now they're all back at work! Hey! Aaaaahhhhh!"


    1. friendly 友善的
    I think huskies are the most beautiful dogs! 我覺得哈士奇是最漂亮的狗狗!
    I find their eyes not so friendly. 牠們的眼睛不那麼友善。

    2. scared 害怕
    Are you kidding? Their eyes are pretty! 你在開玩笑吧? 牠們的眼睛很美!
    They are icy blue, and I'm scared of them.牠們的眼睛是冰冷的藍色,我很害怕。

    3. fluffy 蓬鬆的
    But look at their fluffy coats and white legs. 但是你看牠蓬鬆的皮毛跟雪白的腿。Don't you think they are cute? 你不覺得牠們很可愛嗎?

    4. jump 跳
    I do like their puppies.我是喜歡小狗。
    I enjoy seeing them jumping around. 我喜歡看牠們跳來跳去。

    Do you like huskies? Let's read today's vocabulary.

    1. Where were the huskies?
    a. A shopping mall
    b. A restaurant
    c. A dog park

    2. How did the huskies get out?
    a. Open windows
    b. A big hole
    c. An open door

    3. How long did it take to catch the huskies?
    a. One hour
    b. One day
    c. One hundred hours


    1. a
    2. c
    3. a

    • 5 min.
    These Astronauts Will Make History

    These Astronauts Will Make History

    These Astronauts Will Make History

    The universe is big. It's very, very big. And every day, every hour, every second, it gets bigger!

    There's a lot to learn about the universe. There are millions and billions of places in it! Scientists are learning more about it all the time!

    Some scientists explore the universe with telescopes. Others use robots that take photos. And some brave scientists travel to space! These brave scientists are astronauts.

    Only American astronauts have walked on the moon. But that's going to change! Space travel includes more people now.

    In a few years, a Japanese astronaut will walk on the moon! This will be an important moment in our history. It will be the first time a non-American astronaut walks on the moon!

    That's not all! Next year, an American spaceship will fly around the moon. The astronauts include the first Black man, the first woman, and the first non-American to fly around the moon.

    More astronauts are included in space travel now. This is an important time for our world and the universe!


    1. astronaut 太空人
    Listen to this. 你聽這個。
    Why couldn't the astronaut book a room on the moon? 為什麼太空人訂不到月球上的房間?
    I don't know. Why? 我不知道。為什麼?

    2. travel 旅行
    Because it was full! 因為是滿月!
    Okay, that's a good one. 好吧,很好笑。
    But isn't it cool? 不是很酷嗎?
    Traveling to the moon? 去月球旅行?

    3. brave 勇敢的
    Probably. But it's really too far away. 也許吧,不過那真的太遠了。
    I'm not that brave. 我沒有那麼勇敢。

    4. space 太空
    I'm afraid I'll die of loneliness.我恐怕會死於寂寞。
    Why are you worried about that? 你怎麼會擔心那個?
    Because I'll be in empty space! 因為我會在空空的太空裡!


    1. What happens to the universe every second?
    a. It gets smaller.
    b. It gets bigger.
    c. It gets braver.
    2. What do scientists use to take photos of the universe?
    a. Aliens
    b. Robots
    c. Rabbits

    3. Which country's astronaut will walk on the moon?
    a. Jordan
    b. Japan
    c. Jamaica

    1. b
    2. b
    3. b

    • 5 min.
    Saving Bananas

    Saving Bananas

    Saving Bananas

    How many bananas are eaten around the world every year? One billion? No. How about one hundred billion? Yes!

    Farmers grow many kinds of bananas. But they mostly send one kind to other countries. These bananas look good and taste good when they arrive.

    Banana farmers are worried. A disease can kill these bananas. Farmers work hard to protect their bananas. But if the disease comes, they can't stop it!

    Scientists are trying different ways to save these bananas. In Australia, scientists looked at the DNA of these bananas. DNA tells plants and animals how to grow. The scientists changed one part of the DNA. This made a new kind of banana. The disease can't kill it!

    Australian farmers aren't growing this new banana now. They're waiting to see if the disease comes…

    In Taiwan, the disease came long ago. Taiwanese scientists look for bananas the disease doesn't kill. Their DNA is a little different. These scientists help farmers grow these bananas here and in other countries.



    1. different 不同的
    A banana plantation here! 這裡有個香蕉園!
    What a surprise! 真讓人驚訝!
    This is a different kind of banana. 這是不同品種的香蕉。

    2. farmer 農夫
    They are Japanese bananas. 它們是芭蕉。
    How can you tell? 你怎麼看出來的?
    Oh, my father was a farmer. 我爸爸曾經是農夫。

    3. grow 種植
    He grew bananas? 他種香蕉?
    All kinds of fruit.各種水果。
    Bananas, tomatoes, mangoes, papayas, and more. 香蕉番茄芒果木瓜,還有別的。

    4. work 工作
    Did you learn how to grow them? 你有沒有學會怎麼種?
    Yeah, I worked for my father during my vacations. 有,我放假時都替我爸爸做事。

    Do you like bananas? 來一起讀單字。


    1. How many bananas are eaten every year?
    a. 100,000
    b. 100,000,000
    c. 100,000,000,000
    2. What is worrying banana farmers?
    a. A banana disease
    b. Banana DNA
    c. New bananas

    3. What did Australian scientists do?
    a. Found bananas the disease didn't kill
    b. Made a new banana
    c. Helped farmers in other countries

    1. c
    2. a
    3. b

    • 5 min.


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