Chris and Dave’s Reality TV Cast: MAFS UK S9

Whatever: Reality TV Edition
Chris and Dave’s Reality TV Cast: MAFS UK S9

Your unofficial companion podcast to all things Reality TV, like Love Island (UK, USA and Australia), Love Is Blind, Too Hot To Handle, Singletown, Labor of Love, Married at First Sight UK (MAFS) and more shows in the future. Formerly Love Island Cast podcast. Chris is the total fanboy of reality TV, whereas Dave was drawn in during the UK Love Island season 5. The boys watch each episode of a series and give their brutally honest take on what's going on and have plenty of laughs along the way. Please contact us on:


Your unofficial companion podcast to all things Reality TV, like Love Island (UK, USA and Australia), Love Is Blind, Too Hot To Handle, Singletown, Labor of Love, Married at First Sight UK (MAFS) and more shows in the future. Formerly Love Island Cast podcast. Chris is the total fanboy of reality TV, whereas Dave was drawn in during the UK Love Island season 5. The boys watch each episode of a series and give their brutally honest take on what's going on and have plenty of laughs along the way. Please contact us on:

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