One versus many, the evolution of multicellularity

Matters Microbial

Today, Dr. Will Ratcliff of the Georgia Institute of Technology joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the fascinating work his group has done exploring the evolution of multicellularity, and the wonderful example of “snowflake yeast.”

Host: Mark O. Martin

Guest: William Ratcliff

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Links for this episode

  •  A video of a #LuxArt workshop that Dr. Jennifer Quinn and I organized at an ASMCUE conference a few years ago.  Such creativity!
  • Here is a nice editorial overview of the issue of the evolution of multicellular versus unicellular life and how the latter could lead to the former.
  • Here is a review essay on the topic of the evolution of multicellularity from Dr. Ratcliff’s laboratory group.
  • A very recent and interesting review article exploring the possible “black swan” event leading to multicellularity in evolution.
  • A foundational journal article on snowflake yeast from Dr. Ratcliff and research colleagues.
  • A nice video of the snowflake yeast described by Dr. Ratcliff.  
  • A wonderful ‘must read” essay on the topic of snowflake yeast from Quanta magazine. 
  • A wonderful ‘must read” essay on the topic evolving multicellularity from Quanta magazine. 
  • A wonderful ‘must read” essay about the possibility of multicellular prokaryotes from Quanta magazine. 
  • A really engaging video about the evolution of snowflake yeast from Dr. Ratcliff.
  • Dr. Ratcliff’s faculty website.
  • Dr. Ratcliff’s quite fascinating laboratory website.  A must read!
  • Dr. Ratcliff’s outreach website. Another must read!

Intro music is by Reber Clark

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