88-Become a Non-Diet Coach

Undiet Your Coaching Podkast

Want to get an inside view of what happened in Stephanie’s most recent free training - How to Become a Non-Diet Coach? Get listening!

Become a Non-Diet Coach

This is a live audio recording of the training class - How to Become a Non-Diet Coach held on November 8th, 2023.  If you want to the visual of the class and see the slides and other visual cues you can SIGN UP HERE for the video replay for free.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

✔ Gain clarity on what the Non-Diet approach to health for women is … and what is not. 

✔ Four mistakes people make when coaching women with health and how to avoid them

✔ What makes the Non-Diet Coaching Certification unique and why you will stand out after graduating

✔  Plus you’ll get to hear from a few of our incredible students on how their practice has been transformed by coaching through the lens of the Going Beyond The Food Methodology

Mentioned in the show:

Non-Diet Coaching Certification

How to Become a Non-Diet Coach video recording

Free Client Assessment Forms

Free Training & Resources 

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