38 - Finding your zone of genius and unlocking your potential w/ Jas, @zenrowco

Build Your Own Business Podkast

In this episode, I talk with Jas about how to simultaneously make the most money and find the most fulfillment in life. Tune in to get advice on discovering your own path, understanding if you're made for more than a traditional 9-5, and if you can build a business without working on your mindset.

Connect with Jas



SHOWNOTES: Come say hi on instagram (@shaniaclarke.co)! Are you a new coach in the first year of business and struggling to sign consistent clients? My Invisible To Visible 1:1 program will help you go from overwhelmed and confused to a confident and empowered visibility queen that consistently sells out her services by simply showing up as herself on video and posting content that resonates with her ideal clients. All it takes to book out your services is implementing my magnetic marketing strategies. Send me a DM on Instagram or go to https://calendly.com/shaniaclarke/salescall to apply.

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