Better hybrid work places are built with trust and empathy

Remote Works: Work Rebalanced Podkast

Trust is crucial at a hybrid workplace. But it’s often hard to find between colleagues. According to the Citrix Work Balanced report, 8 in 10 employees say it’s important to have an employer they can trust. However, less than half the workforce says they actually trust their bosses. Meanwhile, a growing number of employers are turning to monitoring software to ensure productivity – often unaware or ignorant of the negative impacts of stealthy supervision tactics. (There are, of course, industries such as banking where monitoring workers’ online activity is necessary due to compliance issues.) This can lead to resentment and loss of morale among employees, and ultimately the decision to call it quits.

In this episode, we hear some anonymized accounts of workers who were told to come into the office because their employers wouldn’t trust them to be actually working from home or were asked to use employee monitoring software to ensure they were actually fulfilling their tasks. Later on, Curtin University research fellow Caroline Knight talks about outdated concepts such as "presentee-ism" that are hard to break, and why managers and employees need to learn how to trust each other and build empathy. Finally, Bhushan Sethi, global leader of People and Organization at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, tells us how the accounting firm has launched a Trust Leadership Institute to help business leaders figure out a new road map to a more inclusive and empathetic workplace.

Hybrid work is here to stay. A hybrid work report offers global opinion research based on fieldwork by Citrix that can help business leaders, IT leaders, and employees build the new world of work.

Work Rebalanced: The Citrix Hybrid Work Report utilizes four key pillars — technology, flexibility, trust, and collaboration — to understand the forces challenging and reshaping their organizations.

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