328: Lehigh Acres, FL $339,000 3/2

Rent to Retirement Hotlist Podkast

This is a 1,406 square foot property with 3 beds, 2 baths, built in 2023.

Price: $339,000

Rent: $2,600

Estimated Monthly Cash Flow: $581

Cash flow based on 25% down, 3% vacancy, 0% maintenance, 7% management

Find more information at www.RentToRetirement.com or call 1-800-311-6781

We offer high quality, turnkey rental properties in markets that maximize cash flow, equity & appreciation! All properties are renovated, leased & managed allowing you to passively build a rental portfolio while you learn along the way. Please contact us for our full inventory, or to schedule a consultation. Rent To Retirement is your partner in achieving financial freedom through real estate investing!

*Information given is to the best knowledge of Rent to Retirement. All individuals are solely responsible for conduction of their own evaluation and verifying all data related to any specific property.

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