

✎ | SLAA | live-podium voor literatuur | online en offline | Wij denken na over de vele gedaantes die literatuur kan aannemen en leggen verbanden met actuele ontwikkelingen binnen de maatschappij. Huis van De Poëziepodcast.

  1. Current Literary Affairs: Ayu Utami (Indonesia) & Robin Block (Netherlands)

    16 JUL.

    Current Literary Affairs: Ayu Utami (Indonesia) & Robin Block (Netherlands)

    In the ninth and currently final episode of Current Literary Affairs, Lisanne Snelders speaks with Indonesian author Ayu Utami and Dutch poet and musician Robin Block. With Indonesia's election of former general Prabowo Subantio as its new president, they revisit Utami’s debut novel, Saman, from 1998. The book was published just before the fall of Suharto's military regime, a period marked by human rights violations and limited freedom. Does the choice of Prabowo signify a potential return to this period, which is scarcely taught in schools? Which histories are remembered, which ones are forgotten? What role does literature play in this? And how do Block and Utami address these themes in their work? Ayu Utami (1968) is a writer, journalist, and organizer. In 1998, she made her debut with the highly acclaimed novel Saman, just before the fall of the Suharto regime. She studied Russian literature, worked as a journalist, and is one of the founders of The Alliance of Independent Journalists. She has published several novels, such as Larung (2002) and Bilangan Fu (2008), in which she addresses sensitive topics like religion and female sexuality. Utami is the director of the Literature & Ideas Festival at the Salihara Art Centre in Jakarta. Robin Block (1980) is a poet and musician. Much of his work deals with the colonial past of the Netherlands in Indonesia and contemporary Indonesian culture. His collection Handleiding voor ontheemden (2023), in which he explores his Indo roots, was awarded the Herman de Coninck Prize. Current Literary Affairs is a podcast about current events through the lens of literature, featuring conversations with writers from around the world. How does the political situation in their country influence their lives and work? What do we really need to discuss? Urgent conversations about fear and hope, anger and pride, the personal and the political. Current Literary Affairs is a production of SLAA and Read My World. This podcast was made by Cultuurfonds and Productiehuis Noord, the media channel of Verdedig Noord.

    43 min
  2. Current Literary Affairs: Ronelda S. Kamfer & Margriet van der Waal

    21 MEI

    Current Literary Affairs: Ronelda S. Kamfer & Margriet van der Waal

    In the eighth episode of Current Literary Affairs, Lisanne Snelders speaks with South African writer Ronelda S. Kamfer and professor of South African literature Margriet van der Waal. They discuss their relationship with the language Afrikaans given its complex historical perspective and Afrikaans' position in South Africa's literary landscape. Lisanne also talks with Ronelda about her poetry collection Chinatown and her recently published novel Compound, exploring themes like feminism and the complexity of patriarchal structures in her work. Ronelda S. Kamfer (Cape Town, 1981) is one of South Africa's foremost authors. She writes in Cape Afrikaans, a dialect blending English and street slang. Her debut poetry collection "Noudat Slapende Honde" (Now That Sleeping Dogs, 2008) paints a vivid picture of life in poverty. "Santenkraam" (2012) features verse stories about a fishing village displaced by a military base. "Mammie" (2017) is a raw yet affectionate tribute to her mother. "Chinatown" (2021) hits hard, with Kamfer skillfully blending intimacy and dark humor to tackle themes of violence, women's roles, love, and parenthood. She translates Kirsty Applebaum's Princess Minna children's books into Afrikaans, including "Die eenhoring-gedoente" and "Die betowerde woud" (2023), and curates "Die maan is zwart" (2022), a poetry anthology by Adam Small. Her debut novel "Kompoun" (2021) was translated into Dutch by Alfred Schaffer, who also translated her poetry. Margriet van der Waal (born in Pretoria, South Africa) is a cultural scholar at the University of Groningen, where she is also Director of Studies of the Erasmus Mundus Master program Euroculture. Additionally, she holds the endowed chair in South African Literature, Culture and History at the University of Amsterdam as an endowed professor because of the Stichting Zuid-Afrikahuis Nederland. For her research, Van der Waal analyses European and South African cultural (colonial and postcolonial) imaginaries and how these imaginaries form part of the public sphere. Current Literary Affairs is a podcast about current events through the lens of literature, in which we engage in conversation with writers from all over the world. How do the political circumstances in their country of residence influence their life and work? What are the topics we really should be talking about? CLA brings urgent conversation about fear and hope, outrage and pride, the personal and the political. Current Literary Affairs is a podcast by SLAA and Read My World. This podcast was realized thanks to Cultuurfonds and Productiehuis Noord, the media channel of ‘Verdedig Noord’.

    54 min
  3. Current Literary Affairs: Pilar Quintana (CO)

    26 FEB.

    Current Literary Affairs: Pilar Quintana (CO)

    >>English below In de zevende aflevering van Current Literary Affairs spreekt Gülden Ilmaz met de Colombiaanse schrijfster Pilar Quintana. Hoe schrijf je over de complexiteit van het moederschap, als dat thema zo lang als vrouwelijk en daarom als niet-literair is beschouwd? En waarom is de jungle zo alomtegenwoordig in Quintana’s werk? Pilar Quintana (1972) is een Colombiaanse schrijfster. Ze brak internationaal door met haar vierde roman, Het teefje (La Perra, 2017). Haar laatste boek is De afgronden (Los abismos, 2021), over een meisje in een appartement vol planten en een moeder die haar eigenlijk niet had willen hebben. Met deze roman won ze de Premio Alfaguara de Novela en werd ze genomineerd voor de National Book Award for Translated Literature. Current Literary Affairs is een podcast over de actualiteit door de lens van de literatuur, waarin we in gesprek gaan met schrijvers van over de hele wereld. Hoe beïnvloedt de politieke situatie in hun land hun leven en werk? Waarom moeten we het écht over hebben? Urgente gesprekken over angst en hoop, woede en trots, het persoonlijke en het politieke. Current Literary Affairs is een productie van SLAA en Read My World. Deze podcast is tot stand gekomen met dank aan het Cultuurfonds en Productiehuis Noord, het mediakanaal van Verdedig Noord. -ENGLISH- In the seventh episode of Current Literary Affairs, Gülden Imaz speaks with Colombian author Pilar Quintana. How to write about the complexities of motherhood, when it has been considered a feminine and therefore unliterary topic for such a long time? And why is the Colombian jungle in Quintana’s work so omnipresent? Pilar Quintana (1972) is a Colombian author. She rose to international fame with her fourth novel, The Bitch (La perra, 2017). Her last book is The Abyss (Los abismos, 2021), about a young girl in apartment filled with plants and a mother who didn’t really want her. This novel was awarded the Premio Alfaguara de Novela and was longlisted for the  National Book Award for Translated Literature. Current Literary Affairs is a podcast about current events through the lens of literature, in which we engage in conversation with writers from all over the world. How do the political circumstances in their country of residence influence their life and work? What are the topics we really should be talking about? CLA brings urgent conversation about fear and hope, outrage and pride, the personal and the political. Current Literary Affairs is a podcast by SLAA and Read My World. This podcast was realized thanks to Cultuurfonds and Productiehuis Noord, the media channel of ‘Verdedig Noord’.

    42 min

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✎ | SLAA | live-podium voor literatuur | online en offline | Wij denken na over de vele gedaantes die literatuur kan aannemen en leggen verbanden met actuele ontwikkelingen binnen de maatschappij. Huis van De Poëziepodcast.

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