Chasing Dreams

Donna Fathi
Chasing Dreams Podkast

Join me as I talk about the addiction of growing your business with the need for continuous side hustles. The hustle never stops especially for you TRUE entrepreneurs out there who have failed as many times as I have. One thing we share in common is that we never quit. We get up each time we fall and face more challenges because honestly, it's our adrenaline. Business is our drug of choice. Hustle is in our blood. If you find yourself talking to much without taking any action, give this a listen. You will learn that you are not alone when it comes to building your dreams. Gotta do it!


  1. 16.06.2022

    The World is Messed Up - Back With My Confidence Ready to Help All Barbers, Stylists & SMP Artists

    I’m BACK! If anyone cares lol. Since I’ve been away for the past 2 years, I did a lot of self reflecting and researching on why there are some people out there who are so about putting others down as their only means to gain confidence in themselves. I really wish I knew about Narcissistic Personality Disorders sooner because this is exactly what I went through without even knowing it. That’s the dangerous thing about having narcissistic people around you…they can take a toll on the people they are around and for some emotionally abuse them with neither parties even realizing it. I researched about why people hate as well as it’s something I have zero energy for. Positive people are wired to love, embrace and support so all this negativity is something that is not built in our mindset. Please take a listen and I also wish to congratulate Johnny Depp on fighting his big time snake Amber Heard as I know the feeling oh so well. Narcissistic people are amazing at lying and enhancing the stories to make their victims look like the big bad wolf. So to those who believe the narcissist who name drop others and put them down…get educated. People who love to name drop are the number one people who you should never ever trust. They love to talk behind other peoples back. After listening to this episode, be sure to listen to this other episode that explains the characteristics of a narcissist. Call her daddy podcast: It all makes sense now. You can tell in my voice that I am healed. I will definitely showcase more episodes on other ways people do me dirty. You’ll be amazed how living your life to the fullest and being happy and goal oriented can make others who barely know you automatically hate you lol. Welcome to the world is messed up.

    7 min


Join me as I talk about the addiction of growing your business with the need for continuous side hustles. The hustle never stops especially for you TRUE entrepreneurs out there who have failed as many times as I have. One thing we share in common is that we never quit. We get up each time we fall and face more challenges because honestly, it's our adrenaline. Business is our drug of choice. Hustle is in our blood. If you find yourself talking to much without taking any action, give this a listen. You will learn that you are not alone when it comes to building your dreams. Gotta do it!

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