Testing How Well Our Husbands Know Us w/ the Beeston Brothers

Fairly Odd Sisters

Happy Valentine’s Day! This week we’re celebrating by bringing on our husbands! We talk about Tanner’s tattoo, played the newlywed game and more! This episode was so fun to film, if you liked it please leave us a review wherever you listen! Listen to the Fairly Odd Sisters on

Spotify & Apple Podcasts:
Spotify // https://open.spotify.com/show/6NUNG59rPABfoHRh2dvEWM?si=GkZlt91RQkehXlW67Av3fg
Apple Podcasts // https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fairly-odd-sisters/id1724839923

Follow the Fairly Odd Sisters Podcast to submit your stories for the pod!:

Follow Sarah & Lo!

Sarah YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheBeestonFam
Lo YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thebeestonbunch

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