16 Year Veteran Finally Starts Creating Videos

Real Estate Marketing Dude Podkast

If you are slacking on creating video, let this be a lesson. No one really loves to be in front of the camera, even if they seem like it, they probably don't. We don't do it because we love it, we do it because it's essential to growing our brand. Jordan Silvester found that out, and listen to see how it helped his business explode. ResourceCheck Out Jordan's WebsiteReal Estate Marketing DudeThe Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)REMD on YouTubeREMD on InstagramTranscript:What's up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast. Folks, we're gonna be chatting about today is something I think everyone's going to get a little bit of a kick out of. Look, none of us want to get on social media. We do it because being on social media creates money. It creates clients, it creates a tension, it builds your brand.00:04:47:12 - 00:05:04:04UnknownBut if we really had an option, me included in this, I'd go hide behind. I'd sit on my couch all day and watch television or play video games or something. Know, I wouldn't be out there creating content, doing all the stuff on social media because I'm do it because I know I have to. Reality is, if you're not doing it, somebody else is.00:05:04:04 - 00:05:31:22UnknownAnd building your brand on social, whether it's Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, I mean, honestly, it's all of them. If you're not doing it, somebody else is. And that's why you need to be there. 100% of your future clients will be online and over 80% of them will use the first person they come into contact with, many of which happens to be the first person they're either introduced to or they personally meet or they run into at a bar or restaurant or through a family or friend.00:05:31:22 - 00:05:52:07UnknownThat's just basically how it is in other words, this damn business is nothing more than a giant popularity contest. So I get a message and we got a we got a Canadian coming up on the house today and he's not too deep in the count. He's just over the just over the border. But not that that matters. But he's a you know, he just that's a story.00:05:52:07 - 00:06:08:02UnknownWould I just what I just laid up. I hate social media. I don't want to do it. But once I started doing it, I started getting a lot of buzz. People started commenting and all sudden I feel like I'm getting all these conversations I never would have had unless I'd started doing it to begin with. So we're going to hear a story and see why he does it.00:06:08:02 - 00:06:23:06UnknownAnd I'm hopefully it's going to kick you in the ass and why you need to do it too. And if you even are doing it, you need to get a little bit more consistent. Let's we all do. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guest from the other side of the pond, not pond water. Mr. Jordan Sylvester, What's up, dude?00:06:23:08 - 00:06:45:02UnknownHey, man. Thanks so much for having me today, Mike. It's great to get a chance to just chat about the excitement of real estate and trying to figure out where that next deal comes from. You know, the the the infamous pipeline conversation, Where where's the where's the next one going to come from and what are we going? Yeah, feast or famine, peaks or valleys, month the month, week to week client by clients, you name it.00:06:45:02 - 00:07:05:12UnknownRight. So tell me a little bit about yourself. I saw everyone who you are. Before we get started here and I got a bunch of different questions and one here, your story on how why you actually like social media nuggets. You don't like it, do you know? I'm not a huge fan of social media. And if you actually were to go to my Facebook page and look at posts previous to basically this August, you'd see five over the last two years.00:07:05:16 - 00:07:25:04UnknownAnd two of them are, Hey, you want to come hang out at my birthday on the patio crammed into one of our local watering holes. So but I understood that in the market shift in the w

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