The Alisa Childers Podcast

Alisa Childers
The Alisa Childers Podcast

Helping you answer Progressive Christianity and skeptical claims against the gospel from a biblical worldview


    #294 Should Christians Practice Deliverance Ministry? | Pt. 2 Binding Demons & Legal Rights

    In part two of our series on deliverance ministry, we discuss the Greek word daimonizomai, which many deliverance ministers translate as "demonization." We ask whether or not the Bible teaches that Christians can be demonized and what Scripture teaches about how Christians should interact with the demonic. We discuss several Scripture passages that mention binding, loosing, and binding the "strongman," and ask what they mean. Then we discuss the concept of "legal rights," and see what the Bible says about any rights demons may have in the life of the believer. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:FOUNDATION WORLDVIEWFoundation Worldview creates curriculum series that will empower your child to thinkBiblically in a deceptive world. Go to ( for more information! Use my code: ALISASUMMITGive your kids a stronger foundation to embrace a biblical worldview.Go to ( for more informationUse my code: ALISA25GOOD RANCHERSGood Meat DeliveredGo to ( for more information.Use my code: ALISASEVEN WEEKS COFFEETaste the Coffee that is Saving Lives.Go to ( for more information.Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to ( you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: ( order “Another Gospel”: ( order “Live Your Truth": ( order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: ( Alisa's Merch: ( see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to: ( Sponsors: ( links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.

    2u 32m
  2. 6 MRT

    #293 Every Christian Should Know THIS About God’s Character, with Thaddeus Williams

    Thaddeus Williams joins the podcast to talk about how getting to know God in his word will lead to a much deeper experience of joy and true happiness. This episode is perfect for the Christian who is seeking a deeper relationship with God and a more profound experience of the joy we can find only when we truly live out our purpose, which is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. We also discuss how having a proper understanding of God is essential for true worship. Revering God: ( video is sponsored by:SEVEN WEEKS COFFEETaste the Coffee that is Saving Lives.Go to ( for more information.Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to ( you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: ( order “Another Gospel”: ( order “Live Your Truth": ( order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: ( Alisa's Merch: ( see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to: ( Sponsors: (

    1u 4m
  3. 2 MRT

    #292 Finding Peace in an Age of Anxiety, with Jonny Ardavanis (Pastor series Pt. 1)

    In the first episode of our new Pastor series, Jonny Ardavanis, Pastor of Stonebridge Bible Church in Brentwood, TN joins to talk about finding peace in a world filled with distractions, financial pressures, political stress, cultural upheaval, and social media hysteria. Jonny talks about how Christians can approach the topic of anxiety from a biblical worldview and turns our focus onto the nature and character of God, who is our strength and peace. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:SUMMITGive your kids a stronger foundation to embrace a biblical worldview.Go to ( for more informationUse my code: ALISA25GOOD RANCHERSGood Meat DeliveredGo to ( for more information.Use my code: ALISAFOUNDATION WORLDVIEWFoundation Worldview creates curriculum series that will empower your child to thinkBiblically in a deceptive world. Go to ( for more information! Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to ( you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: ( order “Another Gospel”: ( order “Live Your Truth": ( order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: ( Alisa's Merch: ( see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to: ( Sponsors: ( links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.

    1u 8m
  4. 27 FEB

    #291 Is my Favorite Influencer Going Progressive?

    In today's podcast, Alisa shares some insights from Elisabeth Elliot's Through Gates of Splendor, and give some practical tips on how to spot if your favorite influencer, teacher, or leader is leaning toward progressive Christianity. Plus, she shares some important info about what it means to make the Bible your authority. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:GOOD RANCHERSGood Meat DeliveredGo to ( for more information.Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to ( you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: ( order “Another Gospel”: ( order “Live Your Truth": ( order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: ( Alisa's Merch: ( see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to: ( Sponsors: ( links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.

    52 min
  5. 23 FEB

    #290 Christian Faithfulness in a Lost and Hostile Culture, with Erwin Lutzer

    Dr. Erwin Lutzer joins the podcast to talk about his new best-selling book, The Eclipse of God. In this encouraging conversation, we discuss culture, the culture war, and the very real spiritual battle Christians are in. Dr. Lutzer touches on topics like speaking truth in love, living faithfully in a culture of distractions, and what to do when culture brings the war to our doorsteps. He also shares some history about the corrosive influence of Darwin, Freud, and Marx. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:SEVEN WEEKS COFFEETaste the Coffee that is Saving Lives.Go to for more information.Use my code: ALISAFOUNDATION WORLDVIEWFoundation Worldview creates curriculum series that will empower your child to thinkBiblically in a deceptive world.Go to for more information!Use my code: ALISASUMMITGive your kids a stronger foundation to embrace a biblical worldview.Go to for more informationUse my code: ALISA25--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: order “Another Gospel”: order “Live Your Truth": order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: Alisa's Merch: https://alisachilders.creator-spring.comTo see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to: Sponsors: links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.

    55 min
  6. 16 FEB

    #289 Should Christians Practice Deliverance Ministry? Pt. 1, with Doug Geivett and Richard Howe

    Many churches today practice deliverance ministry, which seeks to free people from the oppression and possession of demonic spirits and influence. Deliverance can involve practices like prayer, naming and binding demons, breaking generational curses, taking authority over spirits, and identifying sin patterns that (according to deliverance ministers) give demons "legal rights" to oppress or demonize believers. In this new multi-part series, I'm joined by Doug Geivett and Richard Howe to pose some questions about the general category of "deliverance ministry" and pose some concerns about the lack of biblical basis for these practices. In part 1 of the series, we cover the heart behind this series, and cover the topics of oppression vs. demonization vs. possession, and the concept of the authority of the believer. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:SUMMITGive your kids a stronger foundation to embrace a biblical worldview.Go to ( for more informationUse my code: ALISA25GOOD RANCHERSGood Meat DeliveredGo to ( for more information.Use my code: ALISASEVEN WEEKS COFFEETaste the Coffee that is Saving Lives.Go to ( for more information.Use my code: ALISAFOUNDATION WORLDVIEWFoundation Worldview creates curriculum series that will empower your child to thinkBiblically in a deceptive world. Go to ( for more information! Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to ( you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: ( order “Another Gospel”: ( order “Live Your Truth": ( order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: ( Alisa's Merch: ( see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to: ( Sponsors: ( links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.

    1u 48m
  7. 13 FEB

    #288 Empower Your Kids to Navigate Cultural Challenges with Truth, with Shanda Fulbright

    Former public school teacher Shanda Fulbright joins the podcast to talk about how each Christian parent can navigate the cultural challenges their kids will encounter whether they choose to send them to public school, private school, or homeschool. We talk through practical ways parents can disciple their kids with a biblical worldview in each stage of development. Plus, Shanda is teaching a course for 7th-9th graders on apologetics that includes the foundation of truth and Christianity, as well as a survey of counterfeit gospels and world religions. Her course starts on February 24th, so register your teen today at: Use code ALISA10 for 10% off!------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:GOOD RANCHERSGood Meat DeliveredGo to ( for more information.Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to ( you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: ( order “Another Gospel”: ( order “Live Your Truth": ( order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: ( Alisa's Merch: ( see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to: ( Sponsors: ( links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.

    50 min
  8. 9 FEB

    #287 The Sin of People-Pleasing, with Jinger Duggar Vuolo

    Jinger Duggar Vuolo joins the podcast to talk about how important it is to fear God over man, and how "people-pleasing" can harm relationships, silence truth, and cause mission drift. She shares her story of growing up on TV, breaking free from the false teachings of Bill Gothard, and ultimately overcoming people-pleasing to speak out against these doctrines. She speaks about navigating conflict, applying the Bible to everyday situations, and what it has cost her to fear God over man. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:SEVEN WEEKS COFFEETaste the Coffee that is Saving Lives.Go to for more information.Use my code: ALISAFOUNDATION WORLDVIEWFoundation Worldview creates curriculum series that will empower your child to thinkBiblically in a deceptive world.Go to for more information!Use my code: ALISASUMMITGive your kids a stronger foundation to embrace a biblical worldview.Go to for more informationUse my code: ALISA25--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: order “Another Gospel”: order “Live Your Truth": order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: Alisa's Merch: https://alisachilders.creator-spring.comTo see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to: Sponsors: links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.

    1u 6m

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Helping you answer Progressive Christianity and skeptical claims against the gospel from a biblical worldview

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