AICPCU Panel on Computer Crime Podcast

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The American Institute for CPCU and the Insurance Institute of America, known as "The Instutues," are pleased to continue a series of podcasts focusing on ethics and professional standards for the insurance industry.

In this program, a panel of experts discusses issues of computer security and computer crime, and precautions companies should take to combat computer crime.

- Lori Bailey, Assistant Vice President, Technology Products, AIG National Union
- Rich Berthelsen, Director of Content Development at The Institutes, and a risk management expert
- Shena Crowe, InfraGuard coordinator with the FBI's San Francisco Field Office

Download the podcast here (64.4 mb stereo MP3 file, 46.55 duration).

The American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (AICPCU) and the Insurance Institute of America (IIA) are independent, nonprofit organizations offering educational programs and professional certification to people in all segments of the property and liability insurance business. We respond to the educational needs of people in insurance and risk management to help them provide professional service to the public. More than 150,000 insurance practitioners around the world are involved in Institute programs.

For more information, visit the website, email, phone (800) 644-2101, or fax (610) 640-9576.

Keywords: AICPCU, insurance, The Institutes, risk management,computer crime,data security

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